MEEKER COUNTY AG SOCIETY 2015 DEMO DERBY RULES (All Forms & Rules available on Meeker County Website ( Dates: June 20st – 6:00 pm, Aug. 1st – 6:00 pm, Sept. 20th – 1:00 pm Chairman: Grandstand Committee (Meeker County Fair Board Members) Build questions call - Chief Judge: Daryl Barker 320-894-0189 Preregistration: Krys Lee-Berggren 320-296-2237 and/or Payouts – Minimum of 6 vehicles to guarantee payout, if less than 6 only 1st place will be paid out. Compact - There will be one feature with 4 winners; 1st place- $500; 2nd -$ 300; 3rd - $150; 4th -$75. Mini Mods- There will be one feature with 3 winners; 1st place- $500; 2nd - $300; 3rd - $200. Chain Stock-There will be one feature with 4 winners; 1st place- $500; 2nd $300; 3rd - $150; 4th $75. 80’s or newer - There will be one feature with 4 winners; 1st place- $900; 2nd - $500; 3rd - $250; 4th $100. Old Iron- There will be one feature with 4 winners; 1st place $900; 2nd - $500; 3rd -$250, 4th - $100. Trucks 1/2 ton- There will be one feature with 3 winners; 1st place- $650; 2nd -$400; 3rd - $200. Modified Trucks- There will be one feature with 3 winners; 1st place- $800; 2nd - $400; 3rd -$200. Youth Chain Stock- There will be one feature with 3 winners; 1st place- $400; 2nd - $250; 3rd - $100. Half ton Chain Truck- There will be one feature with 3 winners; 1st place- $400; 2nd - $250; 3rd - $100. ONLY FEATURES WILL BE RUN UNLESS THERE ARE MORE THAN 15 CARS REGISTERED, AND THEN HEATS WILL BE DETERMINED. Power Wheels – (age 6-11) Trophies for the top 5 winners. Rules-no car batteries, must wear helmet and have number on car. (Fair derby only) Best Decorated- $75.00 + trophy (vehicle must participate in derby) Trophies will be handed out to 1st – 3rd place winners and a Mad Dog for all classes. RULES FOR ALL DIVISIONS The Fair Ground gates will be open 4 hours prior to the event, THE GATE WILL CLOSE 1 HOUR PRIOR TO THE EVENT, NO EXCEPTIONS. Cars must be inspected no later than 1 hour prior to derby start or will not be able to run. Judges decisions are final; any arguing will mean immediate dismissal from grounds and forfeiture of prize money or entry money. Drivers and pit person(s) are to read, understand and follow all rules. These rules are Non-negotiable. No Exceptions. By signing entry you agree to follow all the rules. ANY PERSON ENTERING THE PIT AREA CAN AND WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GROUNDS FOR ANY FOUL LANGUAGE OR BEHAVIOR DEEMED INAPPROPRIATE BY THE OFFICIALS. ENTRY FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED. Any driver in the same class can protest a car for being illegal. Driver must give $200 cash to a judge within 5 minutes of the end of that class running. If the car is illegal, $100 goes to protestor and protested car losses all winnings. If the car is legal, $100 goes to the driver of the protested car. In either case $100 goes to the fair board derby fund. ALL DERBY VEHICLES MUST HAVE DRIVERS DOOR BAR, INSIDE OR OUTSIDE, 2" ANGLE IRON OR BAR. ALL DERBY VEHICLES MUST HAVE MESH ON DRIVERS DOOR WINDOW IN ORDER TO RUN. FOR DRIVER SAFETY A ROLL CAGE IS MANDATORY IN ALL CLASSES, MOUNTED TO THE FLOOR ONLY AND WELDED TO THE DOOR BARS. 1. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license, safety helmet, neck brace and eye protection. Drivers under 18 years of age must have written permission from parent or legal guardian to run. All drivers will remain in car until the heat is over or flag person stops the action for safety reasons. No driver’s arms outside car during event. Drivers will get ONLY one warning. No pit persons on track without permission from judges. Any driver caught consuming alcoholic beverages prior to or during the event will be disqualified and banned for 1 year. One Warning for a Driver’s Door Hit and Team driving, flaggers discretion. 2. Cars must have safety belts and charged fire extinguisher. Hoods must be open for inspection, radiators will be checked for antifreeze, No antifreeze allowed, must have working brakes. Driver’s door may be welded top, bottom, and sides for driver’s protection. All glass, plastic, rubber, chrome, moldings, lights, lenses, door handles, hubcaps, wheel weights must be removed prior to entering derby grounds. Trailer hitches and mounts must be removed prior to arriving to the derby. 3. Pre-registered entry fee $40, one week prior to derby, registering the day of the event $60. Entry fee covers driver and car only, addition pit passes may be purchased with signing of waiver and $20 fee per person. For safety reasons all persons entering the pit area must be 12 years of age or older. Pit fee is paid at gate upon entry to pits. Speed limit in pit area not to exceed idle speed. No careless driving. