Instructions to Complete Student Employee Timesheet

Instructions to Complete Student Employee Timesheet
Effective for the pay week beginning on Sunday, June 30, 2013, all student employee time must
be reported on the same revised timesheet format.
All departments should continue to maintain the system they use internally for tracking student
employees signing in and out for the times and hours they work. Such tracking system must be
maintained by each department and be readily available for verification and audit purposes.
The timesheet is not to be used for this purpose. The purpose of this form is for the time
approvers to fulfill their responsibility to report student employees’ hours worked to Payroll
and to help assure that student employees get paid as timely and accurately as possible.
All departments, with student employees, must adhere to the Commonwealth’s work schedule,
which is Sunday – Saturday for each week.
Only the total hours worked each day should be entered on the timesheet. All departments
must submit hours using quarter of an hour increments. Example: 3.25 is 3 hours 15 minutes
The appropriate indicated information must be completed in the timesheet’s heading section under the
following specified titles:
1. Fund Name, Department Name, Current Work Week Ending Date (always a Saturday), and
Complete Chartfield Information (i.e. account, fund, dept., program, project or grant, if
2. There is a check box on the upper right: This must be checked designating whether it’s “College
Work Study” or “Institutional Funds”.
3. There are two sections for reporting time:
a) The first section (the shaded area) represents the last three days of the previous work
b) The second section represents the current work week, for the seven days, (Sunday thru
Saturday) followed by a column labeled “Total Hours Current Work Week”. This column
should only represent the sum of the current 7 day work week. Please note: if you submit
this formatted Excel, formulations have been developed to facilitate any summation.
4. Both sections must be completed weekly. At the bottom of the page, both sections must be
signed separately by the department approver.
5. Hours reported on the timesheet, for the current work week, should include the actual hours
worked Sunday thru Thursday. Because timesheets are due on Friday A.M. (see below), Friday
and Saturday hours should be recorded as they appear on the department’s projected schedule
for those days.
6. Hours that appear on the timesheet, for the previous work week, must be recorded even if
there is no change. This confirms that the hours, that were projected previously, were actually
worked. The only time that this section would be blank would be if the student employee did
not work those days the prior week. The adjusted daily hours must be circled or highlighted in
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Instructions to Complete Student Employee Timesheet
some fashion, so they can be readily identified enabling the adjustment to be made in Payroll. In
the” +/- Hourly Adjustment” column, indicate the net change in hours from the previous week.
Any changes in hours, resulting in adjustments of the previous week, will be reflected in the
paychecks for the current pay period. If there are adjustments required, it is the time
approver’s responsibility to inform their student employees of the impending adjustments to
their pay.
Student employee timesheets are due by 10:00AM on Friday. In the event of a Monday holiday,
after a payroll close, timesheets will be due by 10:00AM on Thursday.
All areas of the timesheet must be completed without exception. Timesheets will not be
processed, if any information is missing.
All student employees should be advised to use the Commonwealth of MA “Pay Info” site to
check their pay advice. We also encourage students to utilize Direct Deposit to facilitate their
payment. These forms and procedures can be found on the Payroll Office web site.
Direct Deposit
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