Common Academic Accommodations

The UMDNJ-SHRP Office of Student and Alumni Affairs (OSAA) provides Disability Services and academic
accommodations that help students participate fully in the learning experience and be evaluated on the
bases of their abilities. Each subsection below by type of common accommodation will address the
Common Accommodation Description
Request Considerations
Test Request
Description: Specific disabilities may prevent students from taking exams and quizzes in the classroom.
In order to provide equal access, OSAA offers such accommodations that may include, but are not
limited to, extended time on exams and quizzes, distraction-reduced test environments, and the use of
assistive technology.
Considerations: In order for the process to run smoothly, please understand that it is the student’s
responsibility to communicate the approved accommodation and schedule a time that works for both
the student and instructor before taking exams. If an instructor is unable to assist students with their
exam accommodation(s), OSAA is an available proctoring resource.
Tape Recorded Lectures
Description: A student may request permission to tape record lectures. If requested, the tape recorder
must be utilized for classroom lecture use only.
Considerations: It is the responsibility of the student to discuss this accommodation with instructors
prior to recording lectures. Students must understand that the recorded lecture is the intellectual
property of the instructor and its contents should not be shared without his/her permission.
Alternative Text Formats
Description: Alternate text formats are also referred as “alternative media”. OSAA offers assistance to
qualified students in obtaining alternate formats for textbooks and other course reading materials. Such
accommodations may include, but are not limited to, electronic texts, text-to-speech software, and
braille documents.
Considerations: Students may not revise, convert, disassemble, modify, sell, license, rent, lend or
otherwise share the electronic texts or other equipment to any other person. Students may be asked to
provide a receipt or proof of purchase of the text. Please note that certain digital textbooks sold online
might not be accessible with text-to-speech software. Students are responsible for notifying OSAA if
they need other classroom materials, such as course handouts or articles converted into an alternative
format. It is the students’ responsibility to contact and follow-up with resources given for obtaining
alternate formats and other course reading materials.
C-PRINT Captioning / CART
Description: C-Print is a communication access service option for some deaf and hard-of-hearing
students in educational environments. C-Print captionists work as a team to transcribe and summarize
what is being spoken in the classroom as accurately as possible while using condensing strategies, and
provide transcripts only to the students receiving this accommodation. Communication Access Realtime
Translation, or “CART” services may also be provided, which is a captioning system that utilizes
stenotype technology to caption lectures word-for-word in real time.
Considerations: It is recommended that students in need of C-PRINT Captioning/CART request Disability
Services with OSAA well in advance, at least four weeks prior to the first date of the request. OSAA
cannot guarantee that we will fulfill all last-minute requests; however we will do our best. It is the
students’ responsibility to communicate any absences or tardiness to OSAA and the captionists in a
timely manner.
Sign Language Interpreting (ASL)
Description: A student with a documented hearing impairment may request Sign Language Interpreting.
ASL interpreters work in teams in face-to-face classroom environments to communicate in sign
everything that is spoken. ASL interpreters may also voice for their students if requested.
Considerations: It is recommended that students in need of an interpreter request Disability Services
with OSAA well in advance, at least four weeks prior to the first date of the request. If interpreting is
required for all lectures and academic related events throughout a semester, it is recommended that
students report the need for interpreting services several months before the beginning of the semester.
OSAA cannot guarantee that we will fulfill all last-minute requests; however we will do our best. It is the
students’ responsibility to communicate any absences or tardiness to OSAA and the interpreters in a
timely manner.
Alternative Chair/Table
Description: A student may request an alternative chair or table in his/her classrooms to compensate for
a temporary or permanent physical Disability. If the request is appropriate, OSAA will assume the
responsibility of locating alternate chairs or tables and work with Facilities to deliver them to the
student’s classrooms.
Considerations: Students should notify OSAA as soon as they become aware of the need for an
accessible table, chair, or classroom.
Description: Specific disabilities may prevent students from taking notes and obtaining pertinent
information provided in lectures. OSAA will attempt to recruit a student enrolled in the same course to
provide their class notes to be shared with the disabled student to supplement their learning
experience. When possible, and if no student from the class is willing to provide notes, OSAA will assign
notetaker employees to classes to take notes.
Considerations: Once a note taker has been identified, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a
system for sharing notes that works for both the student and notetaker. Notetakers are provided as a
necessary academic accommodation and are not considered a substitute for a student’s full
participation in the course.