Lab Report -

140 –
Notebook –
Anatomy &
Laura Ambrose
Luther College © 2012
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Human Anatomy and Physiology ................................................................................................................ 79
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 79
Learning Goals..................................................................................................................................... 79
Learning Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 79
Checklist of topics covered and in-lab activities to complete ............................................................ 80
Background ............................................................................................................................................. 80
The structure of the human body ....................................................................................................... 80
The Digestive System .......................................................................................................................... 80
The digestive system as a pathway for pathogens ............................................................................. 81
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems ..................................................................................... 82
Homeostasis ........................................................................................................................................ 83
The Scientific Method ......................................................................................................................... 83
Readings .................................................................................................................................................. 85
Pre-lab Questions.................................................................................................................................... 85
Lab activities and worksheets ................................................................................................................. 86
Case Study: Food contamination ........................................................................................................ 86
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Response to changes in activity level .............................................. 96
Lab assessments.................................................................................................................................... 110
In lab.................................................................................................................................................. 111
Homework......................................................................................................................................... 111
Study guide ....................................................................................................................................... 111
Resources ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
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Human Anatomy and Physiology
The human body is made up of trillions of cells, and, like other multicellular organisms, the cells are
specialized and organized to function together for the survival of the whole organism. Anatomy is the
study of the structure of the human body and physiology is the study of the function of the human body.
Learning Goals
 To understand the anatomy of the digestive system and the roles of the organs of the digestive
system in food digestion
 To understand how a pathogen enters the body through the digestive system
 To begin to understand the scientific process, as it is used for scientific inquiry
 To understand the anatomy of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system and how
these systems operate during periods of physical activity
Learning Objectives
1. After an introduction to the digestive system and exploration of a human body model, the
student will know the major organs of the digestive system and how the organs function
together for food digestion.
2. After working through a case study, the student will understand how food-borne infections can
be acquired and how the digestive system can be a route into the body for a pathogen.
3. After a discussion, background reading, and conducting an experiment, the student will begin to
understand how the scientific process is used in scientific inquiry, including collecting data and
writing a lab report.
4. After a discussion and exploration of human body models, the student will know the organs of
the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
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5. After an experiment and discussion, the student will understand how the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems react to increased activity and how they recover after activity ends.
Checklist of topics covered and in-lab activities to complete
Note: This lab is long. It is in your best interest to try to label diagrams and answer questions before
you get to lab. Carefully read through the case study and make jot notes to answer the question.
Label the digestive system diagram using the list of organs and structures in the lab manual
Look at the human body models for digestive system organs and structures
Do the “Potluck” activity, including whole lab discussion (20 min)
Read through and work on the case study with your group; whole lab discussion (45 min)
Label the cardiovascular system diagram using the list of organs and structures in the lab
Look at the human body models for cardiovascular system organs and structures
Label the respiratory system diagram using the list of organs and structures in the lab manual
Look at the human body models for respiratory system organs and structures
Do the cardiovascular and respiratory activity with your group, answer questions in your group;
whole lab discussion (45 min)
Stephanie was hungry, as in Hungry with a capital H! The team workout had been long and hard. First
the coach made them run 10 km at a 4 minute/km pace and then, without even time for cool down,
with their hearts pounding and breath coming in gasps, they hit the water for 10 repeats of 400 meter
Individual Medley, just as warm-up! And he seemed to be watching Stephanie closely and finding so
many things to correct! To top it all off, her biology professor was droning on and on about something.
Wait; did her prof just say something about the final exam? Hmmm, that was probably important. But,
man, this gnawing hunger won’t stop interfering!
The structure of the human body
The human body is made up of trillions of cells that function for the survival of the individual. In a
multicellular organism, such as a human, cells are specialized for different functions and organized into
tissues, organs, and organ-systems. Tissues are collections of the same cells. Organs are collections of
tissues. Organ-systems form when organs function together. Each organ-system carries out a function
that is vital to the survival of the individual. The study of the structure of the organ-systems of the body
is called anatomy. The study of the function of the organ-systems is called physiology.
The Digestive System
The digestive system is something that we are very familiar with, even if we don’t know exactly what
each part of the system does. The digestive system releases nutrients and energy from our food in order
that our cells can function. The digestive system also removes waste from the body. One interesting
aspect of the digestive system is that, aside from nutritional and energetic needs, the digestive system
functions as part of our emotional health. We often engage our digestive system for pleasure as we
consume foods beyond our physiological requirements simply because they make us feel good. Warm
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bread, chocolate chip cookies, warm milk, and ice cream are all examples of food that nourish our
bodies and nourish our feelings!
