Communities In Schools of South Central Texas, Inc. RETURNING MENTOR UPDATES for school year _____________ **Please Print** Date: __________________________________ Full Legal Name:_________________________________________________ Name I go by: ______________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________City/State/Zip: _____________________________________ Home phone: (___)___________________________ Cell phone: (____)_______________________ DOB:___________________ Email address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ AVAILABILITY: Please indicate probable days and times you are available to mentor between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., especially around the lunch hour: From To From To From To Monday __________ - __________ Wednesday __________ - __________ Friday __________ - __________ Tuesday __________ - __________ Thursday __________ - __________ LAST YEAR MENTEE INFORMATION: Last years campus _______________________________ Last years mentee: ___________________________________ Do you wish to continue with this student? _____ If not, check all grades you are willing to work with: ____ Elementary (Pre-K through 5th) _____ Middle School (6th-8th) _____ High School (9th - 12th) Circle your campus preference(s): NEW BRAUNFELS ISD COMAL ISD SCHERTZ/CIBOLO/UCISD Oak Run Middle School Goodwin/Frazier Elementary Rose Garden Elementary New Braunfels Middle Bill Brown Elementary Wiederstein Elementary New Braunfels High Morningside Elementary Schertz Elementary Freiheit Elementary Rose Garden Elementary MARION ISD Startzville Elementary Wilder Intermediate Krueger Elementary Rebecca Creek Elementary Dobie Junior High Marion Middle School Clear Spring Elementary Corbett Junior High Marion High School Canyon Middle School Byron Steele High School Church Hill Middle School Samuel Clemens High School Mountain Valley Middle School Canyon High School THANK YOU for your continued support of students! We are so happy to have you as part of our CIS of South Central Texas Family. The information you supplied will help us continue to sustain and grow the mentoring program of Communities In Schools. Please return your application with Authorization for Criminal Background Check, the DPS Computerized Criminal History Verification, and a copy of your Driver’s License, * REMINDER: The state requires a background check each school year* By mail: By fax: 161 S. Castell Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130 830-620-5643 By email: Communities In Schools of South Central Texas, Inc. Authorization for Criminal Background Check I understand that it is a requirement that all employees and volunteers of the Communities In Schools programs in Texas, successfully pass a Criminal Background Check in order to work for or volunteer with this school-based program. By my signature below, I give permission to Communities In Schools of South Central Texas to obtain any history of criminal records I might have. I understand that if there are records as noted below, that I will be unable to work for or volunteer for this CIS program. All records will remain confidential. Prohibitive records include: Any offense under Title 5 of the Texas Penal Code (offenses against the person) Any offense under Title 6 of the Texas Penal Code (offenses against the family) Any offense under Title 9 of the Texas Penal Code (offenses involving public indecency) Any individual who has committed an offense under the Texas Controlled Substance Act, Chapter 481 of the Health & Safety Code within 10 years prior to the date of employment or volunteer status Any individual who has committed a felony Any individual who has committed a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude within 10 years prior to the date of employment or volunteer status By signing below, I hereby swear and affirm that I have not been convicted of any of the offenses listed above. I authorize a criminal background check now and at any time in the future that I retain my employment or my volunteer status with Communities In Schools of South Central Texas. Have you lived outside the State of Texas within the last three years? ____Yes Full Name (please print) __________________________________________________ ____No DOB __________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To be completed by CIS Supervisor only: I have verified this applicant’s identity by viewing his/her _____________________. The DOB is ______________________________. Signature_____________________________________________ CBC Approved: _____________________ By: ______________ DPS Computerized Criminal History (CCH) Verification (AGENCY COPY) I, ,have been notified that a computerized criminal APPLICANT or EMPLOYEE NAME (Please print) history (CCH) verification check will be performed by accessing the Texas Department of Public Safety Secure Website and will be based on name and DOB information I supply. Because the name based information is not an exact search and only fingerprint record searches represent true identification to criminal history, the organization (as listed below) conducting the criminal history check is not allowed to discuss any information obtained using this method, therefore the agency may offer the opportunity to have a fingerprint search performed to clear any misidentification based on the name search, if the search provides a criminal report I know could not be mine. For the fingerprinting process I will be required to submit a full and complete set of my fingerprints for analysis through the Texas Department of Public Safety AFIS (automated fingerprint identification system). I have been made aware that in order to complete this process I must have the correct fingerprinting (FAST) form from this agency, make an online appointment, submit a full and complete set of my fingerprints, and pay a fee of $24.95 to the fingerprinting services company, L1Enrollment Services. Once this process is completed and the agency receives the data from DPS, the information on my fingerprint criminal history record may be discussed with me. (This copy must remain on file by your agency. Required for future DPS Audits) ___________________________________ Signature of Applicant or Employee _________________ Date Communities In Schools of South Central Texas Agency Name (Please print) Please: Check and Initial each Applicable Space CCH Report Printed: YES ___________________________________ Signature of Agency Representative Date initial Purpose of CCH: Hire Agency Representative Name (Please print) NO Not Hired initial d Date Printed: initial / Destroyed Date: initial Retain in your files