RQ CH 16 Part 2

RQ CH 16 Part 2 pp. 359 – 370 V.V.
1 359 – Painting and Poster – Quote in caption, Who?
- Copy 
2 360 Photo – How is this ironic?
3 361 Photo and Painting – In the photo caption…after 1848, who had to wear these tags in S.C.? Why?
- In the Painting, where were the Slaves leaving and where were they going?
4 364 Map – Title?
- What two types of emancipation occurs in the North?
5 365 Photos – Who?
- Who was the most vilified of the early abolitionists?
6 366 Photo – Who ? Most prominent what?
7 ****368 PC – Title?
- Perspective?
Which would YOU rather be and why?
8 369-70 Varying viewpoints – Title?
- By the early 20th century historians began to show a romantic version of the “Old South.” Ulrich
Bonnell Phiillip makes three (3) key arguments:
1 Slavery was a _____________ ________________ __________________.
2 Slavery was a ____________ _______________ and the planters treated their chattel’s with _________
3 he believed blacks were _______________ and _________________ by nature. AND DID NOT
_______________the institution that enslaved them.
- What has more sophisticated economic analysis shown about Phillip’s claim that slavery was dying
- With what group does Stanley Elkins compare the slave system with in 1959?
- Most recently, historians have…asserted the ______________ _______________ of Slavery.
Reading Questions
Life Under the Lash
9 White Southerners often ____________________ about the “happy life” of slaves.
10 What 3 factors affected how slaves lived?
11 Everywhere, of course, slavery meant what 3 things?
12 ___________________ were common.
13 The ________________ was the substitute for the Wage-Incentive system.
14 Slaves were sometimes sent to _________________.
15 By 1860 most slaves were concentrated in the “_____________ _____________.”
16 A majority of Blacks lived on _____________ ________________.
17 Slave marriage vows sometimes proclaimed, what?
18 Most slaves were raised, remarkably, in stable _______ _______________ households.
19 Blacks in slavery molded their own distinctive religious forms from a mixture of what two elements?
20 What story from the Bible appealed to slaves the most?
The Burdens of Bondage
21 Slaves were denied an education because reading brought ___________ and ___________brought discontent.
22 What fraction of Adult Slaves were illiterate at the beginning of the Civil War due to laws forbidding
educating slaves?
23 What resistance method fostered the “MYTH” of laziness?
24 What two other methods of resistance are mentioned?
25 Slaves universally “pined” for their _______________.
26 “She is dead but She is _____________.
27 1800 Rebellion led by ? Where?
28 1822 rebellion led by? Where?
29 1831 Rebellion led by? Where?
30 What 3 things fostered the brutality of Slavery?
31 Whites FEARS bolstered an intoxicating theory of what?
32 and turned the South into what?
33 One of the last bastions of slavery where?
Early Abolitionists
34 What denomination of Christianity forms the earliest anti-Slavery societies at the time of the
35 What is founded in 1817, to transport free blacks back to Africa in Liberia established for this
36. Do most freed Slaves in the USA wish to go back to Africa?
37 Which Country in 1833 frees its slaves in the West Indies?
38 What motivated Abolitionists in the 1830’s…”inflamed their hearts?”
39 What Brothers influence Dwight Weld to attend Lane Theological Seminary organizing an 18 day
debate on slavery ...?
40 What are the debaters called?
41 What pamphlet is published by Weld, called one of the most influential early tracts on abolition
published in America?
Radical Abolitionism
42 Firing one of the opening broadsides of the Civil War….Who published the 1st edition of the
“Liberator”…a militantly abolitionist newspaper on New Years Day, 1831?
43 “I will be as harsh as truth and uncompromising as justice…I am in earnest – I will not equivocate – I
will not excuse – I will not retreat a single inch – and I WILL BE HEARD.” THIS APPEARED ON THE TOP
44 What is founded in 1833 by dedicated abolitionists?
45 Who is called “abolition’s golden trumpet?”
46 Who wrote, and was later murdered (the south put a 10,000$ bounty on his head), “Appeal to the
Colored Citizens of the World?” Which advocated a bloody end to white supremacy…
47 What other two Black Abolitionists are mentioned here…one male one female?
48 Who is called the “Greatest of all Black Abolitionists?”
49 In contrast to Garrison, many other abolitionists look to what (answer) to end slavery?
50 ****What three (3) political parties are formed in 1840, 1848, and in the 1850’s and are backed by
political abolitionists?
The South Lashes Back
51 In the 1820’s were there more anti-slavery societies in the North or South?
52 The Mason-Dixon Line separated what? Literally? Figuratively?
53 What event that occurs in 1831-32 silences the voices of Southern Abolitionism?
54 After the above event what becomes the foundation of the Southern Argument?
55 With whom did the Southerners compare the slaves lives to and claim they were better off?
56 What does Congress do in 1836 to limit the discussion of Slavery?
57 What punishment does the Federal Government threaten Postmasters with who allowed Abolitionist
literature to be delivered in the south…THUS WHICH RIGHT PROTECTED IN THE CONSTITUTION IS
The Abolitionist Impact in the North
58 Extreme Abolitionists in the North for a long time were what?
59 How much did Southern Planters owe Northern Bankers by the late 1850’s?
60 Who does the “Broadcloth Mob” tie with a rope around his neck and drag through the streets of
Boston in 1835?
61 Elijah P. Lovejoy is actually what in response to his newspapers abolitionist leanings in 1837 in
62 Those that did not necessarily oppose to abolish slavery completely but fiercely opposed extending it