The digestive system of humans is a tube that has an entry and an exit. While that sounds simple, the
system is really very complex with specialization of tissues and organs all the way from the opening to
the exit. The digestive system is complex as humans eat a variety of foods, including meat, vegetables,
fruits, and fungi! The digestive system must be able to extract nutrients and energy from all of these
food types. Contrast our complex diet to that of a cheetah that only eats flesh, or a cow that only eats
grass, or a leech that lets its host do the digesting.
The opening of the digestive system, the oral cavity, is specialized for taking in food, breaking it up,
mixing it into a liquid-like mass, and starting digestion of starch. That is a lot of activity that goes on in
your mouth! This semi-liquid mass enters the stomach where it is mixed and churned more. The acidic
environment of the stomach activates the enzyme that digests protein to begin the process of protein
digestion. The acidic environment also provides a level of defence against any microbes that made it
into the body with the food. Very little absorption occurs in the stomach, but alcohol is absorbed across
the stomach cells into the blood. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach means a person feels the effects
of the alcohol more quickly and severely than drinking alcohol on a full stomach.
The stomach passes this acidic liquid mass to the small intestines, where all food groups are digested
and the products of the digestive processes are absorbed across the intestinal wall into the blood.
Anything that is not, or cannot, be digested and absorbed passes into the large intestines. The digestive
process requires a lot of water, which is supplied by the saliva, the acid, and other digestive juices, and
some of that water is resorbed in the large intestines. Communities of bacteria reside in the large
intestines and use our waste products to grow. As the bacteria grow they produce vitamins that we can
absorb through the intestinal wall. At the very end of the large intestines, in the rectum, anything that is
leftover is compacted into feces and eliminated from the body.
Several accessory glands and organs aid in the digestive process.
1. Salivary glands – produce saliva to mix up the food into a liquid and the enzyme amylase to
breakdown starch into glucose.
2. Digestive glands in the stomach – produce acid and pepsin to begin the digestion of protein.
The stomach lining produces mucous to protect the cells of the stomach lining from the acid.
3. Pancreas – produces enzymes to breakdown all of the food groups and sodium bicarbonate to
neutralize the acidic contents from the stomach.
4. Liver – produces bile that is used in the breakdown of fats. The bile salts mix with fat globs to
make smaller fat globules that can be attacked by enzymes and broken down.
5. Gall Bladder – receives bile from the liver and concentrates it for secretion into the small
The digestive system as a pathway for pathogens
The digestive system is open directly to the environment, through the oral cavity. The digestive system is
also very closely linked to the cardiovascular system, which, in turn, is closely linked to every cell in the
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body. Any pathogens that make it into the digestive system and all the way to the intestines can start to
grow and cause problems. The microbes can destroy intestinal cells or produce toxins that get absorbed
into the body and cause symptoms outside of the digestive system.
The Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart and networks of vessels. Blood, a connective tissue, is
transported through the vessels and the heart. The blood is transported away from the heart in
arteries, moves through thin-walled capillaries, where the exchange of water, nutrients, gases and
waste products between the blood and the cells takes place, and is returned to the heart in the veins.
The respiratory system consists of two lungs (left and right) and various structures that bring air into the
body. Air enters the body through the nasal cavity and/or the oral cavity. In the nasal cavity, the air is
cleaned by mucous and nasal hairs, and moistened and warmed by the membranes of the nose. In the
oral cavity, the air is moistened and warmed by the membranes of the mouth. In the throat, at the
junction between the esophagus (leading to the stomach) and the trachea (leading to the lungs), the
epiglottis opens to allow air into the trachea and closes to direct food into the esophagus. The trachea is
structurally supported with rings of cartilage and lined with cilia that move in an upward motion to keep
particles out of the lungs. The trachea leads into the bronchi (bronchus, sing.), which are tubes that
branch out into each lung. The bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes until they become
bronchioles, the smallest tubes that lead into the alveoli (alveolus, sing.) of the lungs. Gas exchange
occurs across the membranes of the alveoli, with oxygen diffusing out of the alveoli into the blood and
carbon dioxide diffusing out of the blood and into the alveoli. The blood then moves through the vessels
delivering the oxygen to all of the body cells.
Food that is ingested by animals is digested, and the products of digestion, the nutrients, are distributed
throughout the body in the blood. As the blood passes through the capillaries nutrients diffuse out of
the blood and are picked up by the cells. The nutrients are used in chemical reactions in the cells. The
chemical reactions produce waste by-products, which are often harmful to the cell, and that waste
diffuses out of the cells and into the blood to be removed by the urinary system. Therefore, the
cardiovascular system delivers the nutrients to the cells and takes the wastes away from the cells.
