Crews Middle School GIFTED ACCELERATED GEOMETRY GIFTED Accelerated Geometry CC Denise Castleberry Email Address Fall 2014 ROOM #1.183 You can access my classroom site through your eClass account Teacher Support Help sessions are Wednesday 8:15am – 8:55 am Prerequisites: Accelerated Algebra CC COURSE CURRICULUM CONTENT The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the district web address at Standards for Mathematical Practice AKS STRANDS UNITS/TOPICS Problem Solving First Semester Number and Quantity Unit 1: Extending the Number System Reasoning Algebra Unit 2: Quadratic Functions Construct Arguments Functions Unit 3: Modeling Geometry Model with Mathematics Geometry Unit 4: Applications of Probability Use appropriate tools Unit 5: Inferences and Conclusions from Data Statistics and Probability Attend to Precision Identify Structure Identify Patterns INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Published Materials Textbook: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – Analytic Geometry/Advanced Algebra (B) *Students will not be assigned individual textbooks. The textbook will be available through the Portal for students to use outside of class. However, a class set of textbooks will be 1. available for classroom use. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Instructional Supplies Pencil Spiral graph paper notebook Notebook Paper Graph Paper Calculator TI-30XS Multiview EVALUATION AND GRADING Assignments Grade Weights *See teacher website for agenda and other information regarding individual assignments. Homework/Daily: 5% Quizzes: 30% Tests: 40% Performance exam: 5% End of course test: 20% A: B: C: D: F: Grading Scale 90 and above 80 – 89 74 – 79 70 – 73 69 or below OTHER INFORMATION Expectations for Academic Success - Come prepared for class EVERYDAY - Ask questions / be actively involved in lessons - Participate constructively as a team member - Complete ALL assignments - Follow school rules as found in Student Handbook Additional Requirements/Resources Teacher help sessions (as needed) Refer to Mrs. Castleberry’s web page for updated class info. (EOCT preparation) Student Portal (online textbook, current grades) *The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.* CALCULATORS: Students need to have a calculator for this class. Scientific or graphing is acceptable. ONLINE TEXTBOOKS: Students will access the online textbook through the Student Portal. CLASS EXPECTATIONS: Every student is expected to be prepared for class each day. That includes a calculator, notebook and/or paper, pencil, and a colored pen/highlighter as well as being an active participant in class. You are also expected to exhibit behavior conducive to learning and follow all the policies and procedures that are stated in your student handbook. MAKE-UP WORK: 1. If a student is absent one day, one day will be given to make up the work missed. Two days, two days will be given, etc. 2. If a student is present when an assignment is given, the student is expected to have the assignment when he or she returns unless arrangements have been made with the teacher. 3. Work given for prearranged absences is due on the day the student returns. 4. Late work is a behavior issue where discipline consequences may be imposed. 5. Late work will only be accepted up to the date of the current unit test.