Fire Operations Plan 2013/14 ̶ 2015/16 Hume Region Benalla Office 89 Sydney Road Benalla VIC 3672 Phone No. (03) 5761 1611 Fax No. (03) 5761 1628 Email: The location and boundaries of proposed planned burn/worksites shown on the attached maps are only approximate and indicative. The precise boundary of any planned burn will be identified on site by DEPI before operations begin. Published by the Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primary Industries Melbourne, October, 2013 © The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries Melbourne 2013. This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne. ISBN 978-174287-936-9 (Print) 978-174287-937-6 (pdf) For more information contact the DEPI Customer Service Centre 136 186. Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio, please telephone 136 186, or email Deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired? Call us via the National Relay Service on 133 677 or visit This document is also available in PDF format on the internet at Contents Regional Director’s Foreword 2 UPPER MURRAY DISTRICT 52 Fire Operations Plan 3 Summary of 2012/13 4 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Works Program SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 52 66 67 Viewing the Fire Operations Plan How to send us your comments on the Fire Operations Plan 5 5 HUME REGION SCHEDULES 68 Preparation of a Fire Operations Plan 6 SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones 68 How to read the Fire Operations Plan 6 Information provided on schedules 7 GOULBURN DISTRICT 8 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Works Program SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 8 26 27 MURRINDINDI DISTRICT 28 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Works Program SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 28 36 36 OVENS DISTRICT 37 SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns SCHEDULE 2: Works Program SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks 37 50 51 Fire Operations Plan 2013/14 ̶ 2015/16 Hume Region 1 Regional Director’s Foreword The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and Parks Victoria carry out fire prevention activities on Victoria’s public land to help reduce the impacts of bushfires to communities and the environment. Our Fire Operations Plans outline where these fire prevention activities are intended to be carried out over a three year period, if weather and other conditions permit. These activities include planned burning, slashing, mowing and clearing works, track works and construction of fire breaks. Each year we review and update the former North East now Hume Region Fire Operations Plan based on the latest local information. The plan is shaped by feedback and knowledge from local communities and key stakeholders such as the CFA, local councils, forest managers and flora and fauna specialists, as well as key industries. The Fire Operations Plans are an important part of our work to reduce the risk of damaging bushfires. We make suggested changes to the plans wherever we can, but the decision to carry out fire prevention activities is always driven by the need to reduce the impacts of bushfires to our local people, property and the environment. The best way to look at the Hume Region plan is by visiting to view the interactive map and documents. Alternatively you visit into any of the DEPI or Parks Victoria offices listed on Page 5. Peter Farrell, Regional Director, Hume Region Report Title Report Subtitle 2 Fire Operations Plan This document contains the proposed fire prevention and preparedness works to be delivered for the period 2013/14 to 2015/16 within the Hume Region. This Plan covers all public land including all national parks, State parks and regional parks and all State forests. Numerous other small reserves and Crown land are also included. The area covered by this Plan is shown in Map 1. The Plan is prepared, and will be implemented, in accordance with the Code of Practice for Bushfire Management on Public Land, Fire Management Manual 2.1: Fire Operations Planning and other relevant DEPI Instructions, Manuals and Guidelines. Fire management zones form the basis of this Fire Operations Plan, which deliver the strategies outlined in Alexandra/Broadford Fire Protection Plan (1999), and the Mansfield/Ovens/Shepparton/Upper Murray Fire Protection Plan (2003). It should be noted that burns associated with logging regeneration as well as small heap and grass burns are not included in the Fire Operation Planning process. The locations of strategic fuelbreaks are included for information only. These activities are approved via other DEPI and Parks Victoria processes. Map 1: Hume Region Report Title Report Subtitle 3 Summary of 2012/13 Bushfires – 2012-13 The 2012-13 bushfire season was the busiest fire season since the catastrophic fires of 2009. The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) attended 789 fires across the state which burnt an estimated 200,943 hectares (ha) which was 27% above the 30 year average. In the North East 185 fires were attended covering an estimated 29,469 ha which included the Harrietville (Alpine North) Fire at which 2 DEPI crew were tragically killed. Following on from the wet 2010 and 2011 seasons the lead up to the 2012-13 season was under-pinned by a dry spring followed by a hot dry and windy summer across much of south-eastern Australia. This saw DEPI resources from the North East deployed to major fires in Tasmania and NSW as well as Gippsland and to the west of the state prior to the major fires getting underway in the North East. Planned burning achievements 2012-13 The dry spring of 2012 provided opportunities to commence the Planned Burning program earlier than the two previous years particularly in the River Red Gum country on the northern plains and for some of the smaller ecological grassland burns. The dry conditions also enabled additional preparatory works to be done in anticipation of an increased autumn program. The Autumn Planned Burning program was initially delayed because of the extensive fire season but got underway as conditions started to moderate towards the end of March 2013. The weather conditions were conducive to an extensive program through until mid May with periodic and patchy light rainfall causing some disruptions to the program particularly in the Ovens and Goulburn Districts. The underlying soil and fine fuel dryness resulted in an extended window of planned burning opportunity with some burns still being undertaken on the northern plains into the winter months. The extended window of opportunity also provided DEPI with the flexibility to move / reschedule some burns to help meet the needs of some Key Stakeholders. By the end of June 2013 DEPI had in the North East undertaken 104 Planned Burns covering 72,767 ha which is 107% of the 67,708 ha Regional Target. The breakdown of the area treated by Fire Management Zone saw 9 burns undertaken in Zone 1 Asset Protection Zone covering 2,127ha, in Zone 2 Bushfire Moderation LMZ 42 burns covering 33,216 ha, in Zone 3 Landscape Management Zone 51 burns covering 37,404 ha with a further 2 Planned Burns undertaken as non zoned / heap burns covering 20 ha. Staff and crews from the North East (Hume Region) also supported the planning, preparation and delivery of the Planned Burning program across the state throughout the year. Report Title Report Subtitle 4 Viewing the Fire Operations Plan The Plan can be viewed during normal business hours at the following locations: Location Address Alexandra DEPI Office 5 Binns McCraes Road, Alexandra Benalla DEPI Office 89 Sydney Road, Benalla Corryong DEPI Office 6-8 Jardine Street, Corryong Ovens DEPI Office 5338 Great Alpine Road, Ovens Mansfield DEPI Office 128 Highett Street, Mansfield Mitta Mitta DEPI Office Omeo Hwy, Mitta Mitta (by Appt.) Tallangatta DEPI Office Towong Road, Tallangatta Wangaratta DEPI Office Cnr Ford & Ovens Streets Wangaratta Wodonga DEPI Office 1 McKoy Street, Wodonga Viewing the Plan online: You can also view proposed planned burns and other works in the Plan online through: Downloadable maps and planned burn lists at: How to send us your comments on the Fire Operations Plan Although the public comment period for the 2013/14 – 2015/16 Fire Operations Plan has now closed, your comments are still welcome. Please be aware that your comments may be included in next year’s Plan. Contact Details: All comments and suggestions about the Fire Operations Plan should be sent in writing to: Paul O’Connor Manager Planned Burning North East (Hume Region) 89 Sydney Road Benalla 3632 Planned Burning Email contact details: Comments may also be sent by email to: Report Title Report Subtitle 5 Preparation of a Fire Operations Plan The development of a Fire Operations Plan involves the identification of planned burns and other works by DEPI, Parks Victoria and other interested stakeholders. Values and priorities must be balanced in the development of the Plan including: relevant legislation and Departmental policies relating to environmental and cultural heritage protection, and emergency management; various Departmental fire instructions and guidelines, particularly the Fire Operations Planning Manual 2.1; relevant Fire Protection/Fire Management Plans; the Code of Practice for Timber Production; relevant Forest Management and Park Management Plans; DEPI, soil, water, economic and cultural values within the District; and Important note: The ability to carry out burns is dependent on seasonal and local weather conditions. To allow for this, planned burns from the second and third years of the Plan are considered as contingencies for the first year. This means that a second or third year burn may be brought forward to the current year to replace a burn planned for the first year. environmental, cultural or economic strategies which could be impacted by the Plan’s implementation. Where necessary, prescriptions for particular values maybe specified for each burn which are then incorporated into individual Burn Plans. These prescriptions are reviewed annually to take into account experience from burning operations in the previous season. How to read the Fire Operations Plan Each Fire Operations Plan consists of District Sub Plans containing a number of District Schedules, followed by Regional schedules. District Schedules: Schedule 1 – Planned Burns. This schedule lists planned fuel reduction, ecological and other planned burns by indicative year for the three year period. Schedule 2 – Works Program. This schedule lists the fuel management works program to support the planned burning program. Schedule 3 – Strategic Fuelbreaks. This schedule provides an overview of strategic fuelbreaks to be constructed or maintained during the three year period. Regional Schedules: Schedule 4 – Amendments to Fire Management Zones. This schedule lists the locations where zoning will change. Report Title Report Subtitle 6 Information provided on schedules Local Government Area (LGA) – the municipality in which the majority of the works site is located. Burn Number and Name / Road Name / Address – an identifier for each burn or planned work site. Location – a bearing and distance of the work site from the nearest major township/locality. Locality – a general desctiption of the area the activity will be performed. Land Manager – the organisation responsible for day-to-day management of the works site – DEPI (Department of Environment and Primary Industries); PV (Parks Victoria). Burn Season – indicates the preferred season in which the burn will be completed. Burn Type – indicates the primary purpose of the burn including fuel reduction burn (FRB), ecological burn (ECO) or forest regeneration (REG). Land Manager Objective - identifies the desired land management outcome(s) of the burn. Fire Management Zone (FMZ) – an area of land upon which fire is managed for specific asset, fuel and ecological objectives. Values included in this