Mrs. Diehl – 7th Grade Social Studies – Room 208
Email –
School Phone – 919-751-7100
Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Welcome! Every student who enters my classroom has the right to learn, just as I have the right to teach in an environment that is safe, suitable to learning, and free from any distractions. In order to maintain these rights, students should be aware of the responsibilities and expectations designed to help them continue to be hard working and dedicated students. I will help students discover their full potential by providing a rigorous curriculum based on the Social Studies Common Core
Essential Standards in my classroom. Please be aware of my rules, expectations, procedures, and consequences.
Classroom Rules…..
Be in your assigned seat at the time designated by the teacher, prepared with all materials and ready to work
Remain in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise
Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak
Keep hands, feet, and all objects to yourself
Follow directions the first time they are given, and remain on task during class time
….. (Will include any of the following, though not necessarily in this order – depends on the severity of the infraction)
Students will lose points for failing to follow any of the class or school rules!
Warning and/or Point loss
Time-Out (in my room or another teacher’s room) and/or Silent Lunch (in either case, student will be required to fill out a Refocus sheet and/or Responsibilities writing assignment)
Chill Out – (Refocus sheet and/or Responsibilities writing assignment will be required; student will complete and return to me)
Parent Contact – phone call, email, note home, conference
Office Referral
Class Procedures…..
Beginning of class – Students should enter class quietly, and sit in their assigned seat; they should immediately begin their daily warm-up (Helpers will be assigned to pass out notebooks, folders, and zippered pouches). Each Monday, students will receive a new warm-up – this will be due at the beginning of class each Friday. This warm-up will consist of a Social Studies based Reading Comprehension practice passage or article, as well as questions and/or activities to follow. The warm-up will stay in the student’s
Social Studies folder, and students will use the first few minutes of class on Monday-
Thursday to completely annotate/mark-up the passage or article, and complete the assigned questions and/or activities.
Students are tardy to my class if they are not in their seat at the designated time (morning tardy time is 7:37); they will lose a point for being tardy (without a note from the office). Sign in (clipboard) with your name, date, time, and reason on the clipboard if you are tardy.
End of Class/Dismissal – Students should stay in their seat, quiet, until the teacher dismisses them
– not the bell or the clock.
Attention – When the teacher wants the class’ attention, they will see my hand or I will turn the classroom lights off – they should freeze, be silent, and turn and face the teacher
– wait for instruction.
Movement (outside of the class) – Students should wait for the teacher to dismiss them; they should line up according to instructions, and remain in a line and silent while walking to their destination.
Bathroom – Students will have scheduled bathroom breaks during the day. Going at other times than the scheduled times will cost you a point.
Sign out (clipboard) after receiving teacher permission if you are going at a non-designated time.
Lunchroom – Line up in a straight line in area designated by the teacher. Wait for the teacher to signal for the line leader to go. The last person out of the classroom closes the door. Do not talk until you are inside the cafeteria. Go through the serving line only once; get what you need – ask permission if you need to return to the line. Talk quietly at your table only. Do not move from table to table. Tables will be dismissed one at a time.
Do not get up to throw trash away until your table is dismissed. Everyone will take a turn to wash tables and sweep (Helpers).
No food or drink will be taken out of the cafeteria.
Fire Drill – Leave the classroom silently and exit the building per teacher instruction.
The last person out of the classroom closes the door and cuts off the lights. Line up where your teacher directs you (will always be the same place). Turn around and face the building and remain in a straight line; I have to take roll (DO NOT TALK!). When the signal is given to return to the building, wait to be directed by the teacher.
Computer Lab – Carry a pencil with you. Sit in your assigned seat. Do your own work.
Do not talk. Follow all classroom rules. Walk to and from the lab on the right hand side of the hall in a line silently.
Lockers – Locker times are tentatively scheduled for 7:30 (you must not enter my room in the morning until you have been to your locker – do not go back out into the hallway after entering my room without permission) , at your elective times, and again at the end of the day. Other times will be a point deduction.
Class Change – Line up in the hallway in the area designated by the teacher. Do not talk in the hall. Do not block another teachers’ door or disturb them in any way.
Progress Reports and Late/Missing Work – Students will get progress reports approximately every 3 to 4 weeks. I may accept late work or allow students to make up missing assignments depending on the circumstances; however, they will have points deducted from their grade (not behavior points) for turning assignments in late. It is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for their work if they have been absent!
Grading – Tests/Projects count 50%; Classwork counts 30%; Homework counts 20%.
The Social Studies Interactive Notebook (INB) counts as a Test/Project grade when the teacher grades it (twice per nine weeks), and as a Classwork grade when the teacher randomly assigns a self/peer review. Daily warm-up Reading passages/articles will count as a Classwork grade. Homework will not be given every night; when I do assign
Homework, it usually consists of reading/review questions/practice worksheet, etc…
Library Books - Students should ALWAYS bring their library book (Accelerated
Reader) to class. This is so they will have something to do if they should happen to finish an assignment early. Not bringing a library book to class may result in loss of behavior points.
Please detach the bottom portion and return to Mrs. Diehl……………
Parent Signature – My child and I have read, and agree to abide by the above rules, expectations, consequences, and procedures for Mrs. Diehl’s Social Studies classes.
Parent Name, Number and E-Mail for Contact Info.