Global Certificate Memo

University Curriculum Committee
From: Kate Bruce, Honors Scholars Program, & Denise DiPuccio, Office of
International Programs
Date: September 2009
Honors Global Citizen Certificate Proposal
On behalf of the International Programs Advisory Committee, the Honors Faculty
Advisory Council, and the Honors Student Advisory Council, we propose a new
recognition to acknowledge honors students who have made global studies an integrated
and capstone experience in their academic curriculum. This proposal underscores and
promotes the spirit of UNCW Strategic Goal IV: Create an educational environment that
prepares our students to be global citizens.
We propose the addition of catalog copy on page 106 of the current catalog, after
“Departmental Honors” and before “Co-curricular Activities”.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honors Global Citizen Certificate
The Honors Global Citizen Certificate is an option for students completing
University Honors that encourages students to make global discoveries on campus and
abroad. Upon completion of the requirements and attainment of a degree with honors,
the notation for the certificate will be posted on the student's academic transcript. To
qualify for this distinction, students must:
Complete all requirements for University Honors, including maintaining the
required honors GPA on all college work attempted in the United States or
Develop and complete an honors project (499) that has shows active engagement
with global issues, such as an increased awareness of international issues,
understanding of global interdependence, or demonstration of global citizenship.
Proposals must be reviewed by the Office of International Programs and Honors
Scholars Program.
Earn at least 6 student credit hours in a UNCW-approved education abroad
Complete at least the 202 level, or equivalent, of a foreign language with a C or
better grade.
Complete at least one HON 120 enrichment seminar with global content. These
classes may be selected from an approved list maintained on Honors website.
Complete nine additional hours of 3-credit hour courses with global content with
a C or better in each. These classes may be selected from an approved list
maintained on Honors website. At least two disciplinary areas must be
Additional information for the UCC:
We see the partnership between Honors and OIP as very strong and quite unique.
Further, we hope Honors will serve as a laboratory for developing programs and
strategies that encourage more global learning among our UNCW students. In addition
to this proposed certificate recognition, the Honors Scholars Program and the Office of
International Programs work together on other ventures to promote global learning.
Examples include:
1. International Students who are earning their degrees at UNCW may be invited
to join the 4-year Honors Scholars Program if their GPA meets honors
2. International Students who are here for one semester or year may enroll in an
honors section of basic studies or honors seminar with the recommendation of
the academic advisor in OIP and the honors director. The joint participation of
international and domestic students in small honors seminars ensures the
exchange of multicultural perspectives that enrich lives and stimulate
3. International Students are invited on the annual Honors Lyceum trip to
Washington, DC, over fall break. International Students have accompanied
the honors students on this trip since 2006.
4. Since 1997, Honors and OIP have offered a spring semester at University of
Wales in Swansea, with a faculty director from UNCW. Honors students
from across the country are invited to participate in this semester.
5. Honors and OIP work jointly to offer Honors International Splashes- short
immersion trips as capstones for Honors Enrichment Seminars (HON 120)
every spring.
6. As possible, Honors offers Honors Study Abroad Scholarships on a
competitive basis to Honors Scholars doing study abroad for one semester or
7. Honors overflow housing extends to the male pod in International House,
encouraging additional interaction among international and domestic students
in residence life programming.
8. OIP developed an HON 120 Honors Enrichment Seminar- Becoming a Global
Citizen- and offered it for the first time in Spring 2009. This will be offered
every spring semester to the honors students.
9. Currently many of the Honors students are serving as International Student
Mentors for Fall 2009.
10. Honors urges all incoming honors students to obtain a passport.