Q1.(a) (i) Mitosis and meiosis are types of cell division. For each

Mitosis and meiosis are types of cell division.
For each feature in the table, tick (
only in mitosis
only in meiosis.
) one box to show if the feature occurs:
Only in
( )
Only in
( )
Produces new cells during growth and repair
Produces gametes (sex cells)
Produces genetically identical cells
Name the organ that produces gametes (sex cells) in:
a man ........................................
a woman. ........................................
X and Y chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. They determine a person’s sex.
What sex chromosomes will be found in the body cells of:
a man ........................................
a woman? ........................................
A man and a woman decide to have a child.
What is the chance that the child will be a boy? ...............................................
(Total 7 marks)
Page 1
Q2.The diagram shows the position of two glands, A and B, in a woman.
Name glands A and B.
A ......................................................................
B ......................................................................
Gland A produces the hormone Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).
FSH controls changes in gland B.
How does FSH move from gland A to gland B?
A woman is not able to become pregnant. The woman does not produce mature
eggs. The woman decides to have In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment.
Which two hormones will help the woman produce and release mature eggs?
Tick (
) one box.
Page 2
FSH and Luteinising Hormone (LH)
FSH and oestrogen
Luteinising Hormone (LH) and oestrogen
Giving these hormones to the woman helps her to produce several mature
Doctors collect the mature eggs from the woman in an operation.
Describe how the mature eggs are used in IVF treatment so that the woman
may become pregnant.
IVF clinics have been set a target to reduce multiple births.
At least 76% of IVF treatments should result in single babies and
a maximum of 24% of treatments should result in multiple births.
Suggest one reason why the clinics have been set this target to reduce multiple
Two clinics, R and S, used IVF treatment on women in 2007. Doctors at each clinic
Page 3
used the results of the treatments to predict the success rate of treatments in 2008.
The table shows the information.
Total number of IVF
treatments in 2007
Number of IVF
Predicted percentage
treatments resulting
success rate in 2008
in pregnancy in 2007
Clinic R
Clinic S
Compare the success rates of the two clinics in 2007.
The range of the predicted success rate in 2008 for clinic R is much smaller than
the range of the predicted success rate for clinic S.
Suggest why.
(Total 11 marks)
Q3.The diagram shows some of the cell divisions that occur during human reproduction.
Page 4
Name the type of cell division that produces cell D from cell B.
Which organ in the male body produces cell C from cell A?
Cells A and B each contain 46 chromosomes.
How many chromosomes would there be in the nucleus of cell C?
Why is it important that cell C has this number of chromosomes?
Page 5
(Total 5 marks)
The diagram shows changes in the uterus lining during 28 days of a menstrual
Describe how changes in the lining shown in the diagram adapt it for its function if an
egg is fertilised.
The concentration of a certain hormone in the blood of a woman was measured
during her menstrual cycle. The woman's temperature was also measured each day
during this cycle.
Graph 1 shows the results obtained for the measurement of the concentration of the
Graph 2 shows the results obtained for the measurement of her body temperature.
Page 6
What evidence is there that changes in the concentration of the hormone may
be connected with changes in body temperature?
What is the difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures
shown by Graph 2? Show your working.
(Total 6 marks)
Page 7
Describe, as fully as you can, how a human foetus gets rid of the carbon dioxide
produced during respiration.
The female menstrual cycle is controlled by a number of hormones. The graph below
shows the concentrations of four of these hormones at different times during the
menstrual cycle.
The functions of the four hormones include:
FSH – stimulates the development of immature cells into eggs in the ovary.
LH – stimulates the release of the mature egg cell.
Oestrogen – stimulates production of LH, but inhibits FSH production.
Progesterone – inhibis production of both LH and FSH.
Page 8
Use this information to explain as fully as you can:
how the concentration of oestrogen can affect and control the development and
release of an egg during the monthly cycle;
why progesterone continues to be produced throughout pregnancy.
Explain, as fully as you can, how one or more of these hormones could be used to
treat infertility.
Page 9
A hormone called mifepristone is used in low doses as a female contraceptive. Higher
doses can be used to induce an abortion. As a consequence mifepristone is often
referred to as ‘the morning-after pill’. The use of mifepristone is currently tightly
controlled by the medical profession.
Evaluate the benefits and problems which might arise from making this hormone
more freely available.
(Total 16 marks)
The photograph shows some cells in the root of an onion plant.
Page 10
By UAF Center for Distance Education [CC BY 2.0], via Flickr
Cells X and Y have just been produced by cell division.
Name the type of cell division that produced cells X and Y.
What happens to the genetic material before the cell divides?
A gardener wanted to produce a new variety of onion.
Explain why sexual reproduction could produce a new variety of onion.
(Total 5 marks)
Page 11
The diagram shows a strawberry plant.
The parent plant grows side shoots.
New plants grow on the side shoots.
© D.G.
The new plants will all have the same inherited characteristics as the original parent plant.
Complete the sentences to explain why.
Use words from the box.
The new plant is produced by .....................................................................
In this type of reproduction, body cells divide by
The new plant has the same ............................................................. as the parent
(Total 3 marks)
Page 12
We breed animals with the characteristics that we prefer.
The photograph shows a rabbit with some of its babies.
Photograph supplied by iStockphoto/Thinkstock
Use words from the box to complete the sentences about inheritance in rabbits.
The colour of a rabbit’s fur is known as a ...............................................
This colour is controlled by a .................................................................
Each sex cell of a rabbit is known as a .................................................
The diagram shows one way of producing calves.
Page 13
Use words from the box to complete the sentences.
A bull was mated with a cow.
This is ............................................. reproduction.
The embryo produced was split into four parts.
The calves in the diagram have identical genetic information.
This is because the calves were produced by .............................................
The identical calves are known as ..............................................
(Total 6 marks)
Page 14
The drawing shows a flower. Six parts are labelled P, Q, R, S, T and U.
The names of three of these parts are given in the table.
Write the letter of each part next to its name in the table.
3 marks
Which two letters on the drawing show parts of the stamen?
................................ and ..................................
Page 15
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks
The diagram shows a baby developing inside its mother’s body.
(Adapted from Introduction to Biology, D.G.Makean;
published by John Murray 1971)
Eggs are produced in organ X.
What is the name of organ X?
1 mark
The baby grows in a bag of amniotic fluid which is inside organ Y.
What is the name of organ Y?
1 mark
Through which part, labelled in the diagram, is food passed from the
mother to the baby?
1 mark
Page 16
Name one useful substance, other than food, which passes from the mother to
the unborn baby.
1 mark
The diagram shows an organ system of the mother’s body.
What is the name of this organ system?
1 mark
Maximum 5 marks
This question is about the menstrual cycle. Choose words from the list to
complete the sentences.
a daily
the uterus
the beginning
the middle
a monthly
an ovary
the end
a weekly
the vagina
Menstruation is part of ......................................................... cycle.
The cycle begins when the lining of ...................................... breaks away.
An ovum (egg) is released from .......................................... at about
.............................................. of each cycle.
4 marks
During adolescence, boys’ bodies change. Describe two of the changes.
2 marks
Maximum 6 marks
Page 17
The diagrams below show the male and female human reproductive systems.
not to scale
The table below contains descriptions of parts of the human reproductive system.
Complete the table to give the name of each part.
name of part
the tube that carries an egg to the uterus
the organ that produces sperm
he organ that produces the egg
3 marks
The diagram below shows an unborn baby.
Page 18
Complete the sentences below by filling in the gaps.
In humans, normal pregnancy lasts for .................. months.
When the foetus is ready to be born, muscles in the uterus wall start
to ............................................. .
2 marks
After the baby is born, the .......................................................... connecting
the foetus to the mother is cut.
1 marks
maximum 6 marks
During pregnancy a woman's body increases in mass.
The table shows the average increase in mass in some parts of the body during pregnancy.
increase in mass
during pregnancy (kg)
red blood cells
amniotic fluid
Page 19
breast tissue
Explain why the mass of the placenta increases as the foetus develops.
2 marks
Pregnant women need to make sure they have plenty of iron in their diet.
Use information in the table to explain why they need extra iron.
