Design of affordable and ruggedized biomedical devices using virtual instrumentation 1.0 Abstract This paper presents the designs of four low-cost and ruggedized biomedical devices, including a blood pressure monitor, thermometer, weighing scale, and spirometer, designed for the East African context. The design constraints included a mass-production price point of $10, accuracy and precision comparable to commercial devices, and ruggedness to function effectively in the harsh environment of East Africa. The blood pressure device, thermometer and weighing scale were field-tested in Kenya and each recorded data within 6% error of the measurements from commercial devices and withstood the adverse climate and rough handling. The spirometer functioned according to specifications but a redesign is needed to improve operability and usability by patients. This article demonstrates the feasibility of designing and commercializing virtual instrumentation-based biomedical devices in resource-constrained environments through context-driven design. The next steps for the devices include designing them such that they can be more easily manufactured, use standardized materials, are easily calibrated in the field, and have more user-friendly software programs that can be updated remotely. Keywords: Biomedical Devices, Telemedicine, Rugged Design, Robustness, Virtual Instrumentation, Africa 2.0 Introduction More than half the world’s population lives on less than $2.50/day, with millions of people lacking access to clean water, sufficient food, and adequate healthcare services [1]. Human suffering from poverty, and hunger is increasing, and over one billion people worldwide lack access to quality healthcare [2]. Approximately 70% of the 50 poorest countries of the world are in sub-Saharan Africa [3]. The inhabitants of this region still suffer from diseases that are no longer prevalent in developed parts of the world. The maternal mortality rate in Africa is the world’s highest, estimated at 1 death per 100 successful births compared to 12.7 deaths per 100,000 births in the United States [3]. The lack of adequate funding for quality medical facilities has led to overcrowded hospitals and insufficient access to medicine. Furthermore, the fact that a large portion of the healthcare budget is spent on equipment and devices that are not specifically designed for the East African context is a major contributing factor to the healthcare crisis [4]. Poorly engineered biomedical devices exacerbate health challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority of the biomedical equipment is designed and manufactured in western countries by engineers who are not familiar with the physical, socio-cultural, and economic environment of these countries [4]. Over 95% of the devices found in public hospitals in developing countries are imported [5]. Five years after arrival, 96% of this donated equipment no longer functions [6]. In sub-Saharan Africa, almost 70% of donated medical equipment is not in use due to lack of spare parts, insufficient means for maintenance, or simply because local personnel do not know how to use the devices [7]. Biomedical engineers associated with Engineering World Health (EWH) surveyed 33 hospitals in 10 developing countries to determine why devices typically fail. The group found that of the 975 pieces categorized as broken, 644 (66%) could be repaired. The most common reasons for failure were problems with the power supply of the device, user error, reasons unknown to the participant, or lack of spare parts [8]. Reliable access to power in developing regions is a rare luxury. Even when electricity is available, it is often extremely expensive and prone to frequent power outages, which renders electro-mechanical devices useless. Additionally, over 150 incidents of broken devices were attributed to user error by the operator or health professional. When the EWH staff provided appropriate training, all the technical misuse problems were fixed. The EWH team also determined that even though most medical device parts were available in these developing countries, hospitals chose not to spend scarce finances on replacing them [5]. For example, a particular hospital reported that a $5 repair to an oxygen concentrator they owned was not justified when they could instead request a new one from their European sponsor [5]. In addition, since devices are designed for physical and social environments, resources, operator education levels, use preferences, and economics of healthcare systems in developed countries, the current medical device market does not meet the needs of developing countries. Thus, there is a need for devices designed specifically for resource-constrained environments. Adopting a context-driven approach can increase the lifespan, effectiveness and usability of the medical equipment. This would ultimately lead to multi-dimensional improvements in the healthcare system and reduce the per capita cost of healthcare. This paper details four affordable and ruggedized biomedical devices designed and fieldtested over a four-year period. These devices are designed to meet the requirements for the context of a developing country, and are used in conjuction with the Mashavu Telemedicine System. The four devices are a weighing scale, a blood pressure device, a spirometer, and a thermometer. All four devices exemplify six design constraints accuracy, affordability, ruggedness, ease of use, anthropometric requirements, and sociocultural factors. The objective of this project was to create each of these devices under the above design constraints but with a price point of $10. Measurements from each of the devices were compared to readings of commercial devices with hopes that the readings of our devices were within 5 percent error of the commercial data. The data in this article demonstrates the feasibility of designing and commercializing virtual instrumentationbased biomedical devices in resource-constrained environments. Before delving into the devices themselves, the Mashavu telemedicine system, previous biomedical devices for developing countries, design constraints, and the value of virtual instrumentation are presented in the following sections. 