One important chemical reaction that occurs in the cells is cellular respiration, which uses oxygen and
nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is the chemical fuel that cells use in chemical
reactions involving energy. Cellular respiration is a process whereby the energy stored in the bonds of
nutrients, such as glucose, is transferred into the bonds of ATP. The reason this process occurs is
because cells cannot directly access the energy in the nutrients, but they can access the energy stored in
The basic reaction for cellular respiration shows that oxygen and glucose are used to produce ATP and
carbon dioxide.
Oxygen + glucose  ATP + carbon dioxide
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Oxygen comes from the respiratory system
Glucose comes from the digestive system
Carbon dioxide is removed by the respiratory system
ATP is used by the cells, broken down and rebuilt
Our cells produce as much ATP as we need for the activities that we are doing. As the demand for ATP
increases, the demand for the inputs also increases. This means that our cardiovascular and respiratory
systems have to respond by delivering more oxygen and glucose to the cells that need more ATP. We
recognize when our cardiovascular system is called upon to deliver more oxygen and glucose to our cells
as an increase in heart rate, and we recognize when our respiratory system is called up on to bring in
more oxygen and expel more carbon dioxide as an increase in respiratory rate.
The human body operates most efficiently when the environment of the body, and body cells, is
maintained within a narrow set of operating parameters. Sometimes we notice when the state of the
body changes and sometimes we don’t. An example of when we notice a change is when we have a
fever due to infection. When we have a fever, the temperature of the body increases to the point that
we become aware of it, and our body initiates a response to try to reduce the temperature. An example
of when we don’t notice a change is when we have high blood glucose levels due to eating a big meal
with a lot of carbohydrates. Our body is constantly measuring the glucose levels in the blood and when
they increase, a mechanism that reduces blood glucose levels by removing it from the blood is initiated.
Homeostasis is the idea that the state of the systems in the body operate best within narrow operating
limits and homeostatic mechanisms operate to keep the state of the body within those limits. All body
systems have homeostatic mechanisms that operate independently and together to ensure the body
remains in homeostasis.
The Scientific Method
The things we know about the human body have been discovered by people who have used the
scientific method as a process of learning. This process involves a series of linked, logical, and
reproducible steps that guide a researcher through from the initial question to the conclusion. There are
a few variations on how the scientific method is described, but they all follow the same basic outline.
The first step is to observe something and, using background knowledge, to ask a question about the
observation. The second step is to make an initial explanation for the observation, again, based on
previous knowledge. The third step is to figure out some way to determine if your initial explanation is
the right explanation for the observation. This step involves designing experiments or studies that test
your initial explanation. The fourth step is to determine if your initial explanation is correct. If it is, then
another piece of knowledge has been added to the body of scientific knowledge we have to explain our
world. At this point it seems like the process could stop, but in reality, each time an observation is
explained, more questions arise. If your experiment or study did not support your initial explanation,
then you are able to revisit your observation and create a new question to try to explain it.
The process of the scientific method can be broken down and organized into steps.
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Observation and/or question: what have you noticed or what do you want to know?
Hypothesis: your initial explanation
Experiment or study: what you are going to do try to determine if your hypothesis is correct
Results: what did you find out?
Conclusion: what do your results mean? Do they support your hypothesis?
What question arises from this work?
Researchers use this method to ensure the results of the experiments and studies they conduct are
answering their initial question. Researchers spend a lot of time figuring out their question, hypothesis
and designing their experiments and studies to try to control all of the variables that might contribute to
the results. When the scientific method is rigorously applied the researchers can say with certainty that
their findings answer their question and explain the initial observation.
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In order to be able to complete your lab on time and get the most out of it, complete these readings and
view the videos or animations before your lab period.
Some of these readings will be useful when you complete your homework for this lab.
Chapter 5 (Heart and Vessels), 6 (Blood), 8 (Digestive), 9 (Respiratory)
The Visible Heart:
Mayo Clinic Circulatory:
Circulatory System Image:
Respiratory System Image:
Pre-lab Questions
1. What are the food groups? Check out the Canada Food Guide:
2. Why do we need a balanced diet?
3. Are there other food guides? Which one would you choose to follow?
4. Can you think of any of the parts of the digestive system that can be removed without causing
too much of a problem for the digestive process?
5. What do we do every day that causes our body to not be in homeostasis?
6. Next time you are in class, take a look around to see how many of your classmates are
consuming energy drinks. What do you know about energy drinks? What do you know about the
effect of energy drinks on the body? Check out:
7. How do inhalers help people with chronic respiratory issues? Why do doctors sometimes
prescribe an inhaler for people who have an acute infection such as a cold?
8. If you read a study that did not follow the basic steps of the scientific method, what would you
think about the results that were reported?
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Lab activities and worksheets
Read through this section before you get to the lab you are aware of what you will be doing during the
lab period.