1 mark
The foetus is not part of a woman’s body before she becomes pregnant.
Which two other parts from the table are not present in her body before she becomes
........................................................ and ........................................................
1 mark
The diagram shows the blood supply in the placenta and umbilical cord.
not to scale
Page 20
When the mother breathes, oxygen and other gases pass to the foetus.
Complete the flow diagram below to show how oxygen passes from the mother
to the foetus. Use all the words from the list below.
umbilical cord
blood of foetus
2 marks
When a pregnant woman breathes in cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide gas
combines with some of her red blood cells.
How could this harm the foetus?
1 mark
maximum 7 marks
Diagram 1 shows a baby in its mother’s uterus.
Page 21
diagram 1
What is the normal length of pregnancy in humans?
.................. months
1 mark
What is the function of the amniotic fluid around the baby?
1 mark
As a baby is born, it is pushed out of the mother’s body.
Look at the diagram above.
What happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out?
1 mark
Page 22
How does a baby get oxygen from its mother while it is inside its mother’s uterus?
1 mark
Diagram 2 shows a section through the mother’s lungs.
diagram 2
Look at diagram 2.
From which labelled part is oxygen absorbed into the blood?
1 mark
maximum 5 marks
Diagram 1 shows the female reproductive system.
Page 23
diagram 1
Diagram 2 is a graph showing how the thickness of the uterus changed over a
28-day cycle.
diagram 2
Why did the thickness of the lining of the uterus decrease between day 1
and day 5 of this cycle?
1 mark
Suggest which day in this cycle an ovum (egg) is most likely to be fertilised.
Page 24
day ..............
What evidence is there for this in the graph?
1 mark
The graph shows that the lining of the uterus builds up again between day
5 and day 14.
Why is this necessary?
1 mark
Continue the line on the graph to show what would happen to the thickness
of the lining of the uterus after 28 days if an ovum was fertilised.
1 mark
Explain your answer.
1 mark
maximum 5 marks
The diagrams below show a human ovum (egg) and a human sperm.
Page 25
What are eggs and sperm?
Tick the correct box.
1 mark
Which part does a sperm use to swim towards an egg?
1 mark
Give the name of the male reproductive organ where sperm are made.
1 mark
The diagram below shows a sperm joining with an egg.
What is this process called?
Tick the correct box.
Page 26
1 mark
Maximum 4 marks
Page 27
Mitosis Meiosis
Produces new cells during growth and repair
Produces gametes (sex cells)
Produces genetically identical cells
All 3 correct = 2 marks
2 correct = 1 mark
0 or 1 correct = 0 marks
(a man) testis / testes
accept testicle(s)
(a woman) ovary / ovaries
do not accept ‘ova’ / ovule
XY / YX orX and Y
XXorX and X or 2 X’s
accept X
½ / 0.5 / 50% / 1:1 / 1 in 2
do not accept 1:2 / 50/50
allow 50:50
allow 2 in 4
Page 28
A – pituitary
allow hypothalamus
B – ovary / ovaries
in blood (stream)
accept in plasma
ignore dissolved
FSH and Luteinising Hormone (LH)
reference to sperm
form embryos / ball of cells or cell division
(embryo) inserted into mother’s womb / uterus
allow (fertilised egg) is inserted into mother’s womb / uterus
any one from:
multiple births lead to low birth weight
multiple births cause possible harm to mother / fetus / embryo / baby
/ miscarriages
allow premature
ignore reference to cost / ethics / population
Page 29
any one from:
almost identical
allow S (slightly) more successful
both approximately 20%
larger numbers (in clinic R) (in 2007)
allow only 98 (in S) (compared to 1004 (in R))
results likely to be more repeatable (in 2008)
allow more reliable
do not accept more reproducible / accurate / precise
allow mieosis
testis / testes
allow testicle
fuses / joins with cell D / with egg cell or used in fertilisation
allow fuse with another cell
prevents doubling of chromosome number / restores original no. / 46 /
diploid no. / normal no. / full no.
