Student Growth

Campbellsville University
School of Education
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Source of Evidence-#8: Student Growth
Modified from K-TIP SoE
Use this evidence to evaluate your performance on the following:
Kentucky Framework for Teaching Components
1B- Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
1C- Setting Instructional Goals
1E- Developing Coherent Instruction
1F- Designing Student Assessment
4A- Reflecting on Teaching
IECE Kentucky Teacher Standards
1 - Designs and Plans Instruction
3 – Implements Instruction
4 - Assesses and Communicates Learning Results
5 - Reflects on and Evaluates Professional Practices
SoE-8 is an artifact to support IECE KTS 4 in CAP 3 and CAP 4
Portfolios and may be referenced in rationales to support other
IECE KTS standard indicators.
Guidelines for Developing the Source of Evidence: Student Growth
1. Target Content
Based on the students/children in the classroom which you are observing, review the identified needs and abilities of
students/children to the enduring skills, concepts and processes they should master by the end of the school year/class. Are
there any enduring skills, concepts or processes that they lack overall? What is the biggest area of need? Based on your review,
identify the specific content area enduring skills, concepts or processes that your student/child growth goal should target.
2. Assessment
List the assessment (s) you will use to establish baseline student/child performance and provide comparable data on the
student/child growth goal. (Pre-assessment for unit and/or other assessment data; K-Brigance, MAPS scores, STARS scores, Third
grade K-Prep scores, etc.)
3. Student/Child Growth Goal
Your student/child growth goal should specify a growth target (the growth you expect your students/children to make) and a
proficiency target. (Goal should be written in SMART format.)
SMART Components
S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Action Based
R: Realistic
T: Time-Limited
The SMART Method Components
Use exact numbers and language in describing what you will accomplish (who, what, when, where, how)
Make sure you will be able to determine whether or not your objectives were met: indicate how much
change will occur.
Indicate that the objective will be accomplished in the time allotted.
Indicate that the objective will be completed with the time and resources available.
Provide a timeframe in which you will accomplish your objectives.
4. Professional Learning Needs
Identify the professional learning you will need to support your students’/children’s attainment of the student/child growth goal.
(Activities to address these professional learning needs should be included in your PPGP – SoE-5).
5. Instructional Strategies for Goal Accomplishment
Describe the initial instructional strategies you will use to facilitate student/child progress toward goal attainment.
6. Plan for Monitoring Goal Attainment
Describe when and how you will monitor your students’/children’s progress toward goal attainment.
Complete #7 and #8 ONLY if Unit is IMPLEMENTED!
7. Summative Assessment of Student Growth and Reflection
After the unit is taught, collect and analyze the summative assessment data on your students’/children’s growth. Sort your
students/children into the three following categories based on their summative assessment performance: students/children who
(1) exceeded the goal, (2) met the goal or (3) did not meet the goal. Record this data in the table on the template and attach a
copy of your summative assessment data. Based on your analysis of the summative data, reflect on the following three
What do the data reveal about your students’/children’s growth goals?
What do the data show about your instructional practices?
How can these results inform your planning for future professional growth?
8. Lessons Learned
Discuss what you have learned from your student/child growth goal regarding your students’/children’s needs and abilities,
effective instruction and assessment strategies and your professional learning needs. How will what you have learned influence
the way you teach similar lessons/units in the future? What skills/knowledge do you need to continue to develop?
1. Target Content (1B, IECE 1, 4)
Campbellsville University
School of Education
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Source of Evidence-#8: Student Growth
Modified from K-TIP SoE
2. Assessment (1C, IECE 4 )
3. Student/Child Growth Goal (1C, IECE 1, 4)
4. Professional Learning Needs (4A, IECE 5)
5. Instructional Strategies for Goal Accomplishment (1E, IECE 1, 3)
6. Plan for Monitoring Goal Attainment (1F, IECE 4)
Collect and Analyze Summative Assessment Data of Student/Child Growth (1F, 4A, IECE 5) ONLY if Unit is
7. Assessment of Student/Child Growth
Number of Students/Children who
exceeded the goal:
Reflection on Results
Number of Students/children who
met the goal:
Plan for the Future (4A, IECE 5) ONLY if Unit is IMPLEMENTED!
8. Lessons Learned
Number of Students/children who
did not meet goal: