CHRISTIAN FORMATION CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE 2014-2015 11th GRADE – TUESDAYS – 7:00-8:30PM ***ANNUAL CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION FEE: $100*** --- FALL 2014 --July 28-30 OVERNIGHT CONFIRMATION RETREAT (Depart Monday at 9am from SJB; Return to SJB by 12pm on Wednesday) Rosaryville Retreat Center, Ponchatoula, LA **REQUIRED FOR CANDIDATES** Tuesday August 12 SESSION 1 (Parent Session: Parents required to attend at least TWO sessions for a separate “AdultFaith Experience”) Tuesday August 19 SESSION 2 Tuesday August 26 SESSION 3 Tuesday September 2 SESSION 4 Tuesday September 9 SESSION 5 Parent Session Tuesday September 16 SESSION 6 Tuesday September 23 SESSION 7 Tuesday September 30 SESSION 8 Sunday October 5: Confirmation Rite of Enrollment (11am Mass- 2:00pm) (Candidates, Parents, and Sponsors attend) Tuesday October 7 SESSION 9 Candidates schedule interview with Parishioner Tuesday October 14 SESSION 10 Parent Session Monday October 20 EDGE NIGHT: 5th-8th GRADERS (11th Graders attend and assist) Tuesday October 21 SESSION 11 Tuesday October 28 SESSION 12 Tuesday November 4 SESSION 13 Parent Session Saint Research due; Letter to Fr. Matt due; Parish Interview completed Monday December 1 EDGE NIGHT: 5th-8th GRADERS (11th Graders attend and assist) NOTE: Pending any cancellations (hurricanes, snow days, etcetera), November 11th and November 18th are makeup dates. Please put these on your calendar as well. CHRISTIAN FORMATION CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE 2014-2015 11th GRADE – TUESDAYS – 7:00-8:30PM --- SPRING 2015 --Sunday January 11 Confirmation Day of Reflection (Candidates, Parents, and Sponsors attend) Thursday, January 15 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Tuesday January 27 Small group Study Session 1 Monday February 2 EDGE NIGHT 5th-8th GRADERS (11th Graders attend and assist) Tuesday February 3 Small group Study Session 2 Monday February 9 Jr High Event Planning meeting Tuesday February 10 Small group Study Session 3 Friday February 20 Junior High Event (11th Graders plan and implement event) Tuesday February 24 Small group Study Session 4 Tuesday March 3 Small group Study Session 5 Tuesday March 10 Small group Study Session 6 Tuesday March 17 Small group Study Session 7 CHRISTIAN FORMATION CLASS SCHEDULE 2014-2015 11th GRADE – TUESDAYS – 7:00-8:30PM REQUIREMENTS Service: Jr. High Edge Nights and Jr High Event Confirmation candidates must assist at ONE Jr. High Edge Night on one of the following dates: Monday October 20 (7:00-8:15pm) Monday December 1(7:00-8:15pm) Monday February 2 (7:00-8:15pm) Confirmation candidates must in planning and implementing a Junior High Event: Monday, February 9: Planning Meeting (7:00-8:15pm) Friday, February 20: Junior High Event (7:00-9:00pm) *Any other volunteer options must be approved by the SJB Christian Formation Director* Attend ONE Parish Event in the FALL 2014: High School Youth Nights (Thursdays, 6-8pm, once a month- check for dates) Monthly Parish Pot Luck (Thursdays, 6:30pm, once a month- check website for dates) Any Diocesan or National Youth Ministry Event (For example: Real World, Mp3 Events; World Youth Day; check website for dates) Attend ONE Parish Event in the SPRING 2015: High School Youth Nights (Thursdays, 6-8pm, once a month- check for dates) Monthly Parish Pot Luck (Thursdays, 6:30pm, once a month- check website for dates) Parish Mission (Check website for dates) Any Diocesan or National Youth Ministry Event (For example: March for Life; Abbey Youth Festival; Mp3 Events; check website for dates) Family Enrichment Hours: Youth and a parent/guardian must accumulate 10 hours together Attend ANY Parish Event listed above together (length of event determines hours accrued) Attend ANY 11th grade service activity together (Jr High Edge nights, Jr High Event) Attend Parent/Youth Confirmation Sessions (1.5 hours/session; can earn 6 hours for attending all 4) Attend Parish Mission together (2 hours/night) Volunteer together at Feast on the Levee (length of service determines hours accrued) Volunteer together at Vacation Bible School (length of service determines hours accrued) *Any other Family Enrichment options must be approved by the SJB Christian Formation Director* **Please note: Family Enrichment hours overlap. For example, if a parent serves with their child at the annual Feast on the levee, this covers both Service AND Family Enrichment Hours. OR if a parent attends Abbey Youth Festival with their child it counts for as a Parish Event AND Family Enrichment hours)