Town Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 2015

Minutes of Council Meeting
Buchanan, VA
August 10, 2015
Mayor Larry Hall
Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma
Councilman Ed Tolley
Councilwoman Della Hylton
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith
Mayor Hall called the August 2015 Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Clerk Amanda Aaron took
roll call.
Mayor Hall had an opening prayer. Following the opening prayer, a moment of silence was held and
all that were present stated the Pledge of Allegiance.
Next, Chairwoman of the Awards and Recognition Committee, Councilwoman Ardelia Smith presented
Raye Rice with an award and proclamation. Ms. Smith explained that Ms. Rice had an alcohol problem
in the past, and had been alcohol free since 1971. Ms. Rice thanked everyone for the award and
proclamation and stated she was a grateful alcoholic and what almost killed her saved her life.
The next item of business was approval of the minutes from both July 13, 2015 Public Hearings. A
motion of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. Councilman Ed Tolley asked about the paragraph in the minutes
discussing the interest payment due for the USDA/RD Waterline Project. Mayor Hall explained to Mr.
Tolley that was in the regular Council minutes and not the Public Hearing minutes, and it could be
discussed before voting on approval of the regular Council meeting minutes. The motion to accept the
Public Hearing minutes was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members present in favor of
approval of both July 13, 2015 Public Hearing minutes.
The next item of business was approval of the minutes of the July 13, 2015 Council Meeting. A motion
of acceptance was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. Mayor Hall asked for discussion. Councilman Ed Tolley asked about the amount of
money committed for the USDA/RD waterline distribution upgrade project. Mr. Tolley stated the
amount of money that was committed versus the amount of money spent was not clear to him and
asked for an amortization schedule of payments made including interest rates. Michael Lynch with
Engineering Concepts explained to Mr. Tolley the letter of conditions and explained to Mr. Tolley the
reason for the increase in the amount of interest due was due to add-ons throughout the project and
added he would get the information Mr. Tolley was requesting. Mayor Hall stated the amount of
$76,920.52 is the correct amount. Town resident Wayne Adkins asked if the information the Town
receives regarding the interest payments and payment schedule could be made available to the
public. Town Manager Mary Zirkle stated anything the Town received on this matter would be made
available on the Town of Buchanan website. The motion to accept the July 13, 2015 Council meeting
minutes was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members present in favor.
The next item of business was approval of the Financial Report for July 2015. Councilwoman Della
Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The
motion was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members present in favor of approval of the
Financial Report for July 2015.
Next, Mayor Hall briefly reviewed the engagement letter for audit services with Robinson, Farmer,
Cox Associates.
The next item of business was approval of unpaid bills. Mayor Hall asked if anyone had questions
regarding the unpaid bills. Councilwoman Della Hylton made a motion of acceptance. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council
members present in favor of paying the unpaid bills.
Next, Michael Lynch with Engineering Concepts gave an update on the USDA/RD Waterline
Distribution Upgrade Project. Mr. Lynch explained the construction part of the project is essentially
complete. Mr. Lynch explained there is still a punch list of items to be completed such as seeding, and
paving. Mr. Lynch also gave an update on the water tank replacement project. Mr. Lynch explained
USDA/RD will not lend money to the Town until the reverter clause is removed, or another parcel of
land is purchased to put the water tank on. Mr. Lynch stated the environmental report for the lot had
been approved, but cannot move forward with the water tank replacement project until the title to
the land is cleared.
Next on the agenda was to consider adoption of the proposed text amendment change from the
7:00pm public hearing to add pet grooming use to the zoning ordinance. A motion of acceptance was
made by Councilmember Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Diane DiPalma.
The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members present in favor of adopting the
proposed text amendment change to add pet grooming use to the zoning ordinance (Ordinance #
The next item of business was to consider the grant application for Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation’s Recreational Trails Program. Mayor Hall explained the Town has been
working on this project for a long time. Town Manager Mary Zirkle explained the Master Plan for the
Town Park. Ms. Zirkle explained the grant, and gave a brief summary of breakdown of the
construction and engineering phases. Mayor Hall asked for a motion of acceptance. A motion of
acceptance was made by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith for Resolution R15-0810-01. The motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Jane Kneisley. Mayor Hall asked for discussion. Councilman Ed Tolley
asked where the 80% of the grant money would come from, and asked if the Town could pay for the
project over five years instead of taking the grant. Ms. Zirkle explained the grant is funded by the
Federal Highway Administration and overseen by Virginia DCR. If the grant request is approved, the
Town does have the option to not accept the grant. Ms. Zirkle explained the resolution is to apply for
the grant and is simply a preliminary action. If the grant is accepted, a Public Hearing will be held to
discuss. Councilman Ed Tolley stated he believes more study is needed before accepting and
expressed concern with Federal funding. Town resident Wayne Adkins asked if the Town could look
into other alternatives instead of paving on the Town Park and parking lot to mitigate runoff to the
James River. Mr. Adkins asked if the Town could look at a permeable surface that is environmentally
safe and productive. Ms. Zirkle explained if the grant is approved and the Town chooses to accept it
the Town could look at different options. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk Amanda Aaron.
Mayor Hall-yes
Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett-yes
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilman Ed Tolley-no
Councilwoman Della Hylton-no
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-no
Motion passed 4-3.