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED! Driver will sign a waiver which will relieve Fair Board and track officials of any liability related to personal injury, which might occur. 4. Each car is restricted to approximately 5 gallons of gas per heat. Stock gas tanks must be removed prior to entering derby grounds. Gas tank to be made of steel, secured by metal straps, bolted to the floor, protected on all sides, and located in back seat area. No ratchet straps. Any gas lines other than standard equipment must be located inside the middle of the car. Outlet to fuel pump must be through a tight connection to tank. Gas lines that run through firewall must be made of steel or high pressure hose. Any car leaking fuel will be flagged out. Electric fuel pumps are allowed in all classes. Toggle switch must be clearly marked and accessible. 5. Log chains, chains, cables, ready rod (not to exceed 1”) for reinforcement must not be in front of radiator. Radiators must remain in stock position with a 2” space from frame without welding, bracing or attaching to the frame. Homemade Vented Radiators allowed in Old Iron, 1/2 Ton and Mighty Mini class. Spray foam allowed only around radiator in any class. Fan blades may be removed. 6. In all classes, 2 - 12 volt batteries are allowed, must be located in front seat area, battery must be covered to protect driver. Battery must be mounted in a 2” high minimum metal framed box with threaded rod and a metal strap to hold the battery in place and bolted to the floor. No ratchet straps allowed. 7. Bracing behind driver’s seat to door post on passenger side is permitted for driver protection. If dash is removed, a 3” pipe or tubing is allowed to be welded where dash was removed. In car safety cage may be welded or bolted to the frame behind driver’s seat. Also, a rod must be welded vertically where the windshield was removed. Floor shifters are allowed in all classes. 8. Exhaust modifications are allowed (i.e. straight pipes through hood). 9. Suspension must be standard factory equipment, No altering of suspension allowed, (i.e. No leafs on coil car), air shocks are allowed if factory. Stuffed or homemade bumpers are NOT allowed. See the class rules. Any 15” any ply tires are allowed in all classes except chain stock and chain ½ ton. 10. Driver’s door must be painted a contrasting color, blaze orange preferred. Car # will be required to display on roof top, (numbers and sign to have contrasting colors). Sign can be wood, metal with number on both sides. Sign must be at least 15” high by 20” long, with number at least 12” by 4”. 11. Cars left on fair grounds after 24 hours become fair property. 12. You are allowed only 1 fire per heat, if event is stopped a 2nd time to put out a fire from your car, you will be disqualified. 13. One 12”X12” hole to be cut in hood and one 12”X12” hole in trunk lid to provide access for inspection and fire extinguisher. (hole in trunk is not required if inspectors can see inside through back seat, if back seat is left in a 12” by 12” hole in trunk lid is required) self-tapping screws anywhere on the vehicle are not allowed. 14. #9 wire can be no more than 4 loops, must not exceed 1/2” in diameter when twisted, 2 per window opening, 4 allowed to frame. Chain stock class cannot go to frame and can only be 3/8” in diameter when twisted, see class rules. 15. Any car that is put on time by judges will have 2 minutes to start and make an aggressive hit on another car still in the derby or be disqualified. No pinning against the wall or holding. If you drive off of the track under you own power you may not re-enter. If you are pushed out you may re-enter. No hitting of dead vehicles. 16. No American Flag, No Profanity or gestures are allowed to be hung on or displayed on car. 17. Washers for any use cannot be larger than 4”x4”x1/4” where bolts are used. 18. Pre-ran frame repair patch may not exceed 20” total on car. No exceptions. Pre-ran vehicles must have 50% of rear body intact, NO frame rails exposed. (Not allowed in chain stock class). No painting or undercoating allowed to frame or interior compartments. 19. No altering of vehicle after final tech inspection, if caught you forfeit entry fee and will not be able to run that derby. You have two tech times and two chances to comply with rules. 20. Transmission coolers (No roof mounts) allowed in all classes. 21. Decisions of the judges with advice from flag persons are FINAL.