Syllabus - Saint Mary`s College of California

KINES 15: Research Methods and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Professor: Rebecca Concepcion
Phone: 631-4387
Fall 2013
Course Syllabus
Class meets: MWF 9:15-10:20/10:30-11:35/Dante 217
Office: 104 St. Joseph Hall
Office Hours: M 3-4 PM & TW 12-1 PM; by appt.
COURSE DESCRIPTION- Overview of the course:
This course is an introduction to the research methods and measurement utilized in exercise
science, sport, and health. There are three main goals in the course. First, is to provide an
overview of the research methods used in kinesiology and increase a student’s understanding of
empirical literature. The second major goal is to educate the student on proper discipline-specific
communication, both written and oral, which will serve as a means for demonstrating
understanding of research, measurement, and dissemination in Kinesiology. The third goal is to
examine how we measure the important variables in the field and how various tests in the cognitive,
affective and psychomotor domains are constructed and implemented effectively. We will explore
the value of the scientific method and learn how to locate, interpret, and critique scientific literature
in the subdisciplines within Kinesiology and thus, build on skills developed in English 5.
This course is taken concurrently with COMM 190 Writing Circles for Kinesiology. This is a .25
credit course that will support your work in this course.
LEARNING OUTCOMES- By the end of the course students will be able to:
1. Locate, using search strategies and library databases, and critically evaluate empirical
research in the major subdisciplines within Kinesiology.
2. Understand basic statistical procedures used in discipline-specific research and demonstrate
how to integrate statistical concepts into scholarly writing.
3. Know the historical development and current status of ethical treatment of participants in
4. Understand the concept of intellectual property and practice academic honesty.
5. Demonstrate improved communication skills (both verbal and written) that are appropriate
for a professional audience while utilizing APA citation format.
6. Recognize and compose readable prose, as characterized by clear and careful organization,
coherent paragraphs and well-constructed sentences that employ the conventions of
Standard Written English and appropriate diction.
7. Analyze the structure of Kinesiology research articles so as to construct ones that are well
supported, are well reasoned, and are controlled by a thesis or exploratory question.
8. Critically read, review, and edit for publication a peer's written document.
9. Arrange materials for a resource file that can be used for lifelong learning on these topics.
10. Identify and understand how to administer the different types of tests (psychomotor,
cognitive, affective tests) used in the field.
11. Evaluate the appropriateness of tests used in the field and identify factors that inhibit each
test’s reliability and validity.
12. Distinguish between effective and ineffective testing methods used by practitioners.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES- All students are expected to do the following:
 Read all assigned readings PRIOR TO class and come prepared to discuss the topics in class
 Attend all class periods and participate in discussions in a meaningful way that facilitates
learning within the group. Attendance is expected at all class meetings. Accordingly, there
is no penalty for the first four absences (other than the possibility of missing a quiz and/or
key information for an upcoming exam/course project). However, your grade will be
affected significantly (80 point penalty) by any absences after the fourth absence. In
KINES 15: Research Methods and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Fall 2013
Course Syllabus
addition, a student missing more than six classes will not receive higher than a C; a student
missing more than eight classes will receive a failing grade in the course. (According to SMC
attendance policy, student-athletes, in the season in which their sport has schedules
intercollegiate competitions, will not be penalized for missing class because of representing
the College in those competitions – so long as the student’s absence from the class for the
purpose of intercollegiate athletic competition does not exceed FOUR days of class). Please
notify me ASAP if your feel that your attendance will hinder your grade.
 Complete all assignments on time. 10% of total possible points will be deducted each day an
assignment is late.
 Students are also responsible for all material presented in class including announcements
about course policies and procedures. When you miss a class, you are still responsible for
the material covered for that day.
