Phone: 256 7803 Facebook: Gander Boys and Girls Club Annual Demolition Derby Gander Boys and Girls Club Festival of Flight Demolition Derby 2015 RULES & REGULATIONS ENTRY FEE 1. Each car entered shall pay an entry fee of $25.00. All monies collected from entry fees, less in-transit fees, will be paid out as prize money 2. 3. 4. Each entry consists of: one car + one driver + two pit crew. Entry fee is due no later than the registration deadline of Friday, July 24th. Entries, including sponsor info, received after that date WILL NOT be printed in the booklet. Deadline for vehicle info for in-transit stickers is Thursday, July 30, 2015. *All vehicles driving in Derby Parade will require an in-transit sticker.* DRIVER ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. Drivers must have a valid driver’s license. Pit Crew must be at least 17 years of age. Drivers must furnish their own cars or have a sponsor furnish one. All Drivers and Pit Crew must complete a registration form and sign a Liability Waiver. Registration deadline is the Friday, July 24th. In order to register after this date you must meet with the Derby Committee in person to review the rules and regulations. All drivers are required to attend the final briefing (Friday, July 31st at 6:00pm) in order to participate. Liability waivers will be signed and driver kits will be issued at the final briefing. Out-of-town registrants, who are unable to attend meetings, must contact the Derby Committee. All Drivers and Pit Crew must wear entrant bracelets in order to gain access to the Pit and Pit Crew Area. (The driver bracelet will be a different color from the pit crew bracelet) No Driver or Pit Crew who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to participate in any part of the Derby event. **Drivers are responsible for the conduct of their Pit Crew** All Drivers will be subject to breathalyzer tests. Phone: 256 7803 Facebook: Gander Boys and Girls Club Annual Demolition Derby GENERAL 1) All Derby cars must arrive at the Derby Site via Cooper Boulevard no later than 11:45am. Drivers may leave the site after first inspection as long as all drivers and pit crew have returned by 1:00pm. Once this has taken place, drivers and pit crew will have no further access to Derby vehicles until immediately prior to heat in which they are registered. A third vehicle inspection will be conducted for all those who wish to participate in the Survivor Heat for their category. 2) Schedule: 10:00am: All Derby vehicles participating in the parade must be at the Town Square. 11:00am: Parade to Derby Site 11:45am: All other Derby vehicles must be at the Site for inspection. 12:00noon: Spectator gate opens 2:00pm: Flag drop for first heat 3) No unauthorized persons will be allowed in the Pit or Pit Crew Area due to liability insurance. Security will be present. Rules may be modified or changed by the committee. Any rule changes will be announced and explained at the next Derby meeting. Drivers may present suggestions & concerns at the Derby meetings. 4) 5) All Derby cars must have a police escort from starting point to the Derby Site. Violators will be subject to penalties under the Highway Traffic Act. Exception: Drivers are free to tow their vehicles, provided they use proper equipment. VEHICLE REGULATIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Trucks, 4x4’s, convertibles and hatchbacks are not permitted. Driver side door must be painted white - for No-Hit Zone. All vehicles must be equipped with a green safety flag (provided by Gander Boys & Girls Club). All vehicles will be inspected prior to the start of each heat to ensure compliance with the above rules; therefore, the inspector must be able to have access to the trunk and under the hood. Derby Vehicle Specifications must be adhered to (see attached checklist). Phone: 256 7803 Facebook: Gander Boys and Girls Club Annual Demolition Derby PARTICIPATION RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. ZERO TOLERANCE of: a. Alcohol or drugs on site. –Automatic DQ – no breathalyzer will be given. b. Disturbance such as fighting or aggravating officials. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification of driver, pit crew and vehicle. Full-face helmet with eye protection must be worn and secured. Seatbelt use is mandatory. Working on vehicles between heats is not permitted until otherwise instructed. HEAT RULES 1. 2. Access to Pit is restricted to ambulance crew, firefighters and flagpersons while Derby is in progress. Heat #1: Drivers and Pit Crew not participating in a heat must remain in the Holding Area. Heat #2, #3, & #4: Drivers and Pit Crew not participating in a heat must remain in the Holding Area or the Pit Crew Area, well clear of the Pit Entrance, while a heat is in progress. Drivers are not permitted to be on foot in the Pit while a heat is in progress; You must remain in your vehicle, with your seatbelt and helmet on and secured. 3. 4. 5. Absolutely no deliberate hitting of driver’s door. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Any vehicle which does not make a hit within a two minute period, will be disqualified. DECISIONS OF DERBY MARSHALL AND COMMITTEE ARE FINAL. If the inspector finds the vehicle to be unsatisfactory or you fail to comply with any of the above rules, you will be disqualified immediately.