Kostashyk V

Kostashyk V. Transport as a factor of tourism development/V. Kostashyk// Main
Theme of 30th jubilee International Scientific Conference on „Structural
Transformations of Industry and Services in Spatial Systems – Research-related
Issues”. – Cracow-Warsaw, 2014. – P.60
Chernivtsy national university, Chernivtsy, Ukraine
Transport as a factor of development of tourism
At the beginning of ХХІ century tourism became one of leading industries of world
economy. Development of tourism depends on many factors. One of which is a level of
transport development. Influence of transport on development of tourism is determined in the
followings aspects: safety of tourist trip; comfort of tourist trip; possibility of tourists to visit
interesting tourist objects.
Safety of tourist trip foresees creation of such terms of trip of tourist which safety his
life and health, and also integrity and property stored, is maximally guaranteed for. The
comfort of tourist trip is determined quality of transport services (class of service, level of
development of a transport infrastructure and others like that).
Safety of tourist trip foresees creation of such terms of trip which safety life and
health, and also integrity and property stored, is maximally guaranteed for. The comfort of
tourist trip is determined quality of transport services (class of service, level of transport
infrastructure development and others like that). The most ponderable influence of transport
on development of tourism consists in forming of tourists possibility to visit interesting tourist
objects. This influence is exposed by a transport availability (TD) of tourist objects. TD is a
relative index, which simultaneously represents distance, order and weight of a transport
connection, between objects. Also TD can be examined as possibility of visit of certain place
by transport vehicles and transport infrastructure.
TD of tourist objects depends on the level of a transport development network in the
area of their location. For the estimation of TD of tourist objects of region suggest to use the
coefficient of a transport availability of tourist objects (Kta).
where, L - is a closeness of transport ways in a region which is determined after the formula
of L = l/s; (l - to the slowness of transport ways, S - is an area of region); T - is a closeness of
tourist objects, it is determined after the formula of T = k/s (k - is an amount of tourist
The high values of this index mean high level of TD and vice versa. The use of the
offered coefficient allows to estimate material well-being of region a transport network in
relation to the level of material well-being tourist objects and to estimate a transport factor in
development of tourism.