Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Mariupol State University BULLETIN of Mariupol State University Series: Economics COLLECTION OF RESEARCH PAPERS Founded in 2011 ISSUE 5 Mariupol - 2013 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 UDC 33 (05) Bulletin of Mariupol State University Series: Economics Collection of research papers Issued twice a year The publication is authorized by the Scientific Council of Mariupol State University (Record 8, dated of June 18th, 2013) The journal has been registered in the international scientific journal database “Index Copernicus International” (Poland) Access the international scientific journal database is at: = "Bulletin of Mariupol State University" can be found by using the search form: The General Editorial Board: Editor-in-Chief: corresponding member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Sc. D. (Political Studies), Professor K. Balabanov Executive Editor: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor O. Bulatova Members of the Editorial Board: Sc. D. (Law), Professor M. Baimuratov, Sc. D. (Philology), Professor S. Bezchotnikova, Sc. D. (History), Professor B. Romantsov, Sc. D. (Cultural Studies), Professor Y. Sabadash, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor O. Alyokhin The Editorial Board of the Series: Editor: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor O. Alyokhin Senior Editor: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor G.Britchenko Executive Secretary: Ph. D. (Economics) O. Bezzubchenko Members of the Editorial Board: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor O. Alyokhin, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor G. Britchenko, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor S. Kalinina, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor N. Konishcheva, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor Y. Makogon, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor T. Orekhova, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor A. Sidorova, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor Y. Chentukov, Sc. D. (Economics), Professor G. Chernichenko Foreign Experts: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor F. Vermiglio (Italy), Sc. D. (Economics), Professor G. Calabrò (Italy), Sc. D. (Economics), Professor Gr. Calabrò (Italy), Sc. D. (Economics), Professor M. Ferrara (Italy), Sc. D. (Economics), Professor D. Parmakly (Moldova), Ph. D. (Economics) J. Polowczyk (Poland) Founded by Mariupol State University 129a Budivelnykiv Ave., Mariupol, 87500 Tel.: (0629) 53-22-59, e-mail: official website of publication: Certificate of state registration for print media (Series KB №17780-6130P dated of May 6 th, 2011) Edition: 100 copies. Order 501.4 © Mariupol State University, 2013 © Authors of the research papers, translator, 2013 2 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 CONTENTS NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMY Komelina O.V., Khrystenko O.V. THE OPTIMIZATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR MANAGING OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS…………………………………………....4 Orlova O. COMPLEX EVALUATION OF PRESENCE AND EFFICIENCY OF THE USE OF INVESTMENT RESOURCES OF REGION………………………………………………....4 Balabanova N. COMPETITIVENESS OF THE PRODUCTS OF MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX OF UKRAINE………………………………………………………………………………….4 Mityushkina H., Samoylenko I. FEATURES OF UKRAINE'S PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION PROCESSES…………………………………………………………………………….……..5 Nikolenko T. INVESTMENT AND INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF UKRAINE AS A CONDITION OF ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS DEVELOPMENT………………………………….…..5 ECONOMIC THEORY Marena T.V. ACTUAL INTEGRATED METHODS OF THE FINANCIAL MARKETS COMPETITIVENESS EVALUATION…………………………………………………….....7 Vedmid N. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF BASIC SERVICE CUSTOMER SEGMENTS IN THE MARKET OF SPA AND WELLNESS SERVICES………………………………..……...….7 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT Boyko M.G. PRIORITIES IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT TOURISM ENTERPRISES……….......8 Matsuka V., Gerashenko О. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATION FORMS OF THE HOTEL TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS………………………………………………….......8 WORLD ECONOMY, THE ECONOMY FOREIGN COUNTRIES Budarina N. FINANCIAL SECURITY IN UKRAINIAN ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM………………………………………………………………………..9 Кravchenko V., Gudakov O. CURRENT UKRAINIAN AND WORLD OIL MARKET CONDITION IN THE GLOBALIZATION…………………………………………………………………….……...9 Bulatova О. INTEGRATION COMPONENT LEVELS OF COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY…………………………………………………………………………………..10 Bezzubchenko O. CURRENT COMPETITIVENESS LEVEL UKRAINE AND THE EU……………….……10 Zakharova O.V. FEATURES OF GLOBAL INTEGRATION PROCESSESDEVELOPMENT IN TRANSPORT SECTOR……………………………………………………………………...10 3 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ECONOMY UDK 330.341.1(045) O.V. Komelina, O.V. Khrystenko THE OPTIMIZATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR MANAGING OF INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS The article deals with the problem of governmental control of innovation process under transition of Ukraine to a market economy and peculiarities of managing of the innovation development of regions. The main directions for optimization of organizational structure for managing of innovation development of regions have been outlined. Keywords: innovative activity, innovation process, innovation development, innovation infrastructure, managing of innovation development, stimulating the development of innovation infrastructure. UDK 911.3(045) O. Orlova