2.1 Mashavu telemedicine system Mashavu, which means “chubby-cheeked” in Swahili, is a telemedicine system aimed at connecting patients in rural communities with qualified healthcare professionals. Students from the Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) program at Penn State began developing Mashavu in 2007 and piloted the telemedicine system in Kenya from 2009 to 2012. Through the Mashavu system, trained kiosk operators (MKOs) obtain customer’s vital measurements such as blood pressure and temperature using commercial medical devices. The MKOs send this and other pertinent health information, such as social and medical history, over a wireless network to a secure website, where a nurse views the information and provides feedback. The MKO operating the kiosk informs the patient of the nurse’s suggestions in-person, by phone or with a text message. Rigorous studies demonstrate that this system of operations is as reliable as comparable telemedicine systems in the United States and other developing countries [9]. However, Mashavu currently relies on expensive commercial devices that are often incompatible with the rural Kenyan environment. These disparities, combined with the process’s vulnerability to human error in data collection and entry, could lead to inaccurate recording of patient records. In order to diminish room for error, bioengineering students at Penn State designed inexpensive biomedical devices that are rugged, robust, and culturally appropriate. Mashavu’s drastic cost reductions and increased simplicity are achieved by deviating from standard commercial devices that embed the primary sensor, signal conditioning, user display and networking support into a single unit. In contrast, each Mashavu biomedical device consists of only a sensor and minimal essential hardware, instead relying on virtual instrumentation to process and display the data. The sensor’s output is digitized by a data acquisition card (DAQ) and the signal conditioning and user display is done in software on the computer. All sensors are attached to a 12-bit DAQ device in referenced single-ended (RSE) mode. The DAQ connects to a netbook running LabVIEW software, which processes the sensor signals. This offboard computer software is less expensive and easier to modify than the integrated processors of commercial biomedical devices. Together, this virtualized approach to device design minimizes manufacturing costs and complexity and reduces repair difficulty, making Mashavu devices more suitable to the east African context. By integrating low-cost biomedical devices into the Mashavu Telemedicine System, the overall telemedicine system becomes more affordable and effective. Individually, the devices are designed to cost less than $10 (US) to produce, keeping the overall system under $200. Each of these devices were developed as part of a are junior design course by students in Bioengineering 401: Introduction to Bioengineering Research and Design that is offered at Penn State. Through the semester-long class, student teams use a wide variety of applicable skills such as computer modeling, programming, bioengineering ethics, and engineering analysis to design a specific device. Throughout the semester, students complete a webpage that includes information on their device and subsequently serves as a blueprint for future design teams and manufacturers. Over the last four years, students have created a number of devices including a pulse oximeter, blood pressure device, thermometer, weighing scale, spirometer, ears nose and throat (ENT) scope, and dermascope. These devices are field-tested in Kenya and based on the findings, they are refined further. 2.2 Review of low-cost biomedical devices Engineers recognize the need for low-cost medical devices specifically manufactured for the developing world. These devices are made for people who live in developing countries, where modestly expensive tests and even basic infrastructure—i.e., reliable power, refrigeration, and trained personnel—are often unavailable [10]. For instance, a research team at the University of Wisconsin is designing low-cost spirometers, pulse oximeters, and thermometers, which people in some parts of the developing world cannot otherwise access. These devices are key to combating acute respiratory infection, the most common cause of death in the developing world among children under five years of age [11]. Similarly, EssentialMed, a 2010 start-up from the Science Park at Ecublens, Switzerland, is developing essential low-cost devices such as X-ray machines, incubators for newborn babies, and equipment for anesthetics [12]. The University of Michigan has cataloged many of these efforts in a website about collaborative sustainable solutions, appropriate technology, and poverty [13]. Hundreds of different designs are included in this database to help alleviate the worldwide healthcare crisis, ranging from blood pressure devices to $25 implantable knees. 2.3 Design constraints for low-cost biomedical devices Six overarching constraints drive the design of the Mashavu biomedical devices. These overarching factors are accuracy, affordability, ruggedness, ease of use, anthropometric requirements, and socio-cultural factors. Past teams were required to document and defend every design decision to ensure that the device successfully met the needs of the specific context and users. This approach also ensures that the design decisions can be easily revisited for localizing the device for a different context or demographic. Accuracy: The most important aspect of device functionality is accuracy, for without it the devices are of little use. The aim is to achieve a target accuracy within 5% error of commercial device readings. This threshold accuracy is enough for a doctor to make informed decisions about the state of a patient’s health. The specific 5% target is consistent with similar studies that investigate accuracy of primary care medical devices [14,15]. Affordability: Affordability is a key factor in determining whether a device will be sustainable in the developing world. The target cost is set at $10 in bill of material (BOM) cost per device when manufactured for a large-scale. This cost is influenced by sensor choice, surrounding hardware materials, lengths and types of wires required, and necessary signal processing. Additionally, the target cost for the devices was $10 so that the entire cost of the equipment and devices for the telemedicine system would be $120 [8]. Final designs must balance each device’s affordability with both its usability and accuracy. Ruggedness: The devices are designed to be usable and sustainable in a physical environment