Case Study: Food contamination
The digestive system is long and many different organs and glands are involved in the process of
Oral cavity – entrance to the digestive system, site of starch digestion
Teeth – physical digestion of food
Salivary gland – secretion of saliva and amylase
Epiglottis – flap of tissue that closes over the trachea to direct food into the esophagus
Esophagus – the tube that connects the oral cavity and the stomach
Stomach – storage organ, beginning of protein digestion, acid environment to activate protein enzyme
and destroy pathogens in the food
Liver – accessory organ that produces bile for fat digestion
Gall Bladder – accessory organ that concentrates bile for fat digestion
Pancreas – accessory organ that produces sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach contents, produces
and secretes enzymes for all food groups
Small Intestines – the site of digestion of all food groups, absorption of all nutrients
Large Intestines – the site of absorption of water, vitamins, habitat for bacteria
Rectum – formation and storage of feces
Anus – opening that eliminates feces
Note: There are more numbers in the diagram than there are structures to label.
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Take a look at the human body models and find the parts of the digestive system.
This activity is a TA Checkpoint. Have your digestive system diagram checked and initialled by a lab
Teaching Assistant.
Approximately 11 million cases of foodborne illness occur every year in Canada. These illnesses often
occur because pathogenic organisms contaminate the food we eat, either at the source of the food,
during processing, or during preparation and serving. In most cases of foodborne illness, a food
inspector must investigate the cause of the illness and try to figure out the source of the pathogen.
Some pathogens can survive in our body for a month before they cause any symptoms, which makes
tracing the pathogen to its source very challenging.
The goal of this activity is to provide some insight into how contaminated food can contribute to illness.
There are two parts to this activity, the lab “potluck” and the case study worksheets.
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The “Potluck”
In this activity you are going to simulate attending a potluck meal. We are not going to use real food or
real pathogens in this activity. Instead, each group will have a container of clear liquid that represents
the dish they have brought to the potluck meal, and each student will take a serving from four different
dishes. One of the dishes will contain a chemical and the other dishes will contain water. When all of the
students have been served, their servings will be tested to see if they have picked up the pathogen. The
pathogen will be represented by a chemical that can easily be tested with pH paper.
In the previous lab, your group should have signed up to bring a dish, from the list of food, and you
should have determined who was going to bring a picture of that dish.
1. Clear a space on the lab bench to put your picture and set out your dish.
2. Move around the room with your container and take a serving from four different dishes. Make
note of each dish you take a serving from.
Dishes you tasted
3. Return to your seat and use the pH test strip to determine if your dish has been contaminated. If
your pH paper indicates you have an acidic solution, you have been contaminated!
This activity is a TA Checkpoint. Have your pH paper checked and your notebook initialled by a lab
Teaching Assistant.
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Before you go on to the case study, enter your results on the class table. Check off the foods you tasted
and the results of your contamination test (the pH test results). After everyone has added their
individual data, try to determine which dish was contaminated.
What dish do you think was contaminated? Why do you think this dish is the culprit? You can discuss
this with your group before your TA leads a lab discussion.
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The Case Study – Microbial Pie, or What Did You Feed the Neighbors?
by Theresa Hornstein, Biology Department, Lake Superior College
"Copyright held by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, University at Buffalo, State University of New
York, all rights reserved. Used with permission." This case study has been adapted for this lab.
Part I – Emergency Room
Frank Spring knew this was not going to be a good morning as he looked out into the packed ER waiting
room. Scattered among the usual collection of cuts, broken bones, and respiratory problems were over
a dozen people clustered around the restrooms. Despite their pale appearance and frantic dashes into
the restrooms, they were all talking with each other—not usual behavior for a group of strangers in the
ER. Several others held young children.
“Morning, Sam. What have we got?” Frank asked.
Sam looked up from the pile of charts. “The usuals, but then one strange bunch,” he replied. “Those
folks have been drifting in over the last hour or so. Symptoms are abdominal pain, vomiting, and bloody
diarrhea. Most of the adults are just a bit uncomfortable. The kids have it the worst. Four little ones
came in around midnight with the same symptoms—only worse. Two are in Peds. The other two are on
dialysis already.”
Frank’s eyebrows rose. “Put in a call…”
Sam cut him off. “Called the county after number three came in last night. The epidemiologist will be
here inside of an hour. We’ve already taken stool samples. They’re in the lab now. ” He handed Frank
three charts. “These belong to the kids over there with the woman in the red jacket, Cara Hom. They
just came in, but the youngest looks bad, lots of bruises as well as the other symptoms.”
Frank took the charts and walked over to her. “Mrs. Hom, will you come this way, please.” Cara Hom
tried to pick up the collection of children’s coats scattered on the floor around her.
“Go on, Cara, get the kids looked at,” said a woman from across the room. “We’ll watch your stuff.”
“Thanks,” Cara replied, lifting the whimpering toddler into her arms. She followed Frank down the hall.
Frank took advantage of the opening: “You folks all seem to know each other,” he said.
Cara looked puzzled. “You know, that’s odd. I think we have half the neighborhood here. We all thought
the kids had just brought the flu home from school, but it’s a lot more than that, isn’t it?” she asked, half
not wanting an answer.
“Let’s take a look at the kids and find out,” he said as he led them behind curtain three. “Don’t jump to
Two hours and many patients later, Frank, Sam, and Ami von Hoffer, the epidemiologist, sat together
poring over the information they had gathered. Ami pulled out a marker and started charting on the
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“Okay, we have 28 patients admitted, all under age 10. Their parents and any older siblings have some
intestinal distress, but mild compared to the admissions. What else do we know?” She looked over at
the two men as they scanned the charts.
“The children are all showing symptoms of some kind of hemolytic anemia. There are bruises and small
hemorrhages visible in the mucosal lining of the mouth. RBC, hemoglobin, and platelet counts are all
way down. ” Sam just shook his head. “Poor kids. Looks like the intestinal lining is being attacked by
something. Food poisoning?”
“The youngest are beginning to show signs of kidney failure. Is that typical?” asked Frank.
“Have the lab cultures turned up anything yet?” Ami asked just as a tech pushed open a door, a sheath
of papers clutched in her hand.
“Here are the prelims,” she said. “No major parasites, a few pinworms, but that’s not unusual. Did find
positives for 026:H11. Looks like you have an enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Same strain as the beef
outbreak up north last month. Have fun.”
“Great, food poisoning. Now I have to track down the source.” Ami pulled out the laptop and opened a
file. “Looks like a long day. Can you start sending in the parents who are out there?”
Questions – Answer the following questions based on what you know, what your group members know
or what Google has to tell you. Make jot notes to use during the lab discussion.
1. What is the most common source of contamination with E. coli?
2. At this point, can you make some preliminary guesses as to the source of the infection?
3. What information should Ami gather from the victims and their families?
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4. Why do children seem to be the most ill?
5. How does this bacterium damage its victims?
Part II – Clean Kitchen?
Two days later, Ami knocked on the door of a neat house in the neighborhood of the sick children. The
one thing all the victims had in common was strawberry pie. Miss Emma Braithwaite, well into her
eighties, had promised the neighborhood children fresh strawberry pie in exchange for them picking
berries from her backyard. Miss Emma’s pies were well loved by everyone. So, the children had picked
berries, and Miss Emma had made over a dozen pies to share. Unfortunately, a pinch of E. coli seems to
have been added to the usual ingredients.
The door was opened by a small woman with snowy hair and snapping eyes. “May I help you, miss?” she
“Yes, ma’am. I am looking for Miss Braithwaite. I am Dr. Ami von Hoffer. I’m with the county.”
“Come in, come in. I heard you’ve been talking with the neighbors about the sick children. Have you
found out the problem?” Miss Emma held the door open.
Ami entered the spotless house. This was the part of her job she really disliked. “That’s what I’ve come
to talk to you about. We’ve tracked the illness to a bacterium that produces a nasty toxin. It causes a
type of food poisoning.”
“I don’t know anything about food poisoning,” Miss Emma remarked as she offered Ami a chair. “Only
food. I used to be a cook. May I offer you a bite to eat? I was just about to have some pie.”
Ami schooled her features. “You haven’t eaten any of the pie yet, have you?” she asked.
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“Child, I can hear it in your voice. What are you not telling me?” Miss Emma sat rigidly down in a
straight- backed chair near the window.
“Ma’am, we think the bacteria came from the strawberry pies you made. It is the only thing everyone
ate. Please tell me you haven’t eaten any. If you still have some, I need to sample it.”
Miss Emma sat even straighter. “I keep a clean kitchen. Different knives between raw meat and fresh
produce. Wipe down the cutting board between foods. I pay attention, so don’t you try to tell me I
poisoned someone.”
“Ma’am, we didn’t say you poisoned anyone, but we are concerned the berries may have been
contaminated. Please, you haven’t eaten any, have you? No offense, but at your age food poisoning
could be very serious.”
“Bah, I keep a clean kitchen. I washed all the berries well.” Miss Emma got slowly up from her chair.
“Come see my kitchen.”
“There was an outbreak of this same strain up north last month. It came from hamburger. Have you had
any hamburger lately?” Ami followed her into the kitchen. Like the rest of the house, it was spotless and
smelled faintly of some cleaner. The aroma brought back memories of her grandmother’s house.
