Women’s Health : Community Issues/Indicator Trends Trend (Year) Trend (Year) Trend (Year) 13.3% (2007) 14.% (2008) 12% (2009) 11.3% (2010) 0.7% - - 20% (2010) 24.8% (2012) 4.8% - 18.6% (2011) 16.5% (2012) 16.6% (2013) 0.1% - 75% (2011) 76.8% (2012) 71.8% (2013) 5% 3.2% (2009) 2.4% (2010) 2.2% (2011) 2.1% (2012) 0.1% Percentage of resident births financed by Medicaid in year (Iowa) 38.03% (2008) 39.97% (2009) 40.46% (2010) 40.3% (2012) 0.16% Percentage of all births to unmarried women (Iowa) 13,977 (2009) 13,258 (2010) 12,923 (2011) 13,456 (2012) 4.1% Number of female headed households with no husband present and one or more children under 18 years old (Linn Co.) 5,507 (2010) 6,374 (2011) 5,472 (2012) 6,337 (2013) 13.6% Domestic Violence Domestic violence victims served by any form of DV assistance in year (Women and children) (Iowa) - 22,508 (2008) 22,273 (2009) 24,067 (2010) 7.45% Divorce Rates Rate of marriage divorces per year (Iowa) - 2.6% (2007) 2.6% (2008) 2.4% (2009) 0.2% Behaviors Alcohol Use Dental Exam Tobacco Use Exercise Teen Births Family Structure Medicaid Births KEY: % Change Between Years Trend (Year) Indicator Name Births to Unmarried Women Female Headed Households Data Description Women who are identified as binge drinkers- having four or more drinks on one occasion (Iowa) Percentage of women that have not had a dental exam in the past year (Iowa) Percentage of women who are current smokers (Iowa) Percentage of women during the past month that have participated in any physical activity (Iowa) Percentage of females age 15-19 giving birth (Of all female teens, x% are giving birth) (Linn) = Positive Increase = Positive Decrease = Negative Increase = Negative Decrease Women’s Health : Community Issues/Indicator Trends Children in WIC Educational Socioeconomic Achievement Income Disparities Poverty Unemployment Rate Homelessness Health Insurance Coverage Food Insecurity KEY: Number of children 0-5 in Special 23.5% Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (UWECI (2009) area) 24.0% 6047 (2010) 23.9% 5975 (2011) 25.4% 5816 (2012) 1.5% - (2011) (2012) (2013) --- Less than high school - 8.6% 9.0% 9.0% 0% High school or G.E.D. - 31.9% 31.1% 29.6% 1.5% Some post high school - 37.4% 36.9% 38.1% 1.2% College or more - 22.1% 23.0% 23.2% 0.2% 23,201 (2010) 27,216 (2011) 26,338 (2012) 26,536 (2013) 0.75% $0.63 (2010) $0.73 (2011) $0.66 (2012) $0.64 (2013) $0.02 11,998 (2010) 10,648 (2011) 11,108 (2012) 11,123 (2013) 0.13% 3.7% (2010) 4.5% (2011) 3.8% (2012) 3.6% (2013) 0.2% 211 (2011) 286 (2012) 217 (2013) 276 (2014) 21.4% Percentage of women with no health insurance coverage by year (Linn Co.) 5.72% (2010) 7.00% (2011) 6.88% (2012) 5.97% (2013) 0.91% Percentage of female headed households experiencing food insecurity in year (Nationally) 35.1% (2010) 36.8% (2011) 35.4% (2012) 34.4% (2013) 1% Females’ highest grade or year of school completed (Iowa) Female median earnings in the past 12 mo.in inflation adjusted dollars (Linn Co.) In this year, for every dollar a man earns, a woman makes…. (Linn Co.) Number of women who have an income in the past 12 months below the poverty level (Linn Co.) Unemployment rate for women as of year (Iowa) Number of total homeless women counted by annual Point-in-Time count (Cedar Rapids) = Positive Increase = Positive Decrease = Negative Increase = Negative Decrease Conditions/Outcomes Women’s Health : Community Issues/Indicator Trends Obesity Percentage of women considered obese defined by BMI standards- 30- 99.8 (Iowa) - 27.4% (2012) 29.3% (2013) 30.1% (2013) 0.8% High