that poses serious challenges to their functionality. Climate demands of the East African context include high humidity, direct sunlight, high dust levels, rapid barometric pressure changes, and severe rainstorms. In addition, unpaved roads lead to difficulty of transportation, and lack of advanced infrastructure compounds the difficulties of biomedical device usage, transport, and maintenance. Ease of use: The user interface guides an individual through a software program and facilitates smooth operation of a device. Devices are designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, such that users with varying skill levels could complete the task in one or two steps. Often, symbols and icons that are well-understood metaphors in the US do not have corresponding meaning in other contexts. Correct color choice, organization, and units of measurement are critical to the user interface. All devices are simplified to minimize the number of steps for the operator. Anthropometric Requirements: The devices are designed to meet anthropometric measurements of east Africans. Specific measurements include arm circumference for the blood pressure device, feet size for the scale, mouth diameter for the spirometer, and underarm size for the thermometer. Each of these measurements can be found in the Anthropometric Requirements sections of their respective devices in the sections of this paper titled “Device Design and Results”. Socio-cultural Factors: Socio-cultural factors are influences derived from the customs, traditions, perceptions, and beliefs of the specific context and people. They can be a key determinant in whether or not a person even agrees to seek care and use the devices. To increase the usability of the design, devices were designed to fit seamlessly into East African societal norms by not resembling anything with a negative social connotation, not disrupting gender roles, and not compromising the user’s privacy. 2.4 Value of virtual instrumentation Low-cost medical devices become even more powerful when combined with virtual instrumentation technologies, popularly supported by graphical development environments like LabVIEW. Virtual instrumentation devices utilize a digital interface on a computer and LabVIEW software for analysis and display. The rapid advancement and falling prices of personal computers and smartphones, the development of low-cost, high-performance data converters, and the emergence of system design software have made virtual instrumentation systems accessible to a very broad base of users. The ability to connect low-cost medical devices directly to the virtual instrumentation applications greatly extends the possibility for growth of telemedicine systems. 3.0 Device designs and results This section summarizes the design decisions that informed each of the four devices, fieldtesting results, and a concluding discussion on their future. More than 250 measurements were taken to test each of the devices while hosting clinics at temporary kiosks in Kenya. All subjects were residents living in local villages surrounding Nyeri Town in Central Province. The median age of the patients was 43 years, with the youngest patient being 18 years old, and the oldest being 110 (distribution shown in Figure 1). The most common occupations, accounting for over 60% of the patients, were businessperson, farmer, and housewife. When patients arrived at the kiosk, they were first instructed to sit while basic demographic information was recorded. This allowed time for patients to rest so that travel to the kiosk would not have any effect on the recorded measurements. Upon entering the kiosk, measurements were taken and recorded using a single-blind system. Measurements were first recorded with commercial devices at one table. The four commercial devices used for comparison were the Veridian Health Manual Blood Pressure Monitor with Stethoscope, the Precision One Analog Bath Scale, the Microlife Digital Peak Flow Meter, and MOBI TempTalk Digital Thermometer. Patients were taken to a separate table, and measurements were taken using the Mashavu devices without knowledge of the commercial results. The Mashavu and commercial readings were then compared and analyzed. The following section discusses the design decisions for each device, which are divided into anthropometric requirements, form factor/materials, signal analysis/user experience, and socio-cultural factors of the developing context 90 80 70 60 Number of 50 Patients 40 30 20 10 0 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Age Fig. 1: Age distribution of users 3.1 Blood pressure monitor 56-65 66+ Fig. 2: Blood pressure device Fig. 3: Blood pressure user interface 3.1.1 Anthropometric requirements The dimensions of the blood pressure monitor were modeled after the human arm. The typical arm circumference of a child ranged from 18 to 28 cm, while the circumference for an adult arm ranged from 23 cm to 33 cm [16]. To account for these size differences, 41 cm of Velcro was added the blood pressure device so that the cuff could accommodate arm sizes of people within an arm circumference range of 13 cm to 41 cm. 3.1.2 Form factor/materials An important aspect of the design was finding the optimum size of the air release valve. This hole size controlled the flow rate, which affected sampling frequency and duration. The design of the air release hole was a particular innovation intended to make the cuff easy to use by making the air release rate automatic. The design strategy had an additional benefit of making it easier to detect pressure pulses from the pressure decay waveform. COMSOL Multiphysics was used to simulate the size of the aperture and mean air velocity such that the pressure decay curve could be predicted. Once this curve was known, the analysis program was written to detect pressure pulses and calculate blood pressure.. Typical commercial devices record systolic and diastolic measurements in about 20-30 seconds. For our device, the hole size was adjusted to meet the target reading time of 30 seconds. 