
Español 2 – Webquest – Central and South America and the Caribbean – Semester 2
Go online to find the information below. Write your answers on the lines provided.
South America
1. Write the name of the 3 largest Colombian cities.
2. List the names of 2 soccer teams in Argentina and Chile.
Argentina: _______________________________________________________________________________
Chile: ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Who was Simón Bolivar and when did he live?
4. Go to a website for Santiago, Chile and find a weather forecast for today. Write high and low temperatures
and other weather information for today below.
5. List 2 famous/popular South American singers and their countries.
6. List 2 famous monuments and 2 famous/popular sites in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Monuments: ________________________________________________________________________________
Popular sites:________________________________________________________________________________
7. List 2 famous/popular South American artists and their countries.
8. How many Soles would you get for $100 American dollars in Peru?
9. Name 1 popular dish of Argentina and list some of its ingredients.
10. Name 1 popular dish of Chile and list some of its ingredients.
11. List 2 famous monuments and 2 famous/popular sites in Peru .
Monuments: ________________________________________________________________________________
Popular sites:________________________________________________________________________________
12. Name a popular dance of Uruguay.
13. What are empanadas and in what South American countries are they eaten?
Empanadas: ________________________________________________________________________________
South American countries:_____________________________________________________________________
14. In what country/countries are llamas and alpacas found and how are they used?
llamas :________________________________________________________________________________
15. Who was Eva Perón, what country is she associated with and why is she famous?
16. What are the “pampas” and what country are they associated with?
17. What is a “gaucho” in Argentina?
18. What is the “Casa Rosada ” and what country is it in?
19. Who is Isabel Allende, what country is she associated with and why is she famous?
20. Where is the Atacama Desert? _____________________________________________________________
21. Where do “los porteños” live and who are they?
22. Where is Iguazú Falls? ____________________________________________________________________
23. What are Panama hats and what country is famous for them?
24. In what country did the Guaraní Indians live? __________________________________________________
25. What is “yerba mate?”
26. Where is the statue, “el Cristo de los Andes?” __________________________________________________
27. Name 4 major rivers of South America.
28. Name 7 animals that live in the Amazon jungle.
29. Name 3 flowers found in the Amazon jungle.
30. List the names of the currency for 4 South American countries.
31. Where is Machu Picchu and write a brief description of what it is?
32. List the names of 2 newspapers in Caracas, Venezuela.
33. List 2 traditional dances of Argentina.
34. List the names of 2 famous artists from Argentina.
35. Which country in South America has 2 capitals? ________________________________________________
36. What are the names of these 2 capitals? _______________________________________________________
37. If you were planning a trip to South America, which country would you go to and why?
Central America and the Caribbean
1. Write the names of 3 Central American countries and their capitals.
2. List 2 past presidents of El Salvador.
3. What is the name of a traditional dance of Costa Rica? ____________________________________________
4. List the names of the currency in 4 Central American countries.
5. Name 1 popular dish of Nicaragua and list some of its ingredients.
6. Name1 popular dish of Guatemala and list some of its ingredients.
7. What is the “Quetzal” and where can it be found?
8. What are the names of 2 popular soccer teams in Central America and which countries are they associated
9. List 2 famous monuments/sites in Guatemala.
10. What are the residents of Costa Rica called? (Hint: it starts with a “t”)
11. Who is the current president of Nicaragua? ____________________________________________________
12. Where is the volcano of Izalco? _______________________________________________________________
13. List 2 important products of El Salvador.
14. What is the currency of Puerto Rico called? ____________________________________________________
15. Who discovered Puerto Rico? ________________________________________________________________
16. What is the name of 1 newspaper in Panama? ___________________________________________________
17. Go to a website for Panama and find a weather forecast for today. Write high and low temperatures and
other weather information for today below.
18. What Indians lived in Guatemala? ____________________________________________________________
19. What is the name of 1 famous ruin in Guatemala? _______________________________________________
20. What is the name of 1 famous/popular site in Puerto Rico? _______________________________________
21. If you were planning a trip to Central America, which country would you go to and why?