Town Council Meeting Minutes September 14, 2015

Minutes of Council Meeting
Buchanan, VA
September 14, 2015
Mayor Larry Hall
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma
Councilman Ed Tolley
Councilwoman Della Hylton
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith
Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett
Mayor Hall called the September 2015 Council meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. Clerk Amanda Aaron took
roll call.
Mayor Hall had an opening prayer. Following the opening prayer, a moment of silence was held and all
that were present stated the Pledge of Allegiance.
The next item of business was approval of the minutes from the August 2015 Public Hearing. A motion
of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 6-0 with all Council members present in favor of
approval of the August 10, 2015 Public Hearing minutes.
The next item of business was approval of the August 10, 2015 Council meeting minutes. A motion of
acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 6-0 with all Council members present in favor of
approval of the August 10, 2015 Council meeting minutes.
The next item of business was approval of the Financial Report for August 2015. Councilwoman Della
Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The
motion was passed with a vote of 6-0 with all Council members present in favor of approval of the
Financial Report for August 2015.
The next item of business was approval of unpaid bills. Mayor Hall asked if anyone had questions
regarding the unpaid bills. Councilwoman Della Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 6-0 with all Council
members present in favor of paying the bills.
Next, Mayor Hall gave a report on the tank replacement project at Well #2. Mayor Hall stated there had
been a reverter clause with the property that was preventing the project from moving forward. Mayor
Hall announced that USDA/RD did grant approval to move forward with the project with the reverter
clause. Mayor Hall read the letter the Town received from USDA/RD. Mayor Hall stated the Town has
already gotten some price quotes for the tank, and is still deciding on what size tank to go with.
Next, Chairwoman of the Awards and Recognition Committee, Councilwoman Ardelia Smith presented
Gerald Petty with an award and proclamation. Ms. Smith explained that Mr. Petty is an individual that
represents a strong yet unseen force within the community who has had a profound effect on his
environment through his work at Fairview Cemetery. Ms. Smith explained that Mr. Petty has
continuously aided the community with his time and talents and expertise to improve the quality of life
to the citizens, and businesses of the Town of Buchanan.
Next on the agenda was to consider approval of a special use permit for “pet grooming” use for The Dog
Room at 19568 Main Street. A motion of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The
motion was seconded by Councilwoman Della Hylton. Councilman Ed Tolley strongly stated his
opposition of the zoning process and stated there needs to be changes made. Councilwoman Ardelia
Smith and Councilman Ed Tolley had a brief disagreement regarding the zoning process, and
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith stepped out of the Council Chambers for a moment. When Ms. Smith
returned a roll call vote was taken by Clerk Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilman Ed Tolley-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
The motion passed by a vote of 6-0.
Next on the agenda was to consider approval of a special use permit for “public utility” use for
Lightower Fiber Networks II, LLC at 20209 Main Street. A motion of acceptance was made by
Councilwoman Della Hylton, accepting the three stated conditions. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Ed Tolley. Mayor Hall asked for discussion from Council. Councilwoman Jane Kneisley
explained her opposition of the request for the special use permit. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk
Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-no
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilman Ed Tolley-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-no
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
The motion passed by a vote of 4-2.
Next, Mayor Hall presented a handicap parking space diagram provided by VDOT from the Council
packet, and asked for discussion. Councilwoman Jane Kneisley expressed her concerns about the
residents that live near the handicap spaces and how they would be affected. Councilman Ed Tolley
stated he believed a handicap space is needed for wheelchair bound people. Town resident Debbie
Adkins stated she believes the handicap parking space is unnecessary due to the lack of the current
handicap space use. Town resident and business owner Charlotte Krantz asked about the possibility of
placing handicap spaces at the corner of every Main Street intersection. Town resident Wayne Adkins
asked about the possibility of putting handicap parking spaces in front of the churches because parking
is not utilized in front of the church except for when there are functions at the church. After discussion,
a committee was formed to further evaluate the parking in Town to see if more handicap parking is
needed. The committee members are Councilwoman Jane Kneisley, Wayne Adkins, Charlotte Krantz, Joe
Ryder, and Theresa Jacks. Town resident and business owner Barbara Simpkins stated she is sympathetic
with handicapped individuals, and goes out of her way to help them. Ms. Simpkins stated she has
worked from home for months, and has not seen any Heartland Therapy customers in a wheelchair.
Next on the agenda was the consideration of the grant acceptance from the Green Infrastructure Center
for Technical Assistance with the comprehensive plan. Town Manager Mary Zirkle explained what the
grant would be used for and explained there would be a need for public input. Ms. Zirkle stated the
Planning Commission would serve as the committee for this grant.
