AP Institute 2013 Schedule Mark Krotec Pittsburgh Central Catholic

AP Institute 2013 Schedule
Mark Krotec
Pittsburgh Central Catholic High School
Day 1
Introduction Morning Session – An overview of strategies for establishing and maintaining a rigorous AP
Biology course. Note: This introduction will be spread over the course of the workshop in order to
maintain effective participation and to allow teachers to engage in the numerous planned activities.
Mid-morning session - Science Process and Curricular Inquiry Infusion. Introductory unit to AP Bio or
pre-AP courses: The Nature of Science (and Science Process) as an organizing theme.
(A) In-depth discussion/lecture/demos of the use of conditional argument forms to reveal the
philosophy and nature of science process. Analogy of court room process: theories cannot be proven,
but can be discounted. Review classroom strategies to reinforce application of conditional arguments,
including Evolution/creationism/ID debate (Nova, Judgment Day, etc. curricular application).
(B) The nature of uncertainty, the practice of science, data interpretation, and the power and utility of
statistics. Demo/discussion of powerful class activities, including 1. “X-Files: Paranormal Investigation”
2. “Paper Towel Analysis” and 3. “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” homework. Review of videos
serving to reinforce science investigation and the power of critical thinking.
Afternoon Session: Science Process and Curricular Inquiry Infusion (continued)
(C) Further means of infusing statistics into AP activities: 1. Osmosis and Diffusion Lab 2. Heart Rate Lab
3. Neural Reaction Time Lab 4. Genetics Lab 5. Photosynthesis Lab 6. Enzyme Lab.
(D) Yeast experimental models and inquiry: 1. Stem Cell Seeding Efficiency Challenge 2. Environmental
Toxicity Analysis 3. Discussion of Yeast Mutagenesis
(E) The new curricular framework (4 Big Ideas) - Thematic Learning: Connecting content through
student-centered activities
(F) Teaching assessment: 1. Pre-quiz + Post-quiz – conditional argument form application to the
Scientific Method. 2. Pre-quiz + Post-quiz – science investigation statistics application. 3. Teacher lab
activity/statistics design.
Day 2
Morning Session – Ecology/Environmental Science Unifying Theme: an overview of teaching strategies
designed to reinforce science process and the powerful concept-connecting themes inherent in
ecosystem analysis. Big Idea 4: Interactions.
Reinforcing science process through inquiry-based labs: 1. “Paper Towel Efficiency” 2. “Pollution
Assessment Lab Competition” 3. “Environmental Influence on Algal Populations” 4. “Pesticide Effects on
Microbes” 5. “Fantastic Farmers” 6. “Smoke Product Effects on Yeast Survivorship” 7. “Human Life
Tables and Survivorship Analysis” 8. “Survivor: Gilligan’s Island” (Energy transfer through trophic levels)
9. AP lab 10 – Energy Dynamics
Teaching assessment – 1. Authentic assessment of teacher investigative techniques,
measurement, and analysis: Pollution Analysis Lab Competition. 2. Gilligan’s Island Survivor
competition: energy flow unifying themes. 3. Old AP Lab 12: designing challenge and thematic
(C) The Inquiry Matrix – a preview of future AP curricula. Modifying traditional labs + incorporating the
new AP labs. Modeling an Inquiry Classroom.
(D) Equity in AP: Inclusion strategies, alternative assessments, and unifying the learning community
Afternoon session – Molecules Made Easy!- Activities, lessons, demonstrations, and films serving to demystify biochemistry/molecular biology and reinforce underlying conceptual themes permeating the
entirety of life science. Big Idea 2: Cellular Processes: Energy and Communication
Charts: an under-appreciated teaching tool! Biochemistry and physiological principles
connections and themes are powerfully revealed in a number of common wall charts. Mouse Trap
signal transduction demonstration: Games biology students can play.
Beyond Bead Biology: inexpensive, powerful molecular model activities designed to captivate
student interest and promote increased comprehension of biochemistry.
‘Prime Time Enzyme’ – enzymology made simple.
‘Environmental Influence on Salivary Amylase Activity’: a low-tech approach to enzymology.
AP Lab 13 - Enzymes: Perform, review, and extensions.
AP Lab 4: Diffusion and Osmosis
Photosynthesis: introductory lab and AP Lab 5, connections and themes.
Cell Respiration: Carbohydrate Races and AP lab 6, connections and extensions.
(D) Teaching Assessment: Design a Thematic Question Challenge. Assessing student mastery through
labs, projects, symposia, etc. The New AP Test: Overview and course intergration.
Day 3
Morning Session – Insights into the molecular basis of life continue to expand our understanding of
every field in life science. Teachers should be encouraged to reveal the history of these major
discoveries and their application to various fields of science and society at large. Big Idea 3: Genetics
and Information Transfer.
A brief history of the elucidation of DNA as the molecule of heredity: an enlightening and
inspiring mystery story of the 20th century.
Molecular Biology: a revolution revealed.
Central Dogma: new insights/new technologies- gene expression, recombinant DNA (pGLO lab),
PCR, antisense, RNAi, DNA microchip arrays, etc.
Supplementary reading reviews: Scientific American, Discover, etc.
Films: Howard Hughes lecture series, Nova, Wired Science, etc.
‘James Bond Cellular Spy’: a transcription/translation challenge competition.
DNA Science: modeling recombinant DNA, DNA fingerprinting, antisense technology, DNA
sequencing, and PCR.