Miss Emma stopped short. “I had some hamburger that thawed in the refrigerator. It leaked all over. I
threw it out because I didn’t trust it. Made a right mess in the kitchen. Scrubbed it all down before I
made the pies. Same cleaner I’ve been using for years. No one ever got sick before. Go right ahead and
run your little swabs along the counter. Right there is where I made the pies.”
Questions – Answer the following questions based on what you know and what your group members
know. Make jot notes to use during the lab discussion
1. Based on this additional information, how do you think the pies became contaminated?
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2. What would you expect from the cultures (the microbes that grow from the samples that were
collected from swabbing different surfaces) of the counter?
3. What other objects would you culture in the kitchen? Why?
4. What would you expect to find from the kitchen samples?
5. Miss Emma cleans well. How is it that some E. coli survived (think about antibiotics and the
problem with using them too often)?
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6. What could be changed to prevent this from happening again?
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Cardiovascular and Respiratory Response to changes in activity level
The cardiovascular system is connected to every cell in the human body through its network of vessels.
Note: not every letter in the diagram will be labelled.
Heart – the pump of the cardiovascular system, contracts to move the blood throughout the body
Right atrium – receives the blood from the vena cavae returning blood to the heart from the body
Right ventricle – pumps deoxygenated blood to the pulmonary artery to go the lungs to be oxygenated
Left atrium – receives blood from the pulmonary vein returning blood to the heart from the lungs
Left ventricle – pumps oxygenated blood to the aorta to go to the body
Superior and inferior vena cavae – returns blood to the heart from the head/arms and body
Pulmonary artery – carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
Pulmonary vein – carries oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs
Aorta – carries oxygenated blood to the body
Arterioles – smallest veins leading into the capillary bed
Capillary bed – smallest, thinnest vessels where diffusion with cells takes place
Venules – smallest vessels leading from the capillary bed to the heart
Hepatic Portal Vein – vessel carrying blood from the digestive system to the liver
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Take a look at the human body models and find the parts of the cardiovascular system.
This activity is a TA Checkpoint. Have your cardiovascular system diagram checked and initialled by
a lab Teaching Assistant.
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The Respiratory System brings clean, oxygenated air into the body for distribution to the cells. The
Respiratory System also removes the carbon dioxide produced by the cells. It is connected to the cells
through the cardiovascular system. Note: not all of the letters in the diagram will be labelled.
Nasal Cavity – air intake, air is warmed, filtered, and moistened
Epiglottis – the flap of tissue that closes the trachea when there is food in the oral cavity
Trachea – cartilage-ringed tube that delivers air to the bronchi
Bronchus – cartilage-ringed tubes that deliver air to the lungs
Bronchioles – cartilage-ringed tubes that deliver air to the alveoli
Lungs – the organs of gas exchange
Alveoli – thin walled chambers where gas exchange occurs by diffusion
Take a look at the human body models and find the parts of the respiratory system.
This activity is a TA Checkpoint. Have your respiratory system diagram checked and initialled by a
lab Teaching Assistant.
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Before you begin this activity, please read the following information and respond to the questions. If you
answer yes to any of these questions, do not volunteer to be the runner.
1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do
physical activity recommended by a doctor?
2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your
physical activity?
6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood
pressure or heart condition?
7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
In order to make sure everyone is collecting data in the same manner, please use the following
procedures for measuring heart rate and respiratory rate.
How to determine your heart and respiratory rates:
(Adapted from:
Radial pulse
Using your index and middle fingers, apply gentle pressure at the radial (wrist) artery, located just below
the base of the thumb.
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Carotid pulse
Place the index and middle fingers of your right hand on your Adam’s apple. Slide your fingers to the
right approximately one inch and you should feel a pulse when applying gentle pressure with the tips of
your fingers.
Note: Do not apply too much pressure on the carotid artery as this may cause a “reflex” which could
slow the heart rate.
To obtain your heart rate, count the number of beats during a ten-second period and then multiply by
six for a one minute count.
To obtain your respiratory rate, have someone else count the number of breaths you take during the
same ten-second period you are monitoring your heart rate and then multiply by six for a one minute
Example: 24 beats or breaths in 10 seconds (x6) equals 144 beats/minute.
This is a group activity with the following roles:
The Exerciser – a person willing to walk up and down (and up and down!) the stairs and count
heart beats!
The Timer – the person with the watch!
The Recorder – the person with the neat writing!
The Breath Counter – the person with careful observation skills!
You can combine some of these roles, such as the Breath Counter and the Recorder, if you only have 3
people. It is important that each person maintain the role they start with. If you need to change roles,
you will need to start the activity over from the beginning.
The activity will consist of walking up and down the stairs for a specific amount of time and measuring
heart rate and respiratory rate. You will record your results in a table and then look for patterns and
trends. You will then try to explain what you measure. Each person should have the full data set after
the activity is complete. Take time to copy from the recorder.
