Paper 1314/BMSBoS/21 College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine School of Biomedical Sciences Board of Studies 12 February 2014 Senior Honours Curriculum Brief description of the paper Paper describes the creation of the compulsory and elective courses for each undergraduate degree programme. Action requested For discussion and approval Resource implications Resources will be covered by teaching budget from College. Equality and Diversity There are no equality and diversity implications. Originator of the paper Professor John Stewart 1 February 2014 Freedom of information This paper to be included in open business. 1 Senior Honours Curriculum Background At the November 2013 Board of Studies the structure of the senior Honours year was approved as follows: Semester 1 Core course specific to programme - 20 credit points. Two elective courses – 20 credit points each. Semester 2 Project – 40 credit points to include 12.5% for presentation and 87.5% for project report. Project-related course (review essay, grant proposal etc.) – 10 credit points. Synoptic exam or equivalent – 10 credit points. Teaching on core course for part of semester. It was agreed that proposals for the 20 credit point elective courses and any changes to existing core/compulsory courses would be brought to the February 2014 Board of Studies for approval. Proposals COMPULSORY COURSES The compulsory courses will consist of Core course specific to programme - 20 credit points. Project – 40 credit points. Synoptic exam or equivalent – 10 credit points. Project-related course (review essay, grant proposal etc.) – 10 credit points. For some programmes there will be no change to these courses as the current structure and content conforms to the agreed format. Course proposal forms relating to course change and creation are in Appendix I. The responsibility for the compulsory courses lies with the Programme Board of Examiners and associated teaching committees. The Board of Examiners is responsible for ratification of marks for compulsory courses and degree classification. Infectious Diseases Core course Creation of new course to change title to “Host-pathogen interactions in Infectious Disease”. Change of delivery slot in semester 2 to Monday am. Proposal form 1 for approval. Project Change in assessment components to conform with agreed structure. Proposal form 2 for information. 2 Project-related course Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure as course did not previously exist. Proposal form 3 for approval. Medical Biology Core course Change in content as described in “Course description” and assessment type and weighting. Proposal form 4 for information. Project-related course Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure as course did not previously exist. Proposal form 5 for approval. Synoptic exam Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure as course did not previously exist. Proposal form 6 for approval. Medical Sciences No new courses or changes required. Neuroscience Core course Change in content as described in “Course description” and assessment type and weighting. Proposal form 7 for information. Project-related course Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure as course did not previously exist. Proposal form 8 for approval. Pharmacology Core course Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure. Proposal form 9 for approval. Project-related course Creation of new course, based on previous programme content, to comply with agreed structure. Proposal form 10 for approval. Physiology Core course Change in content as described in “Course description” and assessment type and weighting. Proposal form 11 for information. Project-related course Creation of new course to comply with agreed structure as course did not previously exist. Proposal form 12 for approval. 3 Synoptic type exam Creation of new course, based on previous programme content, to comply with agreed structure. Proposal form 13 for approval. Reproductive Biology Core course Creation of new course, based on previous programme content, to comply with agreed structure. Proposal form 14 for approval. ELECTIVE COURSES Students will take 40 credit points of elective courses. These courses will be delivered and assessed in semester 1. There will be a maximum of 25 students and a minimum of 6 students on an elective course. If the number of students allocated to a course is outwith this range then the course organiser will be consulted as to the possibility of taking more students or running the course with less than six students. The courses will be the responsibility of a Biomedical Sciences Board of Examiners that will have the conveners of each Honours Programme Board of Examiners as its members. This Board of Examiners will meet in January to ratify marks. There will be a teaching committee comprising the Honours Programme Organisers and the Convener of the Biomedical Sciences Board of Examiners. Each Honours programme will be able to specify a list(s) of elective courses that are appropriate for that programme. Students can be required a. to take both elective courses from a List 1. b. to take one elective course from a List 1 and the other from a List 2. c. to take one elective course from a List 1 and the other from all available courses. d. to take two elective courses from those on offer without restriction. The Honours programmes in the School of Biological Sciences will continue to offer 10 credit point courses. Biomedical Sciences students can incorporate these courses in their curriculum as long as they comply with the rules of their programme. Biological Sciences students can take Biomedical Sciences 20 credit point courses as long as they are given permission by their programme and spaces are available (see below). Allocation to elective courses will attempt to arrive at the “best” overall fit. The following criteria will be used when allocating students to oversubscribed courses. 1. Preference will be given to Biomedical Sciences students. 2. Whether the elective course is on the lists of required/recommended courses for the programme. 3. The ranking given to the elective by the student on his/her choice form. 4. Availability of places on other chosen courses and where these rank in the choice form. Each elective course will have course organiser identified on EUCLID. The management of the elective course will be through a course teaching team consisting of staff who deliver the course. The Course Teaching Team can consist of all staff involved in the course or a selection of staff to represent the main areas covered in the course. The course organiser will convene the meetings of the Course Teaching Team. The Course Teaching Team will also 4 fulfil the role of the course assessment group with responsibilities for producing and overseeing assessments. The Course Organiser will be invited to the Board of Examiners meetings. Each course will have an administrator appointed for the BMTO. Details of the remit of the Course Teaching Team will be produced to ensure consistence of practice. A list of the proposed courses with key data is in Appendix II Proposal forms for each course are in Appendix III. The Board of Studies is asked to approve the creation of these courses and general principles. Outstanding issues There are a number of issues relating to the creation and development of these courses that cannot be resolved until after this Board of Studies. 1. The courses have to be delivered in timeslots that are acceptable to staff but that also allow maximum flexibility for students. Once the courses are approved it is proposed that the Honours elective teaching committee meets to determine the best structure. This process will also require the production of List 1/2 courses to enable the most appropriate allocation of timeslots. A report will be brought to the next Board of Studies. 2. List 1/2 need to be produced. This will be taken forward by the Honours Elective Course Teaching Committee. 3. The current External Examiners for the Honours programmes will be asked to take responsibility for elective courses within their general area of expertise. Honours elective teaching committee will make recommendations following discussions and after considering the views of Conveners of Honours programmes Board of Examiners. Approval will be sought at the next Board of Studies. 4. Documentation will be produced and presented at future Boards of Study to help with the running of elective courses and to ensure consistency of practice where possible. The documents produced will relate to the remit of Course Organisers and the functioning of Course Teaching Teams, Honours Elective Course Teaching Committee and the Board of Examiners. Marking guidelines and assessment policy documents as well as guidelines on the content and style of course documentation will also be developed. 5. A number of new second and third year course proposals will be discussed at this Board of Studies. Where clear changes, relating to prerequisite courses or other items, that involve the names of courses are identified changes will be made to the documentation. Any such changes will be reported to the next Board of Studies. 5 Appendix I Course proposal forms for core courses Course Proposal Form 1 Course Name*: Host-pathogen interactions in Infectious Disease Course Proposer*: Dr Douglas Roy Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Microbiology and Infection (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Douglas Roy Course Secretary: Tracy Noden % not taught by this institution: Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: Medical Microbiology 3 - BIME09002 Biomedical Sciences 3 - BIME09008 Immunology 3 - BILG09007 OR Clinical Immunology and Haematology 3 - MSBM09005 Co-requisites (course name & code)*: 6 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Infectious Diseases) programme Visiting Students Prerequisites: Course Description*: Lectures: This course focuses on fundamental aspects of pathogen-host interactions and covers the biological mechanisms and processes which lead to pathogenesis and disease following infection. There is an emphasis on the application of modern research methods and approaches in this field. This course comprises three main themes: Experimental approaches pathogenesis: to study Microbial Identification of virulence factors Animal models Genome wide approaches to study host-pathogen interactions Monitoring host response and immunity to pathogens Pathobiology of Infection: Survival strategies of bacterial, viral and parasite pathogens. Modulation of the host immune response Mechanisms of pathogenesis Manipulation and reprogramming of the intracellular environment Infection of the human host – Gastrointestinal Infections, Respiratory infections, CNS infections, Neonatal infection Pathogen ecology and evolution: Evolution of bacterial virulence Molecular evolution of viruses and other pathogens Tutorials: A series of tutorials will cover essay, abstract and report writing, scientific techniques, presentation skills, scientific calculations and statistics, and the critical analysis of scientific papers. The tutorials will provide important formative feedback/forward for assignments and activities in the course as a whole. Keywords3: Bacteria, Virus, Parasite, Pathogenesis, Pathogen, Immune system, host-pathogen interactions. Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Full year 7 including centrally arranged Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Semester 1 Lectures: Wednesday 11am-12pm Tutorials: Wednesday 9am-10:30am Semester 2 Lectures: Monday 11am-12pm Tutorials: Monday 9am-10:30am (This timetabling on Monday morning for semester 2 might be useful given the move to full time engagement on the project in semester 2) Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Explain and critically assess experimental approaches to study Microbial pathogenesis Explain the survival strategies of bacterial, viral or parasitic pathogens in the host Explain the host immune response to pathogens and how pathogens can overcome this. Identify the different host systems affected by pathogens Recognise the importance of pathogens and virulence Critical analysis of scientific literature through the study of key papers. the evolution of Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 15% ICA. Semester 1: 1500 word essay 50% ICA, Semester 2: Scientific literature Interpretation test – a series of comprehension questions on a scientific paper. The paper will have the title and abstract removed. The students will also be required to write a suitable abstract and title. An exam consisting of short answer questions based on the lecture and tutorial content (35%) 2 hours Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr Simon Talbot Details of any supporting documentation 9 8 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 9 Course Proposal Form 2 Course Name*: Infectious Disease Project Course Proposer*: Dr. Douglas Roy Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 40 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Microbiology and Infection (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Dr Douglas Roy Course Secretary: Tracy Noden % not taught by this institution: Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 80 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: Medical Microbiology 3 - BIME09002 Biomedical Sciences 3 - BIME09008 Immunology 3 - BILG09007 OR Clinical Immunology and Haematology 3 - MSBM09005 Co-requisites (course name & code)*: Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Infectious Diseases) programme 10 Visiting Students Prerequisites: Course Description*: A laboratory, literature or data handling research project in a topic of infectious disease. Presentation of research findings is a feature of this project. Keywords3: Infectious disease, research project Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations excluding centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Full year Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Learn and apply research techniques to a topic in infectious disease Experimental design and data handling skills Critically appraise scientific literature Plan and structure a research report Enhance teamwork, presentational skills communication Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: ICA Research project report (87.5%) ICA Presentation of research project (12.5%) Exam Information*8 Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr. Simon Talbot Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 11 and Course Proposal Form 3 Course Name*: Review Essay for Infectious Disease Course Proposer*: Dr. Douglas Roy Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Microbiology and Infection (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Dr Douglas Roy Course Secretary: Tracy Noden % not taught by this institution: Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 20 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: Medical Microbiology 3 - BIME09002 Biomedical Sciences 3 - BIME09008 Immunology 3 - BILG09007 OR Clinical Immunology and Haematology 3 - MSBM09005 Co-requisites (course name & code)*: ? Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Infectious Diseases) programme 12 Visiting Students Prerequisites: Course Description*: Production of a review essay which links to the topic of the research project. Keywords3: Review essay, infectious disease project Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations excluding centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Full year Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Production of a substantial review essay which assesses literature and data on a topic realted to the research project Analysis and evaluation of the scientific literature and data, as necessary Planning and structuring of a major review essay Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: ICA assessment of review essay (100%) Exam Information*8 Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr. Simon Talbot Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 13 Course Proposal Form 4 Course Name*: Medical Biology Core Course Proposer*: Dr Martin Simmen Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: Year 4 Course Level*: Undergraduate Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Medical Biology (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Dr Martin Simmen Course Secretary: Ms Lisa Ketchion % not taught by this institution: 0% Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 23 (11 hrs lecture, 10 hrs seminars, revision session 1hr, feedback session 1hr) Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: None Co-requisites (course name & code)*: None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Medical Biology) programme Visiting Students Prerequisites: N/A 14 Course Description*: The course addresses the theme of the Medical Biology Hons BSc Programme, namely the scientific basis of human medicine. In semester 1, through lectures from experts in the field and student-led presentations, we will explore: diseases and disorders important both nationally and internationally, including their identification and the role of biological science in advancing understanding and laying the foundation for their rational management and treatment; implementation of drug design and discovery; integration of new technologies, including genomics and stem cell techniques; international health; resources; ethical and socio-economic factors. The course also aims to provide familiarity with statistical techniques commonly-used in the biomedical literature, and with the principles of designing and conducting clinical trials. Development of communication skills will be through studentled sessions discussing and critically evaluating recent papers. Semester 2 teaching will focus on development of skills in critical analysis and communications, largely in support of the Critical Analysis and Synoptic courses running concurrently. Teaching methods: Lectures, seminars, and student-led presentations. Keywords3: Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations including centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Full year Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Wednesday a.m. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students should be capable of: 1. Providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of aspects of Medical Biology in depth and breadth 2. Demonstrating an ability to evaluate and integrate information from several sources 3. Demonstrating an ability to use knowledge to critically analyse hypotheses and arguments 4. Writing about medical science issues in an accurate, clear and well-organised manner. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 30% in-course assessment (essay) in semester 1 Exam Information*8 December: 90 mins examination paper based on topics covered in Semester1, 3 short essays to be written from a choice of 5 or more. 70% Degree examination end Semester 1 15 Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr Andrew Hall Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 16 Course Proposal Form 5 Course Name*: Medical Biology Synoptic Examination Course Proposer*: Dr Martin Simmen Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: Year 4 Course Level*: Undergraduate Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Medical Biology (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Dr Martin Simmen Course Secretary: Ms Lisa Ketchion % not taught by this institution: 0% Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 0 Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: None Co-requisites (course name & code)*: None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Medical Biology) programme Visiting Students Prerequisites: N/A 17 Course Description*: The synoptic examination gives students the opportunity to display what they have gained from the Medical Biology Honours BSc Programme as a whole, by displaying their ability to integrate knowledge and understanding obtained from different elements of the Programme. Students will be asked to write an essay that draws on different areas of their knowledge and understanding obtained from any or all of the Courses they have taken. The essay will be marked for style, clarity, and fluency, and for logical structure, and evidence of critical thinking. Credit will be given for the appropriate use of good examples to support or explain particular points, and extra credit will be given where examples are drawn from diverse aspects of the Programme. Teaching methods (delivered through the Core course in Semester 2): Seminar/workshop on essay-writing in the biomedical sciences; session to provide detailed feedback on the short essays written in the MB Core December degree exam. Keywords3: Default Course Mode of Study*4: Exam Only Default Delivery Period*5: Full Year Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Wednesday a.m. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students should be capable of: 1. Writing about biomedical science issues in an accurate, clear and well-organised manner. 2. Providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of aspects of Medical Biology in depth and breadth 3. Demonstrating an ability to evaluate and integrate information from several sources 4. Demonstrating an ability to use knowledge to critically analyse hypotheses and arguments Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 100% Degree examination end Semester 2 – synoptic essay. 2hrs closed-book exam. One essay to be written from a choice of two or more topics. Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr Andrew Hall Details of any supporting 18 documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 19 Course Proposal Form 6 Course Name*: Critical Analysis Skills in Medical Biology Course Proposer*: Dr Martin Simmen Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: Year 4 Course Level*: Undergraduate Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Medical Biology (Biomedical Sciences) Other Subject Area: Course Organiser: Dr Martin Simmen Course Secretary: Ms Lisa Ketchion % not taught by this institution: 0% Collaboration Information: Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 5 (2 hrs lectures, 2 hrs seminar/tutorial, feedback session 1hr) Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: None Co-requisites (course name & code)*: None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Medical Biology) programme Visiting Students Prerequisites: N/A 20 Course Description*: Critical evaluation of published primary research articles, and skill in clear and accurate scientific communication are two explicitly identified learning objectives of the Medical Biology Honours BSc Programme. These will be assessed through a Critical Analysis Task in which students will demonstrate their ability to interrogate research papers in depth by critically evaluating an original published research paper (i.e. not a review) relating to the topic of their Project. To ensure that appropriate papers are chosen, each student is initially required to select two potential papers and to send these to their project supervisor, who will then decide which of these two papers should be used (to prevent selection of an inappropriate paper – eg because it is far too complex, or because it is too trivial, lacks data, etc). Each student will provide an independent report (1500 words max.) of that published paper for assessment, according to a specified format. Critical evaluation of papers depends in part on being able to understand enough of statistical techniques to make a reasonable judgement about what conclusions may be legitimately drawn from data. Teaching sessions on statistics/data analysis will therefore be held to help develop/consolidate understanding of these issues. A tutorial session will focus on how to construct a balanced evaluation of a specific example paper. Teaching methods: Lectures, tutorial/seminars. Keywords3: Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations excluding centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 2 Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Wednesday a.m. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students should be capable of: 1. Demonstrating an ability to use knowledge to critically analyse hypotheses and arguments 2. Writing about medical science issues in an accurate, clear and well-organised manner. 3. Demonstrating an ability to evaluate and integrate information from several sources Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% in-course assessment – 1500 word critique of a primary research paper in the area of the student’s project (see Course Description for further details). Exam Information*8 No exam. 21 Syllabus/Lecture List: Convenor of Board of Examiners: Dr Andrew Hall Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) 22 Course Proposal Form 7 Course Name*: General Neuroscience Course Organiser*: Thomas Theil Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Neuroscience (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience) programme Course Description*: This course covers aspects of cognitive, systems, cellular, molecular and clinical neuroscience with the aim of educating students in the breadth of the subject, and providing training and development in evidence-based critical reading and writing skills, data acquisition and analysis. The course will include critical reading of original research literature and analysis of experimental results in neuroscience. We also highlight current controversies and challenges for the 21st Century in Neuroscience, partly by asking teachers and experienced researchers to speak about their subject area then leading students through specific aspects of the topic. The aim is to encourage critical thinking and evaluation of evidence, crucial to the development of a neuroscientist. These skills are also of practical value in dealing with material on the Elective Courses and students' independent research towards their Dissertation. Keywords*3: NEUROGenNeuro 23 Default Course Mode of Study*4: Classes & Assessment incl. centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 and Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Wednesday Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Increase understanding of biological Detailed learning outcomes will be added later. Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 25% ICA (paper critique) 25% ICA (data analysis) 50% written exam Exam Information*8 One paper, 2.5 hours Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) This is the Core Honours Neuroscience course. Main Contributors TBC 24 processes. Course Proposal Form 8 Course Name*: Neuroscience Project Management Course Course Organiser*: Thomas Theil Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Neurosciences (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 10 hours (2 hour classes per week for 5 weeks) Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Neuroscience) programme Course Description*: Students will receive education and training in project management. This course will be based on lectures and small-group teamwork and shall normally include training in literature searching, database mining, research funding, teamworking, project planning, ethics, experimental design, report writing, publishing research in academic journals, press releases, public engagement and patenting procedures. Keywords*3: Neuroscience, grant proposal, project management Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard 25 excluding centrally arranged Class sessions*7 Wednesday Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students will learn the principles of project management. They will learn how to conceive and plan projects, how to design experiments and how to write proposals for funding applications. They will understand the importance of working along milestones. Students will learn different forms of publications (presentation at conferences, publication in peer reviewed journals) and how to publish findings to the general public. Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% ICA Exam Information*8 NA Details of any supporting documentation 9 Descriptor for Course Handbook Comments (including list of main contributors) Main Contributors TBC 26 Course Proposal Form 9 Course Name*: Drugs, Receptors and Therapeutics Course Organiser*: A M Evans Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Pharmacology (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Required: Biomedical Sciences 2 Biomedical Sciences 3 AND Pharmacology 3 Recommended: Physiology 3 OR Neuroscience 3 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology) programme An understanding of the molecular pharmacology of receptors in relation to the action of drugs underpins many aspects of the courses within the Honours Pharmacology Programmes. A series of lectures will be given to provide an overview of topics including: action of drugs at receptors, structurefunction relationships for the different classes of receptor, the signalling processes following receptor activation and receptor cloning and expression. This course will also provide a coherent perspective of how drugs are developed from a molecular target through preclinical development to clinical trials. It will consider how academic pharmacology can interact with drug development or can be focussed on discovery of molecular mechanisms independent of 27 immediate therapeutic potentials. The economic drivers and processes (project proposal, grant funding, and hypothesis formulation) in the industrial and academic domains will be considered. There will be opportunity to meet with Programme tutors in small groups. The purpose of the tutorials is to provide student access to a member of staff and to cover general aspects related to Pharmacology. Students will be encouraged to submit essays to tutors in order to practice and obtain feedback on their writing skills. Keywords*3: Default Course Mode of Study*4: Pharmacology, drugs, receptors, receptor theory, cloning, structure activity relationships, signalling, drug targets, drug discovery, clinical trials Class and Assessment examinations including centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 and Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Wednesday Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of; Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 30% ICA Exam Information*8 the major classes of receptors and their potential for therapeutic targeting the principles of ligand-receptor interactions together with an ability to understand simple kinetic schemes describing receptor activation downstream mechanisms of intracellular signalling the drug discovery process and the stages involved from target identification to commercial release of a new therapeutic Demonstrate an ability to: discuss and critically evaluate the different experimental and quantitative methodologies that have expanded our knowledge of pharmacology and pharmacological action of drugs, interpret and evaluate information in original articles and figures, draw together information from different approaches to identify the underlying mechanisms that might contribute the development of new therapeutics to treat disease 70% Written Exam One paper, 2 hours. Details of any supporting documentation 9 28 Comments (including list of main contributors) This is the Core Honours Pharmacology elective Main Contributors TBC 29 Course Proposal Form 10 Course Name*: Pharmacology Project Milestones Dissertation Course Organiser*: AM Evans Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Pharmacology (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: NA Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Biomedical Sciences 2 and 3 (required) Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology) programme Course Description*: Dissertation = Pharmacology Project Milestones Dissertation Keywords*3: Project, Dissertation, Pharmacology Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations Pharmacology 3 Or Physiology 3 or Neuroscience 3 (Highly recommended) excluding centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1-2 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 NA Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: 1. To review the historical literature and identify the research milestones that directly contributed to our current understanding of the field of research 30 addressed by the objectives of the research project. 