Circular for Haritha Haram - Commissioner & Director of Municipal

Office of the Commissioner & Director of
Municipal Administration, Telangana State.,
Roc.No.2277/2015/ H-2-1
Sub: Sub: Mpl Admn Dept- Telangana Haritha Haram- Certain instructions issued to take up
block, avenue and Scattered plantation in all ULBs-Reg.
Ref: 1. Govt.Memo.No.3178/D2/2015, Dt.17.03.2015
2. Govt.Memo.No.4009/D2/2015-1, Dt.01.04.2015
3. This office Cir.Roc.No.2277/2015/H2-1, Dt.23.04.2015.
4. This office Cir.Roc.No.2277/2015-H2, Dt.06.05.2015.
The attention of Municipal Commissioners of all ULBs is invited to the references 1st
to 4th cited.
In the reference 1st cited, Government requested this office to obtain action plan
from all the ULBs on Telangana Haritha Haram and to consolidate the same and submit to
the Government. Further, Government in the reference 2nd cited, while communicating
note from the OSD to CM (Haritha Haram) requested this office to take necessary action as
per the above note. The OSD to Chief Minister in his note dt.24.3.2015 informed that the
Hon'ble Chief Minister desires that during this planting season i.e., during June-July-2015
plantation should be made as follows:
i. To take up planting of medicinal and aromatic plants in the parks falling in the
municipal corporations, municipalities, Nagarpanchayats and establish herbal
ii. The herbal gardens can be either created in the existing parks or associated
with new parks, smruthivanams/ memory gardens being planned in the current
iii. The technical guidance/planting materials can be obtained from the CEO,
Medicinal plants Board, Hyderabad and the Forest Department.
Accordingly, in the reference 3rd cited, circular instructions were issued to all the
Commissioners of ULBs duly narrating operational guidelines and to submit action plan to
take up block, avenue and scattered plantation duly identifying the places and also fixing
self targets and achievements duly keeping in view the instructions issued by the Hon'ble
Chief Minister in implementing Telangana Haritha Haram in letter and spirit to upload the
information in the website of CDMA.
In the reference 4th cited, circular instructions were issued by this office to all the
Commissioners of ULBs to take up the above plantation work under Telangana Haritha
Haram and the entire expenditure has to be borne from the general funds of the
In order to take up block, avenue and scattered plantation in all the ULBs in a
systematic and a uniform manner the following instructions are issued for the guidance of
all the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs.
I. Block Plantation (Layout opens spaces/smrithi vanams enclosed with
compound walls)
Action Plan:
1. To take up block plantation at layout open spaces/smrithi
vanams enclosed with compound walls in the first week of July of
2015 (after the onset of monsoons).
2. Since all the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs have furnished
detailed action plan identifying the layout open spaces/smrithi
vanams/pump house open spaces/dumping yards/parks/guttas
etc., they are directed to take all steps to call for tenders etc.,
and to finalize the tender process as per rules and complete all
formalities before the 3rd week of June-2015.
3. All the Municipal Commissioners are directed to explore the
possibility of involving NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations),
Rotary/ Lions/JAYCE club and other philanthropical institutions
located in their Municipal Areas and seek their cooperation to
mobilize financial and human resources to implement the block
plantation in their Municipal area, so as to cut down the
expenditure from Municipal funds. They are also requested to
identify the persons responsible for watering and survival of the
plantation made.
II. Avenue Plantation (Road margins/ Central media/ National High Ways etc.,
Action Plan:
1. To take up avenue plantation at road margins/Central
media/National High Ways etc., with compound walls during the
1st and 3rd week of September-2015.
2. Since all the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs have furnished
detailed action plan duly identifying the places i.e., Road
margins/ Central media/ National High Ways etc., they are
directed to take all steps to call for tenders etc., and finalize all
formalities before the third week of August-2015.