3.1.3 Signal analysis overview/user experience The most important components of the computer interface were the green button (see Figure 3, LabVIEW Interface), the pressure gauge, and the systolic and diastolic measurement readouts. The operator opened the valve, and clicked the green button to commence the data collection. The systolic and diastolic pressures appeared in bright bold numbers on the screen. A pressure gauge, identical in appearance to a physical gauge, was also displayed on the interface so that the patient and the kiosk operator could see the pressure decreasing as the measurement was recorded. The signal analysis of the blood pressure device was centered on a peak detection code that analyzed the mmHg vs. time response curve, measurements which were obtained using the integrated piezoelectric pressure sensor. The signal analysis initiated once the user had pumped the cuff to 180 mmHg. Once the user selected “click once valve is open” (green button), the software ran and determined the systolic and diastolic measurement based on the detected pressure peaks. 3.1.4 Socio-cultural factors/physical environment and Kenyan context Women, men, and children in Kenya tended to dress with many more layers of clothing than those in Westernized countries. There was no foreseeable way monitoring patients’ blood pressure over clothing. Instead, operators were trained to communicate the importance of the blood pressure readings relative to their health with hopes that patients would allow for removal of layers of clothing to take the measurement. 3.1.5 Final price point The cost analysis for the device considered the cost of replacing Velcro, as Velcro has a lifespan of about one year, and its ability to close tightly will be compromised by the dusty environment that characterizes East Africa. A tight cuff closure was essential for accurate blood pressure measurement and the most cost-effective option was to replace the Velcro on an annual basis. A plastic casing was also chosen over more durable options, such as metal. Although a metal casing would provide a much more sound housing for the sensor, it was not a desirable choice due to its additional weight and cost. The casing was made from a thick durable plastic that could be easily replaced in Kenya. The sensor housing helped to provide strain relief so that the wires were not pulled from the sensor. Strain relief was provided by soldering the wires to the sensor and covering this connection with heat shrink tubing. When the housing was closed, a tight seal prevented the sensor from moving and protected it from damage. The sensor was screwed into the casing providing additional strain relief. This fixed the sensor’s position within the casing, preventing unnecessary bouncing against the case. Table 1: Price point analysis of blood pressure device *Wholesale Quantity refers to the number or amount of product when purchased in bulk; Wholesale Cost refers to the cumulative price of the Wholesale Quantity; Cost per Device refers to the price of the material or product when mass produced using bulk quantities. Wholesale Quantity* Wholesale Cost* (US Dollars) Cost per Device* (US Dollars) Commercial Cuff Pressure Sensor Integrated Pressure Sensor (MPX5050GP) from 20 36.00 1.80 100 8.94 0.09 Plastic (Dental Floss) Case 24 28.94 1.21 Valves and Caps 100 7.99 0.08 Heat Shrinking Tubing 30 meters 7.55 0.08 3/4" X 24" Velcro Strips 228.6 meters 1.97 0.01 Small Screws and nuts Total: Negligible Negligible <0.01 3.28 Material 3.1.6 Results and observations A total of 217 patients had their systolic and diastolic blood pressure measured with both the low-cost Mashavu prototype and a commercial monitor in Kenya. The overall percent error for the systolic measurement was 4.4%, while the percent error for the diastolic measurement was 5.8%. The average standard deviation for systolic was 3.9 mmHg, and was 3.6 mmHg for diastolic. 18 16 Percent Error (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Systolic Diastolic Fig. 4 Paired data comparison of the STD of the percent error of blood pressure readings between Mashavu device and commercial device. Velcro worked well to hold the cuff in place; however, it must be sewn properly or superglued instead of relying on self-adhesion to the cuff due to the glue adhesive on the back side of the Velcro. The shrink wrap surrounding the wires and sensor provided strain relief for the sensor-wire connection point. The hard casing around the sensor provided protection from both dirt and rain. The sensor remained in place when screwed to the edge of the casing, which eliminated the potential for intermittent or inadequate electrical contact caused by sensor movement within the case. The plastic casing also provided protection from dust, rain, and shock from accidental dropping. The device was able to be packed efficiently, facilitating transport. 3.2 Thermometer Fig. 5: Thermometer Fig. 6: Circuit diagram Fig 7: COMSOL analysis of temperature readings using a glass thermistor Fig 8: COMSOL analysis of temperature readings using a steel thermistor 3.2.1 Anthropometric requirements The auxiliary position (under arm as opposed to under the tongue) was identified as the most comfortable location for measuring temperature, both for the operator and for the patient. For this reason, the thermometer needed to be small enough to move through layers of clothes, but large enough to be easily used by the patient or doctor. This led to the creation of a thin, rigid-tubed thermometer closely resembling the dimensions of an average ballpoint pen. The tube was 12.5 cm long with a diameter of 0.75 cm. The coneshaped top was approximately 2 cm in length and tapered into a diameter of about 0.5 cm at the tip where the thermistor was encased. The connection wires were approximately 90 cm long. 3.2.2 Form factor/materials Since the thermometer read temperature from the auxiliary position, the appropriate model consisted of a long plastic tube, which tapered into a cone-shape with the thermistor case at its tip. The length of the tube allowed for the thermometer to maneuver under clothing while remaining in a position parallel to the ground. The sturdy tube protected the wires and supported the device as the measurement was taken. The thermistor was surrounded by steel wool to prevent excess movement and then enclosed within a metal casing. Shrink wrap was placed around the entire device (leaving the conducting metal exposed), keeping it intact and thermally connected to the outside. To determine which material the thermistor should be made out of, a COMSOL analysis was conducted that compared the time it took for a steel and a silicon thermistor to read an expected body temperature. Figure 7 shows that the glass covered thermistor takes about 66.5s to reach within 0.05*C of the expected body temperature using a steel cap and air as the filler. Figure 8 shows that the silicone covered thermistor takes about 103.5s to reach within 0.05*C of the expected body temperature using a steel cap and air as the filler. A steel thermistor was included in the final thermometer because it allowed the device to measure body temperature in a time frame comparable to that of a commercial device . 