Our Lady of Charity - Parish Council Meeting Minutes Date: January 28, 2013 (Met at Holy Family Site) Attendance: Msgr. David Lee, Jim Coughlin, Mary Anne King, Eva Byrne, Ann Flaherty (trustee), Teresa Evaldi(trustee), Barbara Brady, Amy Jo Lauber, Susan Potaczala, Audrey Kunz, Robert Zuercher, Salvatore Sanfilippo, Gene Snusz, Sue Ward Absent: Pearl Guerrin, Anita McManus, John Murphy, Paul Hammond. Jim Coughlin called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with a prayer. Approval of minutes (1st) MaryAnne King (2nd) Bob Z. Liturgy Committee (Mary Anne) – Met on Jan.7,2013 and reviewed Advent/Christmas season. New suggestions for next year. The agencies helped through the Giving Tree were Baker Victory Services, St. Patrick Friary, the Franciscan Center, So. Bflo Community Table and Bishop Kmiec Food Pantry. They were all very grateful for the donations they received from us this year. Over 500 stars were taken from the Tree. On the Walk to Bethleham Program, we arrived in Bethleham on the Feast of the Epiphany. We are very grateful to all who participated. Discussions of preparing for Lent are underway. Next meeting- Mon. Feb.3. Spiritual Life (Sue P.)-Met on Jan 2,2013. Discussed plans for baby shower and bottle collection. All library materials that were put out were taken. Went over preparations for the St. Agatha mass on Feb. 5.Will have pamphlets, rosaries, prayer cards and refreshments. Reminder given about Peaceful Dove concert on Jan. 19. Currently collecting ideas for evangelization, ex. Fridge magnet with Mass schedules.Thought for Summer Gospel Study:tours of the windows/artwork at the two church sites as part of the year of faith. RCIA: ( Barb Brady) Rite of Sending-Sun. Feb 17. It has not been decided yet if there will be two celebrations(one at each worship site) This will be determined at the next class by the candidates. Rite of Election, we have 13-16 candidates going to St. Amelia’s Church in Tonawanda with Bishop Malone. Next meeting Feb. 3 rd Holy Family Site. Education: Ambrose Catholic Academy: (Jim) Talked about St. Ambrose School closing. Catholic Schools Week held many activities including faculty vs. student volleyball game, dress down day, Bingo games and a guest speaker from the S.P.C.A.. Feb 1-Report Cards, Feb. 13- take out Fish Fry $9.00 from 4-7 pm.Feb 23- Snowflake Spectacular at Lucarelli’s: food stations and basket raffles to support South Buffalo Catholic Schools. Trinity Catholic Academy: (Jim) Many activities going on for Catholic Schools Week. Feb.8 – Taste of Trinity 5to 7 pm at the school. Feb. 15- Valentine’s day dance for grades 5-8, serving pizza and pop 7-10 pm. Religious Education: ( Barb Brady) Holy Family Site: Parents meeting was held on Jan.27and was well attended. First Communion-8 students, First Reconciliation-9 students. Confession for Lent with grades 3-8 is scheduled for Sun. Feb. 17. St. Ambrose Site: Registration for First Communion on Mon. Jan. 28 at 6:30 in church. Registration for First Reconciliation Mon. Feb.11 at 6:30 in the church. Societies: Rosary & Altar Society – (Sue P.) Next meeting March 11. Plans for a corned beef/ham dinner. Date to be announced.The Pork Dinner before Christmas was very well attended by members and community alike and a slight profit was made. No meetings in Jan or Feb. Cenacles of Life – (Sue W.) Cenacles of Life prayer Group meets every Wednesday evening in the Holy Family Worship site Chapel at 7pm. In case of Holy Day mass, prayers begin in the Holy Family church right after. Anyone that is interested is welcome to join. Holy Name Society – (Gene Snusz) There are currently 18 members, looking for ways to attract new members. Meat Raffle will be held on March 2 in McGuire Hall 5:30 pm. there will be $5.00 admission. Publicity – (Eva) Peaceful Dove concert, Students Election Vote, Pro-Life celebrations at church sites. St. Vincent de Paul Society – (Audrey) Assistance Report for the period, Oct .thru Dec. was published in the bulletin the weekend of Jan 19.For the month of Jan. 3 referrals have been given. One person was given Tops Gift Card of $120.00 . Assistance given to a family(mom, 2 young adult sons, teenage daughter with a preschool child and a newborn) Gift Cards from Tops- $100.00, and K-Mart- $125.00 to purchase food and baby items. Matt Fisher was able to secure an in kind donation of a crib and mattress, a changing table and a 1 swing. Referrals to other agencies for support were discussed with both families. Tops Gift Cards $180.00 and Noco Gift Cards $100.00 were given to a third family. We are in the process of purchasing some bedding and a twin-size bed to meet the needs of this third family. The quarterly SVDP Conference newsletter was mailed to members. A general membership meeting Mon. Feb. 11 at Holy Family will include discussion of Home , Hospital, and Nursing Home Visitations. A special Collection to benefit our Parish SVDP Conference is scheduled for the weekend Masses of Feb. 16 and 17. Senior Citizens: St. Agatha’s ( Barb Brady) No Meeting Jan. or Feb. St. Ambrose – (Bob Z.) Lynn Dixon will speak at the February meeting. Holy