Spanish 101-102, Menifee/Bath Dual-Credit Class Weekly Planner WEEK OF (DATES) ACTIVITIES/TASKS 1st 9 Weeks Week of Classes will begin on 8 August 5 - 11 August for both schools. You will read the syllabus for this class, explore links, sign up for Descubre, and begin reading Alejandro. 12 – 18 August 19 August 19 – 25 August 26 August – 1 September 2 – 8 September 9 – 15 September Pre-Assessment, NYSB Regents Exam. Continue reading Alejandro individually and as class, Individual Review of Novice Mid Tasks: Greeting and saying goodbye, Being polite School schedule, Describing myself and my friends MSU Classes Officially Begin Finish the Alejandro book. Presentations about Spain based on novel and individual research. Review individually the Novice Mid/High: Talk about family activities, likes/dislikes Begin study of Viva El Toro/Spain Continue reading Viva El Toro and study of Spain Complete the Viva El Toro book Finalize Spain Trip presentations OUTCOMES/ASSESSMENTS Students will be able to explain the difference between NM, NH and IL levels of language use. Students will be able to describe how Descubre will support their study, and where to find the materials for themes. Students will have established an ILN (individual learning network) consisting of several on-line resources Students will have a baseline of proficiency. Students will be able to introduce themselves and others in sentences full of details. Students will be able to talk about everyday school objects, people, subjects and schedules of classes by time. Students will identify, using basic Spanish, several Products, Practices and Perspectives of Spain. Students will be able to summarize chapters of the story, telling what happened. Students will apply concepts to self in order to summarize a simple event. Students will make presentations that compare and contrast families using physical description, jobs, location, activities, likes/dislikes Chapter summaries and several activities to practice speaking about what happened. Students will begin planning for Spain trip. Students will show knowledge of Spain: diet/foods, holidays, geography, seasons, as they plan a trip to various locations. 16 - 22 September 23 – 29 September 30 September – 6 October 7 – 13 October 14 October 14 – 20 October 2nd 9 Weeks 21 – 27 October 28 October – 3 November 4 - 10 November Students will include flight, hotel, and other details. Immigration: Pobre Juan song Students will be able to read short stories about Juan, a character in and story a song. Students will be able to ask/answer questions about his life. Immigration: Maria Full of Grace Students will compare/contrast the Juan character with that of Movie Maria, from the movie. Students will be able to compare/contrast Life of teens in Spanish-speaking Mexico and Colombia using the PPP framework. countries; study, free time, sports, diet Immigration: Finish Maria Full Students will be able to read summaries of the Maria movie. of Grace Movie Students will ask/answer questions about the movie. Students will Life of teens in Spanish-speaking be able to summarize, in short paragraph form, the movie. countries; study, free time, sports, Students will be able to make comparisons between their lives and diet the lives of Maria and Juan. Prepare for and take the MidStudents will make presentations about Mexico and/or Colombia. Term Exam Students will take a Mid-Term Exam that assesses their ability to talk about themselves, their family and friends, and the characters from songs, books, and movie. MSU Mid-Term Grades Due Poverty: Begin watching videos Students will develop a basic vocabulary for describing about living on a dollar a day, surroundings such as home, community, state. what the world eats, where the Students will develop a basic vocabulary for talking about money world lives, shelter and its value around the world. Continue Poverty Study: Begin watching HBO Documentary “Which Way Home” Read reports from various sources such as World Bank, UN Finish and summarize documentary. Write stories for main characters based on video. Living a healthy life: Exercising Students will be able to read and summarize poverty statistics. Students will be able to discuss the main characters form the documentary. Students will be able to use basic vocabulary for house, community, traveling, daily life, conditions of poverty, as they write and talk about the characters. Students will use the Descubre and other resources to establish 11 – 17 November 18 – 24 November 25 November – 1 December 2 – 8 December 9 – 15 December and Healthy Diet and No Stress Life Conversations and presentations about healthy living Where will you be in 5 and 10 years. Talking about future plans: what I will study, where I will live, Who I will be with Conversations and presentations about future plans. Prepare for final exam. Practice talking and writing about all of the topics for Spanish 101102. Work with classmates and instructor to prepare to have conversation. Students will receive a day/time for their interview. STAMP on-line assessment vocabulary that deals with a healthy life plan. Students will be able to ask and answer questions with classmates about this topic. Students will make presentations about diet, exercise, stress free living. Students will use the Descubre and other resources to establish vocabulary that deals with talking about future plans. This will include university life, jobs and careers, locations. Students will be able to ask and answer questions with classmates about this topic. Students will make presentations about careers, their plans, university majors. Students will be able to start, maintain, and end a conversation about the various topics covered in this class. Students will be able to participate in a conversation at the IL level. Students will be able to perform at the IL – IH level on the STAMP assessment. 17 December MSU Final Grades Due Labor Day: Both school systems, no classes 2 September Fall Break: BCHS, 17/18 October, MCHS, 18/21 October Election Day: 5 November for both school systems Thanksgiving Break: 27 – 29 November for both school systems Winter Break: MCHS releases on 19 December and BCHS on the 20 December MSU Spanish 101-102 Themes: Greeting and saying goodbye, Being polite School schedule, Describing myself and my friends, University Life, Discussing my family, The year, months, seasons and climate, My place, my city, my house, Expressing emotions, Career and Jobs, My body, my health, Sports, Going on vacation, Eating in a restaurant, Foods and diet, What I do with my free time and hobbies