using graphene in solar cells

Session B9
Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University
of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on
publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any
purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at
the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk.
Isaac Cook,, Mena, 4:00, Luke Sneeringer,, Mahboobin, 4:00
Engineers are constantly looking for ways to refine
current energy systems to more efficient and reliable
conditions. Alternative energy resources such as solar cells,
wind turbines, and biofuels are still not up to the standard
needed for practical use. The importance of improving the
quality of solar energy is apparent in the current state of the
energy dependence on depleting sources of fossil fuels. By
harnessing the single largest energy producer in the solar
system, we are securing a practical energy resource that can
be harnessed with the use of solar cells. Traditional solar cells
use an expensive material that limits the production and
practicality. Graphene is a material that, when added to a solar
cell, will increase energy production decreasing the
dependence on traditional fossil fuels. When introducing
graphene as a replacement electrode to the existing indium tin
oxide of organic solar cells, we can improve efficiency and
cost effectiveness of future transparent solar cells. With
proper research, transparent solar cells can replace windows
and become a hidden and powerful energy producer.
The basic understanding of solar cells highlights
what graphene will be able to improve once implemented.
Solar cells are made of two parts, an electron donor and an
electron acceptor. Light is exposed to the cell forming excited
electrons at the interface of the two materials. This produces
holes and causes the electrons to create a voltage. When
graphene, an atom thick sheet of carbon, replaces the
traditional indium tin oxide electrode, it will allow for the
solar cell to convert a greater percentage of solar energy into
electrical energy by boosting the current ratio of electron
donors to electron acceptors [3]. This is because electrical
properties of graphene are unique in the ability of having a
free electron available to add a whole new dimension for
electron conduction [1]. Research from graphene electrode
tests concluded that graphene can be further optimized to be
a chemically stable and inexpensive replacement to indium tin
oxide. It is estimated that the cost of making graphene
compared to obtaining indium tin oxide is around three times
as low [4]. Solar cells will become more realistic and
available with the use of graphene.
In addition to the strong electrical properties of
graphene when added to a solar cell, graphene also possess
multiple physical attributes. Graphene has the strongest
tensile strength of any known material and is also a very
University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering
chemically stable compound. Many applications of solar cells
are made possible by these important attributes that were not
possible with other materials. Graphene is also a transparent,
allowing for applications on windows as invisible energy
producers. Being a very good conductor of heat, graphene can
be used in industrial high heat settings. The physical
properties of graphene broadens the applications of solar cells
and produces a more reliable energy resource while spending
less money to mass produce it.
Due to the outstanding properties of graphene, future
engineers can appreciate the efficiency and cost effectiveness
of graphene solar cells while the research is relevant to any
professor in the nanotechnology field. Graphene is certainly
the future in the growing field of nanotechnology, which
applications range from supercapasitor to body armor. It is
optimal at this time to focus on graphene based solar cells as
a possible source of energy in appropriate environments and
focus on graphene solar cells as our topic of research.
To narrow done the topics of our research paper, we
will be looking graphene solar cells compared the indium tin
oxide counter parts in efficiency, cost effectiveness, and
practicality. We will focus on the voltage created and energy
produced of the two solar cells when referencing efficiency.
For cost effectiveness, we will compare the cost of the
material and the price it will take for installation. The
practicality of the materials will be based on the availability
and overall future for solar cells in a modern energy. This
research will focus specifically on transparent solar cells due
to the numerous applications in skyscrapers, cars, and homes.
[1] J. Fuente. (2014). “Graphene FIilms.” Graphenea. (online
[2] J. Wu, S. Tong, K. Loh. (2015). “Graphene and Graphenelike Molecules: Prospect in Solar Cells.” Journal of the
American Chemical Society. (online journal).
[3] D. Johnson. (2014). “Graphene Flakes Bring Higher
Efficiencies to Polymer Solar Cells.” IEEE Spectrum. (online
[4] J. Li, K. Mullen, L. Zhi, N. Tsao, X. Wang. (2008).
“Transparent Carbon Films as Electrodes in Organic Solar
Cells.” Wiley Online Library. (online journal).
Isaac Cook
Luke Sneeringer
is useful when explaining where and when solar cells can be
used and what benefits we will see from this use.
