Non paper

Non paper
Suggested structure of decisions
Initial work programme of the Platform
1. Decision: Work programme 2014-2018 (CRP.17)
Annex I: Work programme for the period 2014–2018 (CRP.9)
Annex II: Conceptual framework of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (CRP.3/Rev.1)
Annex III: Terms of reference for the task force on capacity-building
Annex IV: Terms of reference for the task force on knowledge and data
Annex V: Terms of reference for the task force on indigenous and local
knowledge (CRP.14)
Annex VI: Initial scoping for the fast-track thematic assessment of pollination
and pollinators associated with food production (CRP.10)
Annex VII: Initial scoping for the fast-track methodological assessment of
scenarios and modelling of biodiversity and ecosystem services (CRP.20)
Annex VIII: Confirmed in-kind contribution to support implementation of the
work programme (CRP.18)
Financial and budgetary arrangements for the Platform
2. Decision: Budget (CRP.15)
Annex: Status of contributions, expenditures and budget (CRP.15)
3. Decision: Financial and budgetary arrangements
Annex: Financial procedures for the Intergovernmental Science -Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (CRP.8/Rev.1)
Rules and procedures for the operation of the Platform
4. Decision: Administrative procedures for the selection of the members of the
Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (CRP.7/Rev.1)
5. Decision: Amendments to the rules of procedure for the Plenary of the Platform
with respect to rules governing the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (CRP.16)
6. Decision: Procedures for the preparation of the Platform’s deliverables
Procedures on deliverables (CRP.19)
Institutional arrangements: United Nations collaborative partnership
arrangements for the work of the Platform and its secretariat
7. Decision: Collaborative partnership arrangement to establish an institutional link
between the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science -Policy Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the United Nations Environment
Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United
Nations Development Programme (CRP.11)
Communication and stakeholder engagement
8. Decision: Communications and outreach (CRP.5)
9. Decision: Stakeholder engagement strategy (CRP.6)
10. Decision: Guidance on the development of strategic partnerships (CRP.4)
Report of the meeting
Draft report of the second session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental
Science-Policy Platform on Biodoversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES/2/L.1,