column can be APZ - Asset Protection Zone; BMZ – Bushfire Management Zone; LMZ - Landscape Management Zone, PBEZ – Planned Burn Exclusion Zone; or, NZ -Not Zoned. Grid Reference – this can be used to locate burns on maps. Area/Planned Burn Area – the maximum area of the work site measured in hectares (ha), including areas specifically excluded from disturbance. Distance – the indicative length of the work site measured in kilometres (km), including areas specifically excluded from disturbance. Works Type – the type of works planned. Report Title Report Subtitle 7 GOULBURN DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DEPI’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that fire-fighters have a much better chance of controlling bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require ground works. Ground works will be assessed through on-site inspections which will look at surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Works may include pest plant controls, brushing up of existing boundaries and internal tracks and the construction or preparation of other control lines with machinery. Please note that the years identified for planned burning are indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operations requirements. Planned Burns 2013/14 LGA Greater Shepparton City Burn Name Arcadia Township Burn Number F2GoulbS Location Land Manager Within township Parks Victoria Burn Season Autumn Burn Type FRB Strathbogie Balmattum NCR E1GoulbW 12km NNE of Euroa Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Mansfield Barjarg Rd 1M08/09-8 12km North West of Mansfield DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 8 Land Management Objective To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within township To reduce overall fuel hazard below high and provide conditions for the establishment of native grassland communities. To build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) BMZ CV507525 5.4 LMZ CV772430 220 LMZ DV045143 2291 Moira Barmah - Gulf Tk strategic 3GNA0018 8kms N Picola Parks Victoria Spring FRB Moira Big Reedy Lagoon - Zanetties Orchard 3GYA0003 6km East Yarrawonga Parks Victoria Spring ECO Moira Boundary Track 3GNA0004 3km NW Bearii Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Mansfield Buttercup 011-12 03 17km East of Mansfield DEPI Autumn FRB Campbells bend F1GoulbS 1.5 kms E Murchison Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Moira Chinaman`s Garden FMBnat1 Tongalong Island Barmah State Park Parks Victoria Winter FRB Mansfield Duncans Rd 3GMA0002 Jamieson DEPI Autumn FRB Mansfield Glenroy Gonzaga Ridge Track 3GMA0026 Glenroy DEPI Autumn FRB Greater Shepparton City Report Title Report Subtitle 9 To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width (3060metres) and continuity (entire length of Gulf Track)to reduce the spread of bushfire To reduce overall biomass. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in Murchison Township. To create a fuel reduced mosaic to reduce fire threat from and to recreation sites which will complement fuel reduction and ecological diversity. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and LMZ CA298222 63 LMZ DA048187 6 LMZ CA482285 39.5 LMZ DU405985 2087 CV419456 9.06 LMZ CA420320 257.5 LMZ DU243734 24.09 LMZ DU347998 100 LMZ Mansfield Grammar School Howqua Track 3GMA0015 4km SE Merrijig DEPI Autumn FRB Mansfield Howqua 3M10/11 2km N of Howqua DEPI Autumn FRB Mansfield Howqua Hills Howqua Track B 3GMA0014B Upper Howqua And Jamieson Rivers DEPI Autumn FRB Wangaratta Rural City Killawarra-Wilsons Plots 3GWG0014 14km N of Wangaratta Parks Victoria Spring ECO Moira Labetts Track 3GNA0011 4km NE Ulupna DEPI Autumn ECO Strathbogie Longwood Tenneriffe NCR 3GBN0019 Longwood Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Mansfield Mansfield - The Paps North 3GMA0025 8km West of Mansfield Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 10 continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into adjacent assets. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fuel management zones To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones Bushfire mitigation by reducing fuel hazard and fuel continuity and thereby reducing the size and intensity of a second bushfire in area. Burning to target low Eco. Risk EVCs identified in the 2006/07 PBing Guide. Burn to support Red Gum phalaris management treatment options experiment. To manipulate vegetation structure and burn appropriate to meet requirements of vegetation communities To create buffer between Hume Freeway/Longwood Plains and Tenneriffe/Strathbogie Plateau To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets including Telstra BMZ DU375910 67.1 BMZ DU220810 410.9 LMZ DU395825 1880 LMZ DV340874 4 LMZ CA625355 5 LMZ CV553218 41 LMZ DU097999 74 Mansfield Melba Road 011-12 02 10km North East of Mansfield DEPI Autumn FRB Strathbogie Mt Wombat Lookout Road PV 01 5.5km NW of Strathbogie Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Wangaratta Rural City Mt. Killawarra F4GoulbW 4kms NE Boweya Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Wangaratta Rural City Peechelba Public Reserve 3GWG0010 East side of Everton Rd Peechelba Com Local Autumn FRB Moria Picola North Murrays Mill F2GoulbN 8 kms N Picola DEPI Spring FRB Benalla Rural City Winton WetlandNorth East Track 3GBN0024 Winton Wetland NE area Com Other Autumn ECO Greater Shepparton City Raffertys Bend F5GoulbS 3 kms E Shepparton airport Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 11 communications tower. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and complement nearby works Reduce fuel loads to assist in protecting assets to the east and south. To develop a fuel reduced corridor adjacent to private farm interface in area of high visitor activity, LMZ so protection of ecological values is priority. Reduce juncus biomass to promote understorey diversity. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets on perimeter of forest. LMZ so protection of woody BMZ DV275080 297.4 LMZ cv820219 218 BMZ DV264888 204 LMZ DV306946 LMZ CA305230 339.7 LMZ DV233705 27 LMZ CV535671 134.1 1.7 Mansfield Sawmill Settlement Sawmill Township 3GMA0006 Sawmill Settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Moira Sharps Plain 3GNA0006 5km N Yalka North Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Benalla Rural City Tatong - Tiger Hill Rd 3GBN0006 Tatong DEPI Autumn FRB Moira Trickeys Lane 3GNA0012 5.5km WNW of Picola West Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Mansfield Walshs Road 011-12 04 7km North West of Jamieson Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Wangaratta Rural City Wang Rail Line Hamilton Park1213 3GWG0005 5km N Glenrowan DEPI Summer ECO Benalla Rural City White Road 3GBN0002 14km SSE of Tatong DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 12 habitat and ecological values a priority. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets for the township of Sawmill Settlement To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and protection to Benalla`s domestic water catchment To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To reduce biomass and manipulate vegetation structure to provide habitat appropriate to meet the requirements of the vegetation community. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel BMZ DU435924 664.2 LMZ CA408284 227.7 BMZ DV256287 2839 LMZ CA211187 171.3 BMZ DU145845 406.8 LMZ DV330679 .7 BMZ DV260210 386.8 Benalla Rural City Winton Wetland Boggy Creek Bridge 3GBN0018 East side Winton Wetland Com Other Spring ECO Mansfield Woods Point 011-12 07 3 km Nth West of Woods Point DEPI Autumn FRB Mansfield Woods Point Tinga Spur Tk 3GMA0011 Woods Point DEPI Autumn FRB Moira Yielima Boundary Tk 3GNA0019 6km NNW Yalca CFA station Parks Victoria Spring FRB Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones Reduce juncus biomass to provide condtions to promote understorey diversity. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire To develop a fuel reduced corridor along public / private interface of Barmah NP between the levee bank and private property boundary. LMZ DV215661 66 BMZ DU318429 29.73 62.17 BMZ DU333403 LMZ CA375290 Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) LMZ DV073176 2329 LMZ CA220297 139 12 Planned Burns 2014/15 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Benalla Rural City Barjarg Sandy Creek Tk 3GBN0009 Barjarg DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire Moira Boals Creek E5GoulbN 17 kms NW DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel Report Title Report Subtitle 13 Picola Wangaratta Rural City Moira Greater Shepparton City Boorhaman Native Grassland Bourke Street Causeway 1 E8GoulbW 3GNA0005 3GSH0006 19km N of Wangaratta 9km NE Picola North 1.5km W Shepparton reduced areas sufficient to reduce the spread of bushfire and prevent further fuel hazard accumulation of giant rush, LMZ so protection ecological values is priority Parks Victoria Parks Victoria DEPI Summer Autumn Autumn ECO To reduce overall biomass and provide conditions for the establishment of herb and native grass species and promote regeneration, flowering and seeding of threatened orchids. LMZ dv355928 5.5 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA371292 41.5 BMZ CV557722 41.7 BMZ CV557714 20.3 LMZ CA884190 30 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Greater Shepparton City Causeway 2 3GSH0007 1.7km SW Shepparton DEPI Autumn FRB Moira Cobrawonga Y12 Cobrawonga DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 14 To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property To develop fuel reduced areas of Island Burn Greater Shepparton City Benalla Rural City Moira Daunts Bend Double Gates Eddys Gate Moira Gowers Track State Forest F3GoulbS 2M09/10-2 3GNA0002 0.5 km E Toolamba 5kn South of Benalla (Reef Hills) 4km W Picola North sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and reduce the potential impact to the very high number of long stay visitors and private assets to the south of the Cobrawonga Island. Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Spring Autumn Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within town LMZ CV533609 385.6 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. LMZ DV040470 370.7 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA279216 82.5 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA242221 133.9 LMZ DU213694 2159 BMZ DU345412 15.6 3GNA0001 9.5km NW Picola Mansfield Jamieson West - Mt Terrible Track 3GMA0022 Mt Terrible fire track DEPI Autumn FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor to the west of the Jamieson township. Mansfield johnson Hill 011-12 06 3 Sth of Woods Point DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 15 complement works in adjacent fire management zones Moira Mansfield Benalla Rural City Benalla Rural City Benalla Rural City Mannions Track Merrijig Carters Rd Middle Creek Mollyullah Bush Reserve Mt Samaria Wild Dog 3GNA0008 3GMA0007 3GBN0004 E3GoulbW 3GMA0010 6km NE Bearii Merrijig 10km SW of Myrrhee 500m NW of Mollyullah 19Km North of Mansfield Parks Victoria Parks Victoria DEPI Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 16 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA450279 57.3 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and to complement previous fuel reduced areas BMZ DU448991 281.7 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. BMZ DV325280 1783 ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Creek line Grassy Woodland communities and provide opportunity for the establishment of native grassland species. LMZ dv241447 4.14 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and To create a mosaic LMZ DV156183 2705 burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Heathy Dry Forest Wangaratta Rural City Benalla Rural City Mansfield Strathbogie Post Patch Track Reef Hills Reef Hills Rd Stockyard Creek Strathbogie Tames Rd W62GOUL 3GBN0021 011-12 01 3GBN0008 WARBY OVENS