RIO VILLAGE BOARD-September 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Village President James Olrick. Present were Trustees Delbert Curtis, Beth Laufenberg, Terry Milfred, Stan Stofflet, Nancy Wescott, Library Director Jenna Assmus and Mrs. Gregory were present. Agenda: MOTION Milfred/Laufenberg to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes: MOTION Curtis/Wescott to approve the minutes of the August 3 Board Meeting and the August 31 Committee meetings. Motion carried unanimously. Audience Comments/Correspondence: Trustee Milfred reported that the Community Club will be holding a dedication on September 20 from 4 -6 pm for the Rio Depot Park Shelter. Public Hearing for Parcel Split Lots 291 and 98: MOTION Curtis/Stofflet to call the Public Hearing to order to discuss and review the Certified Survey Map from Kurt Gregory, property address of 221 W Rio Street, Rio, WI to split parcels 291 and 98 horizontally to divide down the middle. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: Discussion took place regarding the parcel split. The Clerk confirmed that the Certified Survey Map and the request to split lots 291 and 98 was approved earlier this evening through the Plan Commission. Close Public Hearing for Parcel Split Lots 291 and 98: MOTION Milfred/Laufenberg to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Parcel Split Lots 291 and 98: MOTION Stofflet/Curtis to approve the Certified Survey Map from Kurt Gregory, property address of 221 W Rio Street, Rio, WI to split parcels 291 and 98 horizontally to divide down the middle. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance Report: DISCUSSION: Discussion took place regarding the recreational vehicle parking in the Village. A. Conditional use permit for Laurie Benzine at 134 W Rio Street, Parcel 69. DISCUSSION: Discussion took place regarding the conditional use permit for Laurie Benzine. MOTION Laufenberg/Milfred to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Laurie Benzine at 134 E Rio Street, Parcel 69 to be reviewed annually. Motion carried with 5 yes votes and 1 abstention (Stofflet). Public Works Report: A. Resolution 2015-4 Adopting the Columbia County All Hazards Mitigation Plan. MOTION Stofflet/Milfred to approve Resolution 2015-4 Adopting the Columbia County All Hazards Mitigation Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Police: A. Consider motion to approve Operator Licenses for Phyliss Baumgartner, Jessica M Baumgartner and Lisa A. Schreiner. DISCUSSION: Members reviewed the Operator Licenses for Phyliss Baumgartner, Jessica M Baumgartner and Lisa A. Schreiner. MOTION Milfred/Wescott to approve Operator Licenses for Phyliss Baumgartner, Jessica M Baumgartner and Lisa A. Schreiner. Motion carried unanimously. B. Liquor License and Cigarette Licenses for Rio Kwik Stop Inc: DISCUSSION: Members reviewed the request for a Class A Beer and Liquor License and a Cigarette License for Rio Kwik Stop Inc. Prior to the Village issuing the Liquor and Cigarette License for Rio Kwik Stop Strauss Mobil will be required to relinquish their license. MOTION Curtis/Stofflet to approve a Class A Beer and Liquor License and a Cigarette License for Rio Kwik Stop Inc. Prior to the Village issuing the Liquor and Cigarette License for Rio Kwik Stop Strauss Mobil will be required to relinquish their license. Motion carried unanimously. Library Report: Trustee Wescott gave the Library report. A. Columbia County Library Tax Exemption Resolution 2015-05 DISCUSSION: The Board reviewed the resolution for the Columbia County Tax exemption. This exempts the Village of Rio from paying the Columbia County Library Tax. The Village is required to contribute to the Rio Community Library a minimum amount of $8623.00 to avoid this tax. MOTION Wescott/Laufenberg to approve the Resolution 2015-05 to approve exemption from the Columbia County Library Tax. Motion carried unanimously. Finance: A. Invoices DISCUSSION: The invoices were reviewed. An addition to the Rio Shopper for the amount of $207.25 was added to the list of invoices. MOTION Milfred/Stofflet to approve the invoices with additions. Motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution 2015-6 Withdrawal from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund: DISCUSSION: Trustee Milfred reported that if the Village would like to consider leaving the Local Government Property Insurance Fund the resolution would need to be passed prior to October 1 otherwise a penalty would be charged for leaving the fund. Discussion took place regarding the cost of insurance and whether leaving the Local Government Property Insurance Fund would be in the best interest of the Village. MOTION Milfred/Curtis to approve Resolution 2015-6 Withdrawal from the Local Government Property Insurance Fund Motion carried unanimously. Part-Time Replacement Police Officer: MOTION Milfred/Stofflet to approve hiring Jared Dean as a part-time police officer with an hourly wage of $11.00. Motion carried unanimously. CCEDC: Trustee Milfred gave the CCEDC report. Tourism: Trustee Stofflet gave the Tourism report. Silent Sports Trail: Trustee Stofflet gave the Silent Sports Trail report. Fire Association: Trustee Milfred reported that they are in the process of reviewing the contract. Trustee Milfred reported that they are reviewing the requirement where a super majority vote is required and possibly changing it to a majority vote when it comes to expanding or creating a new facility. Upcoming Meetings: The Committee meeting will be held on Monday, September 28 at 6:30 pm and the Village Board meeting will be held on October 5 at 7:00 pm. MOTION Stofflet/Laufenberg to adjourn at 8:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously. Recording: Amy Stone, Clerk