Construction of China’s Monetary Condition Index Based on the STR Model De-cai Zhou, Wen-ping Qi, Zheng-yi Jiang School of Economics & Management, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China. P. R. οΌdecaizhou@163.comοΌ Abstract - Based on China’s monthly data ranging from January 1996 to January2012, using smooth transition regression model (STR), construct China’s nonlinear monetary condition index. The conclusion shows that the constructed nonlinear MCI is highly in consistent with the tendency of inflation, thus it could be the indictor of the implement of China’s monetary policy. Keywords - MCI, STR Model, Monetary policy, China I. INTRODUCTION Since Charles. Freedman (1994) puts forward the concept of Monetary Condition Index (MCI) [1], scholars from worldwide have been constructing different country and region’s monetary condition index by various methods[2]. Many scholars also have constructed similarly China’s monetary condition index (CMCI) [3].Such as Chen Yulu and Bian Weihong (2003) initially introduced and commented MCI in China [4]. Bu Yongxiang and Zhou Qing (2004), Peng Wensheng and Liang Weiyao (2005), Bian Zhicun (2008) estimated the CMCI by using single equation estimate methods [5-7]. Chen Jianbin and Long Cuihong (2006), Zhao Yongqing and Fan Conglai (2009), Xu Changsheng, Zhang Shuai and Zhuang Jiaqiang (2010) constructed the CMCI by using VAR TABLE β UNIT ROOT TEST ADF test Variable (C, t, n) T-stat Prob stationary (C, t) LCPIH (0,0,1) -11.1787 0.0000 stationary (0,0) LM1H (0,0,1) -2.5732 0.0100 stationary (0,0) LNEERH (0,0,1) -3.3340 0.0009 stationary (0,0) LCRH (0,0,1) -4.8026 0.0000 stationary (0,0) model [8] [9] [10]. To sum up, the majority of current papers are based on linear method to construct MCI. Considering the nonlinear relationship between currency price, currency supply and demand and some economic variables, it is advisable to construct China’s nonlinear monetary condition index by using STR model. II. STR MODEL The following is general format of STR model [11]: (1) Yπ‘ = π· ′ π§π‘ + π ′ π§π‘ πΊ(πΎ, π, π π‘ ) + π’π‘ Amongst zπ‘ = (π€π‘′ , π₯π‘′ )′ is explanatory variable vector, wπ‘′ = (1, π¦1 , β― , π¦π ) and xπ‘′ = (1, π₯1π‘ , β― , π₯ππ‘ ) are exogenesis explanatory variable’s vectors; Φt = (π·0 , π·1 , β― , π·π )′ and θt = (π0 , π1 , β― , ππ )′ are respective parameter vectors of (m + 1) × 1’s linear and nonlinear parts; uπ‘ ~i. i. d. N(0, σ2 ) is random error term; πΊ(πΎ, π, π π‘ ) is the transition function, the bounded function about continuous transition variable sπ‘ ; πΎ is the smoothing parameter; sπ‘ is the state variable (transition variable); π = (π1 , β― , ππ ) is location parameter; if the transition function’s formation is as following: -1 G(γ, c, st )=(1+exp{-γ ∏K k=1 (st -ck ) }) , γ>0 (2) The model is general Exponential Smooth Transition Regression (LSTR) model, in which when K=1 it is called LSTR1 model and when K=2 it is called LSTR2 model. There are generally 3 steps to estimate STR model: selection of model’s format, estimation of parameters and diagnosis. III EMPIRICAL RESULTS OF STR MODEL A. Variables’ selection and data’s disposal We select China’s consumer price index (CPI), narrow money supply (M1), nominal effective exchange PP test rate of Renminbi (NEER) and interbank interest rate (CR) to T-stat Prob stationary represent inflation, money -11.5520 0.0000 stationary supply, nominal exchange rate -3.0036 0.0028 stationary and short-term interest rate respectively. All are monthly -3.3798 0.0008 stationary data ranging from January -4.4705 0.0000 stationary 1996 to February 2012 which come from the national bureau of statistics of China, the people's bank of China, bank for international settlements web site and CEInet data. All the time series are seasonal adjusted and then taken natural logarithm to eliminate potential heteroscedasticity. Respectively, they are recorded as LCPI, LM1, LNEER, and LCR. Then we take the balance the above variables value minus the trend values of their HP filters as the gap values of them. They are recorded as LCPIH, LM1H, LNEERH and LCRH. TABLE β ‘ THE TEST OF LAG ORDERS the basis of the framework model put forward by [11] Lag 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lütkepohl HοΌKraΜ tzig(2004) , Log L 743.8 748.5 757.7* 754.9 753.2 752.2 750.2 747.0 744.6 Luukkonen R οΌ Saikkonen