2. To write an historical perspective that addresses controversies past and present, and thus places each research milestone in order defined by their respective timeline. In doing so one should develop an accurate description of current wisdom in the field. Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% ICA Exam Information*8 Details of any supporting documentation 9 Descriptor for Course Handbook Comments (including list of main contributors) NA 31 Course Proposal Form 11 Course Name*: Physiology Core Course Organiser*: Mike Ludwig Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Physiology (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) programme The course will introduce the discipline of modern Physiology and emphasise the multidisciplinary nature of the subject. Students will be introduced to current concepts in human and mammalian physiology starting from gene expression, through protein and cell physiology, culminating in organ and systems physiology. Modern approaches and techniques for the study of physiology will also be discussed. Teaching will take the form of lectures, demonstrations, and self-directed group tasks. Keywords*3: Core Course Default Course Mode of Study*4: Classes & Assessment incl. centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 and Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard 32 Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Wednesday Key skills will be reinforced in the course, including: 1. How to interpret and analyse scientific papers and the physiological data in them. 2. How to statistically analyse and present data effectively in written and oral presentations. This is considered essential preparation for your Physiology Honours Paper Analysis Exam. This exam will test your analytical skills by giving you a current scientific paper in which the students will have to, for example, handle data, interpret experiments and develop experimental plan. During Semester 2, an opportunity is given to practice using a past paper, and feedback will be given. In addition, there will be an ICA component summarising a current research topic in physiology. Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 25% ICA Exam Information*8 75% written exam One paper, 2.5 hours Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) This is the Core Honours Physiology course. Main Contributors TBC 33 Course Proposal Form 12 Course Name*: Physiology Grant Proposal Course Course Organiser*: Mike Ludwig Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Physiology (Biomedical Sciences) Total Contact Teaching Hours*: NA Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) programme Course Description*: All students in Physiology Honours will write a Grant Proposal. This course will provide insights into the design of experiments and how hypotheses are formulated. Keywords*3: Physiology, grant proposal, Default Course Mode of Study*4: Student-led literature search and written grant proposal Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 NA Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: This course will provide insights into the design of experiments and how hypotheses are formulated. Students will be given the task of designing experiments related to their 34 project in the form of a mock grant proposal. Guidance will be given on the suitability of technical approaches, how to achieve aims over a limited timescale. Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% ICA Exam Information*8 NA Details of any supporting documentation 9 Descriptor in Course Handbook Comments (including list of main contributors) Main Contributors TBC 35 Course Proposal Form 13 Course Name*: Physiology Synoptic Exam Course Organiser*: Mike Ludwig Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 10 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences / Physiology Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 5 Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) programme The course will introduce the discipline of modern Physiology and emphasise the multidisciplinary nature of the subject. Students will be introduced to current concepts in human and mammalian physiology starting from gene expression, through protein and cell physiology, culminating in organ and systems physiology. Modern approaches and techniques for the study of physiology will also be discussed. Teaching will take the form of lectures, demonstrations, and self-directed group tasks. Keywords*3: Physiology Essay Course Default Course Mode of Study*4: Classes & Assessment incl. centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 and Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard 36 Class sessions*7 Wednesday Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Practise to how structure a critical and logically argued general essay in physiology bringing evidence from across the honours year(s). Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 100% written exam One paper Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) This is the Core Honours Physiology course. Main Contributors TBC 37 Course Proposal Form 14 Course Name*: Research Skills in Reproductive Biology Course Organiser*: Dr Chris Harlow (Deputy: Dr John West) Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 61 hours Lecturer Any costs to be met by students: ~£30 towards Firbush Trip Pre-requisites (course name & code): Biomedical Sciences 3 Required 14 hours tutor Reproductive Biology 3 Required Physiology 3 Recommended Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Only open to students on the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Reproductive Biology) programme Course Description*: This course aims to equip you with core research skills and covers the experimental systems used in reproductive biology, together with key transferable communication skills to assist you during the honours programme Keywords*3: Reproductive, Research, Skills Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment examinations including centrally arranged Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 & Semester 2 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Wednesday am (with one session on a Thursday am, which will not be a problem as all Reproductive Biology students will 38 be taking the Elective course (Conception to Parturition) that runs on Thursdays Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: The course is made up of a series of lectures that will provide up-to-date information about current experimental systems used in research relevant to reproductive biology. In addition, the lectures and interactive sessions in this course aim to provide a range of transferable science communication skills that will help you benefit maximally from the other courses on the programme, prepare you for the exams, and for a career in a scientific discipline. By the end of the course you will be able to: Describe the generic experimental techniques and methodological tools that are broadly applicable to many areas of modern biological and biomedical sciences which are relevant across the reproductive biology field of study. Critically appraise research findings arising from studies using these methodological tools. Discuss the interpretation, evaluation and integration of results across a range of these methodologies in the field. Read, abstract, understand, assimilate, critically evaluate and present primary research papers published in reproductive journals. Prepare and present a time-limited Powerpoint presentation, and respond confidently and knowledgeably to audience questions. Critically review a journal manuscript for its suitability for publication. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% exam. Research Skills I (50% - 10 Credits) Answer 5 questions out of 8 Research Skills II (50% - 10 Credits) Answer 1 question out of 2 Exam Information*8 1 paper 2 hours (Semester 1) 1 paper 3 hours (Semester 2) Details of any supporting documentation 9 See Draft Course timetable and lecture outline Comments (including list of main contributors) Research Skills I is a standard written exam with essay type questions Research Skills II is a paper critical evaluation Contributors: Dr Chris Harlow (Course organiser), Prof John Mullins, Anne Donnelly, Prof Richard Anderson, Prof Evelyn 39 Telfer, Prof Lesley Forrester, Dr Tilo Kunath, Dr Colin Duncan, Prof Jamie Davies, Prof Nicola Gray, Dr Jeremy Brown, Dr Matt Brook, Dr John Mason, Prof Lee Smith, Dr Scott Webster, Dr Maurits Jansen, Dr Rolly Wiegand, Dr Ian Simpson, Prof Rebecca Reynolds, Dr Simon Riley, Dr Norah Spears, Dr John West. 40 Appendix II Honours Elective Courses as of 4 February 2014 No. Elective Title Course Organiser Timeslot Assessments Main Contributors 1 An introduction to the analysis and modelling of biological pathways Paul Skehel Any 100% ICA Tom Freeman, Paul Skehel, Mandy Jackson 2 Cancer Biology and Medicine David Melton M/Tu am 40% ICA, 60% exam – 90 min. 3 Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Physiology Gillian Gray Th am&pm/ F pm 100% exam – 2 hours Dr M Bailey; Dr A Caporali; Dr M Cudmore; Dr G Culshaw; Dr T Fujisawa; Dr G Gray; Dr P Hadoke; Dr J Langrish; Dr M Miller; Dr J Taylor; Prof DJ Webb. 4 Conception to Parturition Simon Riley Th/F am 50% ICA, 50% exam – 2 hours Dr Simon Riley, Dr Ian Adams, Prof Richard Anderson, Dr Sharon Cameron, Dr Fiona Denison, Dr Colin Duncan, Dr Kirsty Dundas, Dr Andrew Horne, Prof Stewart Irvine, Prof Jane Norman, Prof Rebecca Reynolds, Dr Sharron Ogle, Dr Sue Pickering, Dr John West. 5 Development and Disease John Mason M/Tu pm 20% ICA, 80% exam – 2 hours John Mason, Tom Pratt, David Price, Norah Spears and Thomas Theil 41 Profs Melton and Gourley, Dr Carragher and colleagues. No. Elective Title Course Organiser Timeslot 6 Developmental and Clinical Neuroscience Peter Brophy M/Tu am 40% ICA, 60% exam – 2 hours Peter Brophy, Catherina Becker, David Hampton and Karen Horsburgh 7 Diagnostics and therapeutics for infectious disease Simon Talbot Th/F am 30% ICA, 70% exam – 90 min. Dr Simon Talbot, Dr Till Bachmann, Prof Peter Ghazal, Dr Ian Laurensen Dr Kate Templeton, Dr Paddy Gibb, Prof Gary Entrican, Prof Ross Fitzgerald, Prof Juergen Hass, Prof David Taylor, Prof John Stewart, Dr Douglas Roy 8 Endocrine Physiology and Pharmacology Ruth Andrew Th/F am 100% exam – 2 hours Ruth Andrew, Christopher J Kenyon 9 Forensic Investigation/ Tim Squires M/Tu pm 100% ICA 10 Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour and Mental Health Pauline Jamieson M/Tu pm 70% ICA, 30% exam – 2 hours 11 Global Health and Infectious Diseases Kim Picozzi M/Tu am 60% ICA, 40% exam – 90 min. OR Th/F am 42 Assessments Main Contributors Tim Squires and guest lecturers Dr Pauline Jamieson, Prof Megan Holmes, Dr Kirsty Millar, Dr Pippa Thomson, Dr Joyce Yau, Dr Sarah Harris, Dr Anjie Fitch, Dr Paula Brunton, Prof Alasdair MacLullich, Dr Kathy Evans, Prof Andrew McIntosh, Dr Wendy Johnson, Dr Helen Newberry Kim Picozzi, Ewan MacLeod, Jenna Fyfe, Louise Hamill. No. Elective Title Course Organiser Timeslot Assessments Main Contributors 12 Hormones and Behaviour Mike Ludwig M/Tu pm 100% exam - 90 min. Mike Ludwig, Gareth Leng, John Menzies, Al Garfield 13 Inflammation Ian Dransfield 14 Integrative Physiology Mike Shipston M/Tu pm 20% ICA, 80% exam – 3 hours Mike Shipston, Peter Flatman, Andrew Hall, Mark Evans 15 Neural Circuits for Learning and Memory Emma Wood and Matt Nolan M/Tu am 50% ICA, 50% exam – 2 hours Emma Wood, Matt Nolan, Ian Duguid, Szu-Han Wang 16 Neurobiology of Cognition Richard Morris 17 Neurodegenerative disorders, obesity and cancer: the role of animal models in dissecting the molecular pathogenesis of these complex human diseases Guisy Penetta 18 Neuroimaging Andrew Farrall 19 Neurotransmitters in Action 20 Receptors, Signalling and Regulation of Cell Responsiveness 67% ICA, 33% exam – 2 hours Richard Morris, Tomonori Takeuchi, Oliver Hardt, Tara Spires-Jones, Sally Till Th/F am 30% ICA, 70% exam – 2 hours Guisy Penetta, Andrew Gill, Tom Gillingwater, Mandy Jackson, Tom Wishart Phil Larkman Th/F pm 30% ICA, 70% exam – 2 hours Mandy Jackson, Phil Larkman, Richard Ribchester and David Wyllie Sue FleetwoodWalker M/Tu pm 20% ICA, 80% exam – 2 hours 43 Sue Fleetwood-Walker and Rory Mitchell No. Elective Title Course Organiser Timeslot 21 Regenerative Medicine Paul Travers 22 Reproductive Systems Evelyn Telfer M/Tu am 25% ICA, 75% - 3 hours Prof Evelyn Telfer, Dr Chris Harlow, Dr Ian Adams, Prof Richard Anderson, Dr Simone Meddle, Dr Douglas Gibson, Prof Hamish Wallace, Dr Ruth Andrew, Prof Nicola Gray, Dr Norah Spears, Prof Jeff Pollard, Dr Grant Stewart, Prof Richard Sharpe, Prof Lee Smith, Dr Laura O’Hara, Dr Simon Riley, Dr Erin Greaves 23 Science Communication Elizabeth Stevenson and Janet Paterson M/Tu pm 100% ICA Elizabeth Stevenson, Janet Paterson, Tom Pringle, University of Edinburgh Press Office 24 Sensory Physiology and Dysfunction Carole Torsney Th/F pm 25 Social and Ethical Aspects of Medicine Judith Sim M/Tu am 70% ICA, 30% exam – 2 hours OR M/Tu pm Judith Sim, Kenneth Boyd, and Lydie Fialova 26 Synaptic Function and Plasticity in Health and Disease Michael Daw M/Tu pm 100% exam – 3 hours OR Th/F pm Michael Daw, Mike Cousin, Peter Kind, Giles Hardingham 44 Assessments 30% ICA, 70% exam – 90 min. Main Contributors Mayank Dutia, Andrew Jarman, Carol Torsney, Sutherland Maciver Appendix III Course Proposal Forms for Honours Elective courses Course proposal form E1 Course Name*: An introduction to the analysis and modelling of biological pathways Course Organiser*: Tom Freeman and Paul Skehel Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Pathway models define extent of knowledge and functional relationships between cellular components and support systems level appreciation of biological function. This course is part of an experiment now in its 8 th year. Over this time we have been developing the knowhow and tools to allow us to draw pathway diagram of biological systems in a standardised way such that the information presented in multiple papers can be collated into a single diagram. During this course you will be taught how to synthesise complex ideas and information into informative and easy to read, computational pathway resources. In addition you will be introduced to some of the molecular methods used to analyse biological systems from which networks of interactions may be generated. And also how genetically modified animals may be generated and used to study normal physiological and pathological processes. A number of pathway diagrams produced during the course of previous years can be found at: 45 Keywords*3: Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 No preference at this point. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: • • • • • • • an understanding of methods used to identify and characterize protein and gene interactions an appreciation of how genetically modified animals can be generated and used to study normal and pathological systems skills in finding, reading and deriving understanding from the scientific literature an understanding of networks and genome science presentation of information in a diagrammatic form – communicating clearly using pictures skills in using new software tools a deep understanding of the molecular machinery that makes up cellular pathways Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Course work assessment: Pathway diagram 50% Oral presentation 5% Written assessments: Description and critique of network diagram (3000 words) 20% Proposed experimental series suggested by network model. (3000 words) 25% Exam Information*8 NA Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Prof. Tom Freeman Dr. Paul Skehel. Dr. Mandy Jackson. 46 Course proposal form E2 Course Name*: Cancer Biology and Medicine Course Organiser*: Prof David Melton Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: This course will consider the genetic, molecular and cell biological processes involved in susceptibility to cancer and in the initiation and progression of the disease and show how this knowledge is being translated into improved cancer therapies. The requirement for multiple genetic changes in the development of a metastatic cancer will be illustrated and the role of tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes will be described. The role of DNA repair in preventing genome instability will be discussed and some inherited DNA repair deficiency/ cancer susceptibility syndromes will be described. Alterations in cell cycle control, in proliferative cell signalling and cell death pathways in cancer cells will all be covered. Conventional surgical, radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic cancer treatments will be considered and new rational therapies that take into account both individual and cancer biodiversity will be discussed and illustrated for a number of major cancers: breast, ovarian, colorectal, lung and melanoma. Molecular profiling of cancers, identification of novel therapeutic targets, cancer drug development and trials of novel cancer therapies will all be considered and the use of animal models in cancer research will be discussed. The course will consist mostly of lectures, with some 47 teacher-led discussions and non-assessed presentations by students working in groups. Before any student oral presentations there will be a feedback session on an assessed exercise where individual students will be asked to prepare and submit a 5-slide Powerpoint presentation on an early topic from the course. Keywords*3: Cancer biology; cancer genetics; genome instability; cell signalling; therapy; drug discovery; animal models. Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations. Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday am Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: At the end of this course students should be able to: Understand how different genetic, molecular and cell biological processes are involved in susceptibility to cancer and in the initiation and progression of the disease. Understand the achievements and limitations of conventional cancer therapies. Understand how knowledge of cancer biology can be translated into improved cancer therapies. Understand the role of animal models in cancer research. Demonstrate an ability to illustrate and present information regarding a specialised cancer topic in a Powerpoint presentation. Demonstrate an ability to discuss the different pathways by which cancer cells invade and metastasise and the challenges that this presents for new therapeutic interventions. Special Arrangements: None Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In course 40% (1 essay 30%; 1 Powerpoint presentation [submitted electronically not presented orally] 10%) Exam Information*8 Exam 60% 1 exam at end of course. 1.5 hours. 1 essay from choice of 4. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Course delivered by academic and clinical academic staff from the Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre and based at the Western General Hospital. Each session will be taken by a teacher with a research or clinical speciality in the session topic. Profs Melton and Gourley, Dr Carragher and colleagues. 48 Course proposal form E3 Course Name*: Cardiovascular Pharmacology & Therapeutics Course Organiser*: Dr Gillian Gray Dr Patrick Hadoke Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes, if lab staff available to help with practical class Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 30h Any costs to be met by students: N/A Pre-requisites (course name & code): Required Yes Pharmacology 3 BIME09003 Biomedical Sciences 3 BIME08007 Recommended Pharmacology 4 Nature of Receptors course code? Physiology 3 BIME09004 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics will focus primarily on drugs used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, both current drug classes and those in development. The aim is to understand how these drugs work and where new development is required. The course will introduce the basics of vascular biology, including a practical class on function of the vascular endothelium; as well as blood pressure control and the kidney, and mechanisms of angiogenesis. The course will then cover the major cardiovascular diseases, including the role of the endothelium in 49 protection against vascular disease, antioxidants, and the the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis that can result in thrombosis, myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. The course will also address the potential for new treatments to reduce injury associated with MI and to treat heart failure. Non-drug related therapeutics, such as stem cells and microRNAs will also be covered within these topics. The course will be taught as a combination of traditional lectures and linked tutorials based on analysis of original research papers. Students will be expected to contribute to tutorial sessions and will be required to make presentations to their classmates related to the themes of the course. The teachers on this course are drawn from a variety of backgrounds, mostly active researchers and clinicians from the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Little France. Keywords*3: Vascular disease; Cardiac disease; drug therapy Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Thursday (all day); Friday am Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Understand the role of the endothelium in regulating arterial function. Understand the mechanism underlying angiogenic formation of new blood vessels. Develop a clear understanding of cardiovascular risk factors and the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease (hypertension; atherosclerosis; heart failure). Understand the use of new therapeutic approaches to cardiovascular disease (eg. stem cell therapy). Interpret original experimental data and discuss the significance of the findings. Develop the ability to debate the scientific basis of cardiovascular physiology, pathophysiology and therapeutics. Demonstrate the ability give summarising scientific results. Develop the ability to critically review current scientific literature relevant to cardiovascular physiology, pathophysiology and therapeutics. Develop the ability to frame clear hypotheses and aims and design appropriate experimental protocols for investigating the cardiovascular system. Special Arrangements: an oral to presentation Require access to the Basement lab, 1, George Square, for practical classes. The majority of teaching will take place in the Chancellors Building at Little France. 50 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 Examination 100% 1 paper, 2 hours. Compulsory Section A; Section B, choice of 1 from 3. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Require two full Thursdays to allow practicals which are a key component of the course. Require consecutive days (thurs/ fri) for continuity of teaching. Contributors: Dr M Bailey; Dr A Caporali; Dr M Cudmore; Dr G Culshaw; Dr T Fujisawa; Dr G Gray; Dr P Hadoke; Dr J Langrish; Dr M Miller; Dr J Taylor; Prof DJ Webb. 51 Course proposal form E4 Course Name*: Conception to Parturition Course Organiser*: Dr Simon Riley Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 49.5 Any costs to be met by students: N/A Pre-requisites (course name & code): None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None Course Description*: This course aims to give you an understanding from the molecular mechanisms through the physiology and pathophysiology of conception, contraception, assisted reproduction, pregnancy and parturition, and reproductive cancers. It will develop your understanding of the experimental evidence from in vitro, in vivo, animal models and clinical trials. This will be set in the translational context of clinical issues in the fields of gynaecology, obstetrics, urology and neonatology. Keywords*3: Reproduction, Gynaecology, Obstetrics Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Thursday/Friday am 52 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: At completion of this course you will have gained a: Knowledge of conception, contraception, assisted reproduction, pregnancy and parturition, and reproductive cancers, from their molecular mechanisms, physiology and pathophysiology. Critical understanding of experimental evidence from a wide range of in vitro, in vivo, animal models and clinical trials. Knowledge and critical understanding in the translational context of clinical issues in the fields of gynaecology, obstetrics, urology and neonatology. Scientific communication skills including oral and poster presentations Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 Examination (50%) ICA – Oral presentation of poster (50%) 1 paper, 2 hours duration, sat in December Diet Details of any supporting documentation 9 See Draft Course timetable and lecture outline Comments (including list of main contributors) Dr Simon Riley (Course Organiser) Dr Ian Adams, Prof Richard Anderson, Dr Sharon Cameron, Dr Fiona Denison, Dr Colin Duncan, Dr Kirsty Dundas, Dr Andrew Horne, Prof Stewart Irvine, Prof Jane Norman, Prof Rebecca Reynolds, Dr Sharron Ogle, Dr Sue Pickering, Dr John West. 53 Course proposal form E5 Course Name*: Development and Disease Course Organiser*: John Mason Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 hours (2 x 2hr classes per week for 10 weeks) Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code): None. Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None. Course Description*: Students on this course will learn about the ways that organisms develop from early embryos into mature adults and how this can go wrong, causing developmental disease. Detailed content of this course will vary from year to year. Students will learn how to critically evaluate and present research papers to their peers. Specific topics will be chosen that cover recent research described in the primary scientific literature. Examples of potential topics include: cancer (e.g. medulloblastoma, colon cancer), premature ovarian failure, neurodevelopmental disorders, heparanopathies and aniridia. Introductory lectures will explain the background to each topic and give students the information they need to understand the research papers. Typically, students would then read 2-3 papers related to the topic, which would be discussed in a seminar format, likely involving student presentations. Students will be expected to read around the topics, reading original research papers and reviews. Emphasis will be placed on understanding themes that underpin and link the various topics. These may include the advantages and disadvantages of various experimental approaches, the strengths and weaknesses of different animal models, and how specific types of effectors (e.g. signalling 54 molecules and transcription factors) underlie multiple developmental mechanisms and disease states. Keywords*3: Embryo, embryonic development, developmental disorder Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday / Tuesday pm preferred both am slots would clash with MBD3 which creates problems for several of us. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students will learn and understand details of current research into developmental mechanisms and how disruption of such mechanisms can lead to developmental disorders. Students will learn to critically evaluate primary scientific literature and how to formulate specific hypotheses and test them experimentally. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In course assessment: students will present a poster outlining a research plan based on a research paper discussed during the course. (20%) Exam (80%). Two essay-type questions, one requiring students to demonstrate understanding of important themes underlying the papers discussed and one requiring them to propose an experimental approach to a specific question. Exam Information*8 1 2-hour paper in the December exam block Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) John Mason, Norah Spears, David Price, Tom Pratt and Thomas Theil 55 Course proposal form E6 Course Name*: Developmental and Clinical Neuroscience Course Proposer*: Peter Brophy Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT)*: Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services)*: Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4 Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* NO SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 45 hours Any costs to be met by students: No Pre-requisites (course name & code)*: Recommended: mechanisms of brain development BIME 09005 [NS3?] Co-requisites (course name & code)*: Prohibited Combinations (course name & code)*: ? Course Description*: Knowledge of neural development and the consequences of injury and degenerative disease is important to investigate potential repair strategies in PNS and CNS. This course highlights research taking place in Developmental and Clinical Neuroscience: 'Mechanisms to Man'. A selection of diseases and techniques that are of key importance to neuroscientists will be covered. Topics to be discussed will include diseases affecting the nervous system such as Motorneurone diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease. For each topic there will be a selection of lectures and interactive sessions to discuss the role of models of disease in elucidating the mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology. This information can then be translated to the clinic to provide novel drug treatment strategies and improved patient care. 56 Keywords3: Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative diseases, animal models, stem cells, nervous system Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type*6: Standard Class sessions 7 Mon/Tues am Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Critically compare the various models and cells with an ability to discuss strengths and weaknesses of them State, illustrate and compare multiple models of neural development State, illustrate and compare multiple neurodegenerative diseases and their various models Evaluate and criticise the