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Observation: When I run up the stairs to lab I get out of breath and my heart seems to race. When I get
to lab and sit down for a minute or two, my breathing returns to normal and my heart slows down.
1. Choose roles. Write names in here.
a. The Exerciser:
b. The Timer:
c. The Recorder:
d. The Breath Counter:
2. Get set up in a stair well. There are two stairwells in the lab building. The Exerciser can walk all
the way down to the bottom and back up or just up and down one set of stairs. There will be
several groups working at once, therefore it might be better to move down a floor and use only
one set of stairs. Watch for non-Biology 140 people and don’t block their access to their
3. Practice measuring heart rate and respiratory rate.
4. Trial 1
a. Measure the official resting heart rate and respiratory rate.
b. Record the resting heart rate and resting respiratory rate in the table for Trial 1. Record
in beats or breaths per minute.
c. The Exerciser walks up and down the stairs at a moderate pace for 2 minutes.
d. The Timer times for 2 minutes.
e. At the end of 2 minutes, measure heart rate and respiratory rate.
f. Record the heart rate and respiratory rate in the table for Trial 1.
g. Monitor the heart rate and respiratory rate every 30 seconds until they return to the
resting rates. They may not be exactly what the resting rates were, but they should be
very close. Record how long it takes for the heart rate to return to resting rates.
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5. Trial 2
a. The Exerciser walks up and down the stairs at a moderate pace for 2 minutes, as in Trial
b. The Timer times for 2 minutes.
c. At the end of 2 minutes, measure heart rate and respiratory rate.
d. Record the heart rate and respiratory rate in the table for Trial 2. Record in beats or
breaths per minute.
e. Monitor the heart rate and respiratory rate every 30 seconds until they return to the
resting rates. They may not be exactly what the resting rates were, but they should be
very close. Record how long it takes for the heart rate to return to resting rates.
6. Trial 3
a. The Exerciser walks up and down the stairs at a moderate pace for 2 minutes, as in Trial
b. The Timer times for 2 minutes.
c. At the end of 2 minutes, measure heart rate and respiratory rate.
d. Record the heart rate and respiratory rate in the table for Trial 3. Record in beats or
breaths per minute.
e. Monitor the heart rate and respiratory rate every 30 seconds until they return to the
resting rates. They may not be exactly what the resting rates were, but they should be
very close. Record how long it takes for the heart rate to return to resting rates.
Heart Rate
After Exercise
Heart Rate
Recovery Time
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
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1. Did the heart rate and respiratory rate increase after the Exerciser walked up and down the
stairs? By how much? Was this expected?
2. Calculate the percent increase in heart rate and respiratory rate for each trial. To calculate the
percent increase, divide the difference between resting and after exercise by the resting rate.
a. After – resting = difference
b. (Difference divided by resting) * 100 = % increase
Heart Rate
After Stairs
% Increase
After Stairs
% Increase
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Respiratory Rate
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
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3. Did the percent increase change over the three trials? Describe the change. For example, did the
percent increase get smaller or bigger over the three trials? Remember that the percent
increase represents how much higher the heart and respiratory rates were after the exercise.
4. Explain any changes you saw or did not see.
5. Did the recovery time change from trial to trial? Describe the change.
6. Explain any changes you saw or did not see.
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7. Why do different people have different resting heart and respiratory rates, different increases in
heart and respiratory rates after exercise, and different recovery times?
8. What was tested here and what was not controlled for by this experimental design?
Restate your hypothesis and indicate if it was supported. If your hypothesis was not supported, can you
explain why it was not supported?
Next question or observation:
What would you do next?
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Lab Report
You need to write a lab report based on your cardiovascular/respiratory experiment. Your lab report
must include all of the parts of the scientific method that were discussed in this lab. Use the table below
to do a rough draft of your lab report and then write your notes into a more formal report. Your lab
report should have the following structure. The number of sentences is a suggested guideline. You can
have more, or less, depending on what you feel is necessary. You can use the bolded words as section
titles. Hand in your rough draft notes and your formal report together. Put your name in the top,
right-hand corner of the first page of your formal report.
Title: The title should describe what the reader is going to learn. There should be words in the title that
describe the systems you tested and what you found from your experiment.
Introduction: This is where you demonstrate your background knowledge of the systems that you are
studying and how you arrived at your hypothesis. What do you need to know in order to write your
hypothesis? You need to outline the topic of study and the importance of learning about this topic. The
focus of this course is the human body, so it is natural to relate this topic to the human body function
and human health. You should have citations in this section.
Observation or question: This is where you explain the observation and ask the question.
