8th GRADE Social Studies UNIT 1: Theme: Economics and Environment Unit Product: Compare and Contrast Essay Essential Question: How did the rise of industry eventually affect the United States both economically and environmentally? Contemporary Issue: Have the technological advancements made during and after the Industrial Revolution been beneficial to society? Are there alternatives to our current methods? Guiding Questions: I) Industrial Revolution Environment: 1. How has the environment changed since the Industrial Revolution? 2. What is the relationship between “Global Warming” and industrialization? 3. Why is alternative energy being debated in our society? Technology: 4. How has technology affected the industrial growth of the United States? 5. How did the invention of the railroad and the building of canals help the Industrial Revolution? Economy: 6. What is a Company vs. a Corporation? 7. What is the stock market? How can it affect our everyday life? 8. Should the wealthiest people in the U.S pay the higher taxes? 9. Should government regulate business? To what degree should the government make companies comply with rules, regulations, and laws? II) The Great Depression 10. How did an economic collapse and an environmental disaster cause the Great Depression? 11. How did the Great Depression affect the lives of the Americans? III) Economic crisis of 2008 12. How did the collapse of Wall Street led to the biggest Mortgage crisis in history? 13. Can we compare the 2008 economic crisis to the Great Depression of the 1930’s? Compare and Contrast. NYS Common Core Standards for Literacy in History and Social Studies Assessed: Reading: RH6-8.1-2, 4, 6, 7, 8 Writing: WHST 6-8.1-2 Teacher Designed Standards Assessed: 1. Students will reflect upon their work as Historians/students by: a) Analysis of Primary Sources b) Support arguments with facts and evidences c) Formulate point of views to develop critical thinking. 1 ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE Performance Task(s): 1. Did the Industrial Revolution have a positive or negative effect on the environment? Choose a side and then write a short essay defending your choice. Cite evidence from the various texts used in class to support your response. 2. Photo Essay: Choose 5 primary sources used in class that best depict the difficulties of life during the Great Depression. Alignment to NYS Common Core Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies: 1. RH6-8.1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources RH6-8.2 – Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. WHST6-8.1 – Write arguments based on discipline-specific content. Introduce claim about a specific topic, acknowledge opposing claims and organize evidence logically Support claims with logical reasoning and relevant/accurate data using credible sources 2. RH6-8.1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources RH6-8.2 – Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. WHST6-8.2 – Write informative text, including the narration of historical text Diagnostic and Pre/Post Assessments: Have students respond to a specific question regarding the role of industry and technology as a preassessment. The students will take an interim test to assess the students’ progress within the unit. (Tests will be multiple choice and document based questions) The students will complete Performance Tasks the assess understanding and progress within the unit. The students will take a Post (End of the Unit Test), based on the Social Studies State test. The students complete a summative task (essay) based on one of the essential questions. Formative Assessments: 1. Class discussions 2. Class work 3. Homework Summative Task: Choice of ONE of the following essays: 1. The Stock Market Crashes of 1929 and 2008 both had monumental consequences on the economy and lives of the people of the United States. There were many similarities and differences between the two events. Write an essay in which you compare and contrast these two events from American history. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the articles and other materials used throughout the unit. 2 OR 2. A continued idea discussed throughout this unit is the correlation between the Industrial Revolution and Global Warming. While industrialization has made many advances throughout the world, there have been serious consequences for the environment. Write an essay in which you discuss advancements of industrializations and the ramifications faced by the environment. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the articles and other materials used throughout the unit. TEACHING AND LEARNING PLAN Teaching and Learning Activities: 1. Have students respond to a specific question regarding the role of industry and technology as a pre-assessment. 2. Introduce unit vocabulary and have students use vocabulary strategies to learn the words. 3. Use unit guiding questions to focus lessons 4. Demonstrate how to analyze and utilize primary sources 5. Have students work in groups to complete the authentic tasks for the unit. 6. Read articles with different points of view on a particular issue or topic. 7. Write responses to the essential questions, based on discussion and reading. 8. Administer unit test. Resources Needed: Glencoe Textbook a. www.zunal.com b. www.biography.com c. www.pbs.com 3 Week 1 WEEKLY CALENDAR (SEPT 10, 2012 – NOV 2, 2012) Guiding Questions Topics/Lessons Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) 1. How has the Define Global Pre-assessment environment changed Warming and question: What since the Industrial Industrialization role do industry Revolution? and technology Analyze graphs to 2. Is there a relationship play in your life finds trends and between “Global changes Graph analysis Warming” and industrialization? Key Vocabulary Global Warming Revolution Industrialization Standards Reading: RH6-8.1-2 Assessed: Week Guiding Questions 2 3. Why is alternative energy being debated in our society? Topics/Lessons Distinguishing fact and opinion using informational texts Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Chart distinguishing fact / opinion based on class articles Key Vocabulary Green policy Alternative Energy Standards Reading: RH 6-8.1, 2, 4, 6, 8 Assessed: 4 Week Guiding Questions 3 4. How has technology affected the industrial growth of the United States? 5. How did the invention of the railroad and the building of canals help the Industrial Revolution? Standards Reading: RH 6-8.1-2 Assessed: Writing: WHST 6-8.1-2 Week Guiding Questions 4 6. What is a Company vs. a Corporation? 7. What is the stock market? How can it affect our everyday life? Topics/Lessons Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Compare photos of DBQ test different modes of Performance transportation Task 1: Argue Discuss the level of whether the efficiency of each Industrial Revolution had a positive or negative effect on the environment Topics/Lessons Define company and corporation Explanation of how the stock market operates Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Venn diagram comparing and contrasting company vs. corporation Tracking specific stocks in the stock market Key Vocabulary Technology Canals Revolution Industries Key Vocabulary Corporation Stocks Market Companies Buying on margin Standards Reading: RH 6-8.4 Assessed: 5 Week Guiding Questions 5 8. How did an economic collapse and an environmental disaster cause the Great Depression? Topics/Lessons Causes leading to Black Tuesday Immediate reactions to stock market crash How the Dust Bowl affected and deepened the Depression Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Chart 3 causes of the crash Analyze graphs and photos of the Great Plains and explain their impact on the Depression. Key Vocabulary Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Performance Task #2: Photo Essay – Choose 5 primary sources from class that depict the difficulties of life during the Great Depression Key Vocabulary Dust Bowl Black Tuesday Standards Reading: RH6-8.1-2, RH6-8.7 Assessed: Week Guiding Questions 6 9. How did the great Depression affect the life of the Americans? Topics/Lessons How to analyze primary sources Determining reliable primary sources Hooverville Primary / secondary sources Standards Reading: RH6-8.1-2. RH6-8.7 Assessed: Writing: WHST6-8.2 6 Week Guiding Questions 7 10. How did the country recover from the depression? 11. How did the collapse of Wall Street lead to the biggest mortgage crisis in history? 12. Should the government regulate businesses? Topics/Lessons Skim and scan FDR’s New Deal programs Compare / contrast economic crisis of ’29 and ‘08 Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Venn diagram of both crashes Comprehension questions based on the New Deal Key Vocabulary Regulation Taxes Class Income Mortgage Economic crisis Standards Reading: RH 6-8.1, RH 6-8.4 Assessed: Week Guiding Questions 8 How can information gathered over a unit be organized into a final essay? Topics/Lessons Outline Organizing topics/ideas Citing evidence Assessments (diagnostic, formative, summative, interim) Summative task End of the unit test Key Vocabulary Outline Evidence Standards Writing: WHST6-8.1 Assessed: 7