literature around the topics Review their own knowledge generated throughout this course and present their findings in a cohesive manner Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 ICA (up to 40%) and exam Group presentation 2 hour exam Syllabus/Lecture List: Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including Honours Elective Course Leader details) Peter Brophy (Catherina Becker, Karen Horsburgh and David Hampton) 57 Course proposal form E7 Course Name*: Diagnostics and therapeutics for infectious disease Course Organiser*: Dr. Simon Talbot Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 30 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Medical Microbiology 3 - BIME09002 Biomedical Sciences 3 - BIME09008 Immunology 3 - BILG09007 OR Clinical Immunology and Haematology 3 - MSBM09005 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Lectures: This course will focus on applied and translational aspects of infectious disease research. The course emphasises modern research trends for the in diagnostics and therapeutics which are being developed to improve the detection, prevention and treatment of infectious disease. This course will cover 4 main themes Pathogen diagnostics Challenges of pathogen detection and surveillance Principles of pathogen diagnostics Molecular diagnostics for infectious disease Case study – infection diagnostics in the clinic The role of the host response and biomarkers as a diagnostic tool for infection and disease 58 Drugs targeting pathogens Principles, challenges and opportunities therapeutics for infectious disease Case studies covering: Viral disease Bacteria and the antibiotic crisis Parasitic and fungal disease of drug Vaccines Principles of vaccinology Challenges and opportunities Case studies covering: Viral, bacterial and parasitic disease Immunotherapy for infectious disease Principles of immune modulation and biologics for the treatment of infectious disease Manipulating T-cells and dendritic cells Antibody technologies Manipulating the immune response for bacterial disease Manipulating the immune response for viral disease A series of in-class sessions will be held to provide formative feedback for the summative assessments of the course. Keywords*3: Pathogen diagnostics, pathogen therapeutics, antibiotic, antiviral, vaccine, immunotherapy, virus, bacteria, parasites Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Thursday/Friday am At the end of this course students should be able to: Explain and identify the importance of applied and translational aspects of infectious disease research, especially in relation to healthcare systems Explain the main techniques for pathogen diagnostics – ranging from established approaches to modern molecular based systems Explain the principles and importance of drug therapeutics for infectious disease Identify the principles and importance of vaccinology for infectious disease Explain the principles of immunotherapy and how this is 59 applied as a therapeutic for infectious disease Demonstrate the ability to illustrate and present information regarding a particular infectious disease in poster format Demonstrate an ability to critically analyse the scientific literature through the study of key papers. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 30% ICA – incorporating an oral presentation and poster presentation related to a course topic 70% Exam Single exam, 90 minutes in length, consisting of one essay from a choice of two worth 70% of overall course mark. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Contributors: Dr Simon Talbot, Dr Till Bachmann, Prof Peter Ghazal, Dr Ian Laurensen Dr Kate Templeton, Dr Paddy Gibb, Prof Gary Entrican, Prof Ross Fitzgerald, Prof Juergen Hass, Prof David Taylor, Prof John Stewart, Dr Douglas Roy, 60 Course proposal form E8 Course Name*: Endocrine Physiology and Pharmacology Course Organiser*: Ruth Andrew and Christopher J Kenyon Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): No - a tutor (~18h) will be required as in previous years. Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 33h plus student-led discussion sessions Any costs to be met by students: None over and above standard fees Pre-requisites (course name & code): One or more of the following: Yes Pharmacology 3 BIME09003 or Physiology 3 BIME09004 or Clinical Biochemistry and Endocrinology 3 MSBM09001 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): We foresee potential overlaps with the content of the following: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour and Mental Health Fertilization to Parturition Course Reproductive Systems Course Course Description*: Endocrinology is the study of hormones and how they impact of target organs distinct and far from their site of origin. This course will cover physiology and pharmacology of adrenal and gonadal steroids hormones. We will discuss both the conventional and evolving actions elicited by these hormones and the nature of disease states where their action is aberrant, including cardiovascular disease (hypertension obesity), reproductive disorders, breast and prostate cancer, and ageing. Targets for therapeutic intervention (existing and future) will be evaluated. Teaching methods will include seminars, workshops, discussion 61 and presentation of scientific papers, group literature exercises. Keywords*3: Endocrinology, hormones, steroid Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Thursday/Friday am Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Students will demonstrate an integrated knowledge of: 1) the nature of steroid hormones and the general principles of nuclear hormone receptor action. 2) the physiological actions of steroid hormones and diseases where their actions are disturbed. 3) pharmacological approaches to manipulate steroid hormone action. Students will be able: 4) to critically assess scientific papers. 5) to clearly summarise and discuss scientific experiments. Special Arrangements: Course to be conducted at Little France Campus Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 100% written exam Exam Information*8 1 paper, 2h requiring 2 questions answered. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Provided through Course link in Learn. Comments (including list of main contributors) Contributions from non-clinical and endocrinologists and external speakers. 62 clinical academic Course proposal form E9 Course Name*: Forensic Investigation Course Organiser*: Tim Squires Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 36 (including online contact) Any costs to be met by students: No Pre-requisites (course name No & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: An introduction to forensic medicine and science and the application of techniques and methods from the biomedical sciences to the investigation of crime and death. Keywords*3: Forensic, Science, Medicine, Law Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations 63 Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday pm Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: • Understand the basic scientific, medical, ethical and legal • • • • • • • principles that are relevant to law enforcement and the forensic disciplines. Demonstrate an ability to apply various aspects of the biomedical sciences to key forensic concepts. Understand the essential techniques and methods used by forensic practitioners (medics, scientists, lawyers and law enforcement agencies) and be able to discuss their validity, effectiveness and applicability within a professional setting. Discuss the literature relating to forensic practice and theory, and interpret research findings effectively. Understand the multidisciplinary approach to forensic investigation and critically analyse its role in a range of forensic issues. Understand some of the causes and effects of human behaviour and be able to relate these to issues affecting society as a whole. Demonstrate an awareness of the value of a multi-disciplinary and integrated team approach in law enforcement and forensic investigation and utilise this awareness in the development of personal and interpersonal skills. Increased awareness of how forensic science and medicine relate to the wider context of society and how forensic practice can contribute towards improving that society. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 ICA1-3 (25% each) written paper based on the scientific explanation of a key concept used by a forensic scientist and/or pathologist. ICA4 (25%) group presentation No written examination Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Tim Squires plus guest lecturers TBC. 64 Course proposal form E10 Course Name*: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behaviour and Mental Health Course Organiser*: Pauline Jamieson Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40-44 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: The course aims to give students an understanding of how genetic and environmental factors may influence behaviour and cognition with an emphasis on the impact of stress and aging on mental health. There will be a special focus on how reprogramming of the stress response as a result of prenatal factors during pregnancy, life experiences and ageing impacts susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric disorders attributable to chronic stress that will be discussed include generalised anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, impairment of cognitive ability, addiction and schizophrenia. Keywords*3: Genetics, environment, stress, behaviour, mental health Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard 65 Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Monday/Tuesday pm At the end of this course students should: • understand how genetic analysis is applied to identify risk factors for complex genetic disorders • understand how genetic variance and inheritance can influence individual risk for psychiatric illness. • be able to describe the components of the stress response and understand how they interact to produce a co-ordinated response to a wide variety of stressors. • understand how stress exposure at different life stages can impact upon mental health and risk for developing psychiatric illness • be able to describe the genetic and environmental factors that impact upon cognitive decline with aging • be able to critically read and analyse data presented within original research manuscripts and discuss the significance of the findings • demonstrate an ability to present scientific issues to an audience and openly debate them Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In-course assessment: Students will give oral presentations in small groups; e.g. critiques of scientific papers and strategies for addressing research questions. They will be required to submit individual overviews of these presentations for assessment (30%). Degree examination (70%). Exam Information*8 One paper: 2 hour closed book written examination comprising of a choice of essay and/or short answer questions. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Teaching Staff (20-22 sessions) Dr Pauline Jamieson (course and exam organisation, 3 classes) Prof Megan Holmes (exercise for in-course assessment, 3 classes) Dr Kirsty Millar (formative feedback, 1 class) Dr Pippa Thomson (2 classes) Dr Joyce Yau (2 classes) Dr Sarah Harris (2 classes) Dr Anjie Fitch (2 classes) Dr Paula Brunton (1 class) Prof Alasdair MacLullich (1 class) Dr Kathy Evans (1 class) Prof Andrew McIntosh (1 class) Dr Wendy Johnson (1 class) Dr Helen Newberry (1 class TBC) Each class will consist of a presentation from the lecturer followed by a student-led exercise as designed by the lecturer e.g. paper presentations, debates, delivery and discussion of formative feedback. 66 Course proposal form E11 Course Name*: Global Health and Infectious Diseases Course Organiser*: Dr Kim Picozzi Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Medical Microbiology 3 - BIME09002 Biomedical Sciences 3 - BIME09008 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: This course is designed to consolidate many of the themes of global health and infectious diseases that students will have been exposed to in their earlier years at the University of Edinburgh. Lectures: This course will split broadly into five themes: 1. What is global health? 2. Epidemiology and surveillance of infectious disease. 3. Infectious disease in the developing world 4. The ages of man (and management of infectious disease)? 5. Global health challenges The lectures are organised to provide a clear transition from the origin and establishment of infectious diseases to their management 67 and control. Utilisation of Learn: The course will also provide asynchronous support for student via the virtual learning environment – Learn. Students will be encouraged to discuss the lectures and their content on the discussion boards provided. Direct contact with course staff will be provided via Learn, formative feed-back, feed-forward and any assignment queries will be provided here. This allows full transparency for all students with regards the information provided. Additional reading and relevant information, as well as up-to-date discussion relating to local, national and international events of interest will also be presented within this resource. It is hoped that at the end of this course, students will be aware of the current events and developments within the sphere of global health and infectious diseases. Ongoing engagement with this information streams will be encouraged beyond the duration of this course. Keywords*3: Global Health, Infectious disease Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday am At the end of this course it is expected that students will: Identify the global challenge of infectious disease Explain the historical problems of neglected infectious diseases and the profound effects that the collapse of geographical space and increasing population growth have had on infectious disease epidemiology. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles and role of surveillance in identifying infectious disease priorities for a population and monitoring control strategies The ability to critically review and consolidate knowledge in this subject area. This will be promoted through in course discussions, both face-to-face and online. The confidence to make judgments where data/information is limited or comes from a range of sources. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: This course will contain a high component of in-course assessment – 60% with a single written exam worth 40% at the end of term. This high ICA emphasis will address concerns raised more widely regarding the receipt of relevant and timely feedback to inform the student on academic assessment and development. Formative feedback events will also be designed within the course composition, and information reiterated within the support resources of Learn. 68 It is proposed that there be two pieces of ICA of equal weighting (30% each), these will aim to be both innovative in their design, while still examining the intended learning outcomes of this course. Exam Information*8 Single exam, 90 minutes in length, consisting of one essay from a choice of two worth 40% of overall course mark. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Contributors: The core teaching staff will come from Division of Pathway Medicine consisting of Dr Kim Picozzi, Dr Ewan MacLeod, Dr Jenna Fyfe and Dr Louise Hamill. Other contributors from within the School of Biomedical Sciences will also be encouraged to participate, drawing on the vast expertise that is available. Involvement will also be invited from external experts. Minimum class size of 10 students is recommended. 