NATIONAL PARK Reef Hills State Park 11km North East of Mansfield Strathbogie Parks Victoria DEPI DEPI DEPI Spring Autumn Autumn Autumn ECO To bring fire age class distribution of Heathy Dry Forest EVC closer to the idealised distribution identified through in the Warby Range Ecological Fire Assessment BMZ DV265795 45.26 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide a variety of age classes of vegetation in this area. LMZ DV060498 285 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones BMZ DV370075 1212 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ CV955153 520.8 LMZ CA429278 24.6 LMZ CV997333 270 Moira Tongalong Track 3GNA0007 5.5km NE Yalca North Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Benalla Warrenbayn 3GBN0007 Warrenbayne DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of Report Title Report Subtitle 17 Rural City e - Wards Tk Benalla Rural City Winton Wetland Green Swamp Greater Shepparton City Youngs Firewood Block sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire 3GBN0023 Winton Wetland East side Com Other Spring ECO Remove groundcover to prepare site for aerial seeding. LMZ DV198665 905 BMZ CV552732 161.2 3GSH0005 1.6km NW Shepparton DEPI Autumn FRB To remove slash from firewood production and contribute to fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) ECO To bring age class distribution of heathy Dry Forest EVC closer to the idealised distribution identified in the Warby Range Ecological Fire Assessment BMZ DV270790 228 LMZ DV235908 606 LMZ DV226854 19.6 Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Wangaratta Rural City Burn Name Black Springs W72GOUL Warby Ovens National Park Parks Victoria Autumn Wangaratta Rural City Boweya Boweya Track 3GWG0011 Warby-Ovens National Park DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide age class distribution in this area. Wangaratta Rural City BoweyaCourtney Springs 3GWG0012 17km NW of Wangaratta Parks Victoria Spring FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and Report Title Report Subtitle 18 continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Grassy Woodland EVC Mansfield Mansfield Moira Moira Mansfield Cambatong Bakers Creek Cambatong Cambatong Road Cobram East Cobrawonga Track Crawfords Road Dry Creek 3GMA0024 3GMA0027 3GYA0001 3GNA0015 3GBN0005 5.5km north of Merrijig Cambatong 5.7km SE Cobram East 3.2km N of Ulupna West 13km NE of Merton DEPI DEPI Parks Victoria Parks Victoria DEPI Autumn Autumn Autumn AUTUMN Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 19 FRB To build fire protection works previously completed in adjacent blocks in the Goulburn and Ovens fire districts to provide a strategic fuel reduced corridor. LMZ DV340995 990 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and in the western side of this area. LMZ DV408082 230 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA896174 50.7 LMZ CA554313 44.8 BMZ CV970125 FRB FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. 345.8 Benalla Rural City Moira Mansfield Mansfield Goomalibee NCR Burness Rd Greater Barmah Lake Hat Hill NCR - Sawpit Gully Rd Howqua Hills - Howqua Track 3GBN0022 E3GoulbN 3GMA0021 3GMA0014A 6.5km NW of Benalla 8 kms North Barmah Hat Hill Reserve Howqua Hills Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Spring Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To reduce overall biomass and to encourage assemblage of native species (including orchids) and reduce phalaris extent. Treat over 3 year period. LMZ CV020571 182 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and reduce giant rush biomass, LMZ so protection ecological values priority LMZ CA160200 127.8 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will assist with providing protection to adjacent assets and also provide an age class distribution in this area. LMZ DV232148 1180 FRB Mosaic burning of target areas, identified as Low Eco. Risk in the 2006/07 PB Guide, for the purpose of achieving broad acre mosaic fuel reduction. LMZ DU438784 12644 BMZ DU277707 1767 BMZ DU248668 1001 Mansfield Jamieson Jamieson Lookout Tk 3GMA0012 Jamieson DEPI Autumn FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor south east of the Jamieson township and provide fuel reduced areas south of private residences along the Jamieson-Licola Rd Mansfield Jamieson 3GMA0023 Sappers Track DEPI Autumn FRB To develop a fuel Report Title Report Subtitle 20 Mansfield Moira Mansfield Greater Shepparton City South Sappers Track reduced corridor to provide a degree of protection for the Jamieson Township. Knockwood Snake Edwards Divide Link Tk FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire BMZ DU333583 2793 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ CA507296 17.7 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ DU394541 7962 FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor 10 km NW of Shepparton and to provide protection to houses/assets. LMZ so protection of woody habitat is critical. Pre burn habitat assessment required LMZ CV530810 175.6 LMZ CV962227 222.7 BMZ DV202217 330 Ladgroves Track Lazarinis Spur Track Shepperton North McCrakens 3GMA0013 3GNA0014 3GMA0016 E10GoulbS Knockwood 14km NW of Strathmerton 13.4 km NE Woods Point 10 km NW of Shepparton DEPI Parks Victoria DEPI Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Strathbogie Mt Barranhet - Mt Piper Rd 3GBN0011 Mt Barranhet Vested Vpc Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire Benalla Rural City Mt Samaria Butchers Track 3GBN0026 Mt Samaria SP Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the Report Title Report Subtitle 21 spread of bushfire and Wangaratta Rural City Moira Greater Shepparton City Benalla Rural City Peechelba Frosts Pighole unburnt Reedy Swamp 1 Reef Hills Johnson Rd 3GWG0002 E4GoulbN E9GoulbS 3GBN0020 20km NW Wangaratta 15 kms N Barmah 5 km NW of Shepparton Reef Hills State Park Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria DEPI Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 22 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ DV311947 6.5 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas sufficient to reduce the spread of bushfire and prevent further encroachment of giant rush on waterways which contributes to fuel hazard, LMZ so protection ecological values priority and retention of coarse woody debris LMZ CA184266 33.9 FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor north west of the Shepparton township and provide protection to house/assets. FMZ 4 so protection of woody habitat critical. pre burn habitat and breeding assessments needed. Isolate reed clump nesting areas. LMZ CV530770 227 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide a variety of age classes in this area. LMZ DV041506 260 Benalla Rural City Separation Spur Strathbogie Strathbogie Central - Mt Piper Road Benalla Rural City Strathbogie North - Ethel Road Benalla Rural City Strathbogie North - Mt Lindsay Mansfield Strathbogie South - Black Creek No2 Benalla Rural City ThoonaDave`s Hill Benalla Rural City Toombullup Schultz Track 3GBN0003 3GBN0032 3GBN0030 3GBN0031 3GBN0034 3GWG0013 3GBN0029 6km S of Warrenbayne Strathbogie SF Strathbogie North Strathbogie SF DEPI DEPI DEPI DEPI Strathbogie SF DEPI 3.5km S of Thoona PARKS VICTORI A Toombullup DEPI Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 23 FRB To burn at a mod intensity over 70 - 90 of the burn plan area. LMZ CV975320 456.2 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. Provide protection works for adjacent softwood plantations. LMZ DV981221 179 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ DV053354 313 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to, property and highly valued assets (plantation). LMZ DV031293 485 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide a degree of protection to private land on the southern boundary. LMZ DV031111 299 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ DV186748 68 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in BMZ DV268360 1181 adjacent fire management zones. Mansfield Toombullup South Spring Creek Road Benalla Rural City Toombullup West - Jones Track Benalla Rural City Wangaratta Rural City Wangaratta Rural City Moira Watchbox Creek Wang Rail Line Taminick Gap 12-13 Wang Rail line Wollumbin 12-13 War Plain 3GBN0028 3GBN0027 3GBN0006 3GWG0006 3GWG0004 E6GoulbN Toombullup State Forest Toombullup State Forest Tatong 10km NE Glenrowan 2.5km NE Glenrowan 14 kms N Barmah DEPI DEPI DEPI DEPI DEPI Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Summer Summer Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 24 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the potential spread of bushfire into adjacent assets LMZ DV290123 406 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DV223216 338 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and protection to Benalla`s domestic water catchment BMZ DV275325 1194 ECO To reduce biomass and manipulate vegetation structure to provide habitat appropriate to meet the requirements of the vegetation community. LMZ DV333703 .7 ECO To reduce biomass and manipulate vegetation structure to provide habitat appropriate to meet the requirements of the vegetation community. LMZ DV319670 2 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and LMZ CA165229 133.5 prevent further hazard accumulation of giant rush, LMZ so protection ecological values is priority Benalla Rural City Winton Wetland-7 Mile Wetland 3GBN0025 Winton Wetland south Com Other Spring Report Title Report Subtitle 25 ECO Reduce juncus biomass to provide opportunities for native perennials. LMZ DV178611 109 SCHEDULE 2: Works Program Works such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuelbreaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application, grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. The tables below contain a summary of proposed works over the following three years. Some of these works are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these works activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only, and actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DEPI fire management staff if further detail is required. Fuel Management Works 2013/14 – 2015/16 Locality Works Type Area (ha) Goughs Bay Rd Win/Heap - Burn 0.50 Glenrowan Win/Heap - Burn 0.01 Toombullups SF Reg Hems - Burn 10 Speculation Rd Win/Heap - Burn 0.10 No3 Feature Win/Heaps - Burn 0.50 Goughs Bay Slashing, mowing, mulching 1.0 Howqua Hills Slashing, mowing, mulching 18 Sawmill Settlement Slashing, mulching, spraying 8 Toombullups SF Slashing, mulching, spraying 14 Mansfield Slashing, mulching, spraying 7 Nathalia Slashing,roading, spraying, containment lines 5 Shepparton Slashing,roading, spraying, containment lines 26 Yarrawonga Slashing,roading, spraying, containment lines 62 Report Title Report Subtitle 26 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment and Primary Industry (DEPI) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the threat of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DEPI’s planned burning program. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DEPI planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2013/14 No Strategic fuelbreaks activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan. Report Title Report Subtitle 27 MURRINDINDI DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DEPI’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that fire-fighters have a much better chance of controlling bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require ground works. Ground works will be assessed through on-site inspections which will look at surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Works may include pest plant controls, brushing up of existing boundaries and internal tracks and the construction or preparation of other control lines with machinery. Please note that the years identified for planned burning are indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operations requirements. Planned Burns 2013/14 LGA Murrindindi Burn Name Alexandra McKenzies Reserve A Murrindindi Alexandra McKenzies Reserve B Murrindindi Big River LMB Burn Number 3MLE0019 Location abutting southern edge of Alexandra township Land Manager Parks Victoria Burn Season Autumn Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) ECO To develop a fuel reduced corridor south of the Alexandra township and requires burn treatment to reduce Paspalum (exotic) and encourage Themeda (Kangaroo grass). LMZ CU857815 2 LMZ CU862818 4 LMZ DU223504 1624 3MLE0020 abutting southern edge of the Alexandra township Parks Victoria Autumn ECO To develop a fuel reduced corridor south of the Alexandra township and to reduce Paspalum (exotic) and encourage Themeda (Kangaroo grass). 