Family Evergreens (Audrey) Meeting was held on Jan.23 with a focus on fitness and exercise. Christmas cookies baked by the members were shared. Dues are $7.00. PO-KE-NO is a new game being introduced at meeting. It is necessary to bring $2.00 in pennies to play this game. Next meeting Feb. 20 at Holy Family. Social Action Committee, including Pro Life: (Audrey) Baby Shower at both worship sites collected 279 baby items and $310.00 to support the Baby Ministry at the Response to Love Center at St. Adalbert’s Parish. Bottles for Babies Drive to benefit the Baby and Child Ministry at Harvest House began the weekend of Jan 19-20. Parishioners are asked to fill the bottles at home and return any donations to either worship site by March 10,2013. Social Action will sponsor a Food Drive to benefit the Bishop Kmiec Food Pantry and the So. Bflo Community Table during the weekend of Feb. 23-24. Youth Ministry: (Laura Kazmierczak)Continuing weekly programs: Yoga 6-7pm Monday’s at McGuire hall, Tutoring Thurs. 2:30 – 4pm at St. Ambrose. Jan. 11 youth Ministry Dance featuring Landslide band. Jan. 13 family event at McGuire Hall, 60 spaghetti lunches were served. Jan. 15 Service Project: 4 teens and 5 adults made dinner at Ronald McDonald house for the families staying there. Jan. 25 Open gym at McGuire Hall. Jan 27 Brendan’s Voyage Social, open gym at St. Ambrose. Feb.1&8- Teen nights continue. Feb. 15-17- Diocesan youth Convention at Adam’s Mark Hotel. Feb.24- Brendan’s Voyage Social 5-6:30 St. Ambrose gym. Events for March include Saturday Lenten activities for children, service activities at So.Bflo. Community Table and Ronald McDonald House. Also Youth Ministry participation at Summerfest and a summer enrichment program for children. LifeLine for Kids (Barb) No report Girl Scouts – (Jim)Ice Skating at Rotary Rink Tues. Jan. 29. Snowman kits were made and there was a sleepover at McGuire Hall. St. Ambrose Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts troop 256: (Anita) Boy Scouts Jake McGuire submitted Eagle Scout application in Dec. and has been approved. $300.00 was made on the pancake breakfast. Dec. 7th scouts helped with the Christmas set up in the church, followed by sleepover in the gym. Dec.9 they helped pack up Giving Tree gifts. Dec. 14-16 camping at Camp Scouthaven. Jan.11-13 camping at Scouthaven for 2 nights. Skating at Caz Ice Rink on Jan. 17. Scout Sunday is Feb.3 rd. Bottle Drive is Saturday Feb. 9th starting at 9am. Cub Scout Troop: (Anita) Pinewood Derby Holy Family Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts Troop 120: Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts:Pack 120 (Sue P.) Had their Christmas party with gift exchange. All cubs received their pinewood cars. Meeting this month was the Pinewood Derby with 13 cars racing and a presentation on Cub Camp for the summer. Scout Sunday will be Feb. 3, 10:00 am. Mass at St. Ambrose. Refreshments will be served.Pack Committee meeting on Feb 6 to finalize details for Blue and Gold Dinner on the 28 th. Two Webelos will be graduating out of the pack that evening. Development - (Mary Anne) Summerfest: Dates- July 26-27. Entertainment is JC Thompson Band(Fri)-nothing set for Saturday. Many ideas discussed; Fish Fry on Friday( Boy Scout Troop 120 will supply help) Chiavetta’s chicken dinner on Saturday; expansion of the kids area with the Youth ministry involved; mini golf course. There was mention of possibly tying in a school reunion during the weekend. Next meeting Feb. 20. All are welcome. Parish Directory: Submitted the end of January- waiting for copy of proof and should be available in early Spring. Irish Sweepstakes: Early bird drawing Feb.9. Ticket sales are down, please help in selling and/or buying tickets. 2 Building and Grounds – (Mary Anne)Maguire Hall- estimates for ceiling, roof repairs done. St. Ambrose-a/c heat estimates are in. Cost of installation approx. $46,000 including electrical work. High efficiency and being sold to us at cost, winter prices through March (savings on equipment 30-35 %) savings on winter install (20-25%) Holy Family:Work has been done on Masonry above all doors. Remainder will be done in Spring. 100 roof shingles near bell tower need to be replaced, this could be the cause of the leaking in choir loft. Estimates are forth coming for the repair. Signs: awaiting building permit- looking for installation in the Spring. Finances – (Sal) Pastor’s Report – (Msgr.Lee) Families are in the process of finding new school placements for their children. Inventory is needed on school properties. June 9th, current 7th graders will be present and assist at mass with an event after, to be determined. Old Business – (Bob Z.) Proposed changes to the Parish Council Constitution. New Business – (Audrey) Social Action has flag that was donated by Serviceman Colby Krug. Proposed purchase of flagpole with dedication in the Peace Garden will be discussed at a future meeting. Closing Prayer – Jim Coughlin closed the meeting with a prayer. Next Parish Council meeting date: Monday,February 25 ,2013 at 7pm, Holy Family site. Respectfully submitted by Sue Ward 3