Attendance (member sign-in; see attached)
Meeting called to order at 2:27 PM byArjun K., Co- President a.
Members in Attendance (see attendance sheet on file) b.
Guests in Attendance none
Reading and Approval of Minutes—Sonia G., Vice President
It was moved by Vidhi to approve the minutes as read. Visali seconded the motion. The motion passed with a majority vote.
Treasurer’s Report—Jenny Y., Treasurer
Balance at $3457.20, spent $90 on WCTSMA applications, received $480 in club dues
Special Reports a.
HOSA—Deepthi S., Liaison i.
Discuss the fall conference dates
HOSA- encouraging to check it out b.
WCTSMA—Aiyana H., Liaison
A competition were you compete in sports medical related events c.
Fundraising Committee—Stephanie P., Chairperson
All in for kids- Nov. 10 and Nov. 17
raising money, fundraising with general membership
unsure about which date
encouraging particpation
Old Business a.
Discuss all in for kids dates b.
Reminder about the Membership application
New Business a.
Homecoming parade permission form, turned in by October 1 st b.
Clothing survey online to determine logo style c.
Approval of the new constitution i.
Regarding attendance of officers, edited constitution has been posted online ii.
No discussion on it iii.
Vidhi moves to approve the amended constitution, Jenny Y. seconds the motion
The motion is passed d.
Fall leadership conference, October 18 th trip to the tri-cities e.
Handed out top 10 certificates for competitors at HOSA Nationals f.
Talking about the homecoming parades, handing out band-aids, only club with a float i.
Want to walk or build? Tell Mrs. Reed ii.
Service hour opportunity for building the float
Main activity, presentations on HOSA and WCTSMA competitions h.
Deepthi presentation on HOSA i.
Aiyana presentation on WCTSMA i.
Arjun explains further the competition itself, more anatomy and sports medicine based j.
Individual time to research the different competitions available at HOSA and WCTSMA i.
Reed leads the club through the websites with overhead computer
Announcements a.
Reminder to fill out membership application and clothing survey b.
Dues due by Oct. 16 th c.
Homecoming parade sign-up sheet and permission forms d.
Meetings currently scheduled for bi-weekly Tuesdays after school in room 1402
Meeting adjourned at 3:02 pm by Kevin and seconded by Deepthi
Attendance Sheet