3.2.3 Signal analysis overview/user experience The thermistor was located in the tip of the thermometer and was wired into a voltage divider circuit. The divider circuit consisted of a nominal 5.1 K Ohm resistor and the thermistor itself. The DAQ device provided the 5 V DC input voltage. With the value of the resistance of the thermistor known, the Steinhart-Hart equation, programmed into the LabVIEW software, was used to calculate the temperature from the resistance. An array of 1/T values was created, [1/T1; 1/T2; 1/T3] , which was then multiplied by the inverse matrix of [(ln[R1] x ln[R3])^3); (ln[R2] x ln[R2])^3); [(ln[R3] x ln[R3])^3)] to find the three unknowns necessary for the Steinhart-Hart equation. With these values known, the temperature reading was displayed in the LabVIEW program’s user interface. 3.2.4 Socio-cultural factors/physical environment and Kenyan context In order to obtain an accurate reading from the axillary position, the conductive metal needed direct contact with the skin under the arm. This procedure posed a few problems depending on if the patient was male, female, and/or a child. Since there was usually a large amount of fabric covering the patient’s body, it was difficult to get the thermometer under the clothes and into the underarm area. Men usually did not have a problem with taking their garments off, however women felt uncomfortable with clothing being adjusted. Children often felt uncomfortable in an unfamiliar situation. Therefore, patients were allowed to control the thermometer themselves if necessary so that they felt more comfortable with the testing procedures. 3.2.5 Final price point A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor was selected for the thermometers, primarily due to its high response rate. This was ideal because patients often did not have the patience to sit for an extended period of time. Another deciding factor for the choice stemmed from the temperature range being measured (expected body temperatures: 33-45 degrees Celsius). Glass thermistors were also considered for their accuracy and fast performance. However, they were also slightly more expensive and more susceptible to damage, making them impractical for this design context. The materials used in the construction of the thermometer included various pen pieces, the thermistor, heat wrap, electrical wires, conducting paste, hot glue, a 5 K Ohm resistor, solder, and electrical tape. Table 2: Price point analysis of thermometer Material Wholesale Quantity 1000 304.8 meters 100 50 Wholesale Cost (US Dollars) 20.00 250.00 26.63 7.20 Cost per Device (US Dollars) 0.02 0.25 0.26 0.14 5kOhm Resistor Wires (1.8 meters) Circuit Board Thermistor Sensor 5 KΩ negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor from Images Scientific Instruments Plastic Pen Body Steel Pen Cap 100 1000 10.00 20.00 0.10 0.02 Heat Shrinking Tubing Total: 30 meters 7.55 0.08 0.87 3.2.6 Thermometer results and observations Temperature was measured by placing the Mashavu thermometer or its commercial counterpart under the arm of 172 patients. The average temperature measured using the commercial device was 35.7 ° C, while the average temperature using the Mashavu device was measured at 34.4 C. The average difference between measurements averaged at 1.3 C. This led to a percent error of 4.5% with a standard deviation of 1.14 C. 16 14 Percent Error (%) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fig. 9 Paired data comparison of the STD of the percent error of temperature between Mashavu thermometer and commercial thermometer. The pen cap casing effectively protected the tip of the thermometer. The device was dropped to the ground several times without affecting performance. The strain relief provided by interweaving the wires was effective in preventing thermistor detachment, and the heat shrink was effective in providing additional support during the pilot testing. High stress points were identified for further reinforcement of the heat shrink and/or inclusion of stronger wires, specifically at the base of the pen. The thermometer must also be held in the horizontal position due to the reading abilities of the sensor. When calibrating and taking measurements, the temperature measurement was observed to be affected if the thermometer was not held in the same position consistently. 3.3 Scale Fig. 10: Scale Fig. 11: Scale user interface Fig. 12: Diagram of the weighing scale circuit Fig. 13: 3-D Strain Approximation on the Top Plate for 10 kg Weight Fig. 14: 3-D Strain Approximation on the Top Plate for 180 kg Weight 3.3.1 Anthropometric requirements The average foot length for males and females was 28 cm and 23 cm respectively. Based on these numbers, the device was constructed as a square with each side equal to 30 cm. Furthermore, the average hip diameter for males and females were 29 cm and 30 cm, respectively [17]. A scale with 30 cm width, which matched hip size, was slightly larger than the maximum foot size expected and was intended to increase stability of the scale when someone stood on it. 3.3.2 Form factor/materials The basic geometry of the scale consisted of a 30.5 cm x 30.5 cm x 1.9 cm board supported by four legs (one in each corner), with two load cells placed directly underneath the locations intended for the patients' feet. The square geometry provided the greatest possible surface area for patients to place their feet on the scale. The circuit board was attached directly to the bottom of the scale. This ensured a strong connection to the wires that extend to the load cells. The load cells were protected by a wooden shell covered in cling wrap. This permitted easy access to the cell while protecting it from water and dust. COMSOL modeling was conducted that was aimed to determine the magnitude and the location of the strain. A 3-D model (30.48cm x 30.48cm x 1.9cm) of the prototype with four fixed points representing the four scale legs and 2 point loads in the center of the scale. These models further informed the placement of the load cells and the overall strain that the top plate would be subjected to under typical weighing. As demonstrated in figures 13 and 14, weights were chosen of 10 kg and 180 kg to represent a minimum and maximum weight of our expected patient sample size. These models demonstrated that the maximum strain in the plywood occurred in the center for both weights so sensors were placed on the sale to measure that strain. Additionally, the plywood both withstood the strain of maximum strains of both the minimum and maximum weights while still accurately allowing the sensor to pick up a deformation in the wood thus validating the selection of plywood. 