Page 30
accept 23 from each parent / from each gamete
any three from
increased thickness or build up for
attachment of zygote or so zygote can
allow gives more room for blood vessels
increased blood vessels to provide
nutrients for zygote;
allow embryo or fetus or baby
or egg for zygote
becomes thicker to form placenta;
increased surface area for attachment
of zygote;
increased glands for secretion;
rise in hormone corresponds with rise
in temperature;
allow peak of hormone at same time as increased
temperature or when hormone high, temperature is high
allow change in hormone concentration followed by change in
temperature or when hormone rises followed shortly by rise in
temperature or graphs follow same pattern or graphs are
nearly the same
maximum 36.90 °C
minimum 36.55 °C;
0.35 °C;
allow both marks for correct answer or one mark for 0.35 if
Page 31
clearly round up or round down allow one mark for working if
moves from foetal blood to mothers blood via placenta
for 1 mark each
3 of e.g.
rising levels of oestrogen
result in an increased LH level when LH level peaks
egg release stimulated
any 3 for 1 mark each
3 of e.g.
continues to inhibit FSH production and to inhibit LH production
so that no eggs are matured or released
Because of danger to later conceived fetus if 2 develop in uterus
any 3 for 1 mark each
3 of e.g.
FSH could stimulate eggs to mature in woman whose own level of FSH too low
LH could stimulate egg release where woman’s own LH production depressed by
any 3 for 1 mark each
maximum two benefits e.g.
prevents unwanted pregnancy when mother’s physical health at risk
or when mental health at risk
or following e.g. rape
maximum two problems e.g.
involves killing ‘foetus’ rather than preventing gametes meeting
may lead to irresponsible attitude to sexual behaviour
reference to ethical/religious attitudes
Page 32
for 1 mark each
correct spelling only
replicates / doubles / is copied / duplicates
accept cloned
ignore multiplied / reproduced
fertilisation occurs / fusion (of gametes)
accept converse for asexual, eg none in asexual / just division
in asexual
so leading to mixing of genetic information / genes / DNA / chromosomes
genes / DNA / chromosomes / genetic information comes from
1 parent in asexual
ignore characteristics
one copy (of each allele / gene / chromosome) from each parent
gametes produced by meiosis
meiosis causes variation
meiosis must be spelt correctly
Page 33
Page 34
name of part
letter of part
3 (L4)
T and S
letters may be in either order
both letters are required for the mark
1 (L4)
accept ‘ovaries’ do not accept ‘ovum’
1 (L6)
accept ‘womb’
1 (L6)
do not accept ‘umbilical cord’
1 (L6)
any one from
do not accept ‘air’ or ‘blood’ or ‘liquid
or ‘food’ or any type of nutrient
1 (L6)
Page 35
reproductive system
accept ‘reproductive’ or ‘reproduction’
do not accept ‘sex organs’
1 (L6)
a monthly
1 (L6)
the uterus
accept ‘uterus’
1 (L6)
an ovary
accept ‘ovary’
1 (L6)
the middle
1 (L6)
any two from
voice becomes deeper
increase in facial hair
increase in body hair
accept ‘voice breaks or changes’
accept ‘grows a beard’
accept ‘growth of pubic hair
or hairy chest
or hair in armpits’
growth of penis
growth of testes or testicles
start to produce sperm
growth spurt
Page 36
accept ‘rapid growth’
do not accept ‘growth’ or ‘gets taller’
accept ‘development of more adult body shape’
or a description of a more adult body shape,
such as ‘wider shoulders’ accept ‘sweats more’
2 (L5)
accept ‘fallopian (tube)’ for oviduct
‘egg tube’ is insufficient
accept ‘testis’ or ‘testicle(s)’ for testes
do not accept ‘ovules’ for ovary
accept only the technical terms given
3 (L5)
accept ‘9 ½’
accept a number in the range of 37– 42 only if the unit is
changed to ‘weeks’
1 (L5)
accept ‘contractions’
‘tense’ is insufficient
accept ‘contract and relax’
‘squeeze’ is insufficient
accept ‘(muscles) get shorter’
‘get smaller’ is insufficient as the volume of the muscles does
not change
1 (L5)
umbilical cord
accept ‘cord’ or ‘umbilical’
Page 37
‘tube’ is insufficient
1 (L5)
any one from
the placenta provides or passes oxygen or food or gets rid of waste
