Pre 1900s in the United States You will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to acquire information about different subpopulations in American history (US29A) Then, explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture (US26C) Finally, label these events, trends, or contributions on the U.S. map provided. Subpopulation General Native Americans African Americans Immigrants Women/Children Contribution/Action/Impact 1900-1939 in the United States You will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to acquire information about different subpopulations in American history (US29A) Then, explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture (US26C) Finally, label these events, trends, or contributions on the U.S. map provided. Subpopulation General Native Americans African Americans Immigrants Women/Children Contribution/Action/Impact 1939-1945 in the United States You will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to acquire information about different subpopulations in American history (US29A) Then, explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture (US26C) Finally, label these events, trends, or contributions on the U.S. map provided. Subpopulation General Native Americans African Americans Immigrants Women/Children Contribution/Action/Impact 1946-1980 in the United States You will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to acquire information about different subpopulations in American history (US29A) Then, explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture (US26C) Finally, label these events, trends, or contributions on the U.S. map provided. Subpopulation General Native Americans African Americans Immigrants Women/Children Contribution/Action/Impact 1980 - today in the United States You will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to acquire information about different subpopulations in American history (US29A) Then, explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture (US26C) Finally, label these events, trends, or contributions on the U.S. map provided. Subpopulation General Native Americans African Americans Immigrants Women/Children Contribution/Action/Impact