Interventions Appendix 2

Appendix 2: Interventions list
Year group
Spirals – Language and communication groups,
Firm Foundations Home/school packs
Spirals – Language and communication groups,
Extra phonics/maths
Fine and gross motor skills groups
Arts Therapy
Time to Talk – Language and Communication group,
Extra phonics/maths groups
5 minute maths and literacy boxes
Arts Therapy
Time to Talk – Language and Communication group,
Extra phonics/maths groups
5 minute maths and literacy boxes
PAT – Phonic Awareness Training individual programme
Catch up literacy programme for reading
Parent readers
Specific literacy difficulties intervention with dyslexia teacher
Specific maths difficulties intervention with SEN maths teacher
Language group with Support teacher
Arts Therapy
Language and Communication groups supported by Speech Therapist,
Catch up literacy programme for reading
PAT – Phonic Awareness Training individual programme
Specific literacy difficulties intervention with dyslexia teacher
Specific maths difficulties intervention with SEN maths teacher
Language group with Support teacher
Parent readers
Volunteer Reader Help – Beanstalk
Arts Therapy
Learning Mentoring
Circle of friends
Language and Communication groups supported by Speech Therapist,
Specific literacy difficulties intervention with dyslexia teacher
Specific maths difficulties intervention with SEN maths teacher
Language group with Support teacher
Parent readers
Volunteer reader help – Beanstalk
Arts Therapy
Learning Mentoring
Circle of friends
Language and Communication groups supported by Speech Therapist,
Specific literacy difficulties intervention with dyslexia teacher
Specific maths difficulties intervention with SEN maths teacher
Language group with Support teacher
Parent readers
Volunteer reader help – Beanstalk
Arts Therapy
Learning Mentoring
Circle of friends
Language and Communication groups supported by Speech therapist,
Specific literacy difficulties intervention with dyslexia teacher
Specific maths difficulties intervention with SEN maths teacher
Language group with Support teacher
Year 6 SATS boosters
Parent readers
Volunteer reader help – Beanstalk
Arts Therapy
Learning Mentoring
Secondary Transition groups
Circle of friends
Confidence in Ability course – 6 weeks
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6