COMPLEX EVALUATION OF PRESENCE AND EFFICIENCY OF THE USE OF INVESTMENT RESOURCES OF REGION In the article the methodical going is offered near the complex evaluation of efficiency of investment of investments in the economy of regions, that envisages determination of level of investing of region and economic, social, ecological efficiency. The level of efficiency of investing of regions of Ukraine is analysed to and then offensive of the global finance Keywords:region, investment resources, global finance. UDK 338.45:62(477)(045) N.Balabanova COMPETITIVENESS OF THE PRODUCTS OF MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX OF UKRAINE The article investigates the main trends in the development of engineering industry in Ukraine, analyzes performance of dynamics and structure of foreign trade in machinery, investigates the factors influencing the level of competitiveness of the engineering complex. It determines that the overall trend to rise in the quantity and cost volume of export and import activities of engineering enterprises, with domination of the second, is not accompanied by qualitative changes; the structure and condition of the machine-building complex of Ukraine as a whole does not meet the current requirements of both domestic and global economy, the country's missing a number of high-tech industries that determine the competitive position of export of engineering. It investigates that increase in the efficiency of production and foreign 4 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 trade activities of engineering enterprises is mainly constrained by the lack of working capital, dependence on access to credit, low commodity and geographical diversification of exports, depreciation of fixed assets, low innovation activity and investment attractiveness of the industry. Export orientation and import dependency in the supply of certain types of machinery products have significant impact on the country's engineering sector and related industries. It determines that the priorities of creating a modern machine-building industry in Ukraine are change of industrial structure engineering, increase in knowledge-intensive industries, expansion of production engineering products for the domestic market, development of new markets, investments in technological innovation of production processes. Keywords: export, import, foreign trade activities, product structure, machinery, competitiveness, diversity of exports, high-tech industry. UDK 331.556.4 (477)(045) H. Mityushkina, I. Samoylenko FEATURES OF UKRAINE'S PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION PROCESSES This paper investigates the problem of labor migration , including the current state of migration processes in Ukraine. The features of the transformation of global migration processes under the influence of the strengthening of globalization trends. Investigated the place of Ukraine in the global labor market, the estimation of the impact of individual factors (gross domestic product per capita, average wages, the number of unemployed) on the dynamics of the number of emigrants and immigrants. It was determined that an important feature of the deepening of Ukraine's participation in the global division of labor is a sharp increase of migration within the country and abroad. The basic factors of migration and problems of the labor market in Ukraine , defines the key tasks of regulation of migration processes in Ukraine , which include: reduction of illegal labor migration abroad , to ensure protection of workers abroad, combating illegal migration, preventing departure of highly educated professionals. Keywords: human resources, international labor market, labor migration, emigration, immigration, employment, and international migration . UDK [330.341.1+339.727.22](477):005.332.4(045) T. Nikolenko INVESTMENT AND INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF UKRAINE AS A CONDITION OF ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS DEVELOPMENT Determined that the slow development of innovative investment process in Ukraine does not meet the country's strategic program with respect to innovative investment model of economic development of Ukraine. The analysis of the current state of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine , the basic factors that influence innovation activity and competitiveness. 5 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 It was established that during the 2001-2012 biennium dynamics of new technological processes characterized by the tendency to increase the number of dynamics explored new products industry continued to decline , and as a result, the share of sales of innovative products companies in total industry also declined. An analysis of the sectoral structure of enterprises implementing innovations, which showed that in the first place are processing industries such as chemical, metallurgical and engineering industries. It was found that the average age of technologies used in enterprises and organizations of Ukraine was 5.3 years. Most older technology used in the textile industry (mean age - 7.7), a rather new technology used in education (mean age - 2.5 g.) Analysis of financing innovation activities of enterprises showed that the main source of funding were own funds , followed Based credit, financial support from the state is in third place , the cost of foreign and domestic investors in fourth and fifth place respectively. It describes the major tax instruments used to stimulate investment and innovation, based on what was found in Ukraine to encourage investment and innovation and boost the country's competitiveness more emphasis on the use of budgetary instruments and stated that such stimulation is very low, as in the country there is limited budgetary resources. There have been assessed Ukraine's place in the ranking of countries according to the Global Competitiveness Index 2012-2013 biennium, namely the ranking of countries according to global index of innovation , based on which color factors that hinder promotion of innovative activity of enterprises , which is hindering and increased competitiveness. Keywords: investment and innovation development, innovative activity of industrial enterprises, innovation strategy, the effectiveness of innovation, innovative products, innovation financing, scientific and technical work, and global competitiveness. 