After School Clubs Sept 15 - University Primary Academy Weaverham

Northwich Road
Tel: 01606 852148
7 September 2015
Dear Parents/Carers
KS2 After-School Clubs
A number of our after school clubs will be starting again this week. Should your child be interested in attending these clubs
please complete the reply slip below and return to school by Wednesday 9th September enclosing payment if applicable.
Guitar – Thursday 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Mike Goodwin will be joining us again this term and lessons will commence on Thursday 10th September. School is funding
this club on behalf of the children.
Rok Tennis – Thursday 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Your child can join these sessions from this Thursday 10th September and they will run up until half term. No equipment or
prior experience is necessary; the children will just need their PE kit and trainers/pumps. The school will be helping to fund
these sessions, but there will be a small charge of £2 per session, £14 in total. If your child is interested, please complete
the form below and return it to school along with full payment of £14 in a named envelope marked TENNIS.
Netball Club – Tuesdays starting 15th September
Year 5 and 6 children will have received a separate flyer regarding Mrs Mahon’s and Mrs Wilks’ netball club. Please return
the reply slip attached to that flyer should your child wish to attend.
Kind regards
Mr P Smith
KS2 After-School Clubs
Guitar Club
I would like my child _____________________________________ to attend guitar club.
Rok Tennis
I would like my child _____________________________________ to attend tennis club and enclose payment of £14.00.
I will collect my child at 4.15pm
My child will make their own way home
My child will go to after school club
My emergency contact number is :- __________________________________________
Signed: _________________________________________ (Parent/Carer)
(University Primary Academy Weaverham sponsored by the University of
Chester is the trading name of the University of Chester Academies Trust
incorporated with the company number 06929486, which is an exempt charity.
Registered office: Gateway House , 82 Northgate Street, Chester CH1 2HT)