The next item of business was to discuss the request from Heartland Therapy for handicap parking
spaces tabled from the July 13, 2015 Council meeting. Town Manager Mary Zirkle gave an estimated
cost of mid-block curb cuts required for spaces including the costs of material. Mayor Hall asked
Council for discussion. Councilwoman Jane Kneisley expressed concerns about the handicap spaces in
front of Heartland, stating the spaces would block parking to the business and residence next to
Heartland. Councilwoman Della Hylton stated that Heartland would be satisfied with 1 space if
approved instead of 2 spaces. Councilwoman Della Hylton stated she believed there is a need for the
handicap spaces. Councilman Ed Tolley asked if a drawing from the engineer could be gotten for
Council to review. Town resident and business owner Barbara or Bobbie? Simpkins spoke in
opposition of the handicap spaces because they would affect her residence and business access. After
discussion and numerous questions from Council members it was decided to table the vote until more
information could be gathered about the costs, and guidelines for the spaces. Councilwoman Della
Hylton suggested having a representative from Heartland come to the meeting to answer questions
about the spaces and what is needed. A motion to table the vote until more information can be
received was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members in favor of tabling
the vote until more information can be gotten about the spaces.
Next, Robyn Dobyns with the Botetourt Resource Center explained what the Botetourt Resource
Center is and explained the mission for the Resource Center. Ms. Dobyns showed a video of how the
Botetourt Resource Center benefits and helps citizens and residents.
Next, Mayor Hall read a request from James River High School requesting the Town to close Main
Street on Friday, September 25th at 5:00 p.m. for the JRHS Homecoming Parade. Mayor Hall stated the
Town would contact VDOT for the permit to close the street. A motion to close the street for the
parade was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Ardelia
Smith. The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0 with all Council members present in favor of closing
the street on Friday, September 25th at 5:00 p.m. for the Homecoming Parade.
Next, Mayor Hall read a request for an exception to Town Code for discharge of a bow from Richard
Dorsett to allow him and his family to practice archery at his residence on Culpepper Avenue. Mayor
Hall showed Council a map of where Mr. Dorsett plans to practice archery. A motion to grant Mr.
Dorsett permission to practice archery on his property was made by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. The
motion was seconded by Councilwoman Diane DiPalma. The motion was passed with a vote of 7-0
with all Council members present in favor of granting Mr. Dorsett permission to practice archery on
his property.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any citizens wishing to comment on anything not listed on the
agenda. Town resident Wayne Adkins spoke about the negative comments about the Town of
Buchanan generated by Glow-a-rama, and suggested the Town try a different approach on how to
handle the situation. Mr. Adkins suggested the Town continue to use the Simply Love Buchanan
Sticker Campaign to help with the negative comments.
The next item of business was to hear Committee Reports. For the Public Works Committee,
Councilman Ed Tolley had nothing to report at this time. Next for the Public Safety Committee,
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley reported on the newly installed lights in the 19th Street tunnel located
next to KC Collections. Ms. Kneisley also reported on a leak on Boyd Street and encouraged citizens to
report standing water. Mayor Hall stated it was on the punch list to be repaired by EC Pace. Ms.
Kneisley commented on the crosswalk signs being more visible. Ms. Kneisley also asked about the
status of the James River Bridge lights. Town Manager Mary Zirkle stated Terry Austin is still working
with Dominion Power on this matter. Next for the Finance Committee, Councilwoman Diane DiPalma
stated the cash audit was performed on August 6th and no discrepancies were found. Next for the
Planning Commission, Councilwoman Della Hylton stated the Planning Commission had been very
busy, and their next project is to begin working on the Comprehensive Plan. Next for the Events
Committee, Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett reported on the success for Reggae by the River and thanked
everyone who volunteered for the event. Ms. Boblett also encouraged everyone to attend Evening In
Buchanan that will be held on Friday, August 14th from 5-9 p.m.
Next, Mayor Hall reported on a Global Leadership Summit Conference he attended.
Next, Mayor Hall asked if there were any Council members that wished to comment on any issues.
Councilman Ed Tolley commented again about the accounting error for the interest on the USDA/RD
loan payment, and also commented about reviewing and cleaning up the Town zoning ordinance
specifically related to building setbacks and coverages. Mayor Hall stated the Planning Commission is
in the process of reviewing the ordinances and codes while working on the Comprehensive Plan.
Next, the Town Manager showed video footage from Star City Skycams of the Town of Buchanan, and
the Buchanan Community Carnival that will be used for advertisement and to boost tourism on the
Town of Buchanan website.
Next, Pursuant to Virginia Code 2.2-3711(A)(3) for discussion or consideration of the acquisition
of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property,
where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or
negotiating strategy of the public body and pursuant to Virginia Code 2.2-3711(A)(7) for consultation
with legal counsel pertaining to actual or probable litigation where such consultation or briefing in open
meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body, a motion to go
into closed session was made by Councilwoman Della Hylton. The motion was seconded by
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith. Council went into closed session at 9:13 p.m.
Council returned from closed session at 10:00 p.m. with a motion from Councilwoman Della Hylton that
to the best of her knowledge public business matters exempt from open meeting requirements were
heard or discussed or considered during closed session. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman
Ardelia Smith. A roll call vote was taken by Clerk Amanda Aaron.
Mayor Hall-yes
Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett-yes
Councilwoman Jane Kneisley-yes
Councilwoman Diane DiPalma-yes
Councilman Ed Tolley-yes
Councilwoman Della Hylton-yes
Councilwoman Ardelia Smith-yes
With no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Councilwoman Ardelia Smith.
The motion was seconded by Vice-Mayor Sarah Boblett. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda G. Aaron, Clerk