Sample project outcomes and measures

Cultural and Creative Grants & Sponsorship Program 2015-2016
Project Outcomes and Measures
How will you know your project has been successful? List your expected project outcomes and how you will measure them below. Should your application be successful, the information
below will form the basis of the project performance criteria in your funding agreement [i.e., contract].
Project Outcomes
Present perspective of people who have
experienced trauma through creative
Performance Measures
Increase public knowledge and improve
public perception of the company
Means of Verification
Those with lived experience have a positive
engagement with artists and professionals
associated during the project and
Audience increases empathy for people who
have experienced trauma
Positive reviews in local and state
Positive reviews on social media
# of people who ‘checked in’ to event
Publicity report on media reviews
Google analytics on number of facebook and
website site hits/mentions
# of people with lived experience of trauma
participating in the creative process
Formal feedback from participants and
Audience surveys
Social Media mentions and comments
Increase attendance at performances and
develop audience base
Box Office analysis
Monitor repeat booking patterns
Measure how any attendance increase
compares to previous performances
# of tickets sold
# of sold out shows
# of 1st time attendees
Develop and share best practice for how to
create productions with people who have
experienced trauma
Process evaluated in partnership with local
Report produced that describes and
evaluates the process
Publish report online
Data from evaluation
# of report downloads
# invitations to share/present report to
Project Outcomes
Project outcomes should describe the outcome you
want to achieve at the end of the project. Clearly
articulated and measurable outcome statements will
make it easier to establish priorities and measures
within your project plan.
Performance Measures
Please list one to three performance measures for
each outcome. Performance measures should
demonstrate how well your organisation is
progressing towards achieving the project objectives
both measuring success and operating as warning
signals. An effective performance measure is SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely).
Means of Verification
How will you track your performance? For example,
surveys, attendance logs, visitation, pedestrian
activity, increased turnover etc.