SUMMARY OF GOALS – PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS – JULY 1, 2014 – JUNE 30, 2015 The key goals for the President and Vice-Presidents for the 2014/15 year are centered around the continued implementation of initiatives relating to Forward with Integrity, including supporting and promoting research excellence, developing the University’s partnerships at the local, national and international levels, continuing to enhance the student experience and providing support to the academic mission via fundraising, advocacy and through flexible and integrated administrative processes. Other key initiatives focus on the integration of major projects such as the Mosaic ERP system, encouraging informed discussion of issues such as resource distribution and the broader financial context for universities, and promoting key University values. NAME/POSITION Patrick Deane, President and Vice-Chancellor David Wilkinson, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) KEY GOALS FOR 2014-2015 Further develop the academic reforms envisaged by Forward with Integrity, including the integration of research and community engagement activities into the undergraduate curriculum, and the development of initiatives intended to further support and promote research excellence at McMaster. Continue to promote the academic, organizational, and personal values that underpin the mission of the University, including working to encourage respectful debate and a high-level of academic discourse across the campus. Continue to position McMaster in the broader academic community and with government both as a major research-intensive University and a leader with regard to the thoughtful transformation of undergraduate education. Consolidate the new administrative structures for both community engagement and internationalization and establish a coordinated and integrated approach to the University’s work in those areas. Maximize the integration of major projects with the values of Forward with Integrity and encourage informed discussion about resource distribution within the University, as well as the broader and long-term financial context for post-secondary institutions. Support the President in the implementation of FWI-based academic reform, including the implementation of the University’s Strategic Mandate Agreement and the development of new undergraduate and graduate programs as outlined in the SMA. Continue to focus on both academic and non-academic enhancements to the student experience. Mo Elbestawi, VicePresident (Research and International Affairs) Develop an enrolment strategy to plan for future enrolment growth/realignment and potential campus expansion and further develop institutional capacity to produce and deliver digital content through online and blended learning courses. Ensure the provision of increased faculty development opportunities, including orientation and support for new faculty and training for new Chairs and Directors. Develop robust practices to support the recruitment and success of female faculty at all stages of their careers. Support a transformation of the relationship between Student Affairs and International Affairs to better enable the recruitment and support of international students. Monitor the implementation of the new budget model, including developing best practices in the use of the University Fund to stimulate innovation in education and find ways to support “hold harmless” Faculties to develop new academic programs. Continue the development and communication of an integrated plan to implement the directions outlined in Forward with Integrity for the Research and International Affairs portfolio, including promoting a culture of openness, transparency and integrity for the research portfolio. Work with the Faculty Deans to implement initiatives intended to maintain and improve McMaster’s share of federal, provincial and other research funding, promote research excellence, and create expanded opportunities for interdisciplinary research. Provide leadership for the University Research Council, continue to improve research administration at the Faculty level and demonstrate improvement in collaboration and increased flexibility between the various research administration units. Continue to promote knowledge mobilization and a culture of entrepreneurship across the University, including the implementation of the new community accelerator project. Demonstrate further improvement in the commercialization of research results. Continue to focus on the development of a roadmap for internationalization, including the development of policies intended to support and promote international research partnerships and collaborations. John Kelton, Dean and VicePresident (Health Sciences) Roger Couldrey, VicePresident (Administration) Advance and align the educational program offerings in the Faculty of Health Sciences with Forward with Integrity, including providing increased opportunities to students to engage with existing and emerging research priorities, supporting the connections between students and both the local and global communities, and developing further professional development and continuing education opportunities for students and faculty. Facilitate and enhance cross-Faculty collaboration and cooperation, including developing the partnership with the DeGroote School of Business with regard to health leadership programming. Maintain and build upon the Faculty’s record of excellence in research results to contribute to McMaster’s reputation as a research-intensive university. Continue to enhance capacity and build on the Faculty’s research strengths, considering how to address the challenge of sustaining excellence in an environment of growing costs and competition for dwindling resources. Further advance the community and public engagement of FHS through the development of initiatives that benefit the local, provincial and national communities, including enhanced community-campus connections. Continue to work closely with the Provost and other members of the senior team to effectively manage change processes and support and champion the successful implementation of the University’s new budget model and ERP system. Encourage informed discussion about resource distribution within the University, including the new budget model, as well as the broader and long-term financial context for postsecondary institutions in general and McMaster in particular. Cultivate a positive and productive workplace through the implementation of engagement initiatives and promote a culture of continuous improvement, changereadiness and collaboration throughout the Administration division. Develop and implement strategies to ensure alignment with and direct support of the University’s academic and research mission throughout the division and work in consultation with Faculties/Departments to ensure mutuality of expectations and that service levels meet appropriate benchmarks. Through continued responsible and sustainable financial management secure a solid foundation for the University’s academic mission, while working to raise awareness of Mary Williams, VicePresident (University Advancement) the new budget model, the process for resource distribution and the broader and longterm financial context for post-secondary institutions. Leverage Mosaic to develop consolidated and simplified policies and de-bureaucratise processes wherever possible to increase flexibility and facilitate innovation. Ensure the successful implementation of emerging infrastructure to support organizational capability and effectiveness by promoting greater integration of the University’s capital planning processes, enhancing the project management process for construction projects, and developing plans to improve the operating efficiency of physical assets. Continue to promote and advance McMaster’s standing as a major research-intensive university, and as a leader with regard to the transformation of undergraduate education with donors, government and alumni. Provide support through fundraising, strategic communications, government relations and alumni engagement to advance the University’s path of academic reform based on the key recommendations of Forward with Integrity. Assist in maximizing the integration of major projects, such as the Mosaic ERP project and the new budget model, with Forward with Integrity, and support the success of those projects through the implementation of strategic communication plans and awareness-raising initiatives. Continue to build a strong and collegial University Advancement leadership team, focused on supporting the long-term success of the institution. Support the President in promoting the academic, organizational, and personal values that underpin the mission of the University, including supporting the reputation of the institution though a mission-based approach to issues management and ensuring that such values are reflected in University Advancement policies and processes.