File - Glen Ames Senior Public School

Weekly News Update from Glen Ames
From Mr. Panesar and Mr. Storey
Follow on Glen Ames on Twitter
Dear Parents/Guardians, here are the Glen Ames News Updates for December 11th, 2015
Last Saturday the Glen Ames Garment Grabbers faced 20 teams from the TDSB at the Woburn CI FLL
event. They won first place robot performance (top robot score) and first place champions award (first
place overall). They are now headed to provincials to face the best teams in the Country on January 16th
at UOIT. For their research project, they combined used clothing from our school community to create
sleeping bags for the homeless. They've partnered with Out of the Cold to make this happen! Congrats
Garment Grabbers and thanks Glen Ames for helping us reach our goals! A special thank you to Craig
from Medium Design Group ( for helping the team design their logo.
We still need your help to create sleeping bag 2.0!
We are looking for the following items:
- Anything waterproof (rain jackets, broken umbrellas, etc..)
- Any light fabric (like sweatpants, pyjamas)
The following features are planned for sleeping bag 2.0. We will have all of our previous features plus a
Waterproof interior, security pouch, lightweight, wheels, handle, tie string, flame retardant, folding dog
flap and more!
If you can help, please contact or
Attention students: Would you like to design this year's cover of the yearbook? The yearbook
team is excited to announce that this year's theme will be time travel Back to the Future style.
If you think you have the artistic skills to design the cover, give it a try! Drop by the library for
details. All cover options are due on January 22nd 2016
Mr. Martin
Congratulations to all of the musicians and singers who did an excellent job at our Winter Concert last
night – well done! Thank you to all of the performers, the student tech crew, Mr. Piller, the Itinerant
Music Instructors, the caretaking staff, Ms. Higgins, Mme Bellerose, Ms. Sullivan and parents for
supporting the performance.
You can support Glen Ames all year long by ordering magazines and photo books on line! You may have
ordered many subscriptions and photo products to support our campaign, but you might wish to renew
other magazines, or order gift subscriptions later in the year. And a 2016 family photo calendar would
make a great gift for your own family and your relatives! Take advantage of QSP’s great selection all
year long – with the profits benefiting our children with each order! Just go to:
Glen Ames Code 3721107
Thank you again for your support.
New Ministry of Education Guidelines for Facilities Review and External Partnerships
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education released new guidelines for Pupil Accommodation Reviews
and for Community Planning and Partnerships (formerly Facility Partnerships). To adhere to the new
guidelines, the Toronto District School Board must update its policies, and wishes to include feedback
from parents on the revised policies as part of the process.
The Pupil Accommodation Review policy deals with the review of groups of schools with low enrolment
that can potentially lead to school closures. The Community Planning and Partnerships policy concerns
potential partnerships with external organizations in operating schools that have unused space. Both
policies affect the use of schools and therefore affect students.
As Glen Ames Senior P.S. is currently operating at full capacity, we are not affected by either policy, this
is for information purposes only.
As part of our consultation process, the Ministry of Education is seeking feedback on the revised
policies from staff, parents, and community members.
Feedback on the revised policies can be provided in different ways:
Sending written feedback to by January 29, 2016
Attending one of three public meetings listed below.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Winston Churchill CI – Library
2239 Lawrence Avenue East, M1P 2P7
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
TDSB Central Office – Committee Room A
5050 Yonge Street, M2N 5N8
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Martingrove CI – Library
50 Winterton Drive, M9B 3G7
6:00 – 8:00 pm
There are three background documents that provide further information
PowerPoint presentation providing background context and questions
P068 Accommodation and Program Review draft policy for review and comments
P076 Community Planning and Partnerships draft policy for review and comments
If you’d like copies of these documents by email, please contact Glen Ames School Council co-chair Judy
Irwin, at
Art Club
Thursdays at lunch (please bring your lunch with you) in LL1 (Ms. Sullivan)
Extra Guitar Practice
Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 8:00-8:30 a.m. in room 302 (Mr. Piller)
Glee Club
Please check Schoology for updates.
Mental Health and Wellness
Thursdays, 3:15 p.m. in Room 305
We Have A Dream Club
Mondays and Fridays during lunch time in room LL2 (Ms. Divok and Ms. Au)
Chess Club
Tuesdays at lunch time in room 305. (Ms. Jurmain)
Games Club
Every Day 2 and 4 at 12:00 noon in Portable #2 (Mr. Nicholson)
Bronze Medallion Program
Fridays 7:45-8:30 a.m. in the pool (Mr. Grimbly)
This year we have a Tier 1 and a Tier 2 hockey team. This has provided many more students the
opportunity to play on a school hockey team. The teams have now been selected and schedules will be
sent out as soon as we receive them.
(Ms. Buckley and Mr. Storey)
Boys Volleyball Team
After defeating Earl Grey today 26-24 & 25-23, the team is off to the City Championships next Tuesday!
Awesome job boys! Go Guardians Go!
(Ms. Hulme and Ms. Ha)
Girls Basketball Team
Congratulations to the Glen Ames Girls Basketball on completing its season as South Conference
Finalists! Super season girls, the banner is going to look great in the gym!!
(Mr. Briggs and Ms. Ha)
Swim Instructor Change
We welcome back Sarah Hendershott in January as she will be returning from her maternity leave. A big
thank you to Jodi Tseramis for doing a great job with our aquatics programming in Sarah’s absence. We
wish Jodi the very best of luck in her future endeavours.
Super Swim Meet
Our Super Swim Meet will be held on January 27, 2016 in the morning. The Super Swim Meet is a
school-wide play day where the students race against their peers at their grade and ability level. There
are also Belly Flop and Cannon Ball demonstrations and a relay race with the fastest Grade 7’s and 8’s
race against the teacher team. This is a fun, school-wide event that the students will be preparing for
during their regular pool class. We hope and expect that all students will participate (if your child is
unable to participate please send them with a note to excuse them from the event). The class with the
best participation at the Super Swim Meet will win free swim for their next four pool classes! As usual
we need parent volunteers to hand out ribbons, if you are interested please contact us at the school.
Swim Team
Swim team will begin practicing in the New Year. We will post a qualifying time the first week in
January. Students who are at or near the qualifying time are invited to try-out for the swim team. We
are timing all students now as part of their regular pool classes.
P. Grimbly
S. Hendershott
Friday, December 18th – Last Day of School – Regular Dismissal
December 19th to January 3rd (Inclusive) -Winter Break
Monday, January 4th – First Day Back to School
Thursday, January 14th – Grade 6 Parent Information Evening @ 7 p.m.
Monday, January 25th – School Council Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. at Juice and Java located at 2102
Queen St. East
Wednesday, January 27th – Super Swim Meet in morning
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Storey and Mr. Panesar