LBJ SCHOOL ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS CANDIDATE PROFILE FORM Name: Class Year: Degree: Address: Telephone: Home: Work: Cell: Preferred E-Mail: Other E-Mail: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Please list current and previous employment. Feel free to attach a resume or CV that includes this information. Firm/Company/Organization Position Dates Notes or details on any of the above positions Page 1 of 2 VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE ASIDE FROM LBJ SCHOOL ALUMNI RELATED ACTIVITIES Please list all organizations and activities in which you currently participate and describe those that have pertinence to this application. Consider civic, cultural, educational, political, professional, etc. Organization/Activity Role/Experience SERVICE TO LBJ SCHOOL AND/OR UT Please list the ways in which you have served The LBJ School and UT. (Options include, but are not limited to: past alumni board service, contributor, class or event speaker, career resource for students.) Service Dates PERSONAL STATEMENT In a cover letter, please explain why you want to serve on the LBJ School Alumni Board. Please identify what you will bring to the board, as well as what experiences you have that will further the goals and objectives of the Board as set our purpose, mission and vision statements. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this Candidate Profile Form. We are grateful for your willingness to serve your fellow alumni and the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Please return this form along with your cover letter (personal statement) and any other attachments to: LBJ School of Alumni Affairs University of Texas at Austin P.O. Box Y Austin, TX 78713 Attn: Michelle Potter-Bacon 512-232-6141 Page 2 of 2