69 Course proposal form E12 Course Name*: Hormones & Behaviour Course Organiser*: Prof Mike Ludwig Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: Max 40 Any costs to be met by students: no Pre-requisites (course name & code): no Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): no Course Description*: This course focuses on the regulation of reproduction and energy balance. The brain and the periphery interact in complex neurohormonal networks to control several core, motivated behaviours like eating, drinking, social and sexual behaviour. These behaviours are essential to life, share overlapping control systems and common underlying neurophysiological principles. In addition understanding these systems in health, we will address how these systems are altered in, for example, obesity. The course will be integrative in nature, highlighting commonalities in system control of diverse behaviours. Keywords*3: Brain, behaviour, hormones, obesity, reproduction Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard 70 Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Monday/Tuesday pm 1. To understand how the hypothalamus controls essential physiological behaviours via neuropeptide release in the brain and periphery and via sensitivity to peripherally-released signals. 2. To understand the central neuronal circuitry involved in these conserved and inter-dependent physiological behaviours. 3. To understand contemporary approaches to investigating these systems and the scientific controversies surrounding the interpretation of relevant studies. 4. To develop generic skills - critical analysis of scientific literature, the ability to perform independent library-based research, and the ability to present controversies in a clear and balanced fashion. Special Arrangements: no Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Final exam 100% Exam Information*8 Closed-book 90 min exam Details of any supporting documentation 9 n/a Comments (including list of main contributors) Mike Ludwig, Gareth Leng, John Menzies, Al Garfield Selected postdocs and external speakers 71 Course proposal form E13 Course Name*: Inflammation Course Organiser*: Professors Ian Dransfield and Adriano Rossi Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 50 hours Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): It is RECOMMENDED that students have passed Clinical Immunology & Haematology 3A (MSBM09005) OR Immunology 3 (BILG09007) OR Clinical Immunology & Haematology 3B (MSBM09004) Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Keywords*3: Details of the cellular and molecular basis of inflammatory responses and the development of inflammatory diseases. Developing an integrated view of inflammatory responses in terms of cell biology, physiology and pathology, with teaching sessions moderated by both biomedical and clinical scientists. Examination of the mechanisms underlying control of inflammation at a molecular and cellular level will provide a background for discussions of the pathophysiological consequences of inflammatory diseases in specific organs, including the lung, gastrointestinal tract, and the cardiovascular system. Inflammation, Innate Immunity, Inflammatory cells, Cytokines, Tissue Repair, Resolution Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 72 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Thurs/Fri pm Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: To provide a thorough background to the basic principles of inflammatory processes. This 20 point elective course for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences will provide students with the opportunity to acquire relevant research skills and associated generic/transferable skills, including presentation skills and literature research in preparation for graduate careers in the life sciences. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 30% ICA, 70% Exam 2 hour exam Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) 73 Course proposal form E14 Course Name*: Integrative Physiology Course Organiser*: Mike Shipston Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* SCQF Credits*: No Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40hrs Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: None 20 Biomedical Sciences 3 and normally one from Physiology 3 or Pharmacology 3 What has dietary salt got to do with hypertension? How can an ion channel coded by a single gene have distinct properties and physiological roles? Why is controlling cell volume so important for normal physiology? How may oxygen and thus energy (ATP) supply be regulated at the cellular and whole body level? Questions such as these will be addressed in a course that examines how fundamental cellular and transport processes are regulated and co-ordinated to control whole organism physiology. Key concepts will be illustrated with examples drawn from the following topics: 1: Ion transporter control and the regulation of blood pressure 2: Regulation of potassium channels: molecules to maladies 3: Calcium signaling and metabolic control: from cell to system 4: Cell volume control: a key regulator of cell life and death The roles of pumps, ion channels and cotransporters will be examined, and we will consider how the diversity and activity of these regulatory elements are affected by posttranscriptional and posttranslational modifications. The elective is designed to convey the stimulating atmosphere of cutting edge science with an emphasis on experimental approaches and evidence - from single molecules, through their interactions and functional roles in intact organisms, to the insight this provides into diseases and their treatment. Participants will develop skills in 74 Keywords*3: critical evaluation and précis of scientific studies and experimental design, and will make scientific presentations to a critical audience. During the module you will: become acquainted with key topics through a series of seminars, readings and practical problems. become familiar with the major experimental methods through a series of seminars and demonstrations. critically review, summarise and present original research. Physiology, Pharmacology, ion channel, transporter, integration, membrane biology, signalling, post-translational modifications, cell regulation, physiological homeostasis. Default Course Mode of Study*4: Default Delivery Period*5: Class and assessment including centrally arranged examinations Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday pm Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Understand the experimental approaches and tools available to study integrative physiology: from single molecules to whole organisms Appreciate how historical and evolutionary perspectives inform development of physiological knowledge Define the cell as the functional unit of Integrative Physiology Discuss how membranes and regulation of ion transport processes are key gateways to controlling physiological homeostasis Understand the mechanisms that create physiological diversity None Special Arrangements: Semester 1 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 In course assessment: Scientific synopsis (20%) Degree examination: (80%) Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) To be developed Single paper, duration 3hrs, with essay and/or problem based questions Main contributors: Mark Evans, Peter Flatman, Andrew Hall, Mike Shipston 75 Course proposal form E15 Course Name*: Neural circuits for learning and memory Course Organiser*: Emma Wood, Matt Nolan Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 66 Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code): None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None Course Description*: The course address circuit-based approaches to investigate neural mechanisms used for learning and memory. The course will focus on brain systems used for spatial and episodic memory. Other memory systems such as those used for motor learning will also be considered. Classic anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioural approaches will be explored alongside modern circuitbased techniques including optogenetics, chemical genetics and other genetically encoded sensors and circuit manipulations. Keywords*3: Neuron, optogenetics, hippocampus Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard 76 brain, learning, memory, cognition, Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday am. Note: MN has MSc teaching on Monday afternoons and EW is not available on Fridays. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Understand how specific circuits contribute to learning and memory Understand experimental approaches mechanisms of brain function. to investigating circuit Interpret original experimental data and discuss the significance of the findings. Demonstrate an ability to openly debate scientific issues. To work as a team to develop and present a project to address an important scientific question. To apply understanding of circuit mechanisms and approaches to novel problems. Special Arrangements: None. Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In course team presentation: 50 %. Exam Information*8 Seen essay exam: 50 %. One paper. One question. Duration two hours. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Additional contributors: Ian Duguid, Szu-Han Wang. 77 Course proposal form E16 Course Name*: Neurobiology of Cognition Course Organiser*: Professor Richard Morris Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: No Pre-requisites (course name & code): All students must have completed Neuroscience 3 (or its equivalent in another University during a year abroad). Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Progress in contemporary neuroscience is beginning to give us a handle on the network, cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie ‘cognition’. This course is intended to complement the Learning and Memory course of Neuroscience 4, and will cover related but different material. It will consist of a mixture of lectures and seminars, led by RM with occasional contributions from colleagues, including Chancellor’s Fellows, senior postdoctoral staff and guest-lecturers. Research using both humans and animals will be covered. Key ideas to be covered include, in Section 1: identifying cognition as a fundamental aspect of brain function; the importance of innovative new techniques for novel analyses of neural circuits and neural plasticity; Section 2: the concepts of attention, working-memory and executive function – with a digression into mirror neurons; Section 3: scientific hypotheses such as the idea that activity-dependent synaptic plasticity (such as LTP and LTD) may play a role in memory, the synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis of memory persistence, systems consolidation and schemas, and the 78 possibility of active processes of forgetting; Section 4: social cognition and its disorders, notably neurodevelopmental disorders, and the need for ‘effective’ new animal models of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Thus, the course will cover both normal cognitive function, and how cognition can suffer and might be ameliorated in genetic abnormalities of a neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative nature. Keywords*3: Brain, cognition, attention, decision-making, working-memory, longterm memory, synaptic plasticity, forgetting, social cognition, neurodevelopmental disorders, schizophrenia, neurodegenerative disorders. Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: The students completing this course will: * develop an understanding of what ‘cognition’ is and how it enables us to understand the world around us and to react appropriately. * develop an appreciation of how new techniques in neuroscience developed in the last 10-15 years are transforming the subject. * acquire mastery of two or more areas within the domain of cognition as well as a working knowledge of the scope of the subject. * develop skills for reading advanced scientific papers, distilling the essence of this work, and presenting it to their student colleagues. * research a particular topic in depth and write a detailed essay with diagrams about it. * attend and sit an examination covering the range of material of the course. Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In-course assessment – 67% Exam Information*8 In-course assessment – 67% End of course examination – 33% Two student presentations and one essay End of course examination – 33% Examination covering entire course (short-answers) and one detailed question (from a range of questions) on selected topics that students may have considered in detail (not to overlap with their incourse essay). 79 Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Richard Morris, Tomonori Takeuchi, Oliver Hardt, Tara SpiresJones, Sally Till 80 Course proposal form E17 Course Name*: Course Organiser*: Neurodegenerative disorders, obesity and cancer: the role of animal models in dissecting the molecular pathogenesis of these complex human diseases. Dr. Giusy Pennetta Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 4 hours per week, 10 weeks Any costs to be met by students: none Pre-requisites (course name & code): none Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): none Course Description*: In modern societies, the increase in life expectancy is accompanied by an increased risk of aging-associated diseases such as obesity, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. These diseases pose enormous challenges in terms of life quality and economic burden so that it has become an urgent need for societies to address these health concerns. In an attempt to prevent or effectively treat these disorders, research interest in defining the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases has been particularly intense. We will consider how studies on a variety of animal models have contributed to our growing understanding of the molecular basis of these diseases. In presenting the cellular processes that are disrupted in neurodegenerative disorders, obesity and cancer, particular emphasis will be given to molecular commonalities existing between these diseases, which, at a first glance, seem to have very little in common. We will also critically evaluate the advantages and pitfalls of every model system and the importance of using a variety of different models to gain a thorough 81 understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of a given disease. This course will also highlight how the generation of disease models has made possible highthroughput genetic screens and large-scale proteomic and transcriptomic profiling both in health and disease states. Finally, we will discuss how computational analysis and experimental validation of these large data sets can lead to the identification of a large number of new disease-related genes and, possibly, to the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Keywords*3: Animal models, neurodegeneration, obesity, cancer, genetics Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Thursday/Friday am Have an understanding of different ways to generate animal models of human diseases Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of different models Have knowledge of how larger animals can be used to model cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration Have an understanding of the complex patho-mechanism underlying prion diseases Be aware of how prion-like mechanisms may be responsible for the pathogenesis of other more common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases Be aware of how modelling neurodegenerative diseases has implicated microRNAs and mitochondria dynamics in nerve cell dysfunction and degeneration Have knowledge of how models of neurodegeneration, cancer and diabetes have revealed a role for altered mitochondrial function and RNA metabolism in the disease process Have an appreciation of how neurodegeneration, cancer and diabetes can share similar disrupted cellular mechanisms Be aware of the contribution of large scale screens in the search for new disease related genes and potential biomarkers of disease progression Be able to discuss how modelling complex human diseases provides a better understanding of disease pathogenesis Be able to critically evaluate the contribution of animal models to the elucidation of the pathogenesis of complex human diseases Be able to formulate an experimental plan to model a human disease and study the importance of a cellular pathway in disease pathogenesis Special Arrangements: 82 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 30% in-course assessment. 