3.3.3 Signal analysis overview/user experience The user interface displayed a command button that allows the user to select which of the prototype scale to use. A second button allowed the operator to zero the scale and weigh a patient, making operation simple. The LabVIEW user interface of the scale has two phases. The first phase of the program involved taring the scale and was achieved by the user selecting the "Zero" button of the user interface. This set the weight to zero by subtracting the acquired baseline voltage from the two load cells located underneath the scale. An asymptotic value was acquired by measuring the percentage difference between consecutive averages. If the averages were within 0.01% of each other, the common value was considered the baseline and used to tare the scale. The second phase of the weighing process begun after the patient stepped onto the scale and a deformation occurred in the strain gauges. Upon clicking the “Weigh” button, the DC signal entered a low-pass filter and a running average produced an asymptotic voltage value. This value was subtracted from the baseline voltage attained in phase one. The resultant voltage was put through the calibration equation to produce a final weight that was displayed on the user interface. 3.3.4 Socio-cultural factors/physical environment and Kenyan context To protect the scale from the elements, the plywood board was stained with a polyurethane coat to prevent water damage. The circuitry components were contained within a housing to protect them from the dusty Kenyan environment. The load cells were the only components that are prone to alteration from the climate. The extreme heat of Kenya caused thermal expansion of the cells, altering the measurements. This was not a factor during field-testing, as temperatures were relatively mild. If high temperatures were to occur, a protocol would need to be set in place to recalibrate the scale so that accurate measurements may be taken. Dust could also get in and disrupt the operation of the strain gauges. 3.3.5 Final price The scale employed two strain gauges placed in a specific manner ideal for weight measurements. The load cells were approximately $3.90 each when purchased in bulk. Other options were explored, but the load cell of choice gave optimal results and durability for the best price. These cells required a custom-designed circuit to be used in conjunction with the LabVIEW program. The circuit utilized a Wheatstone bridge along with a differential amplifier to relay the signal from the load cell to the DAQ device. Table 3: Price point analysis of scale Material Wires (1.8 meters) 20 Ω Trimpots Wholesale Quantity 1000 100 Wholesale Cost (US Dollars) 20 25 Cost per Device (US Dollars) 0.02 0.25 TLC2252CP Op Amp Op Amp Socket 4.7 Ω Resistors 560 Ω Resistors 1 MΩ Resistors 2-5/16' x 1-15/16' Proto Board 2-5/16' x 1-15/16' Proto Board 100 100 300 200 200 60 8 12 8 8 0.6 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.04 100 69 0.69 100 69 0.69 1' x 1' x 3/4" Plywood 2" x 2" Pine Large-Diameter Flat 100 30.48 m 200 63 100 16 0.63 1 0.08 Washers Wood Screws #12 x 2'' 400 Steel Machine Screw Hex Nut 400 Load Cells 2 compressive load cell (16375097) strain gauges from 200 52.8 0.132 24 0.06 780 3.9 Plastic Circuit Cover Polyurethane Total: 88 30 0.88 0.3 9.432 100 1150 oz 3.3.6 Scale results and observations: The scale measured weight in kilograms when a patient stood on the scale. Throughout the course of the trial, 93 patients were weighed, and the data between the commercial scale and the Mashavu scale was within 5.9% error. The standard deviation for the measurements was 2.67 kg. 18 16 Percent Error (%) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fig. 15 Paired data comparison of the STD of the percent error of weight between a Mashavu scale and commercial scale. Problems arose when using the scale due to the immobility of the device and the need for excessive calibration. Calibration took upwards of ten minutes, and a new calibration equation was needed every time the scale was moved or displaced. This proved that it would be worth the investment to purchase a third strain gauge to improve the portability and calibration time. Using a high-grade wood that was stained to seal and protected from any water or mud provided a durable and robust design. The wires were protected on the underside of the scale, and were wrapped around a washer to provide strain relief from and tugging or pulling on the wires. 3.4 Spirometer Fig. 16: Spirometer without mouthpiece Fig. 17: Mouthpiece in SolidWorks Fig. 18: COMSOL model depicting the pressure differences across the spirometer design at Time = 0 of the measurement Fig. 19: COMSOL model depicting the pressure differences across the spirometer design at Time = 2 second illustrating the pressure change during measurement 3.4.1 Anthropometric requirements The main physical dimension affecting the use of the spirometer was the size of a person's mouth. An average adult male has a mouth diameter of 4.3 cm (1.7 inches) while females have a mouth diameter of 4.1 cm (1.6 inches) [18]. When an individual used the spirometer, they held the device while blowing into it. The average adult hand length was 19 cm (7.4 inches) for males and 17 cm (6.8 inches) for females. In terms of hand size across the palm, the average for males was 8.4 cm (3.3 inches) and 7.5 cm (2.9 inches) for females [19]. Both the length and outer diameter of the spirometer correlated with these dimensions. 