 To inform the instructor of any special accommodations or concerns that you have regarding
the course. Student Disability Services extends reasonable and appropriate accommodations
that take into account the context of the course and its essential elements for individuals
with qualifying disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student
Disability Services Office at (925) 631-4358 to set up a confidential appointment to
discuss accommodation guidelines and available services. Additional information regarding
the services available may be found at the following address on the Saint Mary’s website:
 To uphold SMC’s commitment to diversity. The School of Liberal Arts has three
educational purposes: 1) to free the mind from ignorance and error; 2) to foster selfdiscovery and personal development; and 3) to promote understanding of the world and
one’s place in it. In accordance with these goals and in compliance with applicable law and
its own policy, SMC prohibits discrimination against any member of the school’s community
on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex/gender/marital status, ancestry,
sexual orientation, medical condition or physical or mental disability. Furthermore, the
curriculum is designed, implemented, and evaluated in a manner that promotes the
acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all
students learn.
 To adhere to the College’s Academic Honor Code (AHC). Saint Mary’s College
expects every member of its community to abide by the Academic Honor Code. According to
the Code, “Academic dishonesty is a serious violation of College policy because, among other
things, it undermines the bonds of trust and honesty between members of the
community.” Violations of the Code include but are not limited to acts plagiarism. For more
information, please consult the Student Handbook at All papers and responses must be your own work and must be
original for this course. All sources that you use (either directly or indirectly) must be cited
in a consistent manner that avoids plagiarism.
 In accordance with Kinesiology Department policy and to help ensure adherence to the SMC
Honor Code we will be using in this class. This means that students will be
responsible for submitting all course projects into in the same way that they
have done in other classes. Papers not submitted to will not be graded and
students will not be given credit for completing the assignment until this process is
KINES 15: Research Methods and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Fall 2013
Course Syllabus
complete. Specific instructions on how to submit the papers will be given on the individual
Required textbook:
 Morrow, J. R., Jackson, A. W., Disch, J. G., & Mood, D. P. (2011). Measurement and
Evaluation in Human Performance (4th Edition). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. (This
book is available in the SMC bookstore and online at and various
textbook outlets.)
 Hubbuch, S. M. (2005). Writing Research Papers Across the Curriculum (5th Edition).
Boston, MA: Wadsworth. (This book was required for English 5 and is available at the SMC
bookstore and at various textbook outlets).
Additional readings will be distributed in class or via GaelLearn:
 Selected readings from Pyrczak, F. (2008). Evaluating Research in Academic Journals: A
Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation (2nd Edition). Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing
6 quizzes
Course Projects (3)
Peer-writing Evals (2)
Midterms (2)
Final Exam
60 (10 pts. each)
300 points (100 pts. each)
40 points total
200 points (100 pts. each)
100 points
100 points (30 pts. for scaffolding writing assignments)
800 total points
1. Project 1: Research Paper.
a. Project 1a Annotated Bibliography: For this assignment you will choose from a list of
topics that have been researched in the Kinesiology literature, gather 8 related articles on
that topic, and summarize the methods, the findings, and discuss the importance of the
research for practitioners in the field. (40 pts.)
b. Project 1b Research design/IRB Proposal: For this assignment you will utilize previous
research as the framework for a research proposal utilizing the IRB templates from SMC.
You will also construct the methodology for a proposed research project based on the
literature you reviewed. The first four homeworks are writing assignments that will
prepare you for this part of Project 1. Part 2 will be peer-reviewed and rewritten before
being submitted as a final assignment. The draft, peer-comments, and final version of this
assignment will be submitted to your professor. At the end of the semester, you will
submit your Researcher’s Journal with all written assignments for this project collected in
an organized fashion. (40 pts.)
c. Project 1c Research Presentation & Abstract: Prepare and deliver an oral presentation of
your paper/proposal. An abstract of your paper will be distributed to your classmates to
facilitate their understanding of your paper. (20 pts.)
2. Newsletter/News article. In this project, you will review various health, fitness, or sports
business newsletters and news articles, examine their audience, and analyze the delivery of
the message. Next, you will read selected scientific research articles and prepare a newsletter
or news article for the general public based on the information from these articles. You will
revise this work based on feedback from peer reviews. (100 pts.)
