Content Area: Science Quarter: 3Week: 7 TASS/UQ How do I determine which information, facts, or claims to trust? Understanding how technology is used to observe and measure weather conditions helps me identify a reputable weather forecast. STANDARDS AND INDICATORS Earth/Space Science 2.4.E.2 Recognize and describe that each season has different weather conditions. Engineering and Technology 7.3.A.1 Develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology. 7.3.C.9 Develop an understanding of engineering design. SAMPLE LEARNING TASK 1 Compare patterns in precipitation between two areas over a period of time Remind students that this marking period they are practicing the critical thinking skill of evaluation by examining data, making claims and questioning facts. Distribute one city weather card (i.e., Weather Cards page 2) to each student. Ask: What do you know about the seasonal weather conditions in the city on your card? How might you describe seasonal precipitation in your city? Provide time for students to share ideas and make claims or predictions in response to the questions. Pair up students with differing cities (e.g., Anchorage and Honolulu, Phoenix and Miami, Seattle and Chicago, Baltimore and San Francisco). Provide a graphic organizer and time for students to describe, compare, and record the seasonal weather conditions of the paired cities. Ask: How does the precipitation in your city change from season to season? How does the seasonal precipitation of your city compare to your partner’s city (e.g., In Baltimore, there seems to be a consistent amount of precipitation from season to season, but in San Francisco, the amount of precipitation is clearly greater in the winter.)? What seasonal patterns or trends can you describe based on precipitation data for your city? How does using precipitation data help you compare precipitation between cities? How do you determine what information and facts to use as evidence to support your claims and descriptions of precipitation between two areas? MEASUREMENT EARTH AND SPACE Compare patterns in precipitation between two areas over a period of time ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Use tools to collect data on seasonal weather conditions RESOURCES Weather Cards graphic organizer WEATHER COLLECTING SHEET