3. The Municipal Commissioners are directed to explore the
possibility of involving the NGOs
philanthropical institutions located in their Municipal Areas and
seek their cooperation in mobilizing financial and human
resources to implement the avenue plantation in their Municipal
area, so as to cut down the expenditure from Municipal funds.
They are also requested to identify the persons responsible for
watering and survival of the plantation made.
4. ULBs can procure the guards calling tenders from general funds
to cover important areas after exhausting all other resources as
indicated at point 3 above.
III. Scattered Plantation in School premises (Both Govt and Private)/Office
premises, Hospital premises, hostel premises, dumping yards, burial
grounds, college / Jr. College premises etc.,:
Action Plan:
1. To take up scattered plantation in School premises (Both Govt and
Private)/Office premises, Hospital premises, hostel premises,
dumping yards, burial grounds, college / Jr. College premises etc.,
during the 2nd and 4th week of September-2015.
Since all the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs have furnished
detailed action plan duly identifying the places i.e in School
premises (Both Govt and Private)/Office premises, Hospital
premises, hostel premises, dumping yards, burial grounds, college
/ Jr. College premises etc etc., they are directed to take all steps
to call for tenders etc., and finalize all formalities before the last
week of August-2015. As per the forest schedule of rates.
2. The Municipal Commissioners are also directed to contact Head
Masters of schools (Private and Govt), Principals of Junior and
Degree Colleges (both Private and Govt), Superintendents of Govt.
Hospitals, Heads of Govt Offices located in their Municipal Areas
convene a joint meeting with the above officials and explain the
need to make scattered plantation in their respective premises and
seek their cooperation in mobilizing financial and human resources
to implement the scattered plantation in their respective premises
and also to ensure regular watering and survival.
In this context, the attention of the Municipal Commissioners of all ULBs is invited
to the reference 2nd cited, wherein the OSD to Chief Minister in his note dt.24.3.2015
informed that the Hon'ble Chief Minister desires that during this planting season i.e.,
during June-July-2015 plantation should be made as follows:
i. To take up planting of medicinal and aromatic plants in the parks falling in the
municipal corporations, municipalities, Nagarpanchayats and establish herbal
ii. The herbal gardens can be either created in the existing parks or associated
with new parks, smruthivanams/ memory gardens being planned in the current
iii. The technical guidance/planting materials can be obtained from the CEO,
Medicinal plants Board, Hyderabad and the Forest Department.
Therefore, all the Municipal Commissioners are requested to implement the above
instructions by contacting the District Forest officers concerned and to plant medicinal,
aromatic, herbal etc., duly obtaining the seedlings, plants etc., from them duly taking up
this plantation during the block plantation i.e., in July-2015. Further, they are also
requested to involve all the Public representatives of ULBs for taking part in the
implementation of Telangana Haritha Haram.
All the Commissioners of the ULBs are requested to contact District Forest officers
regularly to obtain seedlings, plants etc., and ensure that the block, avenue and scattered
plantation to be taken up as indicated above. They are also requested to take necessary
approvals duly placing the matter before the Municipal Councils and obtain administrative
sanction, call for tenders, approval etc., for taking up the above tree plantation. They are
also requested to submit monthly progress reports in the prescribed proforma to be
uploaded in the website of CDMA from the month of July-2015 onwards.
The receipt of this circular should be acknowledged by return of post/ email.
Sd/-B.Janardhan Reddy
Commissioner & Director
All the Commissioners of Municipal Corporations in the State (except GHMC).
All the Municipal Commissioners of Municipalities/Nagarpanchayats in the State.
Copy to the Regional Director – cum – Appellate Commissioners of Municipal
Administration, Hyderabad and Warangal for information and necessary action.
Copy to all the District Collectors, in the State.
Copy to all the District Forest Officers with a request to extend all necessary support in
the supply of seedlings , plants etc., and also extend technical support in making
the block, avenue and scattered plantation a successful program under Telangana
Haritha Haram.
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Government, MA & UD Dept, Telangana State
for information.
for Commissioner & Director