accept responses that refer to a baby rather than a foetus
the foetus needs oxygen or food or to remove waste
‘the foetus needs blood from the placenta’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
as the foetus develops it needs more (food or oxygen from the placenta)
‘it needs or provides more oxygen’ is insufficient as the
meaning is ambiguous
accept, for two marks, ‘the placenta provides more oxygen
or food or waste removal’
accept, for two marks, ‘the foetus needs more oxygen
or food or waste removed as it grows’
a two mark answer must include one of the first two
marking points and a reference to the foetus needing
more food or oxygen from the placenta
1 (L7)
any one from
the number or mass of red blood cells increases
accept ‘they need (to make) more red blood cells’
‘the mass of blood increases’ is insufficient
iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells
accept ‘for haemoglobin’
‘the number of blood cells increases’ is insufficient
‘for red blood cells’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
amniotic fluid
both answers are required for the mark
‘umbilical cord’ is insufficient
answers may be in either order
1 (L7)
Page 38
mother’s red blood cells
award a mark for ‘windpipe’ and ‘lungs’
in the first places in the correct order
umbilical cord
accept ‘umbilical’ or ‘cord’
blood of foetus
accept ‘umbilical cord’ and ‘blood of foetus’ in either order
award a mark for ‘placenta’, ‘umbilical cord’ and ‘blood
of foetus’ in the last three places in an appropriate order
all five answers are required for two marks
2 (L7)
any one from
less oxygen passes through the placenta
less oxygen in the foetus’ blood
accept ‘the foetus’ heart beat rises’
or ‘the foetus’ blood pressure goes up’
smaller or brain damaged foetus
accept ‘less oxygen in the mother’s blood’
accept ‘less oxygen for the foetus’
do not accept ‘no oxygen’
baby may be premature
accept responses that refer to a baby rather than a foetus
accept ‘the red blood cells of the foetus will contain carbon
do not accept ‘only carbon monoxide passes through the
‘it passes to the foetus’ blood’ is insufficient
‘it poisons the foetus’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
Page 39
1 (L5)
any one from
it protects the baby
it helps to maintain a constant temperature
it allows the baby to move
accept ‘it keeps it safe’
accept ‘it keeps the baby warm’
accept ‘it absorbs shocks’
accept ‘it protects against infection or disease’
1 (L6)
muscles contract
accept ‘contractions’
‘the uterus or it contracts’ is insufficient
1 (L6)
any one from
(through the) placenta
(through the) umbilical cord
(from the) mother’s blood
ignore references to food
‘through the blood’ is insufficient
‘it gets everything from the mother’ is insufficient
do not accept ‘the mother breathes for the child’
1 (L5)
‘air sac’ is insufficient
1 (L6)
Page 40
any one from
the lining of the uterus is shed
accept ‘the period’
accept ‘the lining of the uterus breaks up’
accept ‘the wall of the uterus breaks down’
do not accept ‘the uterus is shed’
‘the wall of the uterus breaks’ is insufficient
both the answer and the correct explanation
are required for the mark
1 (L7)
a day from day 14 to day 18
accept ‘in the middle’
do not accept ‘around day 14’
any one from
it is just after ovulation or day of ovulation
that is when an egg is likely to be in the oviduct
or fallopian tube
that is just after an egg is released
an egg is released on day 14
accept ‘that is when an egg is released’
‘it is in the middle of the cycle’ is insufficient
1 (L7)
any one from
so that a fertilised egg can be implanted
to receive an egg
1 (L7)
a line which continues to rise or remains horizontal after day 28
accept a line rising or remaining horizontal after day 1
1 (L7)
any one from
menstruation stops
Page 41
accept ‘the embryo or foetus or baby needs a blood supply’
‘provides support’ is insufficient
so the ovum or embryo will implant
accept ‘the lining is not shed’
1 (L7)
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)
1 (L3)
testis or testicle
accept plurals
1 (L4)
if more than one box is ticked, award no mark
1 (L3)
Page 42