3MMV0002 14 km NW of DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular Report Title Report Subtitle 28 25 Mile Crk Murrindindi Yarra Ranges Big River LMB Section 2 Part B Big River SF Morris Rd Woods Point 3MMV0003 3MMV0008 Apprx 30k NW of Woods Point 21 kms ESE Marysville mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. DEPI DEPI Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. To reduce the spread of bushfire north of the Upper Yarra and Thomson catchments BMZ DU100430 1212 BMZ DU070440 1079 DU150500 2665 Yarra Ranges Big River SF Fireline 3MAL0010 16 kms East Marysville DEP Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire north of the Upper Yarra catchment. Murrindindi Black Range Drangsholt Tk 3MAL0011 14 km NW OF Taggerty DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU739768 1323 ECO To create a burn coverage appropriate for the ongoing ecological processes associated with Heathy Dry Forest and provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. LMZ CU228803 17 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ DU022806 122 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction and provide a level of protection to human life and LMZ CU984841 141 Mitchell Broadford Mt Piper South Face Murrindindi Eildon Karalika Heights Murrindindi Eildon Np Estate Spur Tk 3MKL0006 3 km W of Broadford Parks Victoria 3MLE0015 2 km NNW of Eildon Parks Victoria 3MLE0010 Lake Eildon National Park Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 29 recreation assets within Eildon National Park. Murrindindi Eildon Np Steep Tk Mitchell Kilmore Golf Course Murrindindi Kinglake East Bushland Reserve Candling Murrindindi Murrindindi Marysville Kings Rd Marysville Red Hill East 3MLE0009 3MBD0006 3MKL0002 3MMV0009 3MMV0010 6km SE of Eildon Kilmore 1 Km E of Kinglake East Marysville 600m ENE of Marysville Parks Victoria Com other Dept Of Education DEPI DEPI Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ DU073756 610 FRB To provide a level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. Protection for Monument Hill. LMZ cu198700 7 FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor using slashing and candling to build on protection works in adjacent areas. LMZ CU548461 1 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets surrounding communities APZ CU894468 10 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Marysville and surrounding communities APZ CU898487 60 APZ CU886473 16 APZ CU806409 45 Murrindindi Marysville Tip Hill North 3MMV0011 Western edge of Marysville DEPI Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Marysville and surrounding communities Murrindindi Narbethong South 3MMV0014 Immediately south of township DEPI Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property Report Title Report Subtitle 30 and assets of Narbethong. Mitchell Tallarook SF Flynns Rd 3MBD0010 Mt Disappointment State Forest DEPI Spring FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire. Mitchell Tallarook SF Flat Rock Tk 3MBD0011 9.5Km NNE of Broadford DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. APZ CU356853 165 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide protection for the Communications Assets and Fire tower on Mt Hickey. BMZ CU360830 792 APZ CU655438 26 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Toolangi. LMZ CU649444 3 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Toolangi. APZ CU650440 6 FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor using slashing and candling to build on protection works in adjacent BMZ CU473524 7 Mitchell Murrindindi Murrindindi Murrindindi Murrindindi Tallarook SF Mt Hickey Toolangi Discovery Toolangi Cherry Lane Toolangi Old Toolangi Rd Watsons Rd MSRF candling 3MBD0009 3MTL0003 3MTL0002 10 Km NE of Broadford Toolangi Township Toolangi DEPI Parks Victoria DEPI 3MTL0009 Toolangi Township Parks Victoria 3MKL0009 2 km NE of Pheasant Creek Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 31 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Toolangi. BMZ CU415850 405 areas. Planned Burns 2014/15 LGA Murrindindi Burn Name Alexandra Mckenzies Reserve C Burn Number 3MLE0018 Location southern edge of Alexandra Land Manager Parks Victoria Burn Season Autumn Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) ECO To modify the vegetation structure across the planned area to reduce fuel hazard, while maintaining ecological processes. LMZ CU862813 24 BMZ DU098478 1680 Murrindindi Big River SF Petroffs Rd 3MMV0005 8 km NE of Camberville DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To reduce the spread of bushfire north of the Upper Yarra and Thomson catchments Murrindindi Black Range Ginter Rd 3MAL0002 14 South of Molesworth DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU714709 2010 Murrindindi Bonniedoon Maintongoon Rd 3MLE0001 9.5 Km NW of Eildon DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. LMZ CU655943 536 Murrindindi Castella Marginal Rd 3MTL0010 4.5 km SE of Glenburn DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU637537 553 BMZ DU075780 3517 LMZ CU959844 272 Murrindindi Strathbogie Eildon NP Pinnacle Tk 3MLE0008 8km SE of Eildon Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire Eildon NP Skyline Rd 3MLE0011 Lake Eildon National Park Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and Report Title Report Subtitle 32 continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide a level of protection to human life and recreation assets within and adjacent to Eildon NP. Mansfield Murrindindi Murrindindi Enochs Point Railway Creek 3MAL0009 10 km SSW of Jamieson DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. LMZ DU215604 1084 Kinglake NP Burgan Tk 3MKL0003 8Km NE of Pheasant Creek Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU559544 547 FRB To provide protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Marysville township. APZ CU862471 12 APZ CU884470 33 Marysville Mt Gordon Tower 3MMV0019 4 km NW of Marysville DEPI Autumn Murrindindi Marysville Tip Hill South 3MMV0020 Marysville township DEPI Autumn FRB To provide protection to human life, property and highly valued assets within Marysville township Murrindindi Mt Robertson Boggy Crk Rd 3MTL0006 8.5Km NW of Glenburn DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU521591 519 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. LMZ CU390820 368 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and offer protection to the popular recreation site at Trawool reservoir. LMZ CU390895 269 Mitchell Mitchell Tallarook SF Tehans Tk Tallarook SF Trawool Reservoir West 3MBD0005 3MBD0012 10 KM SE OF TALLAROOK 5 Km East of Tallarook DEPI DEPI Autumn Spring Report Title Report Subtitle 33 Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) Murrindindi Big River 15 Mile Rd 3MAL0001 13 SE Eildon DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DU104646 620 Yarra Ranges Big River Frenchmans Creek 3MMV0001 fire edge 3 KM NW OF Matlock DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. To reduce the spread of bushfire north of the Upper Yarra and Thomson catchments LMZ DU235419 5183 Murrindindi Black Range Boundary Rd 3MAL0003 5 Km East of Limestone DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU721754 1431 Murrindindi Black Range Hedger Tk 3MAL0005 11 km SW of Alexandra DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU767723 1027 Murrindindi Black Range Link Rd 3MAL0004 7 km SE of Limestone DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU762761 940 Murrindindi Castella Melba Hwy 3MTL0005 5 km NW of Toolangi DEPI Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in and around Castella and Toolangi. BMZ CU610520 578 Murrindindi Eildon Rhonda Tk 3MLE0016 7 km ESE of Eildon Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. BMZ DU111767 359 Murrindindi Granton Pitt 3MMV0017 200m north of DEPI Autumn FRB To provide protection to APZ CU848456 11 Report Title Report Subtitle 34 Tk Granton 4.5 Km W of Marysville human life, property and highly valued assets of the Granton and Marysville communities. Nillumbik Kinglake Np Watsons Crk Tk 3MKL0004 3.5Km NNE of Christmas Hills PARKS VICTORI A Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction adjacent to the large area of forest to the north affected by the 2009 bushfire. BMZ CU529352 331 Murrindindi Marysville Red Hill West 3MMV0018 500m NE of Marysville DEPI Autumn FRB To provide protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Marysville township. APZ CU894486 55 Murrindindi Murrindindi Horseyard Crk Tk 3MTL0007 4.5KM SE OF DEVILS BRIDGE DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU684587 543 Murrindindi Murrindindi Spike Wattle Tk 3MTL0008 6Km SSE of Devils Bridge DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ CU673563 530 Murrindindi Rubicon SF South Cordurory Crk Rd 3MAL0012 10.5 km SSW OF Snobs Creek DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction. BMZ DU066668 535 Mitchell Tallarook SF Trawool Reservoir East 3MBD0003 8 km East of Tallarook DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. LMZ CU400880 439 Murrindindi Terip Rd Terip Terip 3MLE0017 2 km W of Gobur PARKS VICTORI A Autumn ECO To create an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction, while maintaining the ecology LMZ CV734018 412 Report Title Report Subtitle 35 SCHEDULE 2: Works Program Works such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuelbreaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application, grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. The tables below contain a summary of proposed works over the following three years. Some of these works are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these works activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only, and actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DEPI fire management staff if further detail is required. Fuel Management Works 2013/14 – 2015/16 Locality Works Type Area (ha) Murrindindi fire district Slashing, containment lines maintenance , heap burning etc 580 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment and Primary Industry (DEPI) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the threat of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DEPI’s planned burning program. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DEPI planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2013/14 No Strategic fuelbreaks activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan. Report Title Report Subtitle 36 OVENS DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DEPI’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that fire-fighters have a much better chance of controlling bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require ground works. Ground works will be assessed through on-site inspections which will look at surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Works may include pest plant controls, brushing up of existing boundaries and internal tracks and the construction or preparation of other control lines with machinery. Please note that the years identified for planned burning are indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operations requirements. Planned Burns 2013/14 LGA Burn Name Wangaratta Barambogie Sandersons Hill - Grassland Alpine Alpine Albion Apex Hill Burn Number 3OBW0027 T143 T134 Location 10km SW Chiltern 500m NE Bright W of Harrietville Land Manager Parks Victoria DEPI DEPI Burn Season Autumn Autumn Autumn Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of grassy woodland vegetation community LMZ DV552940 10 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. BMZ EV040170 1962 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV975366 264 Report Title Report Subtitle 37 Indigo Barambogie West Triangle road Wodonga Baranduda Stringybark Block Wodonga Baranduda Trig Point Track 3OBW0028 10km WSW of Chiltern DEPI 3OBW0004 Baranduda DEPI 3OBW0017 3 km south west of Baranduda Parks Victoria S137 5km NW of Dederang Spring Autumn BMZ DV587892 660 ECO To reduce overall grass biomass: Themeda triandra within designated burn units and annual grass species. LMZ DV955965 9.4 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DV928929 333 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ DV953690 219 LMZ DV691868 96 Basin Tk (LMB) Indigo Beechworth Chiltern road Green break track 3OBW0032 7km N of Beechworth Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop hazard reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire threat to property and assets Indigo Beechworth Correctional Centre 3OBW0011 2.5 km west of Beechworth Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DV697768 150 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Grassy Dry Forest EVC LMZ DV643794 919 Beechworth Native Dog Peak 3OBW0018 8 km north west of Beechworth Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Alpine Wangaratta DEPI Autumn To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 38 Alpine Bogong Village High Plains Road Alpine Buffalo NP Depot 3OBR0007 T109 1 km west of Bogong Village Parks Victoria Mt Buffalo NP Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn FRB To provide bushfire mitigation for Bogong Village. LMZ EV185288 1004 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets PBEZ DV823355 6 LMZ DV521446 394 Wangaratta Carboor Range South 3OOV0019 12km NE of Whitfield DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Indigo Chiltern Caledenia plots All Nations road 3OBW0059 4km East of Chiltern Parks Victoria Autumn ECO To provide conditions for the establishment of Calendenia concolor LMZ DV680980 16 Indigo Chiltern Red Box Track 3OBW0014 2.5 km north west of Chiltern Parks Victoria FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets. APZ DA627009 66 Alpine Crystal Brook Avenue T092 4.5KM W Of Porepunkah Parks Victoria FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets BMZ DV872386 1 3OOV0024 10km N of Whitfield DEPI FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor between King river and Whitfield road LMZ DU483425 25 S164 Eldorado Township Parks Victoria FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets for the township of Eldorado APZ DV571821 4 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of bushfire and to provide a mosaic age class. LMZ DV593818 357 Mansfield Edi Cutting Wangaratta Eldorado Historic Area Wangaratta Eldorado Lonies Gap 3OBW0013 2 km east of Eldorado Parks Victoria Autumn Spring Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 39 Wangaratta Indigo Indigo Alpine Eldorado Stony Creek East Ewarts Road Grevillia Track Havilah 3OBW0021 S141 S153 T130 8 km south east of Eldorado 5km N of Yackandandah 5km NNE of Chiltern 8km North of Bright Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria DEPI Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Granitic Hills Woodland. LMZ DV634753 331 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones BMZ DV854866 164 ECO To promote a regenerative response of senescent understorey species within the burn unit. Key Indicator Species include - Gold Dust Wattle, Varnish Wattle,Brachyloma daphnoides, Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea. LMZ DA670039 70 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones BMZ DV940450 891 LMZ DV850480 783 LMZ EV189326 1731 Alpine McCormacks T120 500M N OF EUROBIN DEPI Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones Alpine Mount Beauty LMB Kiewa River East 3OBR0002C 3KM SE of Mount Beauty Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will Report Title Report Subtitle 40 complement works in adjacent fire management zones Wangaratta Moyhu Edi Range South 3OOV0008 Mt Beauty – Alpine Alpine Indigo Indigo Simmonds Creek Mt Buffalo Chalet APZ Mt Pilot - Reids Way Mt Pilot Old Coach Road 3OBR0022 3OBR0013 3OBW0058 3OBW0020 12 km south east of Moyhu 4km WSW of Mt Beauty Mt Buffalo 5KM NW OF BEECHWORTH 6 km east of Mt Pilot DEPI Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Grassy Dry Forest. LMZ DV524422 522 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ EV110303 1023 FRB To create a defendable space around the Mt Buffalo Chalet and provide mitigation against radiant and convective heat impacting on the Chalet buildings. APZ DV839359 2.5 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV718825 7 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire through the National Park. Also providing protection for the Pilot Reference Area. BMZ DV771884 244 Report Title Report Subtitle 41 Wangaratta Musk Creek Wangaratta Myhree Bushland reserve (Whitfield No 1) Alpine Myrtleford - Old Ovens highway Alpine Ovens River Stage 1 W148 500M E Of Whitlands 3OBW0060 10km N Whitlands 3OOV0017 T111 DEPI DEPI 2km NW Myrtleford DEPI 3km East Bright Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV440288 452 ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet management objectives of the reserve LMZ DV387341 28 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property APZ DV730554 92 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets LMZ EV007348 63 BMZ DV535360 85 Wangaratta Pratts lane (Whitfield) 3OBW0053 8km NW of Whitfield DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Wangaratta Roberts Lane W162 5.5km NW of Whitfield DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ DV428338 72 Alpine Stackey Gully Road FRB Provide a fuel reduced buffer between two assets - residential area and pine plantation. LMZ DV953356 4.5 APZ DV767712 145 LMZ DV777678 16 T125 Bright DEPI Spring Indigo Stanley - Pub track 3OBW0038 5km SW of Beechworth DEPI Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and assets Indigo Stanley 3OBW0001 3km South of Parks Autumn FRB To provide an irregular Report Title Report Subtitle 42 Bushland Reserve Alpine Alpine Tawonga German Creek Walkers Lane Stanley 3OBR0023 7KM NW Of Mt Beauty 821 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones BMZ DV955344 50 BMZ DV445318 320 Autumn FRB DEPI Autumn ECO To provide conditions for the continued recruitment of orchids on this block LMZ DV899972 7 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property BMZ DV801819 337 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. BMZ DV876866 656 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ DV877805 152 Wodonga Wrens orchid block 3OBW0040 5km SE Wodonga Indigo EV082382 To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire Wodonga Yackandandah Rowdy Flat LMZ Parks Victoria W163 Indigo FRB DEPI Whitfield West Yackandandah Hodgson Lane Autumn To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property 500m South Bright Wangaratta WoorageePlunketts road DEPI mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones T135 3km West of Whitfield Indigo Victoria 3OBW0041 8km NE of Beechworth Parks Victoria 3OBW0019 5 km north of Yackandandah Parks Victoria 3OBW0005 2.5 Km SE of Yackandandah DEPI Spring Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 43 Planned Burns 2014/15 LGA Burn Name Alpine Abbeyards Dandongadale Indigo Barambogie Sandersons hill forest Indigo Indigo Alpine Moira Beechworth Magpie No 1 Brewers Road Burn Number 3OBW0044 3OBW0026 3OBW0029 3OBW0033 Location 25km SE Whitfield 10km SW of Chiltern 3km NE of Beechworth 8km SW Wodonga Land Manager DEPI Parks Victoria DEPI Parks Victoria Burn Season Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV737133 12445 ECO To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of dry forest vegetation community LMZ DV579936 60 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property BMZ DV758791 165 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire threat to property and assets LMZ DV809932 128 LMZ EV017386 1228 LMZ DV089944 132 Bright - Morgans Creek 3OBR0014 12km WNW Mt Beauty DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Cheesley Gate road 3OBW0034 10km WSW Wodonga DEPI Autumn ECO To manipulate vegetation structure to provide habitat for the prey species of, and future Report Title Report Subtitle 44 hollow bearing trees for the brush tailed phascogales and barking owls Wangaratta Wangaratta Eldorado - Mulls Eldorado Stony Creek West 3OBW0069 3OBW0022 5km East of Eldorado 8 km south of Eldorado Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV598800 89 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Granitic Hills Woodland. LMZ DV603738 243 BMZ DV803472 381 Alpine Lower nine mile - Myrtleford 3OOV0014 10km SE Myrtleford DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Alpine Mt Beauty Tawonga Gap 3OBR0008 4 km west of Mt Beauty Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide bushfire mitigation as part of BMZ objectives around Mt Beauty. BMZ EV118337 1152 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ EV220388 855 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and LMZ DV764600 330 Alpine Alpine Mount Beauty LMB Cooper Creek Mudgeegonga PX track 3OBR0002B 3OOV0015 8KM NE of Mount Beauty 6km N Myrtleford Parks Victoria DEPI Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 45 property Alpine Alpine Indigo Myrtleford McGeehans track Myrtleford Flagstaff Road Stanley - Kerry Eagle Spur Indigo Stanley Wombat Spur Wodonga Wodonga McFarlands Hill Indigo Yackandandah Commissioners Creek 3OOV0016 3OBW0023 3OBW0037 5km N of Myrtleford 8.5 km north west of Myrtleford 6km East of Beechworth 3OBW0039 8km E of Beechworth 3OBW0064 Wodonga McFarlanes hill 3OBW0003 4km NW of Yackandandah DEPI DEPI Parks Victoria DEPI DEPI Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property APZ DV777580 277 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Grassy Dry Forest. LMZ DV709615 223 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property BMZ DV782763 35 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property BMZ DV803770 109 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire BMZ DA834000 160 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV836842 20 Report Title Report Subtitle 46 Planned Burns 2015/16 LGA Alpine Burn Name Abbeyards Razor Alpine Abbeyyards Selwyn track Wangaratta Beechworth Newey Lane Burn Number 3OBW0045 Location 30km SE of Whitfield Land Manager Parks Victoria DEPI Burn Season Autumn Autumn Burn Type Land Management Objective FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DU718977 15448 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DU934974 1870 FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and assets LMZ DV693705 77 LMZ DV736757 64 3OOV0022 Abbeyyards 3OBW0030 3km SW of Beechworth DEPI Wangaratta Beechworth Silver Creek 3OBW0031 2km SE of Beechworth Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and infrastructure Alpine Bogong Village East 3OOBR0029 1km East of Bogong Village Parks Victoria Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire LMZ EV218270 600 BMZ DV978422 913 BMZ DV508225 520 Autumn Alpine Bright - Mt Porepunkah track 3OBR0015 7km NE Porepunkah DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property Wangaratta Cheshunt Paradise Falls 3OOV0023 10km S of Whitfield DEPI Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce Report Title Report Subtitle 47 the spread of wildfire Mansfield Cheshunt reference area Indigo Chiltern Wallaces Gully Indigo Chiltern