3. Qualitative Research: An Oral History Interview. Interview an older female to describe their
overall experience with athletics. Develop a set of interview questions to inquire about
KINES 15: Research Methods and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Fall 2013
Course Syllabus
opportunities, types of activities, acceptance, norms, and the value of sport when they were
younger. Utilize coding methods, practice coding others’ interview transcripts, and construct
a qualitative report based on this interview. Project 3 will be peer-reviewed and rewritten
before being submitted as a final assignment. The draft, peer-comments, and final version of
this assignment will be submitted to your professor. (100 pts.)
1. Research Project Idea Development
2. Research Project Concept Paper & Professor Interview
3. Database Search Plan
4. Reading and reviewing research articles
5. NIH Ethics Certification
6. a. Calculating central tendency & b. Calculating variability of a sample
7. Constructing and evaluating a test
8. Mood and exercise
9. a. Writing a Newsletter & b. Peer Review
10. Calculating correlations
Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (CWAC): Writers of all disciplines and levels,
undergraduate and graduate, are invited to drop in or make appointments for one-on-one sessions
with Writing Advisers – in Dante 202 or via Skype screen-sharing. Writers should bring their
assignments, texts, and notes. CWAC’s hours are 5-8 p.m. Sunday; 12-7 p.m. Monday; and 12-8 p.m.
Tuesday through Thursday. Contact info: 925.631.4684.
You will consult with CWAC advisers in your Writing Circle on Projects 1 & 3.
Saint Albert Hall Library: Reference/Information assistance is available at the Reference Desk,
by phone 925.631.4624, email, text message or chat. Check the Library’s “Ask Us” link for
details: Extended assistance by appointment is also
available. Contact your subject librarian for Kinesiology or any of the Reference librarians for an
KINES 15: Research Methods and Evaluation in Kinesiology
Wk 1
Wk 2
Wk 3
Wk 4
Wk 5
Wk 6
Wk 7
Wk 8
Wk 9
Wk 11
Assessment Terminology
Exploring Research Topics
Assessment Terminology*
Reading Research
APA citation format
Library Day: Wildenradt
Writing Research Reviews
Reading Research for
Analyzing Research
Descriptive Statistics*
Ethics in Research
Ethics in Research/Peer Review
Guest: Prof. Debra Pace
Career Center
MJDM, Ch. 1
Hubbuch, p. 19-25
MJDM, Ch. 1
Hubbuch, Ch. 2
Test Construction*
Exam #1
Assessment Issues in Kinesiology
Midterm Holiday-No School
Interpreting Science for the Lay
Audience *
KINES Science Writing
KINES Science Writing
Exam #2
Analyzing Research-correlations
Inferential Statistics *
Inferential Statistics
Analyzing Research-t-tests
Analyzing Research-Chi-Square
Analyzing Research-ANOVA
Qualitative Research *
Chapter 8
Hubbuch, p. 98-108
HW 1- Research Project Idea Development
HW 2- Research Project Concept Paper &
Professor Interview
HW 3 Database Search
HW 4- Reading/Reviewing Research
Writing Circles review Project 1a
HW 5a- Central Tendency & 5b Variance
HW 6- NIH Ethics Certification
Project 1a due
Topic: Internships
Chapter 6
Draft of Project 1b due (2 copies)
HW 7 - Test Construction
Ch. 12
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 11
Peer Review of Project 1b due
HW 8- Mood and Exercise
Final Project 1b due
GL articles
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Proj. 2a - Writing a Newsletter (2 copies)
Proj. 2b - Peer Review of Newsletter
Proj. 2c - Revised Newsletter
HW 11- Calculating Correlations
Writing Circles review Project 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
GL article
GL article
GL article
Hubbuch, p. 362-371;
GL article
HW 12- Understanding Chi-Square
Proj. 3a - Interview
Project 1b Abstract Due
Proj. 3b - Coding Interview Data
Project 1c Due
Researcher’s Journal due
Date: TBA
Dates and topics subject to change.
Course Syllabus
Chapter 3
Qualitative Research
Thanksgiving Holiday!!
Qualitative Research
Presentation Guidelines
Share Qualitative Findings
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Exam Review
Final Exam
* Possible quiz on this day.
Fall 2013