6 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 ECONOMIC THEORY UDK 336.76.009.12(045) T.V. Marena ACTUAL INTEGRATED METHODS OF THE FINANCIAL MARKETS COMPETITIVENESS EVALUATION Integrated methods for assessing national financial markets competitiveness are systematized in the article. The comparative analysis of integrated indicators of financial markets development is conducted including the index of financial market development and the level of financial development, which are calculated by the World Economic Forum, and the level of financial market development that is determined by the International Institute for Management Development. The common features, advantages and disadvantages of these integrated methods are defined. The comprehensive methods of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for assessing the competitiveness and efficiency of national financial markets that provide systematization of evaluation criteria are characterized. It’s found out that the integrated methods of the WEF and the IIMD are more useful than the IMF and the World Bank methods as far as the former make it possible to provide comparative studies of countries’ financial development levels and to form ratings of national financial markets competitiveness. Keywords: financial market, competitiveness, financial development, national financial markets efficiency. UDK 658.64–054.6:614.215 N. Vedmid METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF BASIC SERVICE CUSTOMER SEGMENTS IN THE MARKET OF SPA AND WELLNESS SERVICES Based on the combination of the "tree of separation" and merging segments by criteria set, the method of construction of basic service customer segments in the market of spa and wellness services. Formed and characterized nine customer segments of the national market of spa and wellness services tailored to their relation to the quality of service of national enterprises. Keywords: sanatorium-resort and health enterprises, sanatorium-resort healthservices, serviso-oriented segmentation, criteria of segmentation. 7 and BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT UDK 303.625.36 M.G. Boyko PRIORITIES IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT TOURISM ENTERPRISES The theoretical position regarding the features of management of tourist companies. The urgency of change management stereotyping tourism enterprises to improve management efficiency. Formed program, structural and logical sequence of analytic research procedures stereotypes management. The appropriateness of reframing stereotypes to form an active and innovative management model. Keywords: management tourism enterprises, stereotypes management, innovative management model. UDK 338.46:334.726(045) V. Matsuka, A. Gerashenko THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADMINISTRATION FORMS OF THE HOTEL TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS The hotel TNCs have played a significant role in the development and continuity of the travel and tourism industry in the world. Therefore, abstract work is devoted to defining trends of hotel transnational corporations in the global market. In this paper, the theoretical aspects of international tourism are considered; the main trends of transnational corporations are analyzed, complex global competitive advantages of multinational corporations (hyper -profits, hyper- competitive, hyper- presence of hyperpositioning, hyper -mobility, hyper- prospects) are characterized; the definition of hotel chains are governed. The complex estimation of hotel chains is given. The situation in the global and European market of hotel chains is analyzed. The leading players on the hotel services are defined. The article analyzed the main forms of administration, it also deals with the structure of property of hotel chains (management contract, franchising, rent); the dynamics of their development in the global tourism market is examined. Geographical structures of the hotel chain (for example, «Accor») are defined; major regions of activity are considered. The structure of hotel brands (for example, "Accor") is analyzed. The hotel chains classification are investigated. The structures of revenues from international tourism are considered. The research identified key strategies of hotel chains. It was determined the tendencies towards the development of hotel transnational corporations in the worldwide market. Keywords:: hotel economy, transnationalization, hotel chain, regionalization, franchising, management contracting. 8 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 WORLD ECONOMY, THE ECONOMY FOREIGN COUNTRIES UDK 330.