P AIC -7.6771 -7.7234 -7.8188* -7.7882 -7.7693 -7.7578 -7.7349 -7.6987 -7.6711 and Terasvirta (1994) [12] determine the concrete forms SC -7.6263 -7.6047 -7.6315* -7.5318 -7.4435 -7.3618 -7.2684 -7.1611 -7.0619 of it, namely the form of either * HQ -7.6565 -7.6753 -7.7430 -7.6843 -7.6373 -7.5973 -7.5459 -7.4808 -7.4242 LSTR1(K=1) or TABLE β ’ LSTR2(K=2).According to STR model’s test methods, OUTCOME OF NONLINEAR TEST we make linear and nonlinear tests for the relationship Transition between inflation and MCI’s several variables. The F F4 F3 F2 F1 LCPIH(-1)* 1.90E-04 2.20E-01 1.75E-05 2.36E-01 LSTR2 outcomes show in Table β ’. According to table β ’, we Variable can find that when transition variable is LCPIH (-1), the P LCPIH(-2) 3.21E-02 2.41E-01 1.59E-01 3.71E-02 LSTR1 value corresponding to F3 is the minimum. Therefore the LM1H 1.83E-02 5.07E-01 6.67E-01 2.42E-04 LSTR1 LSTR2 model is exogenous optimal form. LNEERH 1.79E-06 1.97E-03 1.08E-03 1.10E-02 LSTR2 LCRH 1.04E-03 6.87E-02 2.28E-03 1.38E-01 LSTR2 LM1H(-1) 3.07E-03 3.07E-02 6.72E-02 5.11E-02 LSTR1 LNEERH(-1) 1.28E-06 2.53E-05 3.42E-03 1.48E-01 LSTR1 D. Estimation Outcome of LSTR2 and Its Analysis After have determined the form of STR model’s transition variable and transition function, we need to LCRH(-1) 8.05E-02 2.73E-01 2.16E-01 9.11E-02 Linear estimate the parameters of LSTR2 model. Firstly, we use LM1H(-2) 8.05E-02 2.73E-01 2.16E-01 9.11E-02 Linear the grid search to determine the initial value of smooth velocity and location function. At last we get the initial LNEERH(-2) 2.10E-05 8.10E-03 2.32E-03 1.81E-02 LSTR2 values 1.4048, -1.1376 and 1.9895 of the smooth velocity LCRH(-2) 2.02E-03 1.94E-01 2.75E-03 7.37E-02 LSTR2 γ and location parameters c1, c2. Basing on the initial values of above grid search, we have estimated the equation (1) at first. Then according to the principle of B. Stability test generality to particularity, we have removed the insignificant variables step by step. Lastly, we get the This paper uses unit root test to examine sequence estimated values of the parameters Φ, θ, γ, c in equation stability. The outcome shows in table β . From it, we can (1) [13].All results show in table β £. Table β £ indicates find that LCPIH, LM1H, LNEERH and LCRH are that there are strong significances of estimated parameters stationary time series at the significance level of 1% and better fit. The 1 order lag of inflation, namely, LCPI according to the ADF test and PP test. (-1) in it appears the relation of significant smooth transition and the parameters of other variables are C. Determine the Lag Orders and Concrete Forms of relative large and significant. It indicates that there isn’t STR Model only stable linear relationship between China’s money supply, nominal effective TABLE β £ exchange rate of OUTCOME OF LSTR2 MODEL’S ESTIMATION Renminbi (NEER), Linear part LCPIH(-1) LM1H LCRH LM1H LNEERH(-1)LNEERH(-2)LCRH(-2) interest rate and inflation. Initial value 0.0989 0.0751 0.1799 0.0975 0.0729 0.0765 0.1731 Estimated value 0.1985 0.0604 0.1463 0.0879 0.0810 0.0753 0.1540 There have structural t-statistics 1.9521 2.1984 1.6900 3.0612 2.7753 2.6727 1.9429 changes and nonlinear P-value 0.0525 0.0292 0.0928 0.0026 0.0061 0.0082 0.0536 relationship. Figure 1 Nonlinear part Constant termLCPIH(-1)LM1HLNEERH LCRH LCRH(-1) LM1H(-2) γ c1 c2 shows that the dynamic Initial value 1.9583 1.4657 0.6481 0.6084 7.9711 5.8933 0.3552 1.4048 1.1376 1.9859 of Estimated value 0.5971 0.7250 0.5004 0.4512 4.0661 2.1428 0.4852 1.0426 0.9637 1.5761 characteristics t-statistics 1.8026 2.9135 4.2711 3.6511 5.6026 2.5491 2.6696 1.918013.64873.6427 estimated Statistics of P-value 0.0732 0.0040 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0117 0.0083 0.0568 0.0000 0.0004 LSTR2 model are 1) Determine the Lag Order of STR Model. Firstly similar with those of raw statistics. This means that we test the length of lag. Though the standard test of lag nonlinear model can better explain China’s inflation. length based on regression model, we determine the optimal lag orders of STR model. In order to determine the suitable orders, we choose the maximum lag orders 8 to test them. The test results are in table β ‘. Seeing from table β ‘, we find that according to the criteria of LOGL, AIC, SC and HQ, they all indicate that the optimal lag orders of the variables of STR model are 2 orders. 