Clare Graves¹ Values Levels Leading Change

Clare Graves’ Values Levels – Leading Change
In the 1970’s Graves proposed that people, countries and organisations
could be at different values levels. This work has been developed over
the years. There is not necessarily one better value some may be more
appropriate in different environments.
Values Level 1
This is about survival, the person on the street. Here people lived in
small families just surviving. Their neurology has not developed
sufficiently to do anything else.
Values Level 2
‘Self sacrifice to the way of your elders’ (Chris Cowan and Natasha
Todorowich, in James 2008)
No separation between subject and object, magical beliefs and
superstition. Rituals, rites, (even footballers wear lucky socks). Tribally
centred. Respect our ways, that’s the way it is.
Values Level 3
Focus is on the individual. Total control for his personal survival and
gain. He may become the tribal leader. Mafia Don, Rambo character.
Raw force useful in times of war. Conquered the empire. Beats all others
to the ground or at least goes down in glory. Will respect other more
powerful level 3’s. Wild west.
Values Level 4
The values level three can’t go on fighting and realises there is more to
life. The theme for level 4 is self-sacrifice now in order to receive later.
Law and order replace chaos. The level 3 may become the Sherriff.
Level 4 is about the rulebook, the church, organised religion. The state.
The state can now kill or go to war within the law.
Many organisations operate or operated at level 4; Job for life, pension,
know your place and get a gold watch. Loyalty is rewarded, duty, life is
predictable and secure There are ‘proper ways of doing things’.
We can see level 4 being required in traffic laws and for personal safety.
In organisations it has very much a ‘management’ feel to it rather than
‘transformational leadership.’ Many public and to a degree private
sector organisations operate at level 4 with some level 5. The thinking
and behaviour at level 4 is for the group. Control is the order, follow the
rulebook. For many people who want independence this can become
frustrating, their thinking becomes level five but they have not taken
action yet to develop their neurology.
When you start coaching at level 4 they can transcend to level 5, they
will start to ‘get organised’ e.g. students spending ages starting an
assignment or newly self employed people building their own website (a
little less conversation) Preparing hand-outs. As a coach do not let them
waste time. Needs to let go of guilt, anxiety and fear. Needs tasking in
small steps.
Values Level 5
Express self for what self desires but not at the expense of others like
level 3. Can be self centred and insensitive. Believes that things can
change and we can influence it. Jerry Maguire “Show me the money.” “I
want the gold watch now!”
Designer watches and suits, they want to find out about themselves,
Myers Briggs etc, an entrepreneurial attitude.
The thing about all these values is that people can think at a certain
vales level e.g. level 5 but have not developed the neurology to operate
within a new environment which holds them back. True level 5, may be
employed or self-employed and will want for self. Many people finding
about NLP are values five thinking or six thinking and want to move to
level 7.
In coaching level five they will not have many negative emotions but will
have a fear of poverty and limiting beliefs so creating your future®
coaching techniques are essential. A level 5 may appear to be level 6 in
caring about the environment. A good level 5 will identify a market to
sell products to level 6.
Values Level 6
Level five is looking for more from life and looks outside themselves.
Human rights, sharing, love, community. Concern for others. Some
unwillingness to change things. Criticizes criticism but can be
judgemental. Finds it difficult to take action. Enjoys meditation. Will love
reiki and hypnosis, it may even have helped level 5 to move through to
six thinking. The 1960’s (love not war) saw a lot of people move to level
6 but then they went back to level five to earn a living. Coaching level 6
into level seven requires release of negative emotions; sadness,
depression, loneliness, powerlessness and being judgmental. Lots of
reframes about Jung’s shadow and perception is projection.
Values Level 7
Cares for self but never at the expense of others and in a manner that all
life will profit. They are good at handling complex issues. Very
pragmatic, functional and effective. They can achieve a lot in a short
space of time.
They will take action on concerns for others or the planet.
They represent 1% of the population. They are trustworthy, open and
honest. They are unlikely to dwell on negative thinking for long. They
show flexibility in a stressful environment (because their neurology is
developed to handle it)
“What’s best for me may not be best for her or them. My way does not
have to be your, nor yours to be mine, yet I have strong convictions
about what is my way, but never such about yours” (Chris Cowan in
James 2008)
If uncomfortable in an organisation they will try to change it from a winwin practical solution. If this does not work they will leave. It is unlikely
you will need to coach at level 7, you will be more likely to coach a five
or six with level 7 thinking but not level 7 neurology.
Remember people can be at several different levels in their neurology
and their thinking. In tests they will operate at level four and five with
level six thinking. Or operate at level five with level six and seven
thinking. People go back to neurology level when environment is
And finally remember when you are coaching the coachee is responsible
for change. Tasking and action are vital. They will easily recoup their
investment if they achieve their goals. In organisations setting goals and
tasks before your coaching will ensure commitment.