70% degree examination One paper, 2 hours in duration Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) The course includes introductory lectures on the major cellular processes disrupted in cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and obesity. Particular emphasis will be given to mitochondria dynamics and RNA metabolism as emerging evidence indicate that these processes are common themes in the pathogenesis of these apparently divergent diseases. Among the neurodegenerative disorders, the role of animal models in prion diseases and in the motor neuron disease spinal muscular atrophy will be presented and critically evaluated. We will consider how a combination of computational analysis together with large-scale genetic and proteomic approaches on experimental models can streamline the identification of new genes and cellular processes involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases. The course will have an ICA component. Students will be asked to outline an experimental approach to elucidate the role of a gene in a specific human disease. As a starting point, preliminary information on the gene and a few specific articles will be provided to the students. Each student will be required to give a 20 min presentation on this experimental outline in front of a committee of two lecturers. Staff members involved in the teaching are: Dr. Andrew Gill, Prof. Tom Gillingwater, Dr. Mandy Jackson, Dr. Giusy Pennetta and Dr. Tom Wishart. 83 Course proposal form E18 Course Name*: Neuroimaging Course Organiser*: Andrew Farrall Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: The elective course will be delivered almost entirely online via the University’s LEARN platform, and include only a few face-tof-face sessions. The volume of course work, including online lectures, discussions, activities, compulsory readings, and self assessments will be appropriate for a 20 credit course. Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code): None Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None Course Description*: Neuroimaging is burgeoning due to neurological, neurosurgical and neuropsychological advances, which require increasingly sophisticated imaging techniques. As well, the technology which allows the neural axis to be imaged is rapidly advancing, as are post-processing and image analysis techniques. The scope of neuroimaging applications range from laboratory-type research, through translational medicine, clinical application, physics and engineering, mathematics and statistics, as well as informatics and computing sciences. This course will introduce students to cutting edge neuroimaging basic sciences, techniques, applications in research and clinical situations, neuroanatomy, safety issues and practical applications. Keywords*3: Neuroimaging, Radiology, X-rays, Computed Tomography, CT, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, Neurology, Neurosurgery, 84 Neuropsychology Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations. Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday pm Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Describe neuroimaging techniques (e.g. CT, MRI, PET, SPECT), including the basic underlying physics principles, benefits and drawbacks of each technique, and applications clinically and in research. Discuss selected neuro research topics / diseases (e.g. neurosurgery, stroke, neuropsychology, ageing, dementia) with a focus on how neuroimaging is used to investigate and study these topics. List safety issues and the practicalities of scanning subjects / patients for each neuroimaging technique. Relate the safety issues and practicalities to scanning in the research and clinical environments, as well as to specific topics / diseases under investigation. Identify and locate important neuroanatomy on neuroimaging. Relate abnormalities on neuroimaging to anatomy to effects on function. Demonstrate effective literature review, synopsis, dissemination of knowledge of neuroimaging, through independent work and group activity. Special Arrangements: Classes will be delivered online via the University of Edinburgh LEARN platform. Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: In course MCQs – 10% In course assignment – 40% End of elective assessment – 50% Exam Information*8 Two part assessment consisting of timed MCQs worth 1/3 of the final assessment mark and two timed essay questions worth 2/3 of the final assessment mark. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Neuroimaging has already run a 10 credit elective course for the programme, using materials derived from its 180 credit, 3 year part time MSc programme. We propose elaborating on the 10 credit elective materials by drawing on more materials from the existing MSc. See for details of the content which will support the 20 credit elective. Comments (including list of main contributors) Much of the core materials already exist within the Neuroimaging for research MSc programme, and appropriate materials amounting to 20 credits worth, will be drawn upon and modified for delivery at the BSc Honours level. 85 Course proposal form E19 Course Name*: Neurotransmitters In Action Course Organiser*: M Jackson, P Larkman, RR Ribchester and DJ Wyllie Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: 0 Pre-requisites (course name & code): Required: Biomedical Sciences 2 Biomedical Sciences 3 OR enrolment on BSc (Hons) Medical Sciences Recommended: Pharmacology 3 Or Physiology 3 OR Neuroscience 3 Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Knowledge of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission is fundamental to our understanding of the function of the nervous system in health and disease. Through the evaluation of complementary experimental and quantitative approaches this course addresses the physiological, pharmacological and molecular biological mechanisms that relate to pre- and post-synaptic actions of neurotransmitters. Ligand-gated and metabotropic receptor function will be analysed in terms of receptor structure/function relationships; the dependent intracellular signalling pathways; the modulation of ion channels involved in regulating neuronal excitability; and the mechanisms by which neurotransmitters modulate either their own release or that of other neurotransmitters. 86 Keywords*3: Synapses; synaptic transmission; neurotransmitters; receptors; signalling; second messengers; gene expression; neurodegenerative disease; neurological illness; psychiatric illness. Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Mon/Tue or Thur/Fri (preferred) Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of; Special Arrangements: 0 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: 30% ICA Exam Information*8 neurotransmitter actions on ligand-gated and metabotropic receptors, downstream mechanisms of intracellular signalling and postsynaptic responses, mechanisms controlling of neurotransmitter release from presynaptic neurones, the involvement of neurotransmitters, receptors, transporters and dependent intracellular signalling in selected neurodegenerative diseases, neurological dysfunctions, and psychiatric illnesses. Demonstrate an ability to: discuss and critically evaluate the different experimental and quantitative methodologies that have expanded our knowledge of neurotransmitter action, interpret and evaluate information in original articles and figures, draw together information from different approaches to identify the underlying mechanisms that might contribute to selected neurodegenerative diseases, neurological dysfunctions, or psychiatric illnesses. 70% Written Exam One paper, 2 hours. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) M Jackson, P Larkman, RR Ribchester and DJ Wyllie 87 Course proposal form E20 Course Name*: Receptors, signalling and regulation of cell responsiveness Course Organiser*: Sue Fleetwood-Walker Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: Total Hours: 200 (Lecture Hours 28, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 16, Workshop/Debate/Demonstration Hours 4, Summative Assessment Hours 4, Revision Session Hours 4, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 142) Any costs to be met by students: Nil Pre-requisites (course name & code): It is RECOMMENDED, but not essential that students have passed Biomedical Sciences 3 (BIME09008) Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Nil Course Description*: Receptor-mediated signal transduction is a key process through which extracellular molecules such as neurotransmitters, hormones, growth factors exert controlling influences on receptive cells. A wide variety of ligands, receptor types and intracellular signals allows pleiotropic control of physiological, metabolic and neural activity. The integration of positive and negative influences underpins normal systems function but intracellular signals can crucially also drive alterations in cellular responsiveness to allow for adaptive physiological responses in the nervous system and peripheral tissues. Dysfunction in these processes can underlie pathology, so targeting the molecules and molecular interactions involved is the core theme of many pharmacological therapeutic strategies. The content will focus on the properties and influences of G proteincoupled receptors but will include other receptor types where 88 relevant. We will investigate structure and function, signal transduction and downstream pathways, protein:protein interactions, endocytosis and recycling and newly discovered areas of signalling. We will then focus on related mechanisms such as phosphorylation, protein docking and trafficking, effects on transcription and translation and how these bring about plasticity of responsiveness in normal and pathological conditions in both neurons and examples of peripheral cell types. We will further evaluate whether specific molecular interactions in these processes could represent targets for novel pharmacological agents to treat unmet therapeutic needs. The course will consist of a mixture of lectures and seminars, with focused workshop/debate and tutorial sessions. The in-course assessment will involve a short Powerpoint presentation of a relevant research paper (10% of total mark) and a succinct written analysis of a recent “Trends-type” review article (10% of total mark). Keywords*3: Receptors, Signal transduction, Plasticity Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations. Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Mon pm/Tues pm (preferred) Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: At the end of this course students should be able to: understand key concepts in receptor biology, signal transduction and processes by which receptor-mediated intracellular signals can modify cell responsiveness, both in the nervous system and in peripheral tissues. understand how established or potential new drugs interacting with these targets might provide therapeutic benefit interpret original experimental data and discuss the significance of the findings. demonstrate the ability to openly debate scientific issues. demonstrate the ability to illustrate and present relevant information in a Powerpoint presentation. The course handbook will provide further details. Special Arrangements: - Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Written exam 80% Exam Information*8 Details of any supporting documentation 9 Course work 20% (Essay 10% plus Presentation 10%) 1 paper, 2 hours duration, Main Exam Diet S1 (December). - 89 Comments (including list of main contributors) Sue Fleetwood-Walker and Rory Mitchell 90 Course proposal form E21 Course Name*: Regenerative Medicine Course Organiser*: Paul Travers Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 33 Any costs to be met by students: No Pre-requisites (course name & code): none Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None Course Description*: Regenerative Medicine seeks to harness both the intrinsic developmental programs by which the tissues and organs of the body are laid down, as well as the capacity of the body to repair and regenerate it’s own tissues, to provide solutions to the problems of degenerative diseases. These solutions may concern direct tissue replacement, indirect mechanisms to ameliorate disease or enhance intrinsic tissue repair, or the development of pharmaceutical therapies. The purpose of the course is to provide a basic grounding in the principles and practice of regenerative medicine, largely for an audience who will be the clinical and laboratory scientists involved in production and delivery of these therapeutics. The course will introduce the concepts of regenerative medicine, the nature of stem cells of different types, their current use in medicine and the prospects for their future use in medicine, veterinary medicine and the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. It will cover the production of lines of multipotent and pluripotent stem cells, the conditions necessary to induce their differentiation into specific lineages and cell types, and the applications of these clinically and 91 commercially. In terms of the clinical applications, aspects of inherited or acquired diseases will be covered, that are, or in the future could be, treated by stem cell therapies. For commercial applications, the use of stem cell derived artificial organs in screening other therapeutics will be addressed. The course will describe practical aspects of cell culture and molecular assays relevant to the field of stem cell biology, and will cover aspects of quality control and quality assurance necessary for the adequate delivery of stem cell based therapies within current legislative frameworks. Keywords*3: Stem cell, tissue repair, degenerative disease Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday am Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: At the end of the course the students will understand the basic concepts of regenerative medicine and the contribution stem cells make to normal homeostasis. The nature of stem cells and the concept of potency The definition and derivation of embryonic stem cells, and the regulatory and ethical issues that concern the derivation of such cells. The derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells, the potential uses and problems associated with their use. The mechanisms of liver homeostasis and the derivation of hepatocytes from stem cells The development of neurons from progenitors and the application of stem cells to degenerative neural diseases The development of the haematopoietic system from multipotent progenitors and the clinical use of stem cells in haematopoietic stem cell transplants The ethical and regulatory framework surrounding the derivation and use of stem cells for clinical and pharmaceutical purposes Students will also have achieved Attainment of advanced skills in reading and understanding the primary literature Development of scientific problem solving skills Development of oral presentation skills Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Students will be assessed by a combination of in-course assessment, which will account for 50% of the final mark, and a final exam, which will account for 50% of the final mark. The incourse assessment will consist of: 1. A presentation on a topic in Regenerative Medicine to last no more than 10 minutes, followed by up to 5 minutes of 92 questioning on the presentation. 