- carbonn Climate Registry

Planering och strategi
Lennart Erfors
Mobility management and sustainable
transports in Kristianstad
EHCC presentation 2014
Summary of work that has been done
The municipality of Kristianstad has resolved to gradually become a fossil-fuel
free municipality and has worked to introduce biogas as vehicle fuel to achieve
this objective since 1999. Efforts to introduce sustainable modes of transport
have intensified and broadened.
The municipality has attempted to take a holistic approach on sustainable mobility by endeavouring to offer all municipal residents some environmentally-adapted
alternatives for their journeys. This has included organising various projects for
cycling, public transport, car pooling, car sharing, eco-driving, etc. The task of
introducing biogas as vehicle fuel remains a crucial part of this work.
Kristianstad’s biogas plant was taken into operation to process organic waste in
1996. The gas produced was initially used as fuel in the municipality’s district
heating plant. As of 1999 however a portion of the gas and gas from the sewage
works is purified and made into gas for vehicles. Today, all city buses run on
biogas, production and purification capacity has risen considerably and there are
two public filling stations in Kristianstad and one in Åhus.
The municipality is actively working to increase the number of biogas vehicles by
spreading information about financial and environmental benefits on the munici-
pality’s website and during meetings with different stakeholders. Procurement is
also a tool used to increase renewable fuels in the transport sector.
European Mobility Week
Description: Various events is organised during the week. Examples of activities
arranged over the years are a biogas cars parade, field trips to biogas plants and
guided cycling trips. Kristianstad has taken part in EMW during the last years
except from 2013 and is from 2014 again at partner in EMW. This year we will
arrange a course in travel free meetings for staff at Kristianstad municipality,
invite companies to discuss strategies and processes to engage in sustainable
mobility and take part in the national competition Commute Greener.
Purpose: The purpose of the European Mobility Week in Kristianstad is to
spread information about climate issues and sustainable mobility.
Results: The Mobility Week events have been successful. Organising many
activities during one week, however, requires a lot of time for planning but other
municipal expenses is relatively low.
Car sharing/ car pool
In the parking lot in the central Tivoliparken in Kristianstad “Solbilspoolen” is established. Over the cars, which right now are four Nissan Leaf, a solar roof that
charges the cars has been built. Here, individuals, municipal employees and
enterprises can rent a small, handy electric car at a good price. The only requirement is a valid driver's license and that you register as a member through
the website.
Purpose: The purpose is to introduce electric vehicle for enterprises, hotels and
the public.
Results: Four electric vehicles are now available in the car pool.
Besides major incentives in urban investments to improve the infrastructure for
cycling Kristianstad municipality has also invested in information activities and
Bicycle orienteering (still ongoing)
Description: The annual bicycle orienteering has become very popular. The
objective is competition to cycle a route and answer questions about various
sites in town.
Purpose: The purpose was in part to encourage cycling enthusiasts by arranging
a pleasant activity and fine prizes, and in part to introduce new cycling routes to
those who do not often cycle.
Results: The project is much appreciated by the public and several people called
to say that they had discovered new cycling routes.
Skåne Trampar (a Bike to work – campaign)
Description: A cycle-to-work campaign open to the whole community is arranged in twice every year by the regional Sustainable mobility Skåne (HM
Skåne). All workplaces can register their employees for the campaign which is
designed to encourage participants to cycle to and from work as many times as
possible during a one-month period. Several prizes are raffled out among the
Purpose: The purpose of the cycle-to-work campaign is in part to encourage
more people to cycle to work and in part to encourage those who already do so
to continue.
Results: The cycle-to-work campaign has become a well-known, popular and
appreciated event.
Public transport
Testresenärerna (Pilot travellers)
Description: Two intervals of the Testresenärerna project were carried out in
2006. In the project, habitual motorists use public transport instead of the car for
work-related journeys during a one-month period in exchange for a free
Skånekort (travel pass). The regional Public transport organisation, Skånetrafiken, carries out this from 2012 and it is still ongoing.
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to attract habitual motorist and introduce
public transport opportunities to them as well as to gain media attention for commuting by bus and train.
Results: A large proportion of those who tried commuting by bus or train appear
to continue.
Description: Eco-driving training has been provided to municipal employees,
most of who work in social care services as well as a few at central management
and facilities management. The participants reduced their everyday fuel consumption by an average of 4%. The plan is to offer new lectures within the municipal energy efficiency program during 2014
Purpose: The purpose of the training programme is to reduce fuel consumption
in the long term.
Results: To keep fuel-consumption levels at the new lower level, the drivers
need to know how much fuel they consume when they drive even after the
course. It might also be an idea for workplaces to introduce some type of reward
system for those who drive fuel efficiently.
Smart trafikant (Traffic smart)
Description: The municipality has prepared information pamphlets called Smart
Trafikant. Each pamphlet describes commuting alternatives between a specific
residential area and a workplace. Comparisons between travelling by bicycle,
bus and car are presented in terms of minutes, carbon dioxide emission, health
and costs. The pamphlet has been distributed in connection with town square
activities during the European Mobility Week.
Purpose: The purpose of the pamphlets is to show that for journeys in the city
the bicycle is as quick as the car, carbon dioxide emission is zero for cycling and
the health and financial benefits are significant.
Results: Many like that the pamphlets describe health benefits in the amount of
kilos of chocolate burned by cycling various distances. People also appear to
appreciate that there are pamphlets for their particular residential area and not
just general figures.
Hälsotrampare (Cycling for health)
Description: Hälsotramparna is a project in which habitual motorists commit to
journey to and from work by bicycle instead of car during a fixed period in exchange for bicycle equipment. The project was carried out once in 2006, and also
between October 2006 and April 2007. In the first round, physical exams were
given to the participants that showed improved health conditions for most of the
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to generate publicity for the positive effects of cycling in terms health, finances and the environment.
Results: Media coverage was substantial the first time the project was carried
out but the second interval which is currently in progress does not receive as
much attention. Hälsotramparna participants are inclined to continue cycling after
the project but only until the start of the winter season.
Klasstrampet (Bike to school)
Description: The competition Klasstrampet is for primary school children in classes 4 and 5. The idea is that the classes will cycle to school as often as possible
during a period of one month. The class with the most cycling children will receive an award. The competition was carried out in May and October 2006 and
also some following years. The classes followed up on the project by illustrating
the total cycled distance of the class or by somehow illustrating the amount of
carbon dioxide emission saved.
Purpose: The purpose of the project is to reduce the proportion of children that
are driven to school by making children and parents aware of cycling’s health
benefits, the consequently improved traffic situation outside schools when fewer
are driven and how much less carbon dioxide is emitted by not journeying by car.
Results:We can see that this is a project that does not require substantial resources in relation to how many are interested in participating. There are also
several good examples of how the project can be followed up from a teaching
Winter cycling
Description: During autumn 2010 and winter 2010-2011 interviews with different
people riding there bikes during the winter were published in 4 numbers of the
newspaper “Tidningen Kristianstad”, which is distributed to all households in the
municipality 8 times a year. People with different backgrounds, age and gender
were asked to describe the good and positive things about riding a bike in the
winter time and to give some good advices to people thinking about trying it.
Purpose: The purpose was to show people in the municipality that it is possible
to ride a bike during the colder part of the year when there is snow and ice outside, and to encourage and inspire more people to use their bikes during the
Results: The project is ongoing at the moment. One of the local news papers
helped spreading the message by publishing articles about winter bicycling, interviewing both a cyclist and one of the bicycle-shop owners that had sold out all
the winter tires with studs.