J. Fuente. (2014). “Graphene FIilms.” Graphenea. (online
This article is a resource that will be used for the general
explanation of the properties of graphene needed to
understand the advanced concept of using graphene in solar
cells. The source goes in detail of physical and electrical
properties as well as the general characteristics of graphene
that can be purposed as an introduction the technology used
in solar cells. Information from this article will introduce
graphene to readers that are not familiar with the material.
J. Wu, S. Tong, K. Loh. (2015). “Graphene and Graphenelike Molecules: Prospect in Solar Cells.” Journal of the
American Chemical Society. (online journal).
This article, from a scientific journal, illustrated the
benefits in using graphene in photovoltiac solar cells to
increase efficiency and minimize electron loss. The purpose
of this article is the data that directly compares the graphene
solar cell and the tin indium oxide solar cell while also
explaining the technology behind a solar cell this specific.
Information from this article will be used to explain the
technology of solar cells and introduce graphene as a
replacement through data.
T. Harper. (2014). “Graphene: Almost the Ideal Replacement
for Indium Tin Oxide (ITO).” AZO nano. (online article).
The author of this article is an engineer that worked for the
European Space Agency and focuses on the competitiveness
of the indium tin oxide electronic market. This article focuses
on graphene’s ability to replace indium tin oxide in certain
electronic devices and the competitiveness of the materials
market in nanotechnology. This source can be used to ensure
that the replacement of indium tin oxide with graphene is a
practical idea in a more technical and marketable approach.
J. Wu. (2008). “Organic Solar Cells With Solution-Processed
Graphene transparent Electrodes.” AIP. (online journal).
In this journal, research was done with graphene films
testing multiple ways to treat graphene and increase its
effectiveness in solar cells. The journal highlights that
graphene itself needs to be properly prepped for solar cell use
that might hinder mass production. This resource ties together
the technical prep of graphene on a large industry scale that
can hinder the production as a normal energy source.
D. Johnson. (2014). “Graphene Flakes Bring Higher
Efficiencies to Polymer Solar Cells.” IEEE Spectrum. (online
This resource is an article published in the reputable IEEE
website explains the potential of graphene solar cells with
added polymers. This article conveys the possibility of further
lowering the cost of solar cells by incorporating polymers
with the graphene. This is a good example of the future in
research of the graphene solar cell and the efforts to make it
cost effective. The information of this resource explains the
financial impact of the graphene solar cells.
“ULS Topic Video.” (2015). University of Pittsburgh Library.
This resource was used to decide the topic of research
based on significant technology and narrowed down my field
of study. This resource will be used to direct the research other
the paper in the right direction throughout the writing process.
The field of study that engulfs graphene solar cells is very
broad. The required knowledge of materials science
engineering is used to understand the properties of graphene.
The use of nanotechnology is used to describe the added
technology of a solar cell. A fair amount of electrical
knowledge is required to understand the technology behind a
solar cell. The major use of nanotechnology and materials
science engineering in the graphene solar cells determines
that the technology being explained is a mechanical
engineering topic.
J. Li, K. Mullen, L. Zhi, N. Tsao, X. Wang. (2008).
“Transparent Carbon Films as Electrodes in Organic Solar
Cells.” Wiley Online Library. (online journal).
This research article shows direct data of graphene and
indium tin oxide solar cells being compared in performance
of current and voltage. These tests are valuable to reference
and back up the increased efficiency when graphene replaces
indium tin oxide. It shows specific results that records the
unique electronic advantages of a graphene solar cell.
Information and data from this article will help us support the
claim graphene is a higher efficiency than indium tin oxide.
The field of study that engulfs graphene solar cells
is very broad. The required knowledge of materials science
engineering is used to understand the properties of graphene.
The use of nanotechnology is used to describe the added
technology of a solar cell. A fair amount of electrical
knowledge is required to understand the technology behind a
solar cell. The major use of nanotechnology and materials
science engineering in the graphene solar cells determines
N. Meade, T. Islam. (2013). “The impact of attribute
preferences on adoption timing: The case of photo-voltaic
(PV) solar cells for household electricity generation.” Science
Direct. (online journal).
This resource is an article in a scientific journal that
focuses on the application of graphene solar cells in a modern
household. The article points out the social impacts of solar
energy and also the legal aspect of solar cells. This article
Isaac Cook
Luke Sneeringer
that the technology being explained is a mechanical
engineering topic.