2. A short essay or précis of a topic in Regenerative Medicine. The maximum length of this essay should be 1500 words, with a buffer zone of 200 words. References and Figure legends will NOT be counted within the word limit. Exam Information*8 The final examination of 2 hours duration will require the student to answer two essay questions, one from each of two sections. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) 93 Course proposal form E22 Course Name*: Reproductive Systems Course Organiser*: Prof Evelyn Telfer Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 49.5 lecturer Any costs to be met by students: None Pre-requisites (course name & code): None required, but one of Physiology 3, Pharmacology 3 or Clinical Biochemistry 3 recommended Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): None Course Description*: This course aims to provide an overview of male and female gametes and gonads, incorporating the latest research in ovarian and testis biology, and examines in detail the various mechanisms controlling gonadal function and the wider reproductive system, together with an overview of pathology and male reproductive cancers Keywords*3: Reproduction, Gonadal Development, Control Mechanisms Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday am 18 Tutor 94 Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: The lectures in this course provide a detailed background into the fundamental processes that underpin the varied events occurring in reproductive tissues, together with an in depth insight into gonadal development and function. By the end of the course you will be able to: Describe the cellular, molecular and biochemical basis of the fundamental control mechanisms in male and female reproductive systems. Explain, compare and contrast the similarities and differences between reproductive control mechanisms in males and females. Critically evaluate the importance of particular molecular and biochemical processes and how dysfunction in these may lead to disease, infertility or reproductive failure. Critically review literature in male and female gonadal development Understand outstanding research questions in the field and to consider experimental approaches to tackle them Make connections between basic research and clinical applications in this field Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 Examination (75%) ICA – Group Wiki (25%) 1 paper, 3 hours duration, sat in December Diet Details of any supporting documentation 9 See Draft Course timetable and lecture outline Comments (including list of main contributors) Prof Evelyn Telfer (Course Organiser), Dr Chris Harlow, Dr Ian Adams, Prof Richard Anderson, Dr Simone Meddle, Dr Douglas Gibson, Prof Hamish Wallace, Dr Ruth Andrew, Prof Nicola Gray, Dr Norah Spears, Prof Jeff Pollard, Dr Grant Stewart, Prof Richard Sharpe, Prof Lee Smith, Dr Laura O’Hara, Dr Simon Riley, Dr Erin Greaves 95 Course proposal form E23 Course Name*: Science Communication Course Organiser*: Janet Paterson, Elizabeth Stevenson Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 hours Any costs to be met by students: No Pre-requisites (course name & code): No Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Course description: It is becoming increasingly important to engage non-specialist audiences with scientific research in order to maximise the impact and benefits of the research for a diverse range of stakeholders e.g. businesses, public services, the school education system, policy makers and also to engage the media effectively. This course introduces students to key principles for engaging with nonspecialist audiences and explores a range of methodologies to enable this engagement. The focus for the student will be the exemplification of an area of School of Biomedical Sciences research. The course combines theory and practical experience and is delivered by a range of practitioners including the course organisers. The course explores the development of science communication as a practice, introduces the student to key principles, explores the relationship between science and the media, and the importance of evaluation of engagement practice. The student is supported in the development of key skills through practice experience. In addition to in-course practical experience, students will complete 96 a one-day, ‘Science Communication Task’, in which they are placed with a science communication practitioner within the university to gain experience by assisting with a public event or task, e.g. a school workshop, shadowing in the press office, or science writing. Keywords*3: Science communication, informal science education, print media, Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations. Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 NOT Monday/ Tuesday a.m. Preferred: Monday/ Tuesday p.m. Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Key learning outcomes: To gain an appreciation and understanding of the broad scope of science communication through practical experience and engagement with the literature. To develop skills in engaging non-specialist audiences with science. To build confidence and the ability in researching, designing and presenting an engaging scientific presentation and resource for a non-specialist audience. To gain practical experience in science communication. To develop an understanding of the relationship between science and the media. To develop an understanding of the evaluation process and its role in enhancing quality in public engagement Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Presentation 40 %, Essay 30%, Sci-comm resource 30% Exam Information*8 Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Course Organisers (Janet Paterson, Elizabeth Stevenson) Tom Pringle (freelance science communicator) University of Edinburgh Press Office 97 Course proposal form E24 Course Name*: Sensory Physiology and Dysfunction Course Organiser*: Carole Torsney, Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 hours Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: This is a senior honours course which explores the development, function and pathophysiology of sensory systems. From the molecular basis of sensory transduction to systems level sensory integration, this course encompasses the wide range of sensory mechanisms that are essential in order to perceive and interact with our environment. To critically appreciate in detail the complexity of sensory systems we will focus on three main research themes; mechanosensation and hearing (Prof Andrew Jarman; AJ), pain (Dr Carole Torsney; CT) and vestibular function (Professor Mayank Dutia; MD). In the ‘mechanosensation’ theme, AJ will introduce molecular mechanisms of mechanosensory transduction in hearing and proprioception in different model systems and explore current research approaches to investigate these mechanisms. We shall then concentrate on hearing by looking at the physiology of inner ear hair cells and their dysfunction in deafness, and then how basic research on the control of hair cell development might inform 98 regenerative medicine strategies for therapeutic intervention to reverse deafness. In the ‘pain’ theme CT will a) introduce the transduction apparatus and neural pathways that mediate pain; b) explore the plasticity that can occur within pain pathways that leads to debilitating chronic pain conditions and how these manifest in the clinic; c) discuss the challenges in translating basic pain research to the clinic and d) outline how this system develops and the consequences for somatosensation in the newborn. In the ‘vestibular’ theme MD will discuss the organisation and function of hair cell mechanoreceptors in the vestibular system of the inner ear; their role in signalling head orientation and movement; the organisation of the brainstem networks that mediate vestibular reflexes, and the mechanisms of neuronal and synaptic plasticity which bring about recovery of function after damage to the inner ear (vestibular compensation). Keywords*3: Transduction, sensory integration, plasticity, pain, somatosensation, vestibular, senses, hearing Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Thursday/Friday pm Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: At the end of this course students should be able to: - Understand molecular mechanisms of mechanosensation in hearing and proprioception. - Understand how pain information is processed within the somatosensory nervous system and how this processing is disrupted in chronic pain conditions - Understand how somatosensation develops in the newborn. - Understand the mechanisms of vestibular function and the adaptive plasticity that promotes recovery from inner ear damage. - Appreciate the challenges of translating basic research to the clinic - Demonstrate the ability to examine in detail, critically appraise and orally present a selected research paper related to one of the main themes of the course Special Arrangements: 99 Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 In course assessment - Oral presentation 30% Degree examination - 70% One paper, timing – December, Length - 90min Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Andrew Jarman, Carole Torsney, Mayank Dutia, Sutherland Maciver Potential Guest lecturers: Emmanuel Busch – Chancellors Fellow, CIP Marie Fallon – WGH Lesley Colvin - WGH 100 Course proposal form E25 Course Name*: Social and Ethical Aspects of Medicine Course Organiser*: Judith Sim, Kenneth Boyd, Lydie Fialova Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senior Honours Course Level*: Undergraduate (level 10) Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 Any costs to be met by students: Course books (2) Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: This course provides aims to develop students’ understanding of the social aspects and ethical dimensions of medicine. We shall examine how issues of life and death are shaped by contemporary medicine and biotechnology, and their implications for individual patients, their families and society at large. We will also study ethical principles significant for relationships between patients and healthcare professionals in the context of an increasingly diverse society. Specific areas of interest include reproductive medicine, care for patients with chronic illness, end of life care, genetics and biotechnology, medical research, and issues of social justice and global health. Keywords*3: Medicine, ethics, social science 101 Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment including centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Monday/Tuesday am/pm (?) Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: By the end of the course students should have developed a critical understanding of the following and ability to apply them in a variety of contexts related to health and medicine: Social influences on how health and illness are experienced and medical care provided Theoretical concepts of social science and philosophy relevant for understanding the role of medicine in contemporary society Principles of medical ethics and forms of moral reasoning Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment 3. An interview with health professional or health service user as the (inc. % weightings)*: basis of a reflective report (1300 words) on social and ethical dimensions of healthcare experience – 30% (October) 4. Research paper (1300 words) on a chosen topic answering a question: ‘Is it ethical to ... Why or why not?’ This will demand a coherent and consistent analysis of an ethical dilemma in the light of various theoretical frameworks and will entail independent identification of relevant material – 30% (November) 5. Participation including class presentation – 10% 6. Final exam – 30% (December) Exam Information*8 One two hour exam. Students are required to answer two from a choice of six questions. Answers will entail some synthesis of material introduced during different parts of the course. Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) The course will be delivered by Judith Sim, Kenneth Boyd, and Lydie Fialova with occasional input from external speakers 102 Course proposal form E26 Course Name*: Synaptic Function and Plasticity in Health and Disease Course Organiser*: Michael Daw Have you confirmed that the appropriate resources are in place (finance, teaching staff, IT): Yes Have you confirmed that the appropriate support services are in place (library, computing services): Yes Normal Year Taken*: 4th year, Senor Honours Course Level*: UG Available to Visiting Students?* No SCQF Credits*: 20 Credit Level*1: 10 Home Subject Area*2: Biomedical Sciences Total Contact Teaching Hours*: 40 hours Any costs to be met by students: Pre-requisites (course name & code): Prohibited Combinations (course name & code): Course Description*: Synapses are essential for brain function by allowing communication between neurons. The efficacy of this communication is adjusted by a complex series of processes collectively termed synaptic plasticity. Plasticity is both critically involved in normal brain development and underlies learning and memory throughout life. Alterations in normal synaptic function and plasticity have been implicated in a wide variety of neurological conditions. This course will start with introductory lectures focussing on preand postsynaptic function and the molecular mechanisms involved in plasticity at both excitatory and inhibitory synapses. This will be followed by more detailed lectures including explanation of the latest experimental techniques being used to elucidate these mechanisms. These lectures will alternate with student presentations of recent research papers in the subject area. Finally we will use specific examples to explain how synaptic dysfunction can lead to neurological conditions, such as autism and schizophrenia, and study the experimental approaches and model systems currently being used to design clinical treatments. 103 Keywords*3: Synapse, brain, presynaptic, postsynaptic, disease, plasticity Default Course Mode of Study*4: Class and Assessment excluding centrally arranged examinations Default Delivery Period*5: Semester 1 Course Type6: Standard Class sessions*7 Mon/tues pm or Thurs/Fri pm. (both am slots difficult). Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes*: Understand processes involved recycling, endo- and exocytosis. in neurotransmitter vesicle Understand the molecular mechanisms of regulation of synaptic efficacy. Knowledge of the role of inhibitory synapses Understand the experimental techniques used to study synapses Ability to interpret, evaluate and present experimental findings Understand how synaptic dysfunction leads to disease Special Arrangements: Components of Assessment (inc. % weightings)*: Exam Information*8 Exam 100% 1 paper at end of course. (3hrs) Details of any supporting documentation 9 Comments (including list of main contributors) Michael Daw, Mike Cousin, Peter Kind, Giles Hardingham 104