RIO VILLAGE BOARD-March 4, 2013 at 7:00 pm Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Village President James Olrick. Present were Trustees Russell Sunde, Stan Stofflet, Dwight Lien, Terry Milfred and Nancy Wescott. Also present were DPW Robert Lang, Library Director Erin Foley, Chris Johnson, Bo Williams, Robert Strauss and Christopher Wolf. Minutes: MOTION Stofflet/Wescott to approve the minutes of the February 4 Board Meeting and the February 25 Committee Meetings. Motion carried unanimously. Agenda: MOTION Sunde/Milfred to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. Review Audience Correspondence: The Clerk thanked the Board for the plant that was sent on behalf of the Board for the funeral services. Library Report: Trustee Milfred gave the Library report. Mr. Milfred reported that the Library Board is requesting Sandy Kolakowski be appointed to the Library Board to complete the remaining term of Gladys Pulver. DISCUSSION: President Olrick reported that the he spoke with Mrs. Kolakowski and it is his belief that she is a qualified candidate for the position. President Olrick appointed Sandy Kolakowski to fulfill Gladys Pulver’s remaining term as a Library Board member. MOTION Milfred/Wescott to approve appointing Sandy Kolakowski to fulfill Gladys Pulver’s remaining term as a Library Board member. Motion carried unanimously. Public Works Report: Trustee Stofflet gave the Public Works report. Asbestos Removal: DISCUSSION: DPW Lang is requesting to have asbestos material removed from the Village office. This would include the removal of the asbestos thermal insulation form the active heating lines located mainly in the east portion of the basement; Remove the abandoned heating lines covered with asbestos and dispose of as asbestos. Clean up the asbestos material lying on the floor; Clean the asbestos material from the exterior and interior of the abandoned boiler. The cost is $1540.00. MOTION Stofflet/Sunde to approve hiring A & A Environmental, Inc. to remove the asbestos for a cost of $1540.00. Motion carried unanimously. Developers Agreement at 416 State Road 16: DISCUSSION: DPW Lang reported that Pat Cadigan, Columbia County Highway indicated that the State would be requiring the turning lane located at 416 State Road 16. DPW Lang requested the State to put the determination in writing. Pat will be providing the Village with information on a contact person with the State. The Developers agreement indicates prior to any TID increments being made the turning lanes must be constructed. DPW Lang will contact the State to request a determination letter. DPW Lang’s opinion is that if the State does not require a turning lane then the Village should pay the TID increments to the business. Mrs. Johnson felt that since nothing has been done in regard to the turning lane for the past few years she believes that it shouldn’t be an issue and should not hold up her ability to receive the TID increments. Members of the Board agree that no action can be taken until they receive the letter from the State. This item will be placed on the Public Works agenda for further discussion. Wisconsin Rural Water Association (WRWA) Membership: MOTION Sunde/Stofflet to approve the 2013 annual membership dues in the amount of $315.00. Motion carried unanimously. WRWA Donation: MOTION Milfred/Stofflet to approve a donation to the Wisconsin Rural Water Association in the amount of $100.00. Motion carried with 4 yes votes (Milfred, Sunde, Stofflet, Wescott) 2 no votes (Olrick, Lien). Police Report: Trustee Lien gave the Police report. Liquor and Operator License: The Board reviewed the 6-month Class B Beer license for Rio Home Town Talent and the Operator license for Steve Plenty. MOTION Lien/Wescott to approve the 6-month Class B Beer license for Rio Home Town Talent and the Operator license for Steve Plenty. Motion carried unanimously. Finance Report: Trustee Sunde gave the Finance reports. A. Invoices MOTION Sunde/Stofflet to approve the invoices with additions. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consider motion to approve Clerk attending the Municipal Treasurer Association meeting: MOTION Milfred/Wescott to approve the Clerk attending the Municipal Treasurer Association meeting on April 25-26. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consider motion to approve cost of two ads for Rabies Clinic: MOTION Lien/Stofflet to approve the cost of two ads in the Rio Shopper for the Rabies Clinic. Motion carried unanimously. D. Consider motion to approve donation of $200.00 for the Columbia County Silent Sports Trail: DISCUSSION: Trustee Stofflet reported that the Silent Sports Trail is moving forward. Lodi has made a commitment of $5000.00 for the project. They will be developing individual maps of our area. IT was discussed whether Columbia County the taxing entity should cover the costs. MOTION Milfred/Sunde to approve the donation of $200.00 for the Columbia County Silent Sports Trail. Motion carried with 4 yes votes (Milfred, Sunde, Stofflet, Wescott) 2 no votes (Olrick, Lien). CCEDC Report: Trustee Sunde gave the CCEDC report. Tourism Report: Trustee Milfred gave the Tourism Report. Rio Fire Association: President Olrick asked the Board if they had any suggestions about the Rio Fire Association contract. MOTION Wescott/Milfred to adjourn at 8:00 pm. Motion carried unanimously. Recording: Amy Stone, Clerk