Hypothesis: The hypothesis is the possible explanation for the observation or question. The introduction
is organized so the hypothesis is a logical explanation.
Methods: This is where you describe what you did to get your results. The methods are written in
paragraph form. The reader should be able to exactly replicate your experiment after reading your
methods section.
Results: This is where you describe the results of the experiment. You can include visuals, such as a
table, diagram, photograph, or graph, in this section that help explain the results. You need to describe
the results and patterns in words, as well as including your raw data and calculations.
Discussion and Conclusion: This is where you explain what your results mean and whether or not your
hypothesis was supported or refuted. You should have at least 2 references in this section that you use
to explain how your experiment is important for understanding something about human body function
and human health. This is a good place to think about what you would do differently if you were going
to do this experiment again. The discussion section starts narrow, focusing on your experiment, and
then expands in scope to explain how what you learned is important in a bigger context, such as human
health. Based on the nature of our experiment, athletics is a natural higher level topic to consider.
Next steps: This section comes at the end of your Discussion and Conclusion section. This is how the
scientific process continues. What did you learn doing this experiment that makes you want to learn
more? What other questions come to your mind? You don’t have answer any questions here, you need
to propose a question or two that would further your understanding of this topic or a closely related
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For further a description of how to write a lab report, see this link:
the information found at the above website is more detailed than what you need for this lab report, but
you might find it helpful. We are not including an Abstract for this lab report.
Name and Lab Section:
Step in the Scientific
Your lab report. Write in full sentences.
Observation or Question
Hypothesis – Based on
what you already know,
what explanation do you
have for your question or
107 | P a g e
Methods – What are you
doing to try to answer your
Results – What happened
in your experiment?
Discussion and Conclusion
– What do your results
108 | P a g e
Next Question – something
you want to research next,
based on the research you
just finished
List your resources
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Marking Rubric
□ Rough draft included (1 pt.)
□ Written as a formal lab report (1 pt.)
Excellent (4 pts.)
Good (3 pts.)
Adequate (2 pts.)
Needs Work (1 pt.)
Descriptive title
importance and relate to body
Explain initial observation
Hypothesis: show evidence of
prior knowledge (researched,
3 of 4 “excellent”
points met
2 of 4 “excellent”
points met
1 of 4 “excellent”
points met
description or step-by-step
process is included, repeatable
based on description
Description included,
some steps are vague
or unclear
The description gives
generalities, enough for
reader to understand
how the experiment
was conducted
Would be difficult
to repeat, reader
must guess at how
the data was
gathered or
Results are described in clear
paragraphsResults and data are
clearly recorded, organized so it
is easy for the reader to see
trends. All appropriate labels
Results are clear and
labeled, trends are not
obvious or there are
minor errors in
Results are unclear,
missing labels, trends
are not obvious,
disorganized, there is
enough data to show
the experiment was
Results are
disorganized or
poorly recorded,
do not make sense,
not enough data
was taken to justify
Hypothesis supported?
2 references: relates to
importance to understanding
body function and health
What would be done differently
Conclusions make sense based
on the results
Few to no grammatical, word
usage or spelling mistakes
Sentences and paragraphs are
clear and easily understood
Evidence that student went
beyond the assignment (>2 ref,
connections to other materials
Creative approach
3 of 4 “excellent”
points met
2 of 4 “excellent”
points met
1 of 4 “excellent”
points met
3 of 4 “excellent”
points met
2 of 4 “excellent”
points met
1 of 4 “excellent”
points met
Total (/22)
110 | P a g e
Lab assessments
In lab
Labelled diagrams checked by TA
Discussion of the results of the Potluck meal
Case study questions
Results of the cardiovascular and respiratory experiment
- Study concepts using the study guide
- Lab report on cardiovascular/respiratory experiment
Study guide
1. Know the parts of the digestive system, the function of each part, and the function of the whole
2. Know the parts of the respiratory system, the function of each part, and the function of the
whole system.
3. Know the parts of the cardiovascular system, the function of each part, and the function of the
whole system.
4. Briefly describe the process of cellular respiration. Link the digestive system and the respiratory
system to the process of cellular respiration.
5. Describe homeostasis. Explain how the digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems are
involved in homeostasis.
6. Describe the scientific method. What are the steps?
7. Briefly explain how the Escherichia coli were transmitted in the Strawberry Pie case study.
Explain how the contamination could have been prevented.
8. Briefly explain the effect of exercise on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
9. Recall your cardiovascular/respiratory experiment and briefly explain the results and your
Blood pH:
Acid-Base Homeostasis:
Digestive System:
Bacteria in the Digestive system:
Enteritis Escherichia coli:
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Escherichia coli and children:
The scientific method:
Foodborne illness:
Case Study:
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