Cholesterol Percentage of women who had their cholesterol checked and was told it was high (Iowa) - 36% (2009) 37.1% (2011) 39.8% (2013) 2.7% Colonoscopy Percentage of women 50 years who have ever received a colonoscopy (Iowa) - - 66% (2010) 71.6% (2012) 5.6% Mammogram Percentage of women aged 50+ that have received a mammogram within the past two years (Iowa) - - 76% (2010) 78.2% (2012) 2.2% Disability Percentage of women who are limited in any activity due to physical, mental, or emotional problems (Iowa) - 21.9% (2011) 20.3% (2012) 20.1% (2013) 0.2% Women with a disability ages 5 to 64 (Linn Co.) 5,857 (2010) 5,922 (2011) 6,791 (2012) 7,466 (2013) 9.04% Women with a disability ages 65 and over (Linn Co.) 5,329 (2010) 5,282 (2011) 4,207 (2012) 4,815 (2013) 12.6% 6.7% (2007) 6.7% (2008) 7.2% (2009) 7.4% (2010) 0.2% - 20.2% (2011) 21.6% (2012) 24.3% (2013) 2.7% 195 (2008) 227 (2009) 229 (2010) 231 (2011) 0.86% Diabetes Depression Breast Cancer KEY: Percentage of women that have been diagnosed with diabetes as of year (Iowa) Women who have been told by their doctors that they have some form of depression (Iowa) Number of women diagnosed with breast cancer (UWECI services area) = Positive Increase = Positive Decrease = Negative Increase = Negative Decrease Women’s Health : Community Issues/Indicator Trends Heart Disease STIs HIV Screening Cervical Cancer Screening Percentage of women that have been diagnosed with heart disease as of year (Iowa) Percentage of women diagnosed with an STI- Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis (Linn Co) 2.7 % (2007) 3.4% (2008) 2.9% (2009) 2.9% (2010) 0.53% (2010) 0.65% (2011) 0.58% (2012) 0.52% (2013) 0.6% Percentage of women who have ever been tested for HIV in year (Iowa) - - 25.9% (2012 27.3% (2013) 1.4% Percentage of women who report receiving a pap smear in the past three years (Iowa) - - 81% (2010) 87.4% (2012) 6.4% 0% References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. KEY: Divorce a. http://www.idph.state.ia.us/apl/common/pdf/health_statistics/2009/vital_stats_2009.pdf STI a. http://www.idph.state.ia.us/HivStdHep/STD.aspx?prog=Std&pg=StdResources Homelessness a. Point-in-Time Data (See Dave) Overweight/Obesity, Cholesterol, Colonoscopy, Mammogram, Dental Exam, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Alcohol Use, Tobacco Use, Exercise, Depression, Education, Disability, HIV a. http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/brfss/index.asp Domestic violence a. http://www.icadv.org/#!facts-and-stats/c20lj b. 2005 http://www.ncadv.org/files/Iowa.pdf Poverty data a. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t# Median Earnings a. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_11_1YR_B20002&prodType=table Unemployment rates a. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t Health Insurance Coverage a. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t Pap Smear a. http://kff.org/disparities-policy/state-indicator/percent-of-women-ages-21-64-who-report-having-had-a-pap-smear-within-the-past-three-years/ Medicaid Births a. http://kff.org/medicaid/state-indicator/births-financed-by-medicaid/#graph Food Insecurity a. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications.aspx?topicId=1681 (Use Household Food Security in United States in “Year”, See Table 2) Female Headed Households a. http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_13_1YR_B11005&prodType=table (Households by presence of people under 18 years by Household Type) = Positive Increase = Positive Decrease = Negative Increase = Negative Decrease