5th Grade Transition Plan




5th Grade Transition Plan

7 th Monday


8 th Tuesday


UNIT 11: Inherited Traits

(15 days)


5.10B Differentiate between

inherited traits

of plants and animals such as spines on a cactus or shape of beak, and

learned behaviors

such as an animal learning tricks or a child riding a bicycle.

TEKS statement grades 3 and 4:


: Explore that some characteristics of organisms are inherited, such as the number of limbs on an animal or flower color, and recognize that some behaviors are learned in response to living in a certain environment, such as animals using tools to get food.


: Demonstrate that some likenesses between parents and offspring are inherited, passed from generation to generation, such as eye color in humans or shapes of leaves in plants. Other likenesses are learned, such as table manners or reading a book, and seals balancing balls on their noses.

Essential knowledge (What students are expected to know and be able to do) S tudents will be able to classify a characteristic into one of the categories stated in the standard. S ome physical structures are the result of inheritance, some aren’t. S ome behaviors are the result of learning, some aren’t.

Possible misconceptions or comments/ suggestions

Recommended that the following concepts be added. Some physical characteristics are the result of environment (scars). Some behavioral characteristics are the result of inheritance (i.e. instinct).

Performance Indicator:

• Design a brochure advertising two new exhibits at the zoo, an exotic plant and animal. Identify the traits and behaviors for each that makes them the “must see” attraction.

Engage: CSCOPE 5th Grade Unit 6, Lesson 1

Day 1 Bang!!! (scare them…make them jump…got to love this)

Day 2 Class Traits and Tent Cards

Explore : Takscopes : Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors: Student Guide and 5.10B Traits

Cards (Inherited Traits only). Record reflections and answer questions in the Student Journal section. Use TAKScopes “Student Journal” section, not science notebook

Engage: CSCOPE 5th Grade Unit 6, Lesson 2

Day 1 Bang!!! I Learned and Explore Behaviors activity 1 and 2

Explore : Takscopes : Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors: Student Guide and 5 10B Traits

Cards (Learned Behaviors only). Record reflections and answer questions in the Student Journal section. Use TAKScopes “Student Journal” section, not science notebook



9 th Wednesday


10 th Thursday


11 th Friday


5th Grade Transition Plan

CSCOPE Day 3 including Who Am I Cards

Explain : Takscopes 5.10B

: Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors: Question Prompts and

Student Vocabulary Cards

Explore questions

* Does a person always look like his/her parents?

No, even though many traits are inherited from parents, some traits are not always expressed in their parents. For example, a child may have red hair and the parents may have brown hair. Some traits are a combination of inheritance and environment, for example, a person's height depends both upon the parents genetics, as well as on nutrition and other environmental factors.

* What are some characteristics that plant offspring inherit from the parent?

Species of plant, sun or shade requirements, water requirements, color of blooms, shape of leaves, type of fruit, etc.

* If a dog knows how to play fetch, does it mean that the dog’s puppies will know how to play fetch, too?

The puppies will only know how to play fetch if they are taught how to play fetch.

* How can behaviors help an animal to survive?

Answers vary, but two examples are bears survive harsh winters by hibernating, and humpback whales migrate from their warm water nurseries to feed in the cooler, krill-rich waters.

* If you were raised in another country, how might you be different?

Answers vary, but may include that you would like different foods, like to play different games, you might be taller or heavier depending on the food you eat, your language could be different, etc.

* How might a plant change based on its environment?

Answers vary, but may include leaf position may change as the direction of light changes; parts of some plants undergo seasonal changes (like leaves changing colors in the fall); seed germination

(Seeds don’t germinate in seed packets at the store.).

* Give an example of a trait that an animal might acquire from its environment but was not learned or inherited.

Some examples might include propeller markings on a manatee, torn ear on a cat, an Arctic fox turning white in winter, body fat stored as energy for hibernating bears.

Connection questions

* Animals in the zoo learn to get their food from their handlers. What would happen if an animal was raised in the zoo and then released into the wild? The animal may starve because it had not learned how to gather food or hunt for itself.

Interfacing inquiry

* What makes you you? It is a combination of inherited traits, learned characteristics, and interactions with the environment.

Explain: CSCOPE Day 2 Who Am I Cards 2

Explore : Takscopes: Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors: Science Reading Passage:

Expository Text

Explore and Explain: CSCOPE Day 2 Who Am I Cards 3

Explain: CSCOPE Day 2 Inherited or Learned Assessment
