Review all class notes given for the historical background to each time period. Review all author background sheets.
Review discussion questions and quizzes. Know the primary characters, plots and themes for each sto4'. Be able to
recognize specific genres (elegy, heroic epic. folktale, myth, legend, riddle, Greek drama, Medieval Romance, etc.) as
well as the literary devices discussed with each (alliteration. caesura. kennings, personification. onomatopoeia. types of
satire, types of irony. etc.). Be able to match descriptions to characters and,/or authors. Be able 1o match definitions
and./or examples to the types of literary devices. Be able to match a historical period to the type of literature, literary
themes and social issues emphasized during that period.
Folktales, Myths, Legends
Characteristics, functions, and universal questions found in these genres (NOTES - Chart)
Three connections folktales, myths, legends give us (NOTES)
Folklore, motifs – Definitions (NOTES)
Significance of the genres upon their cultures (NOTES - Chart)
Basic plot structure of folktales/fairy tales (HANDOUT)
Lessons and themes of traditional literature "Prometheus," "Dr. Faust," "Kerta's Sacrifice," "Tiger's Whisker," “Savitri,”
“What Men Live By,” (Notes & Summaries Sheet; Textbook)
Greek Literature (5th Centurv. B.C.)
Oedipus Rex - characters, places, synopsis, themes (DISCUSSION QUESTIONS)
Sophocles, Greek theater, role of chorus, structure of Greek drama, and terms (catharsis, anagnorisis, hubris, hamartia,
Three Types of Irony Dramatic, Verbal, Situational (NOTES)
Iliad Excerpt and Homer (Textbook pp. 67-81)
Greek etymologies (Vocabulary, NOTES, & worksheets)
Anglo-Saxon Literature (449-1066)
Oral tradition, scops (HANDOUT & NOTES)
Historical background to Anglo-Saxon period, invasions upon Britain, Old English, Proto-Indo European, The Exeter
Book, The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Venerable Bede, etc. (HANDOUTS,
NOTES; Textbook)
Beowulf - characters, places, themes, symbolism (DISCUSSION QUESTIONS, Textbook, Quizzes)
Heroic Epic & Elements of the Epic (NOTES & Textbook)
Traditional heroic traits (NOTES & Worksheet)
Elegiac Lyric Poetry form and themes (Textbook: "Seafarer," "Wife's Lament" “Wanderer”; NOTES)
Riddles & Poetic Devices (alliteration, kennings, similes, personification, metaphors, hyperbole, onomatopoeia,
imagery, caesura) (NOTES & HANDOUTS)
Medieval Period (1066-1485)
Historical background to Medieval period (Class NOTES, Background Notes HANDOUT, Textbook)
Geoffrey Chaucer & Canterbury Tales (NOTES & Textbook)
Two Methods and Three Levels of Characterization (NOTES)
Satire and all types of satire (mockery, parody, etc.), framing (NOTES)
Society's Structure (HANDOUT)
Genres of the Tales (HANDOUT, Textbook)
Pilgrim descriptions in the "Prologue" (Textbook, CHARACTER SHEETS)
"Pardoner's Tale" & "Wife of Bath's Tale" (Textbook, Analysis sheets)
Victorian Literature (1832-1901)
Charles Dickens - background and effect upon writing (HANDOUT)
A Christmas Carol - characters, themes, synopsis (DISCUSSION QUESTIONS, Quizzes)
Literary Devices - Satire, allegory, caricature (NOTES)
Spelling & Vocabulary
Review all lists
Literary Terms
Be familiar with all terms covered in notes; review allegory-couplet from back of textbook