Next, Mayor Hall explained there is a need for a Board of Zoning Appeals member and if anyone knew of
anyone that would like to serve on that board to please let a Council member know, and there would be
a vote at the next Council meeting.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any citizens wishing to comment on anything not listed on the
agenda. Town resident Theresa Jacks reported on a safety concern regarding the parking lot at Good
Times Café and traffic at James River Terrace and Main Street. Ms. Jacks showed pictures to Council and
explained the safety concern to Council. Ms. Jacks also commented on the need for a new trash
dumpster at Good Times Café. Mayor Hall stated he would contact VDOT regarding the safety concern,
and easements and right of ways would be checked. Mayor Hall also stated the Town would check on
the current trash dumpster at Good Times Café.
Next, Business owner, Tim Conrad of the Barefoot Peddler commented on the signage at Glow-a-rama
and stated on the negative attention that it is receiving and asked if there was anything at all that could
be done. He also asked for action on a mold / mildew smell that is apparent from across Main Street.
Next, Town resident and business owner Charlotte Krantz commented on zoning issues and the difficulty
of being able to find a new business location for her business due to the zoning regulations.
The next item of business was to hear Committee Reports. For the Public Works Committee, Councilman
Ed Tolley presented a statement of deposits and withdrawals for the USDA/RD Waterline Distribution
Upgrade Project funding provide by Engineering Concepts. Next, for the Public Safety Committee,
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley reported on pieces missing from the swinging bridge. Town Manager Mary
Zirkle stated that VDOT will do the necessary repairs on the bridge. Ms. Kneisley also reported that with
the help of Town Maintenance employees, the potholes behind the businesses between Main Street
and Lowe Street had been filled in. Ms. Kneisley also reported on a safety concern with the end parking
space located at the crosswalks. Ms. Kneisley stated she had observed large trucks, and tractor trailer
trucks having to swerve in towards the parking space to avoid hitting the crosswalk sign, and if someone
is parked there, they could potentially get hit. She advised citizens to heed the yellow marked area
prohibiting parking at each curb. Ms. Kneisley also reported on children hanging out behind the
businesses. Mayor Hall stated if anyone witnesses this or someone destroying property to please call the
Sheriff’s Department. Town resident Pat Jasper commented on the safety concern of the rock wall
located near Groendyk. Town Manager Mary Zirkle stated the rock wall was a Town concern and is being
reviewed to see how to repair. Next, for the Finance Committee, Councilwoman Diane DiPalma stated
the cash audit was performed on September 8, 2015 and no discrepancies were found. Next, for the
Planning Commission, Councilwoman Della Hylton announced the Planning Commission will be losing a
commission member and asked if anyone was interested in becoming a member to please let a
commission member know. Next, for the Events Committee, in the absence of Vice-Mayor Sarah
Boblett, Revitalization and Events Coordinator Harry Gleason commented on the Cruise Ins and thanked
all volunteers. Mr. Gleason reported on the upcoming event Mountain Magic and stated that volunteers
are needed for the event and gave a brief summary of upcoming events for the remainder of the year.
Next, Mayor Hall read a thank you note from the family of Raye Rice.
Next, Mayor Hall reported the potential date for the Town’s Fall Clean-Up would be October 17th, but
would be subject to change.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any Council members that wished to comment on any issues.
Councilman Ed Tolley reported on a paving estimate error for parking lot paving at the Town Park and
gave a clarification of the estimate.
Next, Town Manager Mary Zirkle stated the Town had received a grant from VML, and with the grant,
she had asked to purchase LED safety lights for the Town trucks. Ms. Zirkle also reported on a VML
conference to be held in Richmond October 4-6 if any Council members are interested in going to please
let her know. Ms. Zirkle stated she had received some calls from the notifications sent out in the water
bills regarding zoning permits. Ms. Zirkle gave a brief summary of the upcoming smoke testing of the
sewer system. Ms. Zirkle stated the smoke testing would hopefully begin in October and that
notifications would be sent out to any citizen that may be affected by the testing.
Next, Councilwoman Della Hylton made a motion to go into closed session for discussion of the Town
Manager’s contract and for briefing by staff pertaining to actual or probable litigation where such
briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body
as per Section 2.2-3711A (1) and (7) of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. Council went into closed session at 9:09 p.m.
Council returned from closed session at 9:41 p.m. with a motion from Councilwoman Della Hylton that
to the best of her knowledge public business matters exempt from open meeting requirements were
heard or discussed or considered during closed session. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk Amanda Aaron.
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilman Ed Tolley-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
Mayor Larry Hall-yes
With no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton.
The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Diane DiPalma. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda G. Aaron, Clerk