3.4.2 Form factor/materials The basic geometry of the spirometer consisted of two cylinders with a cone connector, providing a sleek transition from the inlet to outlet tube as shown in Figure 12. The mouthpiece was shaped in an elliptical design. This shape was chosen due to ease of handling for the patient; however, the fundamentals of how the pressure sensor works also made this geometry most suitable. Based on average mouth sizes, the diameter of the mouthpiece was designed to be approximately 1 inch. The sensor chosen was a differential pressure sensor. In order for it to function, one port of the sensor measures the pressure near the base of the large outlet cylinder, while the other port measures near the base of the inlet smaller cylinder (model of small cylinder can be seen in Figure 12). COMSOL was used to model the air flow through the body of the spirometer to validate both the choice of sensor and the shape of the device. The walls of the spirometer are modeled as no slip boundary conditions, which is desired. However, because a pressure will be present at the inlet and outlet, two values were made; the inlet pressure was found to be around 14.5 kPa to represent the pressure of the average human breath. The outlet pressure was set to 0 kPa to represent atmospheric pressure. The figures below show the COMSOL 3-D representation of the spirometer with inlet of 14.5 kPa and outlet of 0 kPa. Figure 18 shows the pressure at Time = 0 seconds while figure 19 shows the pressure at Time = 2 seconds. From the readings, it can be seen that a pressure drop occurs along the narrow cylinder, after the eccentric cone that can be easily detected by the sensor. 3.4.3 Signal analysis overview/user experience The user interface for the spirometer was designed to properly engage both the operator and the patient using the device. This was done through a graph and fill bar as shown in figure 19. The graph of flow rate helped the operator in evaluating spirometer read-out. If the operator saw that the flow rate was non-continuous or that there was severe signal noise, he or she could better determine the cause for error so that they could re-explain or demonstrate how to properly hold the device. Additionally, the software displayed the forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC ratio, and maximum flow rate. These three numbers could be seen on the user interface, just to the right of the graph of flow rate vs. time. The pressure sensor of the spirometer was designed to take pressure measurements that are then provided to the DAQ device as a voltage signal. Since every pressure sensor was unique, each one was calibrated to derive a relationship between pressure and voltage. Using the calibration feature in LabVIEW, known pressure differences were delivered to the sensor and the corresponding voltages were recorded. From that data, a correlation was made and an equation was derived that related pressure to voltage for each sensor. Using Bernoulli's equation, flow rate and pressure were related based upon the geometry of the spirometer body and the density of air. Once the signal had been transformed into a flow rate, an additional function ensured that negative flow rate values were zeroed. This step was important because it ensured that the baseline reading was always at zero. Once calibrated, patients used the device and the flow rate was presented as a real-time graph of flow rate vs. time. The peak flow rate was also an output. To obtain the forced vital capacity of the patient, the flow rate was integrated over the time of the patient's use. A similar method was used to calculate the forced expiratory volume in the first second of exhalation (FEV1). This time, however, the flow rate was only integrated over the first second that the patient exhaled into the spirometer. 3.4.4 Socio-cultural factors/physical environment and Kenyan context One of the most important concerns with the spirometer was the education that accompanied the use of the device in Kenya. The spirometer was not a commonly-used device, and many people, specifically in East Africa, did not understand exactly what it measured and why. Therefore, the educational information was designed to be extremely clear, detailed, and easy to understand. Users also had to trust that the device was sanitary. The safest way to assure sanitation was to have new mouthpieces for each person. However, this was unrealistic and expensive for the context. It was decided to use several removable mouthpieces which could go through a cleaning rotation while different pieces were being used. After each use, the mouthpiece was cleaned in rubbing alcohol and then rinsed in clean water to remove the alcohol taste. 3.4.5 Final price point The spirometer was primarily made of rapid prototype printing material. This material was durable plastic and inherently had a long lifetime. The mouthpieces had a greater chance of breaking because they are handled more often. If the body or mouthpiece happened to break, they could not be replaced in Kenya due to the lack of a 3-D printer. The case protecting the sensor was made of metal and did not need to be replaced. The mouthpieces will be made by injection molding in the long-term. Table 4: Price point analysis of spirometer Materials Pressure Sensor differential pressure sensor MPXC2011DT1 Rapid Prototyping PVC tee connector Small fittings Black Rubber Tubing Wiring (<3 feet device) 1.8 meters Total: Wholesale Quantity Wholesale Cost (US Dollars) Cost per Device (US Dollars) 100 100 100 100 (2 per one device) 12 yards (100 feet) (1foot/spirometer) 300 2300 67 3 23 0.67 74 0.74 14.16 0.1416 1000 20 0.02 27.57 per 3.5.6 Spirometer results and observations: FEV1 and flow rate were both measured using the spirometer. After testing on 172 patients, there was a 28.5% error in the FEV1, and a 32.8% error in the flow rate. The standard deviations were approximately 98 L for FEV1, and 90 L/min for flow rate. Errors were large because many patients did not understand how to use the device, and the English to Kiswahili translation was not very effective. Since it was not an intuitive device, inconsistent and incorrect use posed problems for recording accurate measurements. It should be noted that the price for rapid prototyping increased the cost of the spirometer by almost three times of the desired price point. Although very durable and effective, future considerations will be made to develop the spirometer using cheaper materials such as PVC piping that is available in Kenya. 120 Percent Error (%) 100 80 60 40 20 0 FEV1 Flow Rate Fig. 20: Paired data comparison of the STD of the percent error of FEV1 between Mashavu spirometer and commercial spirometer. Using 3D printing improved the robustness and durability of the device but greatly increased its overall cost. The use of lower gauge wires and the decision to braid rather than tape the wires together prevented them from breaking or pulling out of the device. The use of foam instead of PVC to hold the sensor in place provided additional cushioning for the sensor. 