2) Determine the Concrete Forms of STR Model. On constructing the monetary condition index, set October 1998 as the base period in which the exogenous variables 2 are relative balanced. We have calculated China’s monthly nominal nonlinear monetary condition index 1 ranging from March 1996 to January 2012 according to 0 the linear and nonlinear parts’ weights above. Its -1 reference indicator is monthly Year-on-year CPI of China. The overall outcome is shown in Figure 2, indicating that -2 integrating factors of money supply, interest rate and -3 exchange rate, MCI roundly reflects and measures the relationship between China’s monetary policy and fitted time series original time series inflation. MCI has a resemble tendency with inflation rate, indicating the inherent consistency between MCI and Fig.1. the fitted and original time series inflation. MCI goes head of inflation, and what is more noticeable is the fact that the former’s turning point leads the latter’s 1-3 months. IV. CONSTRUCT NONLINEAR MONETARY Using the methods of the time-varying cross CONDITION INDEX OF CHINA correlation coefficient, we TABLE β ₯ have calculated the time Time varying Cross correlation Coefficient of MCI and CPI varying cross-correlation L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 coefficient of China’s nonlinear monetary condition CPI,MCI(-L) 0.254 0.3833 0.1437 0.0336 -0.0416 -0.1337 -0.134 0.0135 0.165 index with inflation, which is CPI,MCI(+L) 0.254 0.1892 0.1317 0.1119 0.2014 0.0221 -0.2153 -0.1921 -0.0887 shown in Table β £. Table β £ shows that the correlation coefficient of MCI of lag 1 A. Determining weight order with inflation is max, indicating that the former runs one month ahead of the latter. Refer to Hataiseree(1998)[14], substitute the linear 96M03 97M03 98M03 99M03 00M03 01M03 02M03 03M03 04M03 05M03 06M03 07M03 08M03 09M03 10M03 11M03 3 B. Calculation of Index Based on the definition of MCI and each variables’ estimated weights in previous words, referring to Goodhart and Hofmann (2001)’s method [15], divide MCI into parts of linear and nonlinear and multiply the nonlinear part with transition function value. The formula is as follow: ππΆπΌ = 100 + [∑ππ=1 ππ·π (ππΊπ΄πππ‘ − ππΊπ΄ππ0 ) + ∑ππ=1 πππ (ππΊπ΄πππ‘ − ππΊπ΄ππ0 )πΊ] (4) Among 0 and t represent base period and report period respectively, X is optional variable in con -structing MCI, GAP is the corresponding gap value, G is the transition function value of nonlinear part. Then according to formula (4), we construct China’s nonlinear MCI We choose China’s narrow money supply, nominal effective exchange rate of Renminbi and interbank interest rate as the exogenous variables of 105.0 100.0 95.0 90.0 96M02 97M04 98M06 99M08 00M10 01M12 03M02 04M04 05M06 06M08 07M10 08M12 10M02 11M04 and nonlinear coefficients of LM1H, LNEERH, LCRH and their lag terms estimated by LSTR2 model into the following formulas to do their weights Wπ· and Wπ : ∑ππ‘=0 π·ππ‘ ππ·π = ; π ∑π (|∑π‘=0 π·ππ‘ | + π|∑ππ‘=0 πππ‘) |) ∑ππ‘=0 πππ‘ πππ‘ = ; π = 1,2,3 (3) ∑π(|∑ππ‘=0 π·ππ‘ | + π|∑ππ‘=0 πππ‘) |) Amongst Φit and θit represent the coefficients of the variable π ’s linear and nonlinear parts at time t respectively, π represents the mean of transition function’s value. MCI CPI Fig.2. China’s nonlinear MCI and CPI VI. CONCLUSION This paper conducts nonlinear test to three variables: interest rate, exchange rate and money supply chosen to construct China’s monetary condition index, and then finds significant nonlinear relationships between their effects to inflation. Accordingly, based on STR model, this paper estimates China’s nonlinear monetary condition index. Through comparing its relation to inflation, we find that it can well reflect changes in inflation. And further research shows that MCI leads roughly 1 month ahead of inflation. Therefore, it is predictable to inflation and can be the indictor of monetary policy. REFERENCES [1] FreedmanοΌC.1994οΌ“The use of indicators and the monetary conditions index in Canada (Periodical style),” In Frameworks for Monetary Stability: Policy Issues and Country Experiences, IMF working paper (3). [2] Liang Yamin, “Literature review of monetary condition index researches (Periodical style),” (in Chinese), Financial Theories and Policies, 2010(6):30-33. 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