A TEACHERS’ GUIDE TO SHIP FAMILIARISATION Title of Scenario Ship Familiarisation Language and level English B2 Duration (estimated) 2h Requirements Nearly all activities require some internet although printed alternatives are possible INTRODUCTION This activity package provides both sound, pictures, and written text. This means that there is an abundance of language out of which it is necessary to select the relevant information. This is very much similar to real life. The English which is spoken is not entirely correctly pronounced, which also is the way life “out there” is. However, the speakers recorded here have studied English quite long. They make mistakes in a regular fashion, since they are influenced by their native languages. Therefore it is not that hard to learn how to understand them – with some basic knowledge of the way words are pronounced in their languages. 1. BRIDGE EQUIPMENT TASK NO. 1 Type of task Type of input No. of activities Duration Contents Communicative functions Files and links to use Matching soundtracks and photographs Recordings of descriptions of technical equipment and photos 1 30 min. Recognition of maritime English pronounced by non-native speakers who are active in navigation Listening comprehension Sound files, transcriptions, and images The concrete work here is to match soundtracks to pictures, task a). When doing that a number of strategies can be employed. Task b) involves writing a list of a few items, but it is OK if a few items are left out. Under task c) one or two things is enough, since we are not going to try to be exhaustive. Task d) is clearly not an English task. But since English is the bridge to many other languages, it is a way of exploiting a hidden potential of having studied English. Some students are going to find this fascinating. Task e-f) centres around useful knowledge of Spanish pronunciation and accents. Finally task g) widens the scope to communication in general across linguistic barriers. 2. A TOUR OF THE BIRKA EXPORTER (RO-RO) TASK NO. 1 Type of task Type of input No. of activities Matching soundtracks and photographs Recordings of descriptions of technical equipment and photos 1 Duration Contents Communicative functions Files and links to use 45 min. Recognition of maritime English pronounced by non-native speakers who are active in navigation Listening comprehension Sound files, transcriptions, and images This package involved the same type of activities as in the previous one, with the difference that here the accent is Finnish-Swedish. The writing of lists of equipment and pointing it out to the classmates is hopefully going to feel useful and can therefore be done quite carefully, thus in a time-consuming way. If there are different opinions on how to interpret the spoken English and the pictures, this can be seen as a natural starting point for a qualified and relevant discussion. There are two sections and they are laid out equally. 3. EQUIPMENT ONBOARD AN LNG TANKER TASK NO. 1 Type of task Type of input No. of activities Duration Contents Communicative functions Files and links to use Matching soundtracks and photographs Recordings of descriptions of technical equipment and photos 1 45 min. Recognition of maritime English pronounced by non-native speakers who are active in navigation Listening comprehension Sound files, transcriptions, and images This activity package provides a unique opportunity to compare English and Spanish, both as to pronunciation and to grammar and spelling, since the complete transcriptions of all the soundtracks are provided. Since the texts go into great detail of what is there to be seen in the pictures, it is possible to focus quite a lot of attention at each one of the pictures. It is a good idea to have the students work in small groups, but it is quite possible to do all this as one large group as well, provided not too many of the students detach from the work done. Task b) is interesting precisely because when guessing comes in, a wider palette of strategies is accessed. A list needs to be drawn up so as to enable students to do tack c) which is creative and also concerns language correctness issues. Tasks d) and e) are examples of exploiting the hidden potential of knowledge of the English language and maritime issues. By means of both these branches of knowledge, students will be able to decode Spanish texts that are both complicated and specialised.