Skeleton Hill Wangaratta Wangaratta Alpine Eldorado Dredge Holes Lake Buffalo Dandongadale River Porepunkah Harris Lane 3OBW0047 15km South of Whitfield DEPI 3OBW0066 8km WNW Chiltern Parks Victoria 3OBW0015 3.5 km south east of Chiltern Parks Victoria 3OBW0068 3OOV0012 3OBR0010 3km West of Eldorado 13 km south of Lake Buffalo 4 km west of Porepunkah Parks Victoria DEPI Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV416014 5898 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DA792776 160 FRB To provide a mosaic burn at a moderate intensity over 50% of the burn plan area. LMZ DV673970 232 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones LMZ DV553813 35 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of Shrubby Dry Forest. LMZ DV666227 3354 FRB To begin providing a fuel reduced area as part of a planned BMZ that aims to provide fire risk mitigation to Porpunkah/Bright and surrounding pine BMZ DV882372 618 Report Title Report Subtitle 48 plantations. Alpine Indigo Alpine Smoko - Big Flat Stanley - Dingle track Tawonga Ryders Spur Alpine West Kiewa Ash Wellington Whitfield Reserve Indigo Yackandandah Finlay spur Indigo Yackandandah Rocky Point 3OBR0019 3OBW0036 3OBR0024 3OBR0028 3OBW0067 8km SW Mt Beauty 5km SE of Beechworth 8km NNW of Mt Beauty DEPI DEPI DEPI 12km E of Harrietville DEPI Whitfield Parks Victoria 3OBW0043 8km East of Beechworth 3OBW0065 8km SW of Yackandandah DEPI DEPI Autumn Summe r Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn Autumn FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threat to assets and property LMZ EV081290 981 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire threat to property and assets BMZ DV761728 47 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and threats to assets and property BMZ EV114379 400 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and assist regeneration of eucalypt ash species LMZ EV144218 3100 ECO To reduce overall biomass and to encourage assemblage of native flora onsite BMZ DU600450 3 FRB To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread and threat of wildfire. LMZ DV831765 200 FRB To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in BMZ DV792776 139 Report Title Report Subtitle 49 adjacent fire management zones SCHEDULE 2: Works Program Works such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuelbreaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application, grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. The tables below contain a summary of proposed works over the following three years. Some of these works are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these works activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only, and actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DEPI fire management staff if further detail is required. Fuel Management Works 2013/14 – 2015/16 Locality Works Type Area (ha) Wood St Beechworth Slashing 0.2 Jarvis Rd Beechworth Slashing 1.4 Beechworth-Wodonga Rd Beechworth Slashing 0.8 Britton Lane Yackandandah Slashing 2.5 High St Chiltern Slashing 0.3 Montbatten Ave/Hawthorn Lane Bright Slashing/Spraying 3.1 Behind Golf Course Bright Slashing/Spraying 24.5 Service St Porepunkah Slashing/Spraying 6 Gillards Lane Wandiligong Slashing/Spraying 0.4 Great Alpine Road Freeburgh Slashing/Spraying 1.7 Great Alpine Road Smoko Slashing/Spraying 5.4 Buckland Valley Road Ah Young's Camping Area Slashing/Spraying 15.8 Report Title Report Subtitle 50 Wangaratta-Whitfield Rd 3.5 km N King Valley Roading/Slashing/Spraying 6.4 Tarrawingee River Reserve Slashing/Spraying 0.2 Myrtleford Slashing/Spraying 5 Barwidgee Slashing/Spraying 3 Mt Big Ben Slashing/Spraying 3 Mt Buffalo Chalet Slashing 3 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment and Primary Industry (DEPI) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the threat of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DEPI’s planned burning program. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DEPI planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2013/14 No Strategic fuelbreaks activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan . Report Title Report Subtitle 51 UPPER MURRAY DISTRICT SCHEDULE 1: Planned Burns Planned burning is one of DEPI’s most important fire prevention activities. It involves the controlled application of fire during periods of lower fire risk, to achieve one of three main purposes: fuel reduction, ecological management and forest regeneration. It is important to understand that planned burning operations, particularly fuel reduction burns, do not stop or eliminate the risk of bushfires. However, Victorian research, and similar information from other parts of Australia and overseas, clearly shows that fire-fighters have a much better chance of controlling bushfires in areas where fuel reduction burns have been carried out. Approved burns in this year’s Plan will require ground works. Ground works will be assessed through on-site inspections which will look at surrounding assets and planned burn objectives. Works may include pest plant controls, brushing up of existing boundaries and internal tracks and the construction or preparation of other control lines with machinery. Please note that the years identified for planned burning are indicative only and may be changed due to weather conditions and operations requirements. Planned Burns 2013/14 LGA Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Wodonga Rural City Bonegilla Grasslands UW001 1.2km WSW Of Bonegilla Parks Victoria Winter ECO Towong Alberts BNP COR003 5 km NNW Cudgewa Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Berringama COR011 11KM ESE Of Koetong Parks Victoria Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 52 FRB Land Management Objective To provide conditions for the establishment of Kangaroo grass and to expose inter-tussock spaces for 2 threatened grassland orchid species. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets (Pine Plantation, Transmission Line) FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) LMZ DA987006 8.8 LMZ EV680995 541 LMZ EV550970 160 Towong Towong Biggara Whitehead Trk Browns BNP 3UCOR056 M99 9km SE of Corryong 11 km N Cudgewa DEPI Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn FRB FRB Towong Centre Tk 3UTA023 10Km N of Tallangatta Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Clarkes Lagoon 3UCOR052 Clarkes Lagoon Visitor Site Parks Victoria Spring FRB Towong Corryong Mt Mittamatite Tower 3UCOR057 6.5km N of Corryong Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Cudgewa Cudgewa Railway 3UCOR058 Cudgewa Other Gov Dept Summer FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 53 To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire towards Tallangatta and Tallangatta East. To provide a high level of protection to human life, property and valued assets. Campsite to be slashed & grassy bank around campsites to be burnt. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets - fire tower & telecommunications tower. To burn grass fuel or mechanically remove grass hazards around the township of Cudgewa to reduce the risk of fire around homes and property. To provide a high level of strategic protection BMZ EV904888 317 LMZ EA700050 100 LMZ & BMZ EA157022 392 LMZ EA821130 8.2 APZ EV775992 1.6 OTH ER EV691942 10 Towong Cudgewa Ranch Road 3UCOR034 7km NE of Cudgewa Township Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Dartmouth Road MM015 4km NE Mitta Mitta DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Towong Dry Forest Ck - Ref. Area 3UTA028 7Km SW of Koetong Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Alpine Towong East Gippsland Eskdale Bowmans Georges Creek Hillas Tk Glen Valley One Mile Spur Trk 3UMIT034 3UTA015 3UMIT047 10km SE of Eskdale 8 Km NNE Tallangatta 16km NW Of Benambra Township DEPI Parks Victoria Parks Victoria Autumn Autumn Autumn Report Title Report Subtitle 54 FRB FRB FRB to human life and highly valued assets. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets of Mt Mittamatite telecommunications/ fire tower. To reduce overall biomass of English Broome, post spraying. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide protection from bushfire to the farming assets south west of Eskdale township. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones & provide protection to farmland & Benambra community. LMZ EV771985 211 BMZ EV383583 58 BMZ EV386921 1740 BMZ EV124545 1687 LMZ EV216980 232 LMZ EV530247 1170 Towong Granite Flat Mulhauser Spur Towong 3UMIT026 25 Km S Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Granya Bridle Tk 3UTA016 14 Km Ne Tallangatta Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Hindleton Granya Gap Road 3UTAL050 5km N Of Bullioh Settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Kurrajong Gap P139 2 km NW Bethanga Parks Victoria Winter FRB Towong Lucyvale Beetoomba/ Gibb Range 3UCOR030 9km S from Lucyvale settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Mitta Mitta Depot Grass 3UMIT037 Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Alpine Mongans Bridge RedbankMongans Rd 3UTA007 10 KM N Tawonga Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Mount Misery - 3UMM010 Cemetary Rd Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 55 To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and to provide a level of protection from bushfire to the adjacent farming communities. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life and property. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into the pine plantations to the north. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets in the township of Mitta Mitta To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets (Orchard) To provide a high level of strategic protection BMZ EV377376 1063 LMZ EA259017 586 LMZ EV303997 97 BMZ EA075037 3.8 BMZ EV571733 1235 APZ EV337563 1 LMZ EV100489 26 LMZ EV343564 57 Mittta Mitta Township to Mitta Mitta Township. Towong Mt Kelly TAL018B 7km W of Burrowye Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Nariel Valley - Bonds Road 3UCOR041 1km SW of Nariel settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Nariel Valley - Saltpetre Creek 3UCOR026 19km S of Nariel settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Pheasant Ck 3UTA027 6Km SW of Guys Forest Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Pine Mtn Sandy Creek Rd 3UCOR060 7.5km West Of Tintaldra Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Razorback Spur Merimac Spur 3UMIT043 Razorback Spur DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Scrubby Ck Road - Mitta 3UMM011 2km NW of Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 56 To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and protect Burrowye To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into the Nariel Settlement and farming land. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction around the planned burning exclusion zone. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide protection to adjacent landowners To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide a fuel reduced mosaic pattern across the landscape To provide a high level of strategic protection LMZ EA440151 1892 BMZ EV734633 912 LMZ EV757451 2222 LMZ EA553021 45 LMZ EA752121 811 LMZ EV439322 2396 APZ EV322570 38 Mitta Township to Mitta Mitta Township Towong Shelley Hunters Hill 3UTAL040 3km S of Shelley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Shelley Grassland P141 3 km NE Shelley Parks Victoria Winter ECO Towong Tallandoon Lockharts Gap Rd 3UMM005 4.5km N of Eskdale DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Fernvale Fireline 3UTA009 7 KM S Tallangatta DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley - Lake Findlay 3UTAL043 5km E of Tallangatta Valley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley – Mt Cudgewa 3UTAL056 9KM SE OF Tallangatta valley fire shed DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley Powerline Rd 3UTAL031 5km SW of Tallangatta Valley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 57 To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into adjacent pine plantation and to provide protection from bushfire to the telecommunications tower on Hunters Hill. To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of native grasses and disadvantage exotics. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide an irregular mosaic of fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of bushfire into nearby pine plantations and farming assets. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the BMZ EA485921 343 BMZ EV510965 35 LMZ EV177723 702 LMZ EV170851 404 LMZ EV415868 1563 LMZ EV451791 1091 LMZ EV306817 346 spread of bushfire and provide protection to nearby farming and plantation assets. Towong Thologolong - Kurrajong Trk 3UTAL053 1.1km NW of MT PORCUPINE in Mount Lawson State Park Alpine Upper Gundowring Gundowring Fireline 3UTA014 7 KM SE Gundowring DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Walwa Eighty Acres 3UCOR032 6km SE of Walwa DEPI Autumn FRB Burn Number Location Land Manager Parks Victoria Summer FRB To develop a fuel reduced corridor north of the Mt Lawson State Park, & to reduce overall biomass and reduce exotic grass species. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire To reduce fuel loads and introduce fire into long unburnt EVC`s which are suitable for burning. Last burnt in 1952 wildfire LMZ EA373208 51 BMZ EV087613 1432 LMZ EA708170 92 FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) LMZ & BMZ EV888788 1582 LMZ EA660015 219 Planned Burns 2014/15 LGA Burn Name Burn Season Burn Type Towong Bunroy- Mt Unicorn 3UCOR043 19km SE of Corryong Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Burrowa Pine Mtn NP - Lookouts 3UCOR045 7km W of Cudgewa North Settlement Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 58 Land Management Objective To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To protect Mt Unicorn Mining Operations from wildfire. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and Walking Tk Towong Dartmouth Eustace Gap Creek 3UCOR048 14KM SE of Dartmouth Township Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Towong Dartmouth Kings Spur 3UCOR049 18km ESE of Dartmouth Township Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Towong Dartmouth Mount Benambra 3UMIT031 5 km NE Dartmouth DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Dartmouth Sheevers Spur 3UCOR046 10KM SE Dartmouth Township Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Report Title Report Subtitle 59 continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To introduce fire into the landscape that was last burnt in 1981. To create a mosaic burn coverage in an attempt to increase heterogeneity of the habitats which should increase species richness and diversity. To reduce the severity and impact of large scale wildfires on the landscape. To create a mosaic burn coverage in an attempt to increase heterogeneity of the habitats which should increase species richness and diversity. To reduce the severity and impact of large scale wildfires on the landscape. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and strategic protection from bushfire for the Dartmouth Township. To create a mosaic burn coverage in an attempt to increase heterogeneity of the habitats which should increase species richness and diversity. To reduce the severity and impact of large scale wildfires on the LMZ EV578454 6614 BMZ EV639474 12738 LMZ & BMZ EV495595 3822 LMZ EV502477 10362 landscape. Towong Dartmouth Toke Creek 3UCOR047 15KM SSE Dartmouth township Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Towong Dartmouth Walsh`s Road 3UMIT045 Dartmouth DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Granite Flat West Branch 3UMIT025 10 km S Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Granite Peak MM008 9 KM SSW Dartmouth DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Granya Firebrace Link Track 3UTAL051 2KM SE OF Granya Settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Koetong Bilborough Rd 3UTAL052 1km SE Of Koetong Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Koetong Grants Track 3UTAL039 6km NE of Koetong Township DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 60 To create a mosaic burn coverage in an attempt to increase heterogeneity of the habitats which should increase species richness and diversity. To reduce the severity and impact of large scale wildfires on the landscape. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide protection from bushfire to Granite Flat. To develop a fuel reduced corridor from Bullhead, Southeast to Granite Peak. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets pine plantation. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into the nearby pine BMZ EV499369 1915 APZ EV438557 276 BMZ EV363500 3209 LMZ & BMZ EV426478 1913 BMZ EA307030 336 LMZ EV450984 30 BMZ EA513040 315 Towong Mclachlans Rd-Thowgla 3UCO021 11km SE of Corryong DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Mitta Mitta The Sugarloaf 3UMIT044 Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Mount Lawson Flat Rock Track 3UTAL036 9km WNW of Koetong Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Kendells Fireline 3UTAL030 6km SSE of Tallangatta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley - East Branch 3UTAL042 8KM E of Tallangatta Valley township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley - JC Track 3UTAL033 4.5 km SE of Tallangatta Valley township. DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 61 plantation and farming land. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones to the south. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets To develop a fuel reduced corridor by building onto fuel reduction works in the area; to protect the nearby plantations and farming assets from wildfire. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of wildfire. To provide protection to the North and East, including the Mount Bolga Radio Tower. To provide an irregular mosaic of fuel reduced areas and to reduce the spread of bushfire into nearby pine plantations and farming assets. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and To build on protection works in adjacent asset protection zone and to BMZ EV856849 473 APZ EV315585 170 LMZ EA424084 682 LMZ EV172869 467 LMZ EV443839 852 LMZ EV393819 725 Towong WalwaSnake Gully 3UCOR031 2km W Walwa DEPI Autumn FRB build on adjacent protection works. To create an irregular mosaic of fuel reduced areas to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide protection to the adjacent Walwa Resort. LMZ EA628216 481 Planned Burns 2015/16 District Burn Name Burn Number Location Land Manager Burn Season Burn Type Towong Biggara Barlows Break 3UCOR028 15km South of Biggara locality Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Burrowye Chicks Track 3UTAL038 4km S of Burrowye Settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Lucyvale Cudgewa Creek Ref Area 3UCOR029 2km SW of Lucyvale settlement Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Mitta Mitta Callaghan 3UMIT029 5km N Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 62 Land Management Objective To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and provide protection from bushfire to Bunroy Station To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire to nearby pine plantations and farming land. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into neighbouring pine plantations and farming assets. To develop fuel reduced areas of FMZ Grid Reference Planned Burn Area (ha) BMZ EV935696 2575 BMZ EA524080 161 BMZ EV526798 2099 BMZ EV379629 1536 Creek Towong Mitta Mitta Enevers Track 3UMIT030 5 km NE Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Mitta Mitta Magorra Range 3UMIT024 5 km E Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Mitta Mitta Welcome Spur 3UMIT046 Mitta Mitta DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Nariel Valley - Rawes Creek 3UCOR038 14km N Nariel Valley Settlement DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Nariel Valley – Shady Creek 3UCOR067 12KM SE Of Nariel Community DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Nariel Valley - Six Mile Ridge 3UCOR054 8km SE of Nariel Valley Community DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 63 sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and protect Callaghan Creek Pine Plantation. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets Callaghan Creek Pine Plantation. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide fire protection to Granite Flat and Dartmouth Township. To provide a high level of strategic protection to human life, property and highly valued assets To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into farming assets and the adjacent Wabba Wilderness Area. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and reduce the fuel BMZ EV388602 405 LMZ & BMZ EV384561 2940 APZ EV328532 554 BMZ EV707797 992 LMZ EV808575 650 LMZ EV790580 1310 East Gippsland Razorback Spur Pegleg Creek 3UMIT042 Razorback Spur DEPI & Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong SCRUBBY Thowgla Creek Lmb 3UCOR061 Borders Bunroy to the NE, and Nariel community to the NW DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Shelley Humphries Track 3UTAL041 5km SW of Shelley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Shelley Eco burn 3UTAL044 Shelley COM OTHER Autumn ECO Towong Tallangatta Valley - Little Buchen Creek EV509754 15KM SE OF Tallangatta valley fire shed DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Tallangatta Valley - Little Razorback 3UTAL032 10 km SSE of Tallangatta Valley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Report Title Report Subtitle 64 hazard below VERY HIGH in the 2003 fire affected area. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and provide a fuel reduced mosaic pattern across the landscape To develop a fuel reduced corridor SW of Bunroy Station & E of Nariel community, & broad acre fuel reduction mosaic across LMZ & BMZ. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire into adjacent pine plantation. To provide protection from bushfire to the Telecommunications Tower at Hunters Hill. Trial Eco burn to manipulate Striated Sun Moth grassland habitat. Aim to compare slashing regime with Eco burn outcomes. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the LMZ EV495330 3421 BMZ 3UCOR06 1 11584 BMZ EV443914 398 LMZ EV494959 0.8 LMZ 3UTAL057 3007 BMZ EV372748 2545 Towong Tallangatta Valley Matthews Creek Trk 3UTAL034 7km SE of Tallangatta Valley Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Thologolong - Bungil Reference Area 3UTAL037 7km SE of Thologolong settlement Parks Victoria Autumn FRB Towong Trappers Spur Track 3UMM012 10km From Mt Beauty DEPI Autumn FRB Alpine Upper Gundowring - Mullagong Fireline 3UTAL029 8KM SE of Dederang Township DEPI Autumn FRB Towong Wises Creek - Flora Reserve 3UTAL049 5KM ENE of Talgarno settlement Parks Victoria Autumn ECO Report Title Report Subtitle 65 spread of bushfire and provide protection to farming assets. To build on protection works in adjacent planned burn areas, to provide protection from bushfire to farming assets in Tallangatta Valley. To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and to provide protection from bushfire to the Mt Lawson Telecommunications/ Fire Tower and nearby pine plantations. Previously burnt in 1952 by wildfire. To provide an irregular mosaic of areas of fuel reduction which will complement works in adjacent fire management zones and Ecological Management zones (FMZ 2&3) To develop fuel reduced areas of sufficient width and continuity to reduce the spread of bushfire and to complement planned burns immediately to the north and east. To create a mosaic burn coverage appropriate to meet requirements of the Grassy Woodland EVC. BMZ EV404800 627 BMZ EA375112 851 BMZ EV296412 3039 BMZ EV099536 1907 LMZ EA196101 32 SCHEDULE 2: Works Program Works such as the maintenance and construction of fire control lines, fire access tracks, fuelbreaks, fire infrastructure and other fuel management activities are required to support the planned burning program. Treatments to achieve these works can include slashing, pruning, chemical application, grazing or other operations (such as ploughing, mulching or rolling) that may be more appropriate or practical in certain areas. For example, fuel on small areas or blocks located within townships may be treated mechanically, where burning is impractical. These methods may also be more suitable in certain vegetation types. The tables below contain a summary of proposed works over the following three years. Some of these works are annual, with others prioritised based on the seasonal conditions and which planned burns are scheduled. Accompanying maps provide detail on where these works activities are located. Note that the maps show approximate areas only, and actual treatment area will be dependent on the condition of the fuels at the time of assessment. Please contact your local DEPI fire management staff if further detail is required. Fuel Management Works 2013/14 – 2015/16 Locality Works Type Area (ha) Bunroy – Harringtons Track (3ucor051) Windrows/heap burns from flood debris 2 Clarkes Lagoon (3ucor052) Camping areas to be slashed 8 Cudgewa – Cudgewa Railway (3ucor058) Slashing around houses in preparation for burning 10 Mitta Mitta – Depot Grass (3umit037) Slashing around mitta mitta depot 1 Mitta North – Cutting Reserve (3umit041) Windrows/heap burns from flood debris 1 Omeo Highway – Mt Wills (3umit023) Windrows/heap burns 1 Sandy Creek – Sandy Creek Ssr (3utal045) Windrows/heap burns from flood debris 2 Towong -Corryong Creek Ssr (3ucor053) Windrows/heap burns from flood debris 1 Wks-Corryong 2013/14 (3ucor062w) Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Tallangatta 2013/14 (3utal054w) Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Mitta 2013/14 (3umit048w) Various slashing works along roadside 10 Report Title Report Subtitle 66 Fuel Management Works 2014/15 Locality Works Type Area (ha) Wks-Corryong 2014/15 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Tallangatta 2014/15 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Mitta 2014/15 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Locality Works Type Area (Ha) Wks-Corryong 2015/16 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Tallangatta 2015/16 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Wks-Mitta 2015/16 Various slashing works along roadside 10 Fuel Management Works 2015/16 SCHEDULE 3: Strategic Fuelbreaks The Department of Environment and Primary Industry (DEPI) and Parks Victoria are working together to establish and maintain a network of strategic fuelbreaks to expand the protection of communities, forests and parks from the threat of bushfire. A strategic fuelbreak is a strip of land where vegetation has been modified to reduce the amount of fuel available to burn during a bushfire. Strategic fuelbreaks are an important tool for fire management on public land. They provide a fuel-reduced area from which to conduct back burning ahead of an approaching bushfire or during DEPI’s planned burning program. Machinery is used to clear vegetation generally within a 15-20 metre wide strip. In some instances this width could be up to 40m. Existing roads and tracks are considered part of the clearing. Where possible, overstorey trees are retained to provide shading and connection between the trees for wildlife and landscape values. Strategic fuelbreak construction is included on this Fire Operations Plan for information only; it is approved via a separate DEPI planning process. Strategic Fuelbreak Works 2013/14 No Strategic fuelbreaks activities are included on this Fire Operations Plan. Report Title Report Subtitle 67 HUME REGION SCHEDULES SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones The following zones are proposed to be changed from one zone to another zone; is public land not previously zoned which is to be zoned; or public land zoned which is to be unzoned. Amendment Number District Location Current Zone Area (ha) Zone Proposed Justification for Amendment Hume/13/01 Murrindindi Marysville APZ 159 BMZ Wet forest east of APZ zone Hume/13/02 Murrindindi Marysville BMZ 289 APZ Inside area of APZ NW of township Hume/13/03 Upper Murray Koetong LMZ 30 APZ To increase town protection. This block of land is in between Koetong township and a pine plantation Hume/13/04 Upper Murray Cudgewa None 10 APZ Township protection Hume/13/05 Murrindindi Marysville LMZ 21 PBEZ To align with on ground features Hume/13/06 Murrindindi Toolangi LMZ 17 PBEZ To align with on ground features Hume/13/07 Murrindindi Narbethong APZ 14 BMZ To align with on ground features Hume/13/08 Goulburn Lower Moira BMZ 29 LMZ To align with on ground features Hume/13/09 Goulburn Taminick BMZ 12 LMZ To align with on ground features Hume/13/10 Goulburn Bridge Creek BMZ 32 LMZ To align with on ground features Amendment Number - Unique tracking number consisting of – Region name / 2 digit year number / 3 digit sequential number. District – DEPI District Location - a bearing and distance of the work site from the nearest major township/locality. Current Zone – acronym to be entered outlining the zone type. Area (ha) – estimated using the best information at the time. Zone Proposed – acronym to be entered outlining proposed new zone. Justification for Amendment – rationale to explain why the zone is being amended. Report Title Report Subtitle 68 SCHEDULE 4: Amendments to Fire Management Zones (part 2) FMZ Boundary Logical Boundary Revision: There are a number of proposed changes to the Fire Management Zoning this year. These do not represent a change in the effective treatment of a given area, rather they reflect a review of the zones and their practical boundaries. The changes represent a net change to zoning of approximately 2% across the public land estate in the Hume Region. Amendment Number District Location Current Zone Area (ha) Zone Proposed Justification for Amendment Hume/13/11 Goulburn Various locations within District Not zoned 53 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/12 Goulburn Various locations within District Not zoned 258 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/13 Goulburn Various locations within District Not zoned 2736 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/14 Goulburn Various locations within District APZ 55 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/15 Goulburn Various locations within District APZ 9 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/16 Goulburn Various locations within District APZ 14 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/17 Goulburn Various locations within District BMZ 166 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/18 Goulburn Various locations within District BMZ 73 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/19 Goulburn Various locations within District LMZ 12253 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/20 Goulburn Various locations within District LMZ 228 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/21 Goulburn Various locations within District LMZ 564 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/22 Goulburn Various locations within District PBEZ 25 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/23 Goulburn Various locations within District PBEZ 30 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/24 Murrindindi Various locations within District Not zoned 66 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/25 Murrindindi Various locations within District Not zoned 173 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/26 Murrindindi Various locations within District Not zoned 842 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/27 Murrindindi Various locations within District APZ 56 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/28 Murrindindi Various locations within District APZ 422 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/29 Murrindindi Various locations within District APZ 64 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/30 Murrindindi Various locations within District APZ 8 PBEZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/31 Murrindindi Various locations within District BMZ 343 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/32 Murrindindi Various locations within District BMZ 17 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/33 Murrindindi Various locations within District BMZ 2366 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Report Title Report Subtitle 69 Hume/13/34 Murrindindi Various locations within District LMZ 9234 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/35 Murrindindi Various locations within District LMZ 18 APZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/36 Murrindindi Various locations within District LMZ 1707 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/37 Murrindindi Various locations within District LMZ 713 PBEZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/38 Murrindindi Various locations within District PBEZ 19 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/39 Murrindindi Various locations within District PBEZ 46 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 66 APZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 173 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 842 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District APZ 56 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District APZ 422 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/40 Hume/13/41 Hume/13/42 Hume/13/43 Hume/13/44 Ovens Ovens Ovens Ovens Ovens Hume/13/45 Ovens Various locations within District APZ 64 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/46 Ovens Various locations within District APZ 8 PBEZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/47 Ovens Various locations within District BMZ 343 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District BMZ 17 APZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District BMZ 2366 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District LMZ 9414 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District LMZ 18 APZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District LMZ 1707 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/48 Hume/13/49 Hume/13/50 Hume/13/51 Hume/13/52 Ovens Ovens Ovens Ovens Ovens Hume/13/53 Ovens Various locations within District LMZ 713 PBEZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/54 Ovens Various locations within District PBEZ 19 NZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/55 Ovens Various locations within District PBEZ 46 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 144 APZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 633 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District Not zoned 557 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District APZ 42 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District APZ 6 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/56 Hume/13/57 Hume/13/58 Hume/13/59 Hume/13/60 Upper Murray Upper Murray Upper Murray Upper Murray Upper Murray Hume/13/61 Upper Murray Various locations within District APZ 1 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/62 Upper Murray Various locations within District BMZ 844 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Hume/13/63 Upper Murray Various locations within District BMZ 29 LMZ Align to operational boundaries Report Title Report Subtitle 70 Hume/13/64 Hume/13/65 Hume/13/66 Upper Murray Upper Murray Upper Murray Various locations within District LMZ 8273 Not zoned Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District LMZ 201 APZ Align to operational boundaries Various locations within District LMZ 1585 BMZ Align to operational boundaries Report Title Report Subtitle 71