4.0 Final discussions and observations Three of the four devices performed within the stipulated margin of error despite the harsh climate. As shown in Table 5, the blood pressure device, thermometer, and weighing scale all gave readings about 5% different from the commercial readings obtained. Measurements were supervised by community healthcare workers and followed necessary protocols. Data was recorded using a single blind method such that users of the Mashavu devices were not aware of the recordings of the commercial devices during measurement. The spirometer recorded percent errors of 28.5% for FEV1 and 32.8% for flow rate. Although these percent errors were very high and not ideal, this can be attributed to the language barrier between the locals, students, and community healthcare workers who operated the devices. Since the spirometer was not a well-known device, it was often difficult to explain exactly how to use either the commercial or Mashavu devices and record quality measurements. Overall, the results were promising. There were a few common themes amongst all instruments that made them suitable for the developing country context. A carrying case (either box or bag) was necessary to transport all devices efficiently. Bubble wrap worked well to protect the DAQ devices and the four biomedical devices during long journeys on poor roads. The wrapping could be easily reused, making it very cost-effective. When considering strain relief, tying knots in wires, braiding wires together, and heat shrunk connections all proved durable and effective. The devices were powered through a small notebook computer that was running from either a battery or plugged-in main power. Due to the limited time spent in Kenya, analysis of power consumption was not conducted. This element of the devices will be addressed at a later date so proper power considerations can be made to better enhance the functionality of our devices and adjust to the varying quality of power supplies that are found in developing countries. Table 5: Final summary of device performances Device Number of Tests Blood pressure device 217 Thermometer Weighing Scale Spirometer 172 93 172 Percent Error 5.0% systolic, 6.8% diastolic 4.5% 5.9% 28.5% FEV1, 32.8% Flow Rate Standard Deviations 3.9mmHg systolic, 3.6 mmHg diastolic 1.14o 2.67 kg 98 L FEV1, 90 L/min flow rate These devices were designed by hand as prototypes. Accuracy was proven to be within an acceptable range, and the materials used were chosen with climate and environmental factors in mind. As is, it was determined that these devices would not survive long term in a developing world climate due to their make-shift manufacturing methods. However, the intent is that when mass-manufactured using regular manufacturing techniques the durability will drastically improve resulting in an anticipated life-span of 5 years. As products of design classes with time and resource constraints, bioengineering students developed the devices to as advanced a stage as possible. Moving forward, a medical device company with access to industrialized design equipment and manufacturing processes would be better suited to bring the designs and devices through the regulatory process and ultimately to market. While the lifespan cannot be tested until a final product is field tested and used regularly within the developing market, the 5 year estimate can be approximated based on the lifespan of the chosen materials. After the completion of field testing, it is believed that the devices would not suffer from the same problems as the devices that they are intended to replace. This is because the devices have been designed specifically with the customers and context in mind. The current devices are powered from a USB port since computers are becoming increasingly popular. If the device is durable and can operate on a rechargeable battery, electricity and power problems will not be an issue. Additionally, one-button programs such as those that are utilized with virtual instruments and field-tested with Mashavu Kiosk Operators allow for a better user experience and eliminate the need for operator expertise. Leapfrogging solutions such as the emergence of smart phones, can potentially eliminate the need for robust medical devices or a typical device at all. There are already applications to monitor wound care, measure heart rate, and guide nutrition. An application to measure vital signs directly from the phone would eliminate most devices, further streamlining telemedicine. Nevertheless, several financial and technological barriers exist to smart phone based devices and telemedicine systems. Despite increased cell phone use, smart phones are still rare in rural developing contexts. However, in recent years many companies like Huawei, Nokia and Tecno are striving to make affordable smart phones for emerging markets in Africa and South Asia. Mozilla is launching Firefox Mobile OS phones in South American markets in 2013 [20]. Sales of less expensive smart phones are already growing faster that high-end models in Western Europe, and will be crucial in the emerging markets [21]. Medical device donors as well as hospitals in the developing world can benefit from the availability of ruggedized low-cost devices by way of lowered capital and operational costs. The largest potential for impact is in the rural areas where community health workers and social ventures are at the forefront of improving access to pre-primary healthcare for the most marginalized populations. Conclusions: Overall, the blood pressure device, scale and thermometer worked effectively in the Kenyan context. Measurements from the three devices were recorded within a clinical range and with reasonable precision and accuracy. The spirometer did not record data similar to the commercial device used during trials. This was caused by improper data collection techniques as the language barrier between the operator and patient did not allow an accurate explanation of how to use the device. Design constraints were addressed so that the devices could be used successfully and long-term in the developing world context. 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