Reinforcing the Central Dogma through biomedicine: (a)’ Immunogenetics of Autoimmune
Disease’: Searching for causes of Lupus (b) Cystic Fibrosis: using a film to reveal the role of the central
dogma. (c) Proteomics and Metabolomics: beyond the human genome project.
Advanced Labs/Activities: ‘Turning Genes Off and On in Bacteria’, ‘Biotechnology Team
Evo/Devo: evolutionary/molecular connections to development, including further evidence for
Teaching Assessment : James Bond Cellular Spy Challenge, Lupus Genetic Risk Challenge, Modeling
Molecular Biology.
Afternoon session – Physiology Phun! The anatomy and physiology of organisms can serve as a natural
model for systems analysis, a relevant ‘hook’ for any student, and a powerful means of reinforcing
evolutionary and biochemical themes.
Plants – Slow Motion Creatures!
The Plant Game: growth strategies in response to the environment.
Fantastic Farmers: Team competition.
FF: Form and Function Challenge Slides.
Environmental/Evolution Influence on Plant Form and Function.
AP Transpiration lab 9.
(B) Animalia – Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
1. Planaria behavior.
2. Star Trek dissection discovery!
3. Sow bugs, brine shrimp, termites, etc. taxis/habitat selection.
4. Animal embryology/development.
(C) Human Physiology
1. Heart rate influence.
2. Human respiratory capacities.
3. Homunculus Man/sensory mapping.
4. Neural response time.
5. Muscle madness! Chicken Little.
6. Human center of gravity.
7. Meat Adulteration Kit: Immunology techniques (Carolina).
8. Medical Rounds: House presents!
(D) Teaching assessment – 1. authentic assessment of teacher investigative techniques, measurement,
and analysis. 2. Lupus PCR analysis 3. Plant Form + Function Challenge. 4. Statistical analysis of
physiology labs.
(E) Preparing your AP course: Transitioning to thematic learning. Teacher module
Day 4
Morning Session –Evolution as the course unifying theme.
Big Idea 1: Evolution.
Discussion of AP Lab 2: Hardy Weinberg Lab
Discussion of AP Lab 1: Artificial Selection
Perform Lab 3: BLAST analysis of genomes
Tissue Engineering/regenerative medicine (TERM) as a powerful unifying theme.
TERM: Developmental biology and the application to biomedicine.
Tissue Engineering: the revolution unfolds, connections to a life science curriculum.
The TE triangle: the basics of regenerative medicine.
Stem cells: the hype and hope.
Stem cell seeding efficiency challenge data collection + analysis.
Bone Engineering competition.
Cardiovascular engineering: scaffold synthesis and characterization.
Afternoon session – 1. TERM wrap-up: life science connections and new frontiers. 2. STS: Bioethics and
societal implications. 3. Engaging students in exciting/rewarding AP assessment
From egg to adult: lessons learned and the future of biomedicine.
The Review Game: assessment can be fun!
Further games: GLAND, NEURO, and HEART. Biology Trivial Pursuit.
Testing strategies.
Unifying themes recognition.
Teaching assessment: Development Challenge, TERM strategies, Final Project: Design a unit.
Teacher Course Development: The AP Audit and Beyond
Evaluation/final thoughts, networking and classroom resources.
I. Streamlining the course
A. Summer work
B. Free-time test scheduling
C. Take-home (practice) content exams
D. Scheduling requests
E. Review Sessions: Student vs. Teacher directed
F. Continuity within the science curriculum
1. Pre-AP: vertical teams
2. Supplementary courses
II. College partnerships and beyond
A. Mutual benefits
B. Equipment loans, curricular advice: Examples
1. Pitt Bio Outreach: Alison Slinsky-Legg (alisonsl@pitt.edu)
2. Pitt Phagehunters
3. Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative
4. CMU biotech field trip labs (Dr. Carrie Doonan, cbd@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-3117, Phyllis Poznik,
poznik@andrew.cmu.edu, 412-268-3248)
5. Jennings Nature Center
6. Earth Force/Cross Creek Connections, etc.
C. Excitement of college labs
D. Guests, projects, and the future: Networking
E. Local resources: museums, hospitals, zoos, aviary, conservatory, etc.
III. Content Streamlining
A. Connecting content: energy metabolism; cell-tissue-organ phenomena; information flow
B. Organizing themes: Regenerative Medicine, Evolution/Ecology, Matter + Information Flow
C. Student responsibilities
1. Student Content Unit Independent Mastery
2. Tutoring/lower grade connection
3. Lab Notebooks
4. AP Audit?
5. Performance Contracts
6. Student presentations/class assessment strategies
7. Equity in the AP curriculum
IV. Advanced lab exercises
A. Turning Genes Off and On In Bacteria
B. pGLO Transformation
C. Carbohydrate Influence of Microbial Population Growth
D. Transformation Mystery: an Exercise in DNA Science
E. Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine
V. Creating Open-ended Investigations
A. Modeling science projects
B. Modifying your standard labs
C. Supplementary Labs
1. Pseudoscience as an exploratory exercise
2. Bubbleology and respiratory capacities
3. Neuroscience
4. Pollution Assessment
5. Growth and Survivorship exercises
6. Tissue Engineering
7. Star Trek Dissection Survey
VI. Molecular Simulations: "Beyond Bead Biology"
VII. A.P. Exam review
A. Practice tests, essays, and review sessions
B. Student participation: Biology Trivial Pursuit, Bio Jeopardy and Review Game
C. Tutoring and mastery
D. Building Practice into Curricular Tests/assignments