Ethical Case Scenarios

Business Law
Chapter 1.1: Ethics
Scenario #1
Corey was drunk at a party 30 miles away from his house. Corey went to this party with some friends,
including a designated driver, but they had already left. He was supposed to go with them, but he was
having such a great time he told them he’d find another ride. Corey is now stuck at this party. The
only people available to give him a ride are intoxicated themselves. He can’t stay at the house
overnight because he doesn’t even know the people who live there. If he calls his parents he will be in
deep trouble. A girl he met that night said her friend was dropping her off and could take him too.
Unfortunately, she was pretty buzzed. Corey knows not to get into a car with someone you know is
intoxicated. He needs to make a decision.
Scenario #2
It's midway through the spring semester, and you are taking a math test. You've been struggling all
semester in this class, and you know that this test will form a big part of your grade. You feel like you
are doing quite well on the test until you come to the last problem. It is worth 20 points and you just
can't remember how to solve it. As it happens, the class math whiz is sitting right in front of you and
you can see he's just finished it. You are close enough to see how he solved it, and you know that no
teacher can see you if you cheat. What should you do?
Scenario #3
Sue and Brody are working at the school’s concession stand during a basketball game. A customer buys
a pop and popcorn and hands Sue a $5 bill. She gives the customer back $2 change and tells him
thanks. Brody realizes the customer only owed $2.50 and tells Sue. Sue says she charges a little extra so
their organization makes more money. She says most customers never realize she took too much. She
says it’s no big deal because she’s not keeping the money; it’s going to their group.
Scenario #4
Mary and Shane are working at the local pizza place. Their boss has rules about many things in the
store including who can go back in the kitchen. The door sign says “employees only”. Mary’s friends
come in to eat during Mary’s shift. They notice that her boss has stepped out to go to the bank, so
they tell Mary they want to come back and make their own pizzas. What should Mary do?
Scenario # 5
Phoebe is a senior and president of the student body. Lately she is becoming more and more
overwhelmed by her rigorous AP course load and college applications. She has been sick for the past
month and has fallen behind in many of her classes. Her application to Brown University and her AP
Art History paper are both due on Monday. It’s Sunday now. Phoebe makes a tough decision and
plagiarizes the entire section on Impressionism on her paper, finishes her application and goes to bed.
On Monday, Phoebe turns in her paper.
By lunchtime, Phoebe’s AP Art History teacher had asked to see her. He quickly realized the fact that a
large portion of her paper was plagiarized and confronts her about it. Phoebe bursts into tears and
explains to him about all the pressures of being sick, taking five AP’s, playing three varsity sports and
being president of the student body. Brown is her number one choice for college and she felt she had
to make a choice.
Phoebe’s teacher turns her in to the school honor council. She is very remorseful and volunteers to give
a speech to the student body apologizing for what she has done. She also begs the honor council not
to write to the colleges that she has applied to, as she has worked so hard throughout her high school
career and is applying to the most competitive colleges and universities. What should the School
honor’s council do?