(477):339.7(045) N. Budarina FINANCIAL SECURITY IN UKRAINIAN ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM This paper discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation and functioning of the financial security of Ukraine, highlighting the main macro-economic indicators that determine the vulnerability of the economy and carried out a detailed analysis with a reflection of the dynamics of statistical data. Keywords: financial and economic security, financial security indicators, monetary policy. UDK 339.146:665.7(100)(045) V. Кravchenko, O. Gudakov CURRENT UKRAINIAN AND WORLD OIL MARKET CONDITION IN THE GLOBALIZATION The article describes and analyzes the current situation of world oil market and Ukrainian oil market in conditions of global economic space. The main stages in the development of global production and trade of oil in the 20th century are provided and described here. The period of stock market trading of oil has a detailed description. The article describes corridor of movement of oil prices, and indicates of the main factors, which effects to increase and decrease prices in modern world. The current situation relating to the world's proven oil reserves is analyzed, and article shows the main exporters and importers of oil. The paper describes the amount and structure of oil extraction and oilrefining in Ukraine in recent years. The dynamics of oil prices is analyzed and the article has detailedreasons for its change in 2011-2012. Here is brief description of the price situation on the oil market in Q1 2013. We characterize the possible effects of shale revolution in the United States, and associated significant increase in production of shale oil. Keywords: oil, shale oil, world oil market, futures contracts, OPEC, Ukraine, United States, Saudi Arabia, Brent, International Energy Agency. 9 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 UDK 330.34:339.924(045) О. Bulatova INTEGRATION COMPONENT LEVELS OF COUNTRIES DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY The article investigates the integration component of countries development strategy in terms of global regionalization. The author states that the integration component of countries development strategy must take into account three levels simultaneously: national, regional, global levels. The choice of development strategy of regional integration depends on many factors in theory, we can predict that the country can choose a strategy development, which is not intended neither regional no multilateral development goals (strategy unilateralism). Strengthening regional development strategies, in essence, defines the deepening of the internationalization in particular within a region that is composed of the covered regional integration processes (regionalism). Multilateralism defines the implementation of the market liberalization ideology within the whole world economy. Keywords: integration, global regionalization, unilateralism, multilateralism. UDK 330(477+4-6ЭС):005.332.4(045) O. Bezzubchenko CURRENT COMPETITIVENESS LEVEL UKRAINE AND THE EU The article outlines the directions of the foreign policy of Ukraine. Reviewed competitiveness of Ukraine and EU countries by various indicators and indexes. The priorities for further cooperation between Ukraine and the EU under current conditions are defined. One of the main directions of the foreign policy of Ukraine's integration to the EU should be to improving the national economy competitiveness. The formation of export potential should be based on engineering products and services, creating and improving the legal, economic, organizational and technical conditions for improving the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods; ensure the presence of Ukrainian goods and services in the enlarged EU, expanding sectoral and cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, including Ukrainian enterprises in the process of transnationalization. Keywords:competitiveness, national competitiveness, transnationalization. economy competitiveness, enterprises UDK 338.47(045) O.V. Zakharova FEATURES OF GLOBAL INTEGRATION PROCESSESDEVELOPMENT IN TRANSPORT SECTOR The article is devoted to the research of transport systems development in terms of increasing globalization and integration processes taking place in the global economy. The 10 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 ways of bilateral impact of globalization and integration processes on global transport development are established. It is proved that the globalization of the transport market appears in liberalization of transport activity, unification and universalization of vehicles, technologies and technical requirements, increasing transparency of the national transport market and its information transparency. Using modeling tools the influence of various factors on the dynamics of transport services export of Ukraine and world is determined. It has been concluded that the development of transport is in close conjunction with the strengthening of integration processes taking place in the global economy and become global. Globalization of world production, active development of foreign trade cooperation, tincrease in foreign direct investment and growth in the number of users of transport services identify key trends of the global transport and transport of Ukraine, leading to an increase in volume of transport services trade. Keywords: globalization, transport market, transport services, integration, transport system. 11 BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY. SERIES: ECONOMICS, 2013. ISSUE 5 Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Mariupol State University BULLETIN OF MARIUPOL STATE UNIVERSITY SERIES: ECONOMICS 2013, ISSUE 5 The Editorial Board of the Series: Editor: Sc. D. (Economics), Professor O. Alyokhin Senior Editor Sc. D. (Economics), Professor G.Britchenko Executive Secretary: Ph. D. (Economics) O. Bezzubchenko Founded by Mariupol State University 129a Budivelnykiv Ave., Mariupol, 87500 Tel.: (0629) 53-22-59, e-mail: Certificate of state registration for print media (Series KB №17780-6130P dated of May 6 th, 2011) Edition: 100 copies. Order 501.4 Published by “Друкарня Новий Світ”, Ltd. 2 Krasnomaiakska, Mariupol, 87510; Tel.: (0629) 41-35-13 Certificate of registration in the State Register of Publishers ДК №1792 dated of May 20th, 2004 Printed in the author's version of the original models authors Editorial is not responsible for the author's style of articles 12