Inherited Traits 1. There are five CLASSES of VERTEBRATES. They

Inherited Traits
1. There are five CLASSES of VERTEBRATES. They are:
Correct Answer: Fish, animal, reptile, mammal, bird
2. There are five KINGDOMS into which all living things can be classified. They are:
Correct Answer:
Animal, Plant, Protist, Bacteria, Fungus
3. _____________ plants do not have true roots but absorb water and nutrients from their
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All vertebrate animals have:
Correct Answer:
5. Which group has the greatest number of animal species?
Correct Answer: Invertebrates
6. An inherited trait that appears only if an organism has two genes for that trait, such asblue eyes is a:
Correct Answer:
recessive trait
7. Acquired behavioral traits such as learning to ride a bike, or birds learning to fly are called:
Correct Answer:
learned behaviors
8. Which animals are NOT vertebrates?
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9. Which of these is not an instinctive behavior?
Correct Answer: a horse pulling a plow
playing a musical instrument
10. Plants that make seeds inside of a fruit are called:
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11. Which of the following is most likely inherited by flowering plants?
Correct Answer:
the ability to produce seeds
12. Adam can roll his tongue. His younger brother Lee cannot. Which statement explains why?
Correct Answer:
Adam has a dominant factor for tongue-rolling.
13. Insects, arachnids, worms, and mollusks all belong to which group?
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14. A frog moves to a nearby pond because its own pond is drying up. What changed for the frog to
cause it to move?
Correct Answer: its environment
15. Eye color, beak size, and color of hair are all examples of :
Correct Answer:
physical traits
16. All living things belong to one of six major groups called:
Correct Answer: kingdoms
17. Blinking, breathing, dogs fetching, and birds following their mother are all :
Correct Answer:
behavioral traits
18. What does the word classify mean?
Correct Answer:
To group by using a set of rules
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals all belong to which group?
Correct Answer: vertebrate
20. Inherited behavioral traits are called:
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21. Which of these are characteristics of inherited traits?
Correct Answer:
having green eyes and brown hair
22. Organisms with a body covering of feathers are classified as:
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23. Traits are affected by how an organism interacts with :
Correct Answer:
it's environment
24. The largest group of invertebrates are:
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25. Smelts are fish that lay their eggs in the sand on beaches. When the eggs hatch, the babies know to
go to the water. This is an example of:
Correct Answer: instinct
26. After a kingdom, what is the next largest grouping of organisms?
Correct Answer: phylum
27. Plants are classified by whether they are :
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28. A person who breeds animals keeps careful records of the fur color of parents and offspring from
each generations. The fur color is a trait transferred from generation to generation. What are the
structures that carry the information for these traits?
Correct Answer:
the genes
29. Which class of vertebrate lays eggs, has teeth, and is cold-blooded?
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30. Animals that usually have the same body temperature, regardless of their surroundings are called:
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31. Which is the best way to reasonably predict what a puppy will look like?
Correct Answer:
Look at both parents of the puppy.
32. Invertebrates with a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton are:
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Several scientists observe an animal with hair and wings. This animal is a:
Correct Answer: bat
34. Plants that produce “naked” seeds are called:
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35. Scientists discovered an animal that has gills when it is young and lungs when it is mature. In which
group will this animal most likely be classified?
Correct Answer: amphibian
Which animals are cold-blooded, live part of their lives in water and part on land, and go through
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37. The scientific name of a single type of living things includes the _________ and __________.
Correct Answer:
genus and species
38. The smallest group for classifying living things is:
Correct Answer: species
39. Heredity, is the passing down of _______ traits from parents to offspring.
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Which is a characteristic of reptiles?
Correct Answer: they use lungs to breathe
Vertebrate animals that are distinguished by live birth, and the production of maternal milk are:
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42. A dog learning to fetch and lay down, or a cat learning to come when you yell "HERE KITTY!" is
developed over an organism's lifetime and called an:
Correct Answer:
acquired trait
43. An example of a mollusk is a:
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44. Which is a characteristic of vascular plants but NOT nonvascular plants?
Correct Answer:
can thrive in dry areas
45. Redwood trees can grow to be very tall. They can grow so tall because they are:
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46. Which of the following describes a learned behavior in a dog?
Correct Answer:
guiding sheep
47. Which of these is a correct definition for a gene?
Correct Answer:
a hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA
How is a fish different from a jellyfish?
Correct Answer: A fish has a backbone.