Dear Families, The colder weather has moved in and it is time to check your child’s extra clothes bag for seasonal changes such as long sleeved shirts, pants, sweatshirt/sweater and extra socks/underwear. Please Volume 4 also make sure your child has a jacket for each day. Along with the colder weather, come beautiful changes in the leaves. Children are noticing reds, yellows, and oranges as they walk to the playground. Curriculum Monarch life cycle ~ The children continued to visit the Studio to construct three-dimensional representations of the Monarch life cycle. They children’s work in the Studio reflects their knowledge gained through observation, conversations and research. We read the book, Gotta Go! Gotta Go! Which informed us that our Monarch would travel to Mexico to hibernate. Pumpkins ~ The children have been exploring the pumpkins from Harvest Festival. Teachers began by setting them at journal as a provocation and many children drew images of the pumpkins. Last week we cut into our pumpkins and explored the inside. Children collaborated to scoop out the flesh and sort the seeds into a bowl. We then washed, dried and baked them in the oven. The children were able to sample the seeds and write the results of their taste test on a chart. This week the children met and brainstormed what they would like to bake using a fresh pumpkin. Many ideas were shared such as cookies, bread, muffins, soup and pie. The children indicate their preference by drawing an ‘X’ over their choice. The first item we will cook is Pumpkin Muffins. We will order our ingredients and bake next week. YUM!!! Easel ~ On recent trips to the Studio the children have observed specialty paint brushes and asked, “Can we use these?” The children have been collaborating to paint on large pieces of butcher paper. Once dry we have cut the paper into strips and added it to our message center. The children have been designing beautiful creations. Cow barn ~ On a recent wet morning, we traveled to the Fairchild Dairy and Research Center to visit the dairy barns. The children were courteous and followed the farm rules. They used quiet voices and walking feet inside the barns. Many children were eager to pet the cows and have teachers read the names of each cow. We then walked around the barn viewing different machinery, touching the bedding for the cows, and meeting some of the farm workers. The children then took over documenting items that they had questions about in order to ask the farmers later. They noticed a yellow ring in a calf’s nose, a pink ‘W’, a newborn calf, a pregnant cow and a cow named ‘CHELSEA.’ (Also, a name of a Preschool 1 teacher) Occupational Therapy students ~ During the past two weeks the children have been provided with fine motor activities. These have included coloring, cutting with scissors, gluing, and beading. Self-portraits ~ The children have been observing themselves recently. Teachers brought out small mirrors with different sized magnification, small paper and felt pens. The children looked closely at their reflection noticing their features. Teachers sat and listened as children discussed what they saw and the shapes they noticed. The children then worked carefully to sketch their image. These are hanging above the children’s rest cubbies inside the classroom. Please take a moment to view their work. Birthday News We would like to wish Nam (10/14) and Kiana (10/18) a very happy birthday on your special day. Happy 5th Birthday to you both!! Share from Home Our next share from home is ‘Your favorite book.’ The children are welcome to bring in their favorite picture book to discuss with their peers. They are also invited to share their favorite page. To help us with the time element please preview the book with your child and have them place a post-it on the page they would like to share. October 30th - Adam, Sommer, Hattie, Nam November 6th – Max, Victoria, Norah, Sachin November 13th – Samuel, Julia, Emma, Sam November 20th – Anyan, Kiana, Lily, Siddharth Upcoming Events October 27th - Curriculum event: Building a Classroom Community. From 2-3:00pm in the Studio. Teachers will share how we have been working with children to develop our classroom community. October 30th thru November 3rd - Beth on vacation. November 11th – CSDC will be closed in observance of Veterans Day November 18th & 19th - Family/teacher conferences. We will post a sign-up list outside our classroom door next week. Please sign-up for a 30 minute time in which we will